Tuesday 18 July 2017

Wonderful 112.

The Principality Of Maladimbáh...

The mageglobe smashes through the outer marble layer of the wall, then goes through three feet of stone and enters the room beyond.
The stone coloured appearance of the mageglobe has disappeared, and what remains is a glowing red ball the size of an over large apple, that has a dark layer beneath it's surface. The red glowing mageglobe explodes.
The elven mercenary hired by Kaldeàlil Haldéilv in the lands of lord Walashàele. Jumped back in fright at the appearance of the mageglobe as he stood by the partially open door to the hallway. He's wondering what's just about to happen when the mageglobe explodes.
Fire spews forth in all directions, a lot of it catching the elven mercenary, who goes up like a wick as fire sprays across most of his body.
He takes a few steps towards the open door, but he doesn't get to it, and he drops to the floor, where he's consumed by flames.
The mageglobe may of exploded, expelling flames everywhere. But it did not come to the end of it's life.
The living piece of magic remains floating about five feet above the floor. It's changed in appearance again. It's no longer a glowing red colour, it's once again the colour of stone, as it was when Mira Reinhold created it. Though it's smaller than it was then, infact it's slightly smaller than it was when it was a glowing red colour. And once more it has a red center to it.
The mageglobe is on the move again, heading towards the wall that's between this room and the next. It makes it's way towards the wall, while a burning corpse lies on the floor near the door behind it.
The stone coloured living piece of magic isn't moving that fast at all, as most mageglobes do. That's until it gets closer to the wall it's approaching. It increases speed, and smashes through the wall and enters the next room.
It's appearance has changed again, the outer stone colour has gone, and again it's a glowing red mageglobe, smaller than it was in the previous room.
One of Kaldeàlil Haldéilv's elven mercenaries who is standing near the slightly ajar door to the hallway, turns in surprise and looks at the glowing red ball that's flying towards him. Until it explodes, splashing fire everywhere, particularly over the elf from across the border in lord Walashàele's lands.
"Two" lord Farque quietly says to Mira Reinholt the mage and Dorc da Orc, the undead warlord looks at the once powerful mage, and quietly asks him "How many do you think it will do?". "About five" is the quiet reply of Mira Reinholt the mage, who once more is holding his power within himself after draining more of the power in the spell gem that the heavily armoured deathlord gave to him a little earlier.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque nods his full helmed head in agreement of the mage Reinholt's assessment of the mageglobe he created and sent down the long hallway.
A mageglobe that's layered like an onion. With each outer layer that's coloured like a stone, able to smash through stonework and masonry. While the layer directly underneath each stone coloured one, is red in colour, which explodes in fire when it spots a target.
"I doubt the last couple will actually kill anyone outright, especially the last" quietly says the Vexilian mage in exile, who continues in a quiet voice with "It'll set them on fire, and they'll probably wish they were dead, but i doubt it'll kill them".
The lord of the death realm nods his full helmed head, then quietly says to the spellcaster from south of the equator, and the ork warleader "Keep behind me" then he gestures for them to follow him out into the long hallway.
There's a very slight thud, as the mageglobe created by Mira Reinholt, explodes in the third room it enters on the left side of the hallway, which the deathlord of Farque, the once powerful mage, and the ork weaponsmith are now heading down.
They walk by the first room on their right, the door of which is locked. Then as they near the next door to the right, Draugadrottin as he's also known by to the people of his lands, points at it, and says in the ork language "That one cunt". A grunt comes from Dorc da Orc in reply to that.
The large ork with a wide grin upon his broad, brutish looking face, hefts the axe he's holding in one hand, as he approaches the door ahead on the right, while he's already swinging the hammer he's holding in his other hand.
In the large suite towards the far end of the hallway, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv the elven magic user after frowning as she senses, looks at the mercenary guard Linden and asks him "What rooms on the opposite side of the hallway did you have them wait in?".
After hearing the mercenary guard from Belinswae's response, the attractive elven maid who is sensing a mageglobe created by her former prisoner Mira Reinholt, periodically exploding in a number of rooms on the opposite side of the hallway, mutters "Fucking hell".
As she underestimated the once powerful mage, who she thought was unable to pull off the creation of such a mageglobe.
The illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv then murmurs under her breath "Not to worry". Though she wonders why the two spellcasters who were attacking the mage Reinholt a short time ago. Lord Walashàele's younger cousin Galacithàné. And the mage Kaellin, a justifier from the city of Falnic in Belinswae. Have moved off, and are headed elsewhere in the tower of her father, the local lord, lord Haldéilv.
He won't get in here anytime soon, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv thinks to herself as she looks around at the hidden spells she has cast in this suite, and senses the ones just outside it. The attractive elven maid who figures if the mage Reinholt is approaching, then all likelihood, prince Helbenthril Raendril is doing likewise, if not holding his power within himself, or casting a spell that has the same effect as the amulet she wears on fine silver chain around her neck.
The elven magic user looks at her mercenaries, the two humans from the coast of Belinswae, and the elves who were hired over in the lands of lord Walashàele, and she quietly tells them "Get into your positions".
Out in the long hallway, after Dorc da Orc barges open a slightly ajar door, and a scream comes from a room on the opposite side, where the mageglobe has exploded once more.
Lord Farque as he approaches another doorway on the right hand side of the hallway, glances back at Mira Reinholt and quietly tells the exiled Vexilian mage "Don't get within a dozen paces of your old rooms".
"I won't" replies the spellcaster from the Southlands, who also happens to be a highly skilled swordmaster. The lord of the death realm nods his full helmed head, then as they get closer to the doorway on the right, which the mage Reinholt sees the door is slightly ajar.
The lord and ruler takes a few quick steps towards it, and he does a standing side kick with his right leg. His steel boot connects with the slightly open door. And it, and the frame around it, as well as some of the wall surrounding it, goes flying into the room behind it.
As for matter, so does the elven mercenary holding a sword, who was standing in a slight crouch behind the ajar door. Which smashes into him, as he's flung back into the room nearly twenty feet. Before he, as well as the door, slam into the side of a large table.
"He's fucking dead" murmurs Mira Reinholt when he looks into the room to his right as he follows the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, and he sees the elven mercenary who was hiding behind the slightly open door.
From the doorway further back in the hallway, walks Dorc da Orc. Blood is dripping from the axe he's holding in one hand. And on the head of the hammer in the other, there looks to be part of a scalp, as well as blood, and brain matter.
The ork warleader licks some of the gore off the hammer head and grins as he follows after the Vexilian mage in exile, and the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
"Huh" says the spellcaster from south of the equator as he and the undead warlord stop, after his mageglobe explodes once more, this time finally coming to the end of it's life. In a room on the left hand side of the long hallway, just up from where they are.
From inside the room comes a scream of fright and pain, and a couple of moments later, the door to that particular room bangs open, and an elven mercenary stumbles out into the hallway, with part of her cloak on fire, and her long hair catching on fire.
The heavily armoured deathlord who rules a vast land far to the south of the equator, and the spellcaster who is exiled from the city-state of his birth, watch as the elven maid who is on fire, stagger their way as she tries to rip off her burning cloak.
The large ork who is the former son of the matriarch of the wolf tribe of his people, stops and grunts as he watches the elven mercenary stagger in this direction down the hall.
As the elven maid stumbles near lord Farque who is the lead, the undead warlord who is also known as Des'tier to an older generation of elves in the Southlands, snaps out a hand and grabs the elven mercenary by the arm.
"She's fucked" murmurs Mira Reinholt "Burney elf is fucked" murmurs Dorc da Orc at the same time as he and the once powerful mage watch the lord and ruler of the lands Farque squeeze the arm of the elven mercenary, breaking it.
The elven maid screams in pain again as her arm is broken, and as her cloak continues to burn, and her hair catches alight. The lord of the death realm hauls her alongside him as he continues down the hallway.
With the screaming elven mercenary in tow, the heavily armoured deathlord with his right hand that's free, punches a locked door open on his right, and says something in the ork language as he continues on his way.
Dorkindle hurries forward, and chuckles as he enters the room that's just been opened by the deathlord of Farque. As the swordmaster Reinholt walks by the open doorway that the large ork hurried into, he sees the ork warleader swinging his hammer at an elven mercenary he's grabbed by the surcoat. While another elven mercenary in the garb of a guard in the service of house Haldéilv, is crawling away with a bloody face after he got clipped by the door that was punched open by lord Farque.
"What's happening?" quietly asks Tamric Drubine, Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy looks back and quietly says "You don't want to know" as he and Riley Hait the mercenary ranger are at the corner, looking around it, watching what's happening in the long hallway.
"What's he doing?" the spy Tanith murmurs to the mercenary ranger who in actual fact is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra "I'm not sure" is the murmured reply of Riley Hait the mercenary ranger.
The two of them are watching lord Farque who is dragging alongside him, an elven mercenary who is screaming in pain as she's on fire, and the fact she's been dragged along by her right arm that's broken, and in the vice like grip of the deathlord of Farque's gauntlet covered left hand.
They see Mira Reinholt following behind the lord of the death realm, and the elven maid he's holding. A couple of moments later, a head comes flying out of an open doorway further behind the Vexilian mage in exile, and splatters against the hallway wall opposite.
Then a grinning Dorc da Orc walks from the same doorway, with a bloody axe in one hand, and a hammer in the other. The large ork hurries to catch up to the once powerful mage.
The ranger Hait and the spy Tanith glance at one another, then they look around the corner again into the long hallway. Where they see lord Farque has stopped, and seems to be staring at something. Then the undead warlord lifts up the elven mercenary he's holding, and throws her further down the hallway in this direction.
The mercenary disguised as a Haldéilv house guard, whose cloak has burnt away, as has much of her long hair. And whose clothes, if they aren't smoldering, are now on fire. And whose right arm flops uselessly about.
Goes flying nearly fifty feet down the hallway, until she suddenly comes to a stop in mid air, about ten paces short of the double doors, to the suite that lord Farque called out to Shur Kee the monk, that they keep well clear of.
There's a bright white flash towards this end of the long hallway, and both Riley Hait and Dalinvardél Tanith look away for a moment. Then when they look back around the corner. They see the elven maid who is partially covered in flames, suspended in mid air, within a ball of white energy, that takes up most of the width of the long hallway.
They hear the disguised elven mercenary scream far louder than she was doing before, as her limbs, including her broken right arm, stretch out from her, as she lies on her back, at least six feet off the floor, within the ball of white energy,
They all of sudden her legs and arms are ripped from her body, followed an instant later by her head as blood sprays everywhere within the ball of white energy.
A moment later, the ball of energy disappears, and the remains of the elven maid, and a vast quantity of her blood, drop to the hallway floor, splattering everywhere.
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman and Dalinvardél Tanith share a look, then the ranger Hait dryly murmurs to the elven spy "I guess that was a trap". "I guess so" is the murmured response in a dry tone from Dalin . . . . . .

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