Sunday 5 March 2017

Wonderful 31.

Belinswae. The City Of Falnic...

"There's definitely something more going on" says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy who continues with "There's increased travel between here and Maladimbáh". "That justifier who went out last week?" says Riley Hait the mercenary ranger who is speaking in the elven language as is the spy from the elven principality of Alínlae in the Southlands.
"That mage Kaellin?" asks the ranger Hait "The very one" says Dalinvardél Tanith who often goes by his abbreviated name of Dalin, he continues with "This isn't usually a busy time to travel there" the elven spy who was once a member of a household of a noble family from Alínlae, then adds "Only the winter time when they don't travel there at all, is more quiet than the middle of summer".
The mercenary ranger who is in actual fact a hordes outrider from the southern tundra nods his head in agreement. As they've learnt that travel, either by wyvern or on horseback, to the elven principality of Maladimbáh, where you have to pass through part of the nomads plains.
Is busiest at the start of spring through to the beginning of summer, then again during the early autumn, till the middle of that season.
The height of summer as it was a few weeks ago, it's just too hot to travel across the nomads plains. While the winter time is just out of the question, for Maladimbáh is apparently quite a mountainous principality, and traveling through there then is very dangerous indeed.
The two of them are walking through the streets of the city, moving further away from the port as it's another warm, clear, sunny morning in Falnic. And though it's warm, it's no where near as hot as it was in the coastal city as it was a few weeks ago during the height of summer.
The elven spy and the mercenary ranger garner stares from many of those on the streets for the simple fact that they're foreigners, especially Dalinvardél who is a non human, as they're not exactly prominent in a predominantly human city.
After they wait for a street hawker, who is shouting his wares, in this case fruit and vegetables, to go by with his horse drawn cart. The spy Tanith and the ranger Hait cross a street, and make their way onto a bridge. There the two of them stop, and continue their conversation that they're having in the language of the elves.
As Riley Hait and Dalinvardél Tanith lean back up against one of the waist high walls that run along the sides of the bridge, the elven spy quietly says "They've definitely increased their raiding into the plains" the elf who was an assistant to the quartermaster of the Ollinsállé family in the elven principality of Alínlae, then adds "Pretty much all of the justifiers, especially here in Falnic, have guards of theirs, conducting raids out into the plains".
"Fucking townsmen" mutters Riley Hait, who in actual fact Zubutai Timaginson, is a barbarian hordesman of the southern tundra. Who has a lot in common with the nomads of the plains that stretch for hundreds of miles east of the region of Belinswae.
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, whose ancient ancestors, were originally from the nomads plains. Until they left and traveled thousands of miles away to the south, to the southern tundra, which is about as far south you can go before you hit the southern polar region, where the Ork Range is located, says to the elven spy "So he's looking into that?".
"He is" quietly says Dalin, the he they're referring to, is the nominal leader of their group of adventurers, Helbe the elven thief. "From what i overheard yesterday from some of those guards, it's fairly obvious they're up to more" says the elf who like the human ranger, is from south of the equator.
The elven spy, then goes onto tell the mercenary ranger "There's a good chance that justifier Kaellin is there to sign a treaty so that he can be able to base some of his guards in Maladimbáh" Dalinvardél Tanith continues with "From there it's a hell of a lot easier to raid into the north and east of the plains as it is from here" the elven spy then adds "They'll be able to do it for much of the year too, unlike from here, especially if they get some mild winter weather".
"Shit" mutters Riley Hait, who after a pause, once again mutters "Fucking townsmen" the elf from Alínlae nods his head in agreement with the mercenary ranger, as he shares the same sentiments with him concerning the treatment of the nomads of the arid and dry plains to the east by the justifiers of Belinswae, even though they're here to do something entirely different. Though they, like the rest of the group, wouldn't be surprised if the two are connected in some way. For the missing trio they're looking for, always seem to be get caught up in local conflicts in some way or another.
As he looks out at the port and harbour, and beyond that the open ocean, the ranger Hait shakes his head, then he's about to mention something, when the elven spy quietly says "Hang on, what's going on here?".
"What is it?" asks Riley Hait, Dalinvardél Tanith dryly responds with "Sir talks too much" the mercenary ranger looks to where the elf who is a few inches taller than his six feet, points to, the ranger who was raised and trained in the elven principality of Envadarlen, looks north, to near where the inn they're staying at, the White Gull, is near the base of a hill.
"What's he doing?" asks Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman "Making a scene" dryly says the spy Tanith "I know that" sourly says the ranger Hait, who then says "Wait, is he wearing his armour?" knowing that the elf from Alínlae can see far more clearly than he can at what's happening.
"He is" is the quiet reply of Dalin, Riley slightly grimaces then mutters "Bloody hell" the elven spy nods in agreement, with good reason too.
The subject of their current conversation, sir Percavelle Lé Dic, has been a bit rambunctious of late. He's got into a few confrontations in the last couple of weeks, where he's ended up smacking a few people around, and in one case breaking the arms of a merchant who he thought was cheating him on the payment of something.
The knight in the order of Saint Mar-che has got away with it for the simple reason that those he's given a beating, have been primarily amongst the criminal underclass here in the city of Falnic. And the Justifiers turn a blind eye to that.
Though the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic in the Southlands nearly got into trouble with the incident with the merchant, who was innocent. A justifier looked into that, but the earl of Lé Dic in Druvic got away with because Helbe the elven thief made it so the paladin looked innocent in the incident when the justifier, a sorceress read the mind of sir Percavelle to see what actually happened.
"There's Shur Kee with him" quietly says Dalinvardél Tanith, Riley Hait nods as he spots the short statured monk standing a bit further behind the large, heavily armoured knight who is confronting a trio of people, who the elven spy has told the mercenary ranger, seem to be sailors.
"Can you hear what they're saying?" asks Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson, Dalinvardél Tanith gestures at the nearby port, then says "Too noisy from there, to hear what's happening with them". "Well if that blow hard draws a weapon and starts killing people in broad daylight, that's going to be a hell of a lot different than him cracking the heads of a few street criminals" says the ranger Hait "I agree" quietly says the elven spy.
Then the two of them slightly wince as they see sir Percavelle, with a gauntleted fist, punch one of the men he's confronted, in the stomach. The sailor drops to the ground, where he's obviously dry heaving, while the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che, whose visor of his helm is up, stands there with hands on hips, talking to, though most likely, taking down to the trio of sailors.
They watch as the two other sailors help their friend up, and hurry him away, then eventually Shur Kee the monk convinces sir Percavelle Lé Dic to move on as well. And about time too, as a pair of justifier guards come into view on that street, totally unaware of what's just happened.
After a few moments, the ranger Hait shrugs his shoulders, then he says to the elven spy "Come on, let's get going" the mercenary ranger who in reality is actually a hordes outrider from the southern tundra, dryly adds "I'm sure we'll find out what just happened there, since sir windbag is bound to tell us all about it" Dalinvardél Tanith softly chuckles.
Then the two of them continue on their way, hoping to find out any information about the three missing group members, as well as anything else about what the justifiers, the rulers of Falnic are up to concerning recent activity into the nomad plains, and what they're doing traveling to the elven principality of Maladimbáh so often at this time of the year . . . . . .

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