Wednesday 12 July 2017

Wonderful 108.

The Principality Of Maladimbáh...

Lord Farque walks through the large open doors at the base of the tor. A pair of house guards just inside the door try to stop him. One ends up fifty feet away to the left after the undead warlord grabs him and flings him away.
While the other is flung outside, and lands near one of the houses in the town just near the base of the tor.
The deathlord of Farque as he walks quickly through the cavern like ground level of the tor. To the wind tower shaft, as a small number of elves in the vicinity scatter.
Senses in the forest on the otherside of the town outside, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv the elven magic user casting a rift, which she goes through after it froms. The heavily armoured deathlord nods his full helmed head once he senses where the illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv is going.
"How appropriate" dryly murmurs lord Farque as he makes his way towards the wind tower, that he was last in just over two weeks ago, the night he freed Mira Reinholt the mage from up in the tower above.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque, whose people also know him by the name of Draugadrottin. Senses that there's far less people here in the tor and the tower on it, today. Than that night two weeks ago when he freed the mage Reinholt.
Most of the guards in the service of house Haldéilv have left, and are further east in the valley. Fighting the guards of their neighbours, house Walashàele, who have crossed over the river that marks the border between the lands of the two main noble houses here in the south of the principality of Maladimbáh.
The lord of the death realm steps into the wind tower, and as he allows the magic within it to effect him, he puts his arms and his hands to his sides, and he starts rising up through the wind tower, that's built into the tor, and the palace like tower of house Haldéilv that's on top of it.
Dorc da Orc grunts, and Mira Reinholt the mage looks back at him and quietly asks "What is it?". "They fucken below us now" says Dorc da Orc with a nod of his large head down at the floor of the hallway.
"Fuck" mutters the once powerful mage as he figures they've got higher up in the palace like tower of lord Haldéilv than the rest of the group, because they went up the wind tower.
The Vexilian mage in exile, who kind of knows where he is. He's pretty certain he ran down this hallway the night two weeks ago when lord Farque freed him from Kaldeàlil Haldéilv, who held him prisoner.
The spellcaster from south of the equator, who also happens to be a highly skilled swordmaster. Nods his hooded head for the ork warleader to follow him.
They only get a few yards, when the ork weaponsmith sourly grunts, and in a tone of voice equally as sour, says "Her" the mage Reinholt lifts an eyebrow, then says "Who?". "That buzzy fucken bee" replies Dorkindle.
Narladene, the exiled Vexilian mage thinks to himself, who then says "So Helbe's here then" the large ork grunts in the affirmative, the swordmaster Reinholt murmurs "So is Farque most likely" once again the warleader of the ork race grunts in the affirmative.
They get just a few more paces down the hallway when Dorc da Orc comes to a halt, and angrily growls "Fucken her". The once powerful mage doesn't have to ask who that is, he figures it out for himself. Instead he asks the big, burly ork "Where is she?".
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks points up, and in the direction they're heading along the hallway as he says "Fucken above us" the ork weaponsmith adds "Next fucken one up, going that-a-way".
The Vexilian mage in exile, who was the youngest member ever of the mage council of his homeland, slightly frowns then murmurs "Aaahhhh". "What cunt?" asks Dorkindle "I know where she's going" says the highly skilled swordmaster "How appropriate" murmurs Mira Reinholt who is holding his power within himself, as he continues on his way, leading the large ork to the south side of the palace like tower. Where on the next level above them, he knows that Kaldeàlil Haldéilv is heading to the suite of rooms where she held him prisoner until a couple of weeks ago.
"I guess he's coming up" says Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, the others agree with him after they lost sight of lord Farque who has entered the tor below.
The mercenary ranger is just discussing with Dalinvardél Tanith that they should remain here in this suite of rooms. When he suddenly spots something out of the corner of his eye. Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman turns to his right, and spots a grinning Narladene the ground pixie above the mantle piece of a nearby fireplace. The tiny winged creature points upwards.
After mouthing the words "You want us to go up?" to Narladene, who answers with a nod of her tiny head, before she disappears into the wall above the fireplace. The ranger Hait says to the others "Come on, we're going".
"We are?" says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy "Jolly good, off we go then" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic "Yes we are" says Riley Hait to the spy Tanith, the mercenary ranger who in actual fact is a hordes outrider from the southern tundra quietly says in the elven language to Dalin "I just got a message from the royal thief".
"I guess we're going up then" quietly says the elf who once served in one of the noble houses of his homeland of Alínlae in the Southlands.
The elven spy opens the door to the hallway outside and peeks out, he nods to the others to follow him once he sees the hallway is empty. The rest of the group from the Southlands exit the suite behind the spy Tanith, who leads them as he looks for a way to go further up into the tower.
As Linden wanders out onto the balcony he spent so much time on when the mage Mira Reinholt was their prisoner here in the tower of house Haldéilv. The other mercenary guard from Belinswae, Harrick looks over at the others who have followed them through the rift from the forest below. The older of the two human mercenaries then looks at Kaldeàlil Haldéilv the elven magic user who quietly tells him "I'll deal with this".
"I've got you in, so you're free to do whatever you want" says the attractive elven magic user as she looks at her fellow elven spellcaster "So you say" says Galacithàné Walashàele who then adds "How do i know this isn't a trap?".
With a smile upon her face, the illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv says "It is a trap" she briefly pauses for a moment, then she continues with "But not for you".
Kaldeàlil Haldéilv gestures to the main doors of the suite, and tells the younger cousin of lord Walashàele "Leave" she follows it up, by saying in a sarcastic tone "My father's guards will be absolutely thrilled that you're here paying them a visit".
The elven noble looks at her for a moment, then he looks at the small squad of guards in the service of his family, who came through the rift with him. Then he nods for them to follow him out of the suite and into the rest of the tower, where they're to cause as much havoc as possible.
After the last Walashàele house guard exits the suite and closes the door behind her. Kaldeàlil Haldéilv quietly says to Harrick, and Linden who has come back inside from the balcony "I hope that lot all get killed".
Then the attractive elven maid says to the younger of the two mercenaries from the south of Belinswae "Go to your old rooms next door and get Paquildelthé and the others" she continues with "If they've made it, they should be there" the elven spellcaster adds "Have some of them come in here, and the rest spread out in the surrounding rooms in the hallway, i want them to attack anyone who comes this way, not just him if he turns up".
"Will do" says Linden, who then hurries out of the suite, then down the hallway to the rooms next door that he and Harrick shared when they were here previously, when they held the mage from south of the equator, Mira Reinholt, prisoner.
"With him involved, you don't know who the hell might turn up" Kaldeàlil Haldéilv quietly says to Harrick, who quietly asks her "Do you know where he is at the moment?".
"Somewhere here in the tower" is the quiet response of the illegitimate daughter of the head of house Haldéilv, who can sense just a few spellcasters in the tower at the moment. Two of them distant relations of hers. While the third is the mage from the city of Falnic in Belinswae. The justifier Kaellin, who was visiting lord Haldéilv, when most of his guards were killed, and his two wyverns were taken, the night Kaldeàlil Haldéilv's prisoner, Mira Reinholt was freed.
At the moment the attractive elven maid can't sense her quarry, prince Helbenthril Raendril. But she's not too worried about that, as she suspects he's not too far away, and is probably close by. Infact he's closer than she realises.
Helbe the elven thief glances around the corner, and watches the elven mercenaries disguised as Haldéilv house guards, spreading out along the hallway, entering the rooms along it. Most keep the doors they've gone through slightly ajar, while others softly close them.
The young elven noble from the principality of Laerel in the Southlands, watches as the human mercenary heads back to the far end of the long hallway, and go through a door there. The elven masterthief then steps back, and looks back down the hallway he's in, and sees the last of the Walashàele house guards, making their way down a set of steps there.
The shielded and blurred elven spellcaster looks back around the corner, as he figures Kaldeàlil Haldéilv is in the suite at the far end of the long hallway, which lord Farque told him was where Mira Reinholt was held, and for him to end up in. Then he glances at his right shoulder as Narladene the ground pixie reappears on it.
"They're coming up" Narladene the ground pixie whispers to the elven princeling, she continues whispering with "Mira and Stinky are one level down from us" the tiny winged creature adds "They're heading up here too".
"And lord Farque?" whispers Helbe the elven thief "I think he's in the wind tower right now" is the whispered reply of the naturally magical creature, who then reaches out and touches the wall to their right, then she whispers "He just got out of it" Narladene continues with "He's on the next level down heading this way too".
The elven masterthief nods his hooded head, then he murmurs "Should i set off this trap she's got for me?" and he adds "Or should i see what's she's up to?".
"See what's she's up to" whispers the ground pixie, who then adds "Then kill the bitch" as she voices what she thinks the young elven noble should do to Kaldeàlil Haldéilv.
Vindictive little thing aren't you, Helbenthril Raendril thinks to himself with a slight shake of his hooded head as he tries not to grin, and is only partially successful.
The blurred and shielded elven magic user then slightly frowns, and looks back behind him down the hallway he's in, to the steps that lead down at the other end. He thought he just heard something from down there.
"What was that?" whispers the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, the tiny winged creature who is 'attached' to him, touches the wall next to them again, then she whispers in a dry tone of voice "Those elves and that spellcaster from the noble house to the east have just run into something".
"Oh?" murmurs the elven master assassin, who then pauses as he's certain he hears an all too familiar roar in the distance "Oh" dryly says the young elven noble from south of the equator "Oh indeed" murmurs Narladene, who shakes her head then dryly adds "Stinky".
After Dorc da Orc throws a hammer down the hallway, he staggers backwards, stumbles, then falls on his ass after getting struck by a lightning bolt in the middle of his chest.
Mira Reinholt who has dived to the floor further behind the large ork, winces as Dorkindle roars in anger, and gets to his feet with a throwing axe in hand. No worse for the wear after being struck by a bolt of lightning that would of killed him if he didn't have on his breastplate of natural dragon armour.
Through the ork warleader is more than a little annoyed as he gets up throwing the axe he's taken from his weapon harness.
The elven spellcaster from house Walashàele down the hallway yelps something in the noble elven language at seeing the large ork still alive, and that an axe is hurtling his way. He dives through an open door to his left, and the axe narrowly avoids him. And instead slams into one of his guards, who goes tumbling backwards when the axe smashes into his chest.
"Come on Killer, let's fucken get 'em!" says Dorc da Orc, the mage Reinholt rolls his eyes, and gets up off the floor, and hurries after the warleader of the ork race, who is running towards the Walashàele house guards in the hallway, taking weapons from his harness, as he yells "Fucken get some ya cunts!" . . . . . .

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