Tuesday 14 March 2017

Wonderful 36.

The Principality Of Maladimbáh...

"Farque?" says Mira Reinholt the mage who bends down and shakes the armoured right shoulder of the still form of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque. Well he tries to shake it, because the undead warlord doesn't move.
"Farque" repeats the once powerful mage, who attempts to shake the still form of the heavily armoured deathlord again, and again has no such luck "You alive?" adds the Vexilian mage in exile, who instantly realises that if there was even an idiotic question he has even asked in his life, that was it.
A groan comes from large, heavily armoured figure on the ground, then lord Farque dryly says "No" followed by "I'm dead you fucking idiot" Mira Reinholt stands back up, and for some reason, him asking such a stupid question, and the dry humour of the deathlord of Farque's reply, seems extremely funny to the once powerful mage, who bursts out laughing.
"Ah fuck" says the laughing spellcaster who is holding onto his stomach, the mage from the city-state of Vexil in the Southlands who feels an intense pressure upon his bladder as he laughs, is able to get out "I need a piss" before he wonders off to take a leak, with tears running down his face from laughing so hard.
After taking a piss, and after finishing laughing, Mira Reinholt returns to where lord Farque is, the undead warlord is sitting up, turning his head from side to side, as he mutters away to himself in another language the exiled Vexilian mage doesn't understand.
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster looks down into the valley as he hears a loud roar from down there, and he sees a wide swathe of trees burst into flames, and he spots the dragon rear up over the burning trees and roar out something in it's own language, before dropping back down out of sight.
"Well that dragon is annoyed about something" says the mage Reinholt as he stops beside the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands, then adds in a dry tone "Well, apart from you beating the shit out of it".
"You" says the deathlord of Farque who is also known as Draugadrottin to the people of his lands faraway to the south on the otherside of the equator "Huh?" says the swordmaster Reinholt who then adds "What do you mean me?".
"It doesn't like other practitioners of magic in it's range" says the undead warlord who continues with "The only reason it suffers to have that scholar Neidegratsyn in this part of the principality, is because Neidegratsyn hardly, if ever casts anything" the heavily armoured deathlord then adds "The scholar also happens to be the only elven noble in this part of the mountains too".
Mira Reinholt sourly smiles, then mutters "Great" before continuing to mutter "A jealous dragon, that's all i fucking need in my life". Where he sits upon the ground, the lord of the death realm snorts in mirth, then he tells the mage Reinholt "Relax" followed by "It's not going to be bothering you, or for that matter anyone else for much longer" lord Farque as he stretches his arms out to his side, then up above his full helmed head, mutters "The stinking fucking wyrm".
As the undead warlord gets up off the ground, and is a little wobbly on his feet for a few moments. The highly skilled swordmaster from the city-state of Vexil in the Southlands looks down into the valley again where he hears and sees the large black dragon raging in anger and what's obviously pain.
When the mage Reinholt sees the dragon rear up again over the trees, with it's wings outstretched, well as outstretched as they can be as it sprays fire in anger, he says "Don't think it can fly, or it hurts like hell for it do so" the once powerful mage then adds "Looks like you broke it's left wing".
Lord Farque who is twisting his shoulders from side to side, nods his full helmed head in agreement, then he says "It won't be healing it any time soon either". Mira Reinholt nods in understanding, for the dragon, who like all of it's kind, is the most powerful spellcasters in the world with the exception of the Greater Dragons, who created the world of Volunell.
And like all practitioners of magic, are unable to heal themselves by way of spellcraft. Though the Vexilian mage in exile knows that dragons and phenomenal natural healing abilities, where the recover from wounds in mere moments.
But the damage this particular dragon has suffered at the hands of lord Farque, will take some time for it to heal from. Unless it has a potion or an item at it's disposal to heal itself instantaneously, which it doesn't seem to have, or it would of done so already.
"Come on then" says lord Farque who nods for the swordmaster Reinholt to follow him down into the valley, the once powerful mage who would rather do anything else than confront an injured dragon who is in a rage. Follows the undead warlord who seems to be recovered from being whacked square on by the dragon, a blow that would kill any other person or creature, but not the lord of the death realm, since he's already dead.
As they walk beneath the branches of tall trees, and with the dappled sunshine coming through those branches to hit them, lord Farque holds out his left gauntleted hand and says "Give me that longsword you've got". Mira Reinholt hands the weapon he took from the Haldéilv tower to the heavily armoured deathlord, leaving him with only the shortsword he also took from the elven tower where he was being held prisoner.
The undead warlord swings the sword from side to side, then shrugs his broad, armoured shoulders and says "It'll do" then after the two of them hop over a clear mountain stream as they get closer and closer to the injured dragon, who they hear roaring in anger, and calling out in it's own language, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque suddenly stops.
"What's it saying?" asks the Vexilian mage in exile, who then looks at the lord of the death realm, who is just standing there, staring off between the trees, in the direction they're heading.
Finally Draugadrottin murmurs "How interesting" the once powerful mage lifts an eyebrow, then says "What's interesting?" the heavily armoured deathlord who towers over the nearly six foot tall spellcaster, glances at him, and says "Nothing" then lord Farque tells the swordmaster Reinholt "As for what the scaley fucker is ranting about" the undead warlord adds "He wants to kill you in a rather painful manner" after a pause, he adds "And of course he wants to kill me too, which isn't going to happen anytime soon".
Easy for you to say, you're already dead, Mira Reinholt dryly thinks to himself, as they continue on their way through the trees, heading deeper down into the valley. Eventually the mage from south of the equator, spots the dragon through the trees, and he quickly follows lord Farque who gestures to their right. A massive ball of liquid fire, at least fifty feet wide goes tearing through the trees, setting alight everything it touches, as well as passing through where they just were.
"Thanks" quietly says the once powerful mage who knows the undead warlord did that for his benefit, knowing that the lord and ruler of the lands Farque could get hit full on by that massive ball of liquid fire, and nothing would happen to him.
They're behind a pile of boulders, and Draugadrottin is about to tell the swordmaster Reinholt something, when the lord of the death realm suddenly shoves the exiled Vexilian mage to the ground. The mage Reinholt looks up, and finds lord Farque standing over him, holding his left arm outstretched, up above his full helmed head.
An instant later there's a crack of thunder, as a massive bolt of lightning strikes down out of the clear blue summer sky, and hits the undead warlord's upraised gauntleted hand.
"Hell Mira" says lord Farque after the bolt of lightning hits him with no effect "He really doesn't like you" adds the deathlord of Farque who chuckles, while the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster sourly smiles.
"Stay here" says the lord of the death realm "I'm not going anywhere" mutters Mira Reinholt, then lord Farque tells him "Whatever you do, don't touch any them, or let any of them come into contact with you" the heavily armoured deathlord then adds "I can't be fucking around trying to protect you, since I'm going to be too busy dealing with that scaley fuckface over there".
What's that supposed to mean? the once powerful mage Reinholt thinks to himself with a frown upon his face as he watches the lord and ruler of the lands Farque step out to the side of the pile of boulders, take his heavy mace and throw it, a moment later the highly skilled swordmaster hears the dragon roar in pain and anger, then the undead warlord walks from view.
The Vexilian mage in exile pops his head around the side of the boulders after he sees a tree land about fifty feet further back from where he's crouching behind the pile of boulders. The swordmaster Reinholt spots lord Farque about forty yards away, just standing there with a gauntleted hand held out infront of him, as if he's slowly lifting something up, in the clear sunshine the mage Reinholt can clearly see the heavily armoured deathlord glowing blue.
"Fuck" mutters Mira Reinholt as he knows what that means, he ducks back behind the pile of boulders when he sees various patches across the ground moving "Wonderful" sourly mutters the once powerful mage.
As he hears an indignant roar from the injured dragon, and also hear it spraying fire, the exiled Vexilian mage flinches as a dozen feet to his right, a patch of ground bursts upwards, and something comes out of it. The once powerful mage goes completely still as he watches the skeletal figure, fairly tall, in what appears to be ancient elven armour, turn and look at him for a moment, before walking away, towards where lord Farque and the dragon are.
The mage Reinholt sees another such figure further away to his right, though this one much shorter, also glance in his direction before waking away. The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster realises that he's in the site of an ancient battle between elves and dwarves.
"Someone's definitely fucked up now" murmurs Mira Reinholt the mage a few moments later who then adds "As if he wasn't already" as he looks around the boulders infront of him, and sees the dragon getting swarmed by undead elves and dwarves.
They're leaping thirty and forty feet at the large black dragon, which is trying to fling them off him, but more and more of them are coming up out of the ground as it swats them, and sprays fire in all directions trying to destroy them.
The mage Reinholt spots lord Farque upon the snout of the dragon which is being swarmed by hundreds of undead. And as the dragon's head swings to one side, and it shoots fire in an uncontrolled manner, across the top of trees and into the clear sky, the undead warlord takes the longsword the Vexilian mage in exile gave to him, and plunges it into the left eye of the overwhelmed dragon.
Mira Reinholt sits down and leans back against the boulders and waits, knowing that the dragon which lets out an earth shattering roar of pain, will soon be dead . . . . . .

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