Sunday 16 July 2017

Wonderful 110.

The Principality Of Maladimbáh...

Dorc da Orc looks back as he hears something, the large ork grunts when he hears something that only he can understand.
And though he doesn't want to, the ork warleader grabs Mira Reinholt the mage, step to the right, and kicks a locked door open. The ork weaponsmith ducks down and enters a room carrying the once powerful mage.
Dorkindle puts the mage Reinholt down, and the two of them look back out into the hallway. Just then the barrier spell created by the Vexilian mage in exile, that spanned the width of the hallway, just infront of where they were standing.
Shatters into nothingness when it's hit by a blast spell cast by the elven magic user, Galacithàné Walashàele, a younger cousin of lord Walashàele.
"That was close" murmurs Mira Reinholt the mage, the warleader of the ork race just grunts to that, not bothering to tell the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil in the Southlands, that he was ordered to get out of the hallway just before the elven noble from house Walashàele cast again.
The mage who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, who once again is holding his power within himself so that he can't be sensed. Contemplates creating a mageglobe, he has enough power to create maybe two of them, but no more. He's already wasted what little power he has left to him at the moment, when he cast the barrier spell, that was strong enough to stop the fireball that was directed at him and Dorkindle. But not the blast spell that followed it.
As the exiled Vexilian mage contemplates that. The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks, looks out the doorway, and back in the direction he and the mage Reinholt have come from, the large ork waits.
He doesn't have to wait long, as a familiar figure runs into the hallway in the direction that he and the once powerful mage came from.
Lord Farque stops about halfway down the hallway, and looks in the the open doorway to his right, he looks at his fellow travelers from south of the equator, Dorc da Orc and Mira Reinholt.
"Follow behind me" says lord Farque to the large ork and the highly skilled swordmaster. And as the undead warlord is struck by a green beam of energy, he says to the once powerful mage "Create a couple of mageglobes and send them back the way you've come from" the heavily armoured deathlord adds "Destructive one's" he continues with "That fucking mage, the justifier from Falnic has just turned up around the corner from the otherside of the tower".
"A couple is all i can do" says the mage Reinholt who follows that up with "Then nothing else until i rest up". "No it isn't" says the lord of the death realm, who then flips the spell gem the Vexilian mage in exile gave him early this morning when they were coming down one of the mountains on the north side of the valley. A spell gem the lord and ruler of the lands Farque had Helbe the elven thief fill with power.
"Thanks" says Mira Reinholt, the undead warlord nods his full helmed head, then he mutters "Damn thing" as the energy beam cast by the elven magic user who is from the lands across the river to the east in the valley, continues to strike him, doing nothing.
A pair of mageglobes, one firey red, and the other dark blue form in the gloved hands of the spellcaster from south of the equator. The red one shoots out the doorway, and back down the hallway, while the blue sinks down into the floor and disappears.
The lord of the lands Farque, who is also known as Draugadrottin to his people, continues down the long hallway after the green beam of energy finally dies out.
The heavily armoured deathlord picks up one of Dorc da Orc's throwing hammers that lies just beyond the burnt, headless corpse of a Walashàele house guard.
The undead being who is named Des'tier in elven, throws the hammer as Galacithàné Walashàele dives into an open doorway beside him, when another of his spells fails when it hits the large figure in the dark blue, black full plate armour.
As the hammer smashes through the hallway wall and goes into the room that the elven noble from house Walashàele has just dived into. Dorc da Orc says "Let's fucken go Killer" and he hurries out into the hallway and heads after the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
After draining some of the power in the spell gem given back to him by the lord of the death realm. The mage Reinholt exits the room too, and follows after the ork warleader and the heavily armoured deathlord. Knowing that his two pieces of living pieces of magic, his two mageglobes, are heading directly towards the other mage in the palace like tower of lord Haldéilv.
After coming through the otherside of the rift he created. The mage Kaellin hurries down a corridor towards a set of steps, with the five remaining guards from Belinswae who are still with him.
The justifier from the city of Falnic in the region of Belinswae, frowns then suddenly stops when he senses something that's more than familiar.
"What the?" murmurs the mage Kaellin, who then says in shock "Mageglobe". The powerful human spellcaster who is a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to the powers of mages. Thinks that the unique ability of his kind, creating living pieces of magic. Should only be used in combat between two mages, when there's no other combatants around.
Not so the mage who created what's coming towards the justifier from the city of Falnic. He has no qualms whatsoever when it comes to creating and using mageglobes. He'll use them whenever and where ever he likes.
The mage Kaellin who definitely knows now that the underpowered spellcaster he sensed is indeed a mage, says to his justifier's guards "Hold up" and he creates a barrier spell and a protection spell around all of them, and himself.
Just after he does, a small ball of red light comes shooting down the steps ahead, and along the corridor incredibly quickly. It stops just short of the spells the mage Kaellin has created, and it comes to the end of it's short life.
Fire explodes in the corridor, parts of the stone floor, walls and ceiling melts, while some of the stone work explodes from the heat.
And though the unknown mage is underpowered, the justifier from the region of Belinswae sees that his mageglobes are still destructive. As the one that exploded just infront of him and his guards would easily of killed them all if he hadn't erected a barrier and protection spell.
"Get going" says the mage from the coastal city of Falnic to his guards, he continues with "Keep going, I'm protecting us". The guards ask no questions, they have complete faith in their justifier. And they hurry along the fire damaged corridor to the steps ahead.
As they do, the mage Kaellin suddenly mutters "Shit" and hastily casts another barrier spell, this one beneath him and his guards from Belinswae. A moment later, and the scorched floor of the corridor explodes upwards.
The justifier is knocked off his feet and is flung upwards, so are his guards as stone work and masonry explode up and out, as a second mageglobe beneath the floor came to the end of it's life.
Streaks of blue energy shoot through the debris as the mage Kaellin and his guards tumble through the air, barely protected by his spells as the already damaged corridor is destroyed all around them.
The justifier hits the floor with a thud and groans as debris falls back down around him and his guards. The powerful spellcaster's barrier and protection spells are still holding, though barely.
Looks around through the debris filled air, and finds that he and his guards are no longer in the corridor, but are in a hall that's directly beneath it "Fuck" mutters Kaellin the mage, before one of his guards stumbles over and helps him to stand.
They hear the dull thuds somewhere further in the tower from the suite they're in, though it sounds not too far away. For even the human mercenaries from Belinswae, Harrick and Linden clearly heard the thuds of what are obviously explosions of some kind.
Turning to look at who's standing near him, Harrick the mercenary guard quietly asks "What was that?". "Mira" is the quietly reply of Kaldeàlil Haldéilv the elven magic user "Glad he was out of his mind most of the time he was with us" sourly mutters Linden the mercenary guard, Harrick nods his head in agreement.
For though the two from the south of Belinswae got along well with their former prisoner Mira Reinholt. They never forgot that he was a dangerous person to be around. And by the sounds of it, he definitely is that at the moment.
"That justifier Kaellin, the mage from Falnic is nearby" quietly says the attractive elven maid, who then explains in a slightly dry tone of voice "Mages are a prickly sort when they're around one another, Mira has just attacked the justifier".
"The justifier and that Walashàele noble" says Harrick with a shake of his head, who continues in a dry tone with "Mira isn't exactly holding back". "I thought you said he isn't that powerful for a mage" says Linden as he looks at the illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv "He isn't" sourly says Kaldeàlil Haldéilv "Oh" murmurs the younger of the two mercenaries from Belinswae, while the older mercenary winces.
Listening to this conversation, and watching what's happening in the suite Kaldeàlil Haldéilv is in with her mercenaries, both human and elven. Is Helbe the elven thief, who is floating just off the large, not to mention long balcony of the suite, three quarters of the way up the palace like tower of house Haldéilv, on it's south facing side.
The elven magic user who is blurred and shielded, watches as Narladene the ground pixie who has briefly hoped down onto the balcony, return to his right shoulder.
"He's with them now, they're close by" quietly says Narladene the ground pixie, who then adds "So are the others, they're heading this way too" the young elven noble nods his hooded head as he has sensed the magical weapons with the second group the tiny magical creature is referring to.
The elven princeling from Laerel in the Southlands continues to wait in silence as he waits for the others to show up. As he does, he wonders who'll get to the suite first. Either lord Farque, who is now with Dorc da Orc and Mira Reinholt. Or the others from the Southlands, who are nearby and have made their way up the tor, and the tower that's upon it.
"It did sound like something friend Mira would do" quietly says Shur Kee the monk, the others look at him, then after briefly wincing, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger quietly says "You're right Shur Kee, it did" the ranger Hait then mutters in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra "Fucking hope he doesn't blow us up in his enthusiasm".
It's what they're all thinking, including sir Percavelle Lé Dic, after they heard the thud of a couple of explosions nearby. And after the short statured monk saying it sounded like something the mage Reinholt would do.
"Demon damn spellcasters, they cavort with devils that's there problem" loudly mutters sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who then looks ahead to where Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy stands, and he quietly asks "Anything ahead my fine pointy eared fellow?".
The spy Tanith who is a little bit further ahead than the others, holds up a hand for the heavily armoured knight and the rest of the group from south of the equator to fall silent.
After a brief grumble, the earl of Lé Dic in the kingdom of Druvic falls silent, as do the rest of the Southlanders as the elven spy glances around the corner ahead.
Dalin looks down a long hallway, at the other end of which is a set of steps. The elf from the principality of Alínlae in the Southlands, who is at the very end of the hallway, where there's a south facing window just to his left. Sees that there's a number of doors to rooms along the hallway. A few of which are slightly ajar.
As he listens and looks carefully, the elven spy from south of the equator, glances at a pair of double doors on the opposite side of the hallway from where he is. A bit further along, about a fifth of the way down the hallway. He suspects it's a large suite that takes up a fair bit of room in this part of the tower.
Then the elf who was in service to one of the noble houses of his homeland, goes back to watching the rest of the doors, both closed and slightly open in the hallway. A few moments later he sees a brief shadow appear at one of the doors that's slightly ajar, a shadow that quickly disappears.
As if someone stepped forward to look out into the hallway, then quickly step back. The spy Tanith turns and makes his way back to the others.
"There's people in the rooms in the hallway around the corner" quietly says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy to the others, he continues with "Guards most likely" he then adds "Waiting".
The elven spy from the principality of Alínlae in the Southlands looks at the ranger Hait and tells him "Waiting for whoever comes up the steps at the far end of the hallway" he briefly pauses before continuing with "The sounds of those explosions came from that way".
"Ah well, i guess this must be the trap she's set for Helbe" murmurs Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, the spy Tanith nods his head in agreement, as both he and the mercenary ranger were informed earlier this morning by lord Farque in the forest when they met him, that Kaldeàlil Haldéilv is trying to trap Helbe the elven thief.
"Now what?" loudly murmurs sir Percavelle Lé Dic, Riley Hait looks at the each of the group, then he quietly says "We wait" the mercenary ranger then silently adds, I've got a feeling we're not going to be waiting long . . . . . .

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