Sunday 9 July 2017

Wonderful 105.

The Principality Of Maladimbáh...

Lord Haldéilv ducks down close to the neck of his griffon as they fly through an exploding fireball, protected by the barrier spell he has put up around the two of them.
After coming through the flames, the head of house Haldéilv sends an energyball flying through the late morning sky. Sending it towards lord Walashàele, who has just attacked him, and flown over the river that's the border between their lands.
"Choke on that you bastard" mutters lord Haldéilv as his spell travels the few hundred yards to his rival, who has just banked away on his own griffon. Heading back to his own lands after crossing over the border into the skies above the lands of house Haldéilv.
Below, in the forest on the valley floor, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv the elven magic user stops and looks up through the trees when she hears another explosion in the late morning sky.
As her two mercenary guards from Belinswae, Harrick and Linden share a look as they wonder what's going on. The attractive elven maid knows that her father lord Haldéilv and his neighbour and rival lord Walashàele have started attacking one another after the head of house Walashàele has flown over the lands of house Haldéilv.
The illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv then looks back through the trees behind them, after a little while she spots Galacithàné Walashàele, the younger cousin of lord Walashàele. Who is in the company of a number of house guards in the service of his older cousin.
Kaldeàlil Haldéilv nods her head, after the elven noble informs her by way of mindspeech, to continue on the way she's been going. The attractive elven maid looks forward, and starts walking quickly. Forcing her two mercenary guards from the region of Belinswae to catch up.
"He's still heading this way" quietly says Kaldeàlil Haldéilv once the mercenaries from southern Belinswae have caught up to her, the elven magic user who has gestured to the west through the forest, continues with "He's continuing west".
"And that up there?" asks Harrick, the older of the two mercenaries from the coast of Belinswae, who nods up to the clear sky above the forest, where they've just heard the thud of another explosion "Your father and lord Walashàele going at it then?".
"They are" is the quiet response of the attractive elven maid, who then silently adds, and i hope they do us all a favour and kill each other.
A bit further west in the valley, Helbe the elven thief briefly pauses, and looks back through the trees, he can't see who is pursuing him, but he can sense one of them, the younger cousin of lord Walashàele, who is only a few hundred yards to the east in the forest.
"She still following?" quietly asks Helbe the elven thief as he looks at his right shoulder, where Narladene the ground pixie stands, the tiny winged creature replies with a nod of her head.
The young elven noble slightly nods his hooded head, then as he walks quickly westwards through the forest, he looks to his left, to the south. After a few moments he spots lord Farque, who is jogging, who gestures to him to shift again.
The elven masterthief who is blurred and shielded, shifts away when he spots a small clearing ahead in the forest. The elven princeling from Laerel in the Southlands, is amongst the trees on the otherside of the clearing. While the undead warlord runs to catch up to him, as they continue on their way to the west through the forest. Luring Kaldeàlil Haldéilv across the valley, to the tor where her father's tower is located.
"Dorc leave them alone" quietly says Mira Reinholt the mage as he looks back at the large ork, who is looking into the stalls at the horses. The ork warleader who has a hand down the front of his grubby, knee length pants. Grunt as he pulls his hand out of his pants, and walks away. Much to the relief of the horses, all of whom were neighing and whickering in fright at the appearance of the large ork who was eyeing them up.
The mage Reinholt crosses a stone bridge that goes over the stream that runs through the large cavern, on the otherside of which he has spotted a set of steps that head up higher into the tor.
"Nasty waters" growls Dorc da Orc as he walks over the bridge too, making sure to keep in the middle of it, as he scowls at the stream that has flowed from the east across the valley, into the tor, upon which sits the tower that's the seat of power of the local lord, lord Haldéilv.
The ork weaponsmith grunts when he joins the exiled Vexilian mage who quietly tells him "Up there" as he points at the nearby steps.
As the two of them from south of the equator make their way to the steps in the torch lit cavern they've entered, the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, quietly asks the large ork "You still smell the others?".
"Yeah killer" says Dorkindle when they get to the steps, and they briefly stop as the warleader of the ork race sniffs repeatedly, he gestures above them, and says "They fucken up there".
The once powerful mage nods his hooded head, then he and the large ork, who like himself is in exile from his own homeland. Start making their way up the steps, up the inside of the tor, on which sits house Haldéilv's tower.
Further up the near five hundred foot tall tor, that looks out over the valley in all directions. To the mountains to the north, and the Nomads Plains to the south, and the forest all around it.
Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, glances around a corner of a corridor. The passageway beyond is empty, he looks back, and waves the others forward, before he slips around the corner, and continues onwards.
The group from the Southlands has found that the lower levels of the tower, is a warren of corridors and passageways, full of storage rooms. Many of which are stocked with goods of all kinds. From foodstuffs to furniture, from dry goods to gold bars and other precious metals and jewelry, which are in locked, secure rooms. Which the spy Tanith has broken into a few of, after picking open the locks.
The elf from the principality of Laerel in the Southlands who is leading the others towards another set of stairs that head higher up into the tower.
Briefly stops next to a section of wall on his left, that juts out into the passageway. The section is about fifteen feet long, and seems to be at odds with how well designed everything else seems to be so far in the lower reaches of the tower.
After running a gloved hand along the section of wall that juts out into the passageway, the elven spy nods his head in understanding, and he continues on his way to the stairs ahead. He stops at the base of them, and waits for the rest of the group to catch up to him.
"What's that?" quietly asks Riley Hait the mercenary ranger when he joins Dalin at the base of the stairs, the mercenary ranger who in actual fact is a hordes outrider from the southern tundra, nods back along the passageway to the section of the wall that juts out.
"A side of the wind tower" is the quiet reply of Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, the ranger Hait nods in understanding, then he looks up the stairs, as the spy Tanith is now doing as the rest of the group waits silently behind them.
"I can hear more of them above us" quietly says Dalin to Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman. They've encountered very few elves as they've made their way up the tor into the tower. Just a few house guards on duty at the locked rooms where the precious metals and jewelry are stored. And a couple of servants who were carrying goods to higher up in the tor. All of whom were knocked out by the spy Tanith before they even knew he was close to them.
"We'll encountered more and more of them the higher up we go" quietly says the human ranger who was raised and trained in the elven principality of Envadarlen in the Southlands "That's a given" quietly says Dalin, who with a nod of his hooded head, starts up the stairs.
The others wait a little while, then they start making their way up the stairs in single file, with the ranger Hait the first of them. And because he makes the most noise, sir Percavelle,  Lé Dic is last, much to his displeasure as he would rather be infront, so that he can attack anyone they run into.
Dalinvardél Tanith gets to the top of this set of stairs, and he looks right along a hallway, where he sees a couple of elves, walking in the opposite direction to an open doorway to a hall.
The elven spy from south of the equator looks back down the stairs, and when Riley Hait comes into view, he gives the signal for left. Dalin then steps out into hallway, and quietly heads to the left.
Eventually one by one, the rest of the group from the Southlands make their way up the stairs and enter the hallway, and all turn left, the way that the spy Tanith has gone. Even the paladin sir Percavelle, who briefly stopped and looked to the open doorway to the hall to the right, before he turned left to follow Shur Kee the monk who is infront of him.
The ranger Hait rounds a corner, and finds the spy Tanith lowering an unconscious elf to the floor, the two of them quickly drag the elf into a room, where the elven spy from the principality of Laerel ties up the elf he's just knocked out.
The rest of the group file into the room, with the earl of Lé Dic in the kingdom of Druvic the last to enter, sir Percavelle then closes the door behind him.
The room is an outer room, as there are windows that look outside, providing warm sunlight as morning turns to midday on this late summer's day. Looking out one of the open windows, Dalinvardél Tanith quietly says "We're on the east facing side" the spy Tanith looks down, then up, and finds that they're more than halfway up the tor, and the tower proper, is still above them.
"This place is quite big" quietly says Tamric Drubine who is also looking out one of the windows, looking up above them at the sheer rock wall that's the east facing side of the tor.
The ranger Hait nods his head in agreement with the nobleborn youngster standing beside him, as he looks to the east out the window. Then he looks over at Dalin when he spots a flash in the distance in the midday sky "What's that?" quietly asks Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman.
"I guess that's either lord Haldéilv or lord Walashàele" says the spy Tanith, who continues with "They're casting spells at one another" as he can see the battle in the sky about six miles away to the east, between the two local lords who are on their griffons.
Ignoring sir Percavelle Lé Dic who loudly mutters "Evil doing heathens with their spells and such" the ranger Hait quietly asks the elf who once served one of the noble houses of his homeland of Alínlae "Any sign of them?".
Dalin who is now looking at the forest to the east, shakes his hooded head no, before he quietly says "They'd have to be in a clearing or opening for me to spot them". The mercenary ranger figured as much, then asks "Dorc or Mira?".
"Can't see them either" replies Dalinvardél Tanith "Where the hell are those two?" mutters Riley Hait in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra, who then gestures to the door, and tells the spy Tanith to continue leading the way up the tor, upon which is the tower of house Haldéilv.
Lower down in the tor that sticks up out of the valley floor, Dorc da Orc who has stopped at a barred door and sniffed, turns and looks at Mira Reinholt the mage and says "Fucken loot".
The mage Reinholt lifts an eyebrow at that, then he goes to open the door, which though barred, he finds unlocked, and it swings open easily.
"Fucken sweet" murmurs Dorkindle who sees the gold bars stacked up against the back wall of the room. The Vexilian mage in exile opens the door wider, allowing the lamp light from out in the corridor to shine in the room, so he gets a good view of what's in the room.
Along with the gold bars, they also find silver bars, and a handful of platinum bars. As well as strongboxes of coins and jewelry. Not to mention a pair of unconscious elven house guards who have been tied up.
"Well the others have been here" quietly says Mira Reinholt who then adds "We're going the right way" he then sourly smiles as the large ork, chuckles and stomps on the heads of the unconscious house guards, shattering both elves skulls.
Making sure to remember where this room is, the once powerful mage along with the ork warleader continue on their way up through the tor, hoping to catch up to the rest of the group from the Southlands who are already here.
East in the forest, Helbe the elven thief stops when he sees lord Farque stop and hold up a hand, the heavily armoured deathlord runs over and joins the young elven noble from the principality of Laerel.
"Seems that lord Walashàele has stopped giving directions to that cousin of his" says lord Farque, the undead warlord continues with "He's too busy fighting her father at the moment".
After nodding his hooded head in understanding, Helbe the elven thief quietly says "Should i make it easier for her?" after a few moments of silence, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque says "Might as well" followed by "Through not too easy, don't want her to suspect a trap" he then adds "After all she thinks she's pushing you into a trap".
The elven masterthief nods to that, then the lord of the death realm looks at Narladene and says to her "Give her location to Helbe" the undead being who is also known as Draugadrottin to the people of his lands then says to the elven princeling "Catch up".
As the undead warlord starts running westwards through the forest towards the tor where the tower of lord Haldéilv is located, Helbenthril Raendril drop his shield spell.
He walks away to his right after Narladene the ground pixie informs him where Kaldeàlil Haldéilv is approaching from, he waits a few moments, then after Narladene tells him the illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv has just sensed him because he no longer has his shield spell up, the elven masterthief shifts away to the west to catch up to lord Farque . . . . . .

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