Monday 6 March 2017

Wonderful 32.

Belinswae. The City Of Falnic...

Lisell Maera sits out on the balcony of their rooms, with her eyes closed as much as she watches what's going at the port and in the harbour. At times like this, the orphan teenager from the city-state of Brattonbury wishes she had someone to talk to.
In the past, she would of spoken to Caerik Alsair the air sailor, who she thought of as a surrogate older brother. But with Caerik living in the lands Farque, where he's now a second officer on a warship in lord Farque's air fleet. Destined to become someone of even greater rank. Lis is unable to speak to him about her problems.
Nor is she able to speak with the person she got to know well, and confide in while the group spent extended periods of time in the lands Farque. That being one of her teachers and instructors, the elemental blademaster, Sephiryn Van Der Linden nee Vaitrelle.
The orphan girl from Brattonbury in the Southlands lets out a sigh as she sits in the late afternoon sun, she opens her eyes when someone else joins her out on the balcony.
"You started on this one?" asks Tamric Drubine who sits on the outdoor bench to the right of the one Lis is sitting on. The nobleborn youngster from the kingdom of Sarcrin holds up the book he's got, showing the front cover to the teenager who was brought up in one of the poorer areas of the coastal city of Brattonbury in the Southlands.
"Looks entertaining" dryly says Lisell Maera as she sees it's a military book on the logistics of maintaining an army "I haven't" says the orphan teenager who continues with "One of Dalin's?" as the elven spy has been reading similar books, tomes, and scrolls ever since joining the group three years ago.
"It is" says the son of the former knight of castle Drubine, who has been given the book to read by Helbe the elven thief "Hopefully i don't have to read it" says Lis "Good luck with that" says Tam with a grin upon his face, who then sighs, opens the book to where he's up to, sits back, and starts reading it.
Lisell Maera isn't at all surprised the nobleborn youngster from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin is reading such a book. He's been tasked to read all military books that comes into their possession, as well as various other books. While Lis for the main part, only has to read specific books on warfare, though when she's got any spare time, she has to read those volumes that are similar to the one that Tam is ploughing his way through at the moment.
The two youngsters, with all their training, lessons and what they have to read, know that they're being prepared for certain roles. The two of them even basically know what it is, and where.
For like their friend Caerik Alsair who is no longer part of the group, they're being trained for positions in lord Farque's forces. With Tamric being a commanding officer, while Lisell a scout officer in the deathlord's army. The two of them are correct in that. But they don't know to what extent their positions will be. For they're being trained to go further than what they believe they'll one day be.
The two of them, though close, will never be the greatest of friends. Not just because of the nearly three year age gap, but because of their differing personalities. Are always comfortable around one other, even though they're in those awkward adolescent years of life.
They sit in comfortable silence on the long balcony to the group's suite hear in the White Gull inn, with Tam silently reading the book in his hands. While Lis, when she isn't sitting there with her eyes closed, watches the goings on down in the port and harbour, as the two of them wait for the others to return.
The orphan teen from the city-state of Brattonbury, and the nobleborn youngster from the kingdom of Sarcrin, have been put on a tight leash since their little escaped a couple of weeks ago outside the walls of the city of Falnic. Which ended up with them being far to the southeast of the city, near the nomads plains, where Lis was taken by road bandits and raped.
The teenager from Brattonbury in the Southlands, who so badly wants to talk to someone about her ordeal when she was abducted. Thinks she hears something out in the hallway, the she sourly smiles as she's certain she hears a familiar voice "They're back" says Lis "I know" says Tam who then adds in a dry tone of voice "I can hear him" the nobleborn youngster then adds "Only Dorc is noisier" the orphan teenager faintly smiles at the mention of the missing ork warleader.
They hear the door to the suite open, and the loud and overbearing voice of sir Percavelle Lé Dic say "I tell you, that knave deserved what he got, the filthy deck scrubber is lucky i didn't pummel him back to his poor excuse for a ship" the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che continues with "All because the drunken sot, and drunk in the morning i might add, took affront to my pleasant greeting of the day" there's a pause from the the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic before he adds "Someone has to teach such rapscallions a lesson for disrespecting their betters, so i did, for the greater good of the people of this dullard of a city of course".
"Someone caused a bit of a fracas again" dryly says Tamric Drubine in a quiet tone of voice, Lisell Maera nods her head in agreement, then she quietly says "Sounds like it" as they continue to hear sir Percavelle the paladin, talking to Shur Kee the monk and Dalinvardél Tanith.
A few moments later as the conversation continues on inside, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger walks out onto the balcony and says "Here you two are" the ranger Hait along with Lis and Tam look up, and briefly watch a pair of wyverns fly by, heading north along the coast in the late afternoon sunshine, then Tamric Drubine gestures to back inside, and he says in the elven language "What did he do this time?".
"Punched a sailor in the guts who didn't take too kindly to the lunatic wishing him a good morning" wryly says the ranger Hait in the same language, the mercenary ranger who is in actual fact really a hordes outrider, whose soul just happens to occupy the body of Riley Hait, continues with "Just up the street from here".
"At least he won't get into trouble for that" says the son of the former knight of castle Drubine "True" says Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, who then adds "Nor for the scuffle he got into earlier this afternoon with a bunch of warehouse workers who came stumbling out of a tavern drunk, with one of them bumping into him" the mercenary ranger who was brought up and trained in the elven principality of Envadarlen then says "Surprised he didn't kill any of them, considering he's in his armour and pretty much got most of his weapons on him today".
Both Lis and Tam get up, and look back in through the balcony doors, and see that sir Percavelle Lé Dic is fully armed and armoured, after sitting back down on their respective benches, the nobleborn youngster from the kingdom of Sarcrin says "Surprising indeed" the orphan teen from the city-state of Brattonbury nods her head in agreement for they both know the heavily armoured knight can turn particularly violent, fairly quickly too if he thinks there's been a slight against him.
"You two been here all day?" asks Riley Hait "After we went out with Helbe this morning, he sent us back around mid morning" says Lis, the ranger Hait looks at her and Tam, assessing if they're telling the truth or not. Under the scrutiny of the mercenary ranger, the orphan teenager from the coastal city of Brattonbury in the Southlands, quietly tells him "He sent Narladene with us to make sure we came straight back".
Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson satisfied with that, nods his head, then seeing that Tamric Drubine is holding a book, the elven trained human ranger says to him "A little bit of light reading there before dinner?". "Something like that" sourly says the nobleborn youngster from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, who then shows the cover of the book to the mercenary ranger and tells him "You can read it if you want".
"No thanks, i would rather spend the day in the company of sir talks a lot, than read something like that" says the ranger Hait who then continues with "I'll leave that up to you to read" Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman who has read similar tomes during his stays in the lands Farque, silently adds, besides I'm not the one being trained to be a general of an army like you.
The mercenary ranger then glances at Lis who has been fairly quiet, as she has been quite a lot lately, Riley Hait who puts it down to her being a moody teenager at times, quietly says to the orphan from Brattonbury "What you thinking about there Lis?".
Lisell Maera who definitely doesn't want to mention what she's actually thinking about at the moment, says something else that's been at the back of her mind, which all of them have been thinking about lately "I was just wondering when he's going to make a decision to leave".
The ranger Hait nods his head, then he says "I think we're all wondering that Lis" the mercenary ranger after glancing inside at sir Percavelle who is still talking to Shur Kee and Dalinvardél Tanith, then tells the two youngsters "Hopefully he decides soon" Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson silently adds, before that damn knight starts killing people in broad daylight . . . . . .

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