Tuesday 28 March 2017

Wonderful 45.

The Nomads Plains...

Lord Farque is silent as he continues to look through the portal, well through isn't exactly what he's doing, he's looking into it more than anything else. The undead warlord takes a step back, and looks up at the runes carved into the marble archway, they're in a number of languages, all of which he comprehends.
The heavily armoured deathlord then looks back into the portal, which from all appearances seems to show what's on the otherside between the two small rises it's located between, but to him it shows something completely else.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque hears Dorc da Orc and Mira Reinholt the mage approaching from behind, once they stop a few yards behind him, the large ork grunts curiously, while he knows the once powerful mage is sensing the portal.
"It's broken" says Mira Reinholt the mage, lord Farque holds up a gauntleted hand, then says "Quiet" the Vexilian mage in exile lifts a questioning eyebrow, then shrugs his shoulders, while Dorkindle stands there scratching his nuts as he wonders why the lord and ruler of the lands Farque is just standing there, staring through the marble archway.
The lord of the death realm knows that the mage Reinholt is somewhat correct, for indeed the magical portal is broken. But he's not entirely correct, because the ancient device is still functioning, or else the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster wouldn't of been able to sense it from a distance. It's just not working as it's intended to, due to a lack of power in it.
Draugadrottin as he's also known by the people of his lands, slowly starts to put a gauntleted hand into the portal, as he does some of the runes above start to glow dark blue in the night, while there's shimmering in the air, where the undead warlord's gauntleted hand is.
"Er?" says Dorc da Orc, while Mira Reinholt murmurs "Not as broken as it seems" as the heavily armoured deathlord looks closely at his gauntleted hand, noticing something he's seen before, though not in a number of years, and not here in the physical world of Volunell, but in another plain of existence.
Lord Farque looks over his right shoulder, and says to the ork warleader and the exiled Vexilian mage "Turn around" the two of them share a look, and Dorkindle after grunting turns around and faces the other way, as does the mage Reinholt after he lifts an eyebrow in question again.
Once the other two have turned around, the undead warlord faces forward, then starts pushing more of his arm into the portal, as he does, he watches his armour changing before his eyes. The deathlord of Farque closes his eyes, then he steps into the portal. And by all appearances it seems he's standing beneath the archway unchanged, but appearances can be deceiving.

I believe it's a ship my lord, one that travels between the stars. I would say it's the bridge, where things are controlled from, says Ryn the Sword of Power in response to lord Farque asking her where it is, the soul of the Greater Dragon that inhabits the Farque family sword then adds, interesting.
The undead warlord can only nod to that, as he looks around, then he looks at his armour that has completely changed. It's sleeker and more form fitting, with the helm all encompassing and sleeker too. It's been like this once before, when the heavily armoured deathlord went through a gateway to another dimension, to another plain of existence, where he fought a summoned creature of fire and steam. Infact he fought a multitude of them before he was able to find a gateway out of that plain of existence back to the physical world of Volunell, and the city of Vexil where he was at the time.
And like then, the inside of his helm is lit up with a myriad of figures and scenes, but as the lord and ruler of the lands Farque looks at the inside of the clear visor of the strange helmet he's wearing, he sees a reflection of who is wearing it. And it's not him.
Oh it looks very like him, quite close infact, but Kaiuss Farque as lord Farque's given name is, knows that it definitely isn't him although whoever it is, looks very similar.
A memory from my armour? asks the undead warlord to the Sword of Power, as he knows the armour that he wears, which belonged to his grandfather before him, and has been in his family forever, is unique to say the least.
It seems so my lord, replies the large sword that's here but not here, the heavily armoured deathlord can feel the Sword of Power upon his back, but with one of the images in the helmet showing him what's behind him, he sees that the massive weapon is not there. Which stands to reason, if this is really a memory from the lord of the death realms armour.
Draugadrottin as he's known by the people of his land looks down at the armour and sees the small miniature creatures that are on it. There aren't so many on it than when it's the shape and form that he wears. When the miniature creatures, which are impossible to see without his powers. Are usually dormant, and when he has seen them move about, they've been sluggish, with the exception when he went into another plain of existence.
Lord Farque is just about to mention something to the soul of the Greater Dragon Ryn, when he suddenly hears the thoughts of the person who is his armour, the person whose eyes he's looking out of.
Come on Kaivynn, get your act together, is the thought that the undead warlord hears, then the deathlord of Farque hears a multitude of voices, and sees a multitude of images. Thousands, if not tens of thousands of voices, and even more images, hundreds of thousands and beyond, in the mind of the individual who lord Farque seems to watching and observing a specific memory of.
Not to mention a multitude of calculations, far too many to count, that the person who resembles the undead warlord is doing at the same time as he listens and watches everything in his mind.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque just concentrates on the primary thoughts of the individual in his suit of armour, least he gets swamped by all the information that's going on. While the Sword of Power falls silent as she works out what's going on. Ryn figures out what the person is, but she doesn't know who it is. She won't know for at least another four hundred years or so, when both she and the lord and the ruler of the lands Farque both figure it out, when they see an image, a memory, showing the individual concerned. Who turns out to be ancestor of lord Farque, infact the very first Farque on the world of Volunell. For the deathlord of Farque is not like other humans of Volunell, he's descended from someone originally not from this world.

"All is ready captain" says one of the pilots outloud as he sits back upon his couch watching what's happening through both the touchscreen infront of him, and within his mind via his neural net. The captain of the Interstellar Spaceship who is standing on the raised deck, at the rear of the bridge, nods his helmeted head, then captain Kaivynn Farque says outloud and via his neural net, not just to his piloting crew, but the entire crew onboard, and the rest of the ships in the fleet "Begin, stet".

Lord Farque watches what he can only describe as a battle. The undead warlord might not know everything that's happening, or a lot of the terms used. But he knows a battle when he sees one, and knows the ebb and flow of one, even if it's on a scale far grander than he could ever of imagined.
Across a field of stars, he sees smaller vessels deploy from the one that he's on, or more precisely the one the person he's watching the battle through is on. They head to port to a close by world, which is predominantly blue indicating a world with a lot of water. Oceans and seas from what the deathlord of Farque can see out the bridge window, and the images in the visor of the helmet, and within the mind of the individual wearing his armour.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque hears and sees a myriad of orders given as within many of the smaller vessels are troops, while others have only a crew of one or two.
It's these less crewed vessels, that initially engage with the small ships that come up out of the atmosphere of the nearby blue planet. The undead warlord nods his head as he sees that it's these fighter ships that are paving the way for the following troop carriers. It's sound military thinking, and one which he approves of.
As flashes and beams rake the void of space, caused by the fighters, and other machines that are unmanned and autonomous. Lord Farque and the Sword of Power watch the battle in silence. A battle which for whatever reason, is clearly an invasion, upon the blue planet. And by the looks of it, one that's clearly in favour of the invaders, due to their forces being commanded overall by the one called the captain and his pilots onboard the Interstellar Spaceship.
Draugadrottin and the soul of the Greater Dragon Ryn keep watching for quite sometime, until finally lord Farque notices the tiny miniature machines upon his armour, which are invisible to normal sight. Start to slow down, and move in a languid and torpid fashion.
The heavily armoured deathlord is watching a number of the invading troops, who have landed upon the planet when this happens. Many of them are in what looks like automaton, or machine like armour as they get out of their landing craft.
As lord Farque goes to step backwards, Ryn the Sword of Power, blinks in surprise, well if she was still in her physical body of a Greater Dragon she would of blinked in surprise.
For Ryn sees one of the troops, getting out of one of the smaller, single crewed ships that has crash landed on a beach on a tropical looking island. The trooper who is in a suit of strange looking armour, has lifted the visor of his helmet and is swearing up a storm as he looks around, before he starts issuing orders through his mind.
The Sword of Power knows who it is, infact she spots a few more that she recognises, they're some of the gods of Volunell. The soul of the Greater Dragon stays silent about this as the lord and ruler of the lands Farque steps backwards.

Lord Farque looks down at himself and sees that his armour has turned back to normal now that he's out of the portal. Then he looks through the archway and sees nothing but the ground on the otherside, and a small hill in the distance. He looks up and sees the runes are no longer glowing a dark blue.
The undead warlord who knows that portals, along with rifts, gateways and void spells all have an element of time effect to them. Figures out his armour reacted to the broken portal in some way, bringing up a long lost memory in the armour, or to be precise, the small, miniature machines that completely cover and inhabit his full suit of armour.
Draugadrottin looks around and sees the light of dawn in the east, he also finds Dorc da Orc sprawled on the ground nearby, snoring loudly as he's fast asleep. While Mira Reinholt is sitting at the base of the small mound to the right, the Vexilian mage in exile is now dozing as he waits for the heavily armoured deathlord to step back out of the portal.
"Wake up you two" says lord Farque, the mage Reinholt wakes immediately, not so the ork warleader, who is kicked awake by the once powerful mage as he walks by him.
"Well it's definitely broken now" says Mira Reinholt in a dry tone of voice as he can no longer sense the magical portal that's a partially ruined archway. Lord Farque nods his full helmed head and says "True" and as a yawning Dorc da Orc wanders over as the soft light of dawn crests the small mound like hill to their right, the undead warlord looks at the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, and tells him "But it can be fixed" . . . . . .

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