Monday 17 July 2017

Wonderful 111.

The Principality Of Maladimbáh...

Looking back behind him, lord Farque says "Don't go into the hallway above, stay at the top of the steps". Both Dorc da Orc and Mira Reinholt the mage nod, while the undead warlord walks through the doorway to his right.
Seeing the hammer he threw, that went through the hallway wall, lying on the floor of the room he's in, the deathlord of Farque picks it up, while out in the hallway, the ork warleader and the once powerful mage head for the steps at this end of the hallway.
A hole has been blasted into the wall at the far end of the room, and the elven noble Galacithàné Walashàele hurries through it with the two remaining guards who entered the tower of lord Walashàele with him.
The heavily armoured deathlord throws the hammer that belongs to Dorc da Orc, and it goes flying through the hole in the wall.
It easily passes through the spells the elven magic user has put up around him and the two guards in his cousin the lord of house Walashàele's service.
Lucky for Galacithàné Walashàele, one of the house guards steps sideways behind him, and gets between him and the flying hammer.
The elven house guard's head explodes when the throwing hammer smashes into his skull and upper back. The weapon careens sideways, narrowly missing the elven noble from house Walashàele who is fleeing for his life after the spells he cast at the lord and ruler of the lands Farque failed.
Draugadrottin as he's also known by the people of his lands, watches as the elven noble and his sole remaining house guard rush out of a doorway in the next room. The lord of the death realm doesn't bother wasting anymore time on them, as he's got other things to deal with.
Lord Farque turns and makes his way out into the hallway, and heads for the steps that the mage Reinholt, and the ork weaponsmith have gone up.
When he reaches the foot of the steps, the undead warlord looks back to the other end of the hallway.
There he sees the mage from the city of Falnic, a justifier from Belinswae stumble into view with a handful of his guards. After he's levitated himself and his guards up from the floor below after they got caught up in the explosion of one Mira Reinholt's mageglobes coming to the end of it's life.
The justifier along with guards stop in their tracks when they see the large figure in the dark blue, black heavy plate armour standing at the base of the steps at the other end of the hallway from them.
The mage Kaellin and his guards were all there the night two weeks ago when the deathlord of Farque freed the mage Reinholt who was being held prisoner here in the tower of lord Haldéilv.
The justifier who failed to even damage the heavily armoured man at the far end of the hallway that night in one of the palace like tower's dining halls. Slowly shakes his head when he sees the individual at the other end of the hallway from him and his guards.
"Fuck that" mutters justifier Kaellin, who continues with "Haldéilv can deal with his own shit" the mage from the region of Belinswae then says to his guards "Come on let's go" and he turns and quickly heads back the way they came from.
The justifier from the coastal city of Falnic who has traveled to the principality of Maladimbáh, to sign a treaty so that he station a detachment of his guards here in the lands of lord Haldéilv in the south of the principality, so that they can easily raid southwards into the Nomads Plains.
Decides there and then to leave Maladimbáh immediately and not bother with the treaty. He doesn't care how long it will take to return home, as he doesn't know exactly where in the plains of the nomad tribes to cast a rift to.
Knows that he definitely doesn't want to face the figure in the suit of dark heavy plate armour again, that's for sure.
Des'tier as he's known by to an older generation of elves in the Southlands, quickly makes his way up the steps. The mage Reinholt is kneeling down on the second to top step, looking out into the long hallway beyond, while the large ork is crouching down a step behind him. The deathlord of Farque joins the two of them.
"She's in your old rooms" quietly says lord Farque to the Vexilian mage in exile, who nods his hooded head as he looks down the long hallway, to the suite where he was held prisoner, is on his right near the far end of the hallway.
"She's set a few traps for the royal thief, who is outside floating off the side of the tower waiting, and no doubt watching her as she has no fucking idea he's so close" quietly says the undead warlord, who then points to the rooms in the hallway, mostly on the left side of it as they look down it. The deathlord of Farque quietly tells the two who like him, are from south of the equator, what he wants them to do.
"You get that?" quietly asks Draugadrottin, the once powerful mage nods his hooded head in response, and when the ork weaponsmith doesn't reply, the lord of the death realm says to him in the ork language "You get that cunt?" followed by "Did it get into that thick fucking head of yours cunt?".
Yeah me gotta thick fucken cockhead for screwing all the pretty goats, Dorc da Orc thinks to himself with a wide grin upon his broad, green, brutish looking face, the large ork silently adds, 'You sick fucking cunt!'.
Ignoring that last thought that came from the voice of his 'Mother' within his mind. The warleader of the ork race grunts, then says in his native language, that's unintelligible to anyone apart from himself and lord Farque, and the deathlord's sword "Yeah me fucken got that" then he adds "Me is a smarts and fucken 'members what to do".
Behind the visor of his full helm, the undead warlord sourly smiles at that, then figuring the large ork will mostly do what he's told, the heavily armoured deathlord murmurs to the mage Reinholt "Wait a moment while i tell the others what to do".
Draugadrottin moves up to the top step, where he calls out in a language that he knows someone nearby understands, and them alone.
Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy frowns, then he glances around the corner into the hallway again. And he looks to the far end after he hears a familiar voice call out.
The elf who was once in the service of a minor noble house in his homeland of Alínlae ducks his head back around the corner, looks at the rest of the group from south of the equator, looking at one in particular.
"Shur Kee" quietly says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, who then adds "I do believe lord Farque is calling something out to you". "He's here?" gets out Riley Hait the mercenary ranger who is first to speak, the spy Tanith nods his head yes in response to the mercenary ranger's question, then he gestures to the corner he's been standing at, and quietly says to Shur Kee "You better have a listen to what he's saying".
The short statured monk takes off his conical shaped hat and moves forward with the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae in the Southlands. The acolyte in the order of Bru Li gets to the corner, and glances around it when he hears lord Farque, who is calling out in the language of Wah Lee, the short statured monk's homeland on the far eastern coast of the continent.
As he listens, the physical adept quietly translates to the spy Tanith what the lord and ruler of the lands of Farque is calling out. Dalin will then inform the others of the group what the undead warlord is saying.
Knowing that there's a chance that at least some of the elves in the rooms in the long hallway, will know the dialect of the plains nomads, which is the same as what's spoken on the southern tundra, which is Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman's native language.
The heavily armoured deathlord calls out in the language of the far eastern kingdom of Wah Lee, which he definitely knows no elf from Maladimbáh will know. Draugadrottin when he spots Shur Kee glance around the corner at the far end of the long hallway, he quickly calls out to the short statured monk what he wants him and the others from the Southlands to do, and not do for that matter.
The acolyte in the philosophical order of Wah Lee, nods his head after he hears what lord Farque wants them to do. Then as he and Dalinvardél Tanith move back to the others, and inform them what lord Farque wants, which includes them staying away from the large suite on the opposite side of the hallway from them.
The lord of the death realm glances at the mage Reinholt and lifts a gauntleted hand, and quietly says "Wait". The Vexilian mage in exile who is about to stop holding his power within himself, continues to do so, while down behind him, Dorc da Orc takes a hammer and an axe from his weapon harness.
The undead warlord then drops his hand, and says to the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil, who also happens to be a highly skilled swordmaster "Do it". Mira Reinholt stops holding his power within himself, and quickly creates a mageglobe.
"You hear that?" asks the mercenary guard Linden, who knows for a fact that all the elves in the suite heard the voice out in the hallway beyond, calling out something.
Looking around at the others, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv the elven magic user says "Anyone understand that?" one of the elven mercenaries she hired in the lands of house Walashàele replies with "Whatever it was, it wasn't the nomad's tongue that was spoken".
Wonder if that bloody prince knows some other languages? Kaldeàlil Haldéilv thinks to herself, though from what she's learnt over the last three years about her quarry, is that he only speaks the two elven languages. Which is kind of odd, as elven royals usually speak multiple languages, even one's as young as prince Helbenthril Raendril.
"And whatever language it was" says the mercenary guard Harrick, who then adds "It sounded like instructions from a commander to a soldier". The attractive elven maid arches an eyebrow at that, and the older of the two mercenary guards from Belinswae tells her "Remember i was in a justifier's army before i took up the life of a merc" Harrick continues with "That definitely sounded like an officer giving orders".
Linden who also served in a justifier's army before he became a mercenary, nods his head in agreement with what Harrick just said.
Then just as the illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv is wondering what that could mean, she suddenly senses a familiar spellcaster nearby "Mira" murmurs Kaldeàlil Haldéilv who senses her former prisoner, create a mageglobe. The attractive elven maid is ready for anything that could come her way, including mageglobes created by Mira Reinholt.
The mageglobe created by the spellcaster from south of the equator, which is a little bit bigger than what he normally creates. Isn't made to seek out the elven magic user who has been after Helbe the elven thief for the last three years, disrupting the plans of the rest of the group in that time.
The living piece of magic has another purpose as it leaves the left hand of it's creator, the mage Reinholt. The mageglobe which a stone colour, though with what looks like a red glow within it. Doesn't move all that fast as it heads down the hallway. Infact it moves at walking pace as it travels through the air at a height of just under five feet.
Dorc da Orc grunts as the three of them watch the fairly slow moving mageglobe. Then lord Farque slightly nods his full helmed head, then Mira Reinholt murmurs "Here we go" as his creation moves sideways, far quicker than it has been moving before. And it smashes into the hallway wall on the left side, as the trio from south of the equator at the top of the steps look down the long hallway . . . . . .

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