Thursday 13 July 2017

Wonderful 109.

The Principality Of Maladimbáh...

Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy quickly takes a small cloth wrapped wad of lead pellets and throws it at the elven maid who has seen him coming up the stairs. The weighted cloth hits her in the side of the head as she turns and tries to hurry back up the stairs. Knocking her out before she even knows it.
The spy Tanith rushes up a few steps and catches the servant before she hits the steps. The elf from the principality of Alínlae in the Southlands lowers her down to the steps, then he continues on up the stairs, knowing that the others aren't all that far behind him, and will soon pass the unconscious elven maid.
The elf who was once in the service of one of the more important minor noble houses in his homeland, soon reaches the top of the stairs.
He looks out into an empty hallway, and wonders which way to go now. For there's a corridor leading off directly to his right, which he figures will end up right against the south facing side of the tower of lord Haldéilv. A tower that's more of a palace than it is a tower in the traditional sense.
The spy Tanith glances back and sees Riley Hait the mercenary ranger coming up the last of the stairs. When the ranger Hait joins him, Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy quietly asks him "Which way?".
"I'm not sure" is the quiet reply of Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, who quietly continues in a slightly dry tone with "She just pointed up, not anywhere specific".
The spy Tanith who has been informed by the mercenary ranger that Narladene the ground pixie gestured to him and the others to go up, rolls his eyes at the usefulness of such creatures as pixies and sprites.
From his experience, they only tell you the bare minimum of what they've been told to inform you about. And sometimes not even that. Like in this case, with Narladene just pointing up when she revealed herself to Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman a little earlier.
Dalin after shaking his hooded head, murmurs to the mercenary ranger from the principality of Envadarlen in the Southlands "Well, you're in charge of us at the moment, you get to pick the way".
"Thanks" sourly murmurs the ranger Hait, who then looks down the hallway, then at the corridor to their right, the mercenary ranger, who infact is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra named Zubutai Timaginson, who happens to inhabit the body of Riley Hait, quietly asks the spy Tanith "I take it this corridor leads back to the outer side of the tower?" he then adds "Facing south?".
"It does" is the quiet reply of Dalinvardél Tanith, who has just glanced back and seen that the rest of the group are silently waiting behind them on the stairs, even the fidgety sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
"Then it's right, down the corridor it is" quietly says Riley Hait, the spy Tanith nods to that, and after listening carefully in that direction, he starts heading along the corridor. A few moments later, and the mercenary ranger from the principality of Envadarlen in the Southlands, is the first of the others to follow him down the corridor.
"Get back in here you big fat lump" says Mira Reinholt the mage as he grabs Dorc da Orc by the back of the weapon harness he wears, and attempts to haul the large ork back into the room the once powerful mage is just inside of.
Of course the Vexilian mage in exile fails, and he himself is dragged along behind the ork warleader down the hallway. The mage Reinholt sourly smiles as he almost trips over a dead house guard in the service of lord Walashàele. Then having a good idea what's going to come next, the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, lets go of the large ork, stops holding his power within himself, and slams up a barrier spell infront of himself and the ork weaponsmith.
An instant later and a fireball comes hurtling down the hallway towards the two of them. Scorching the stonework of the walls and floor.
The exiled Vexilian mage sourly smiles, for though he's pretty sure his barrier spell will protect him and Dorc da Orc. He's just given away his location to any spellcaster in the arew who might be sensing in this direction. Something the mage Reinholt, who doesn't have much power at his disposal at this moment in time, definitely didn't want to do.
As Dorkindle growls something unintelligible in the ork language when he walks into the faint blue glow of the barrier spell cast by Mira Reinholt, and he can't go through it. And while Galacithàné Walashàele the elven magic user swears in the noble elven language when his fireball hits the otherside of the barrier spell that's suddenly appeared in the hallway.
In a south facing suite on the next level up of the palace like tower that's the seat of power of the local lord, lord Haldéilv. His illegitimate daughter Kaldeàlil Haldéilv blinks in surprise, then mutters in elven "What the fuck?".
The handful of elven mercenaries disguised as Haldéilv house guards who have come into the suite with the mercenary Linden, all glance at the attractive elven maid after what she's just said.
As do the two mercenaries from Belinswae, Harrick and Linden. Who may not of understood what she just said. But they do understand that's she's upset about something.
"What is it?" quietly ventures Harrick "Mira" says Kaldeàlil Haldéilv, who then adds "He's here in the tower". "What the hell?" murmurs Linden, who is just as surprised as his fellow mercenary from the south of Belinswae, Harrick.
"Exactly" says the attractive elven maid, who then adds "He's downstairs, on the next level" the elven spellcaster, who can't be sensed by other spellcasters due to the amulet she wears on a fine silver thread chain she has around her neck, then says "That Galacithàné has just run into him".
"Hopefully the mage gets rid of him" dryly murmurs Harrick, who then adds "But why the hell is Mira back here?".
As the illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv shrugs her shoulders, Linden says "Hang on a moment, if Mira is here, does that mean that". He doesn't finish what he's about to say, because Harrick, who like Kaldeàlil Haldéilv knows what Linden is about to mention, quietly says "I fucking hope not".
"Nor i" murmurs the attractive elven maid, who no way, wants to encounter the undead being who freed her prisoner Mira Reinholt, again. She was lucky the first time she encountered him up close, when she sent him to the bottom of the Great Western Ocean.
And even luckier the second time, when she just escaped with her life that night two weeks ago, when he freed the mage from south of the equator, Mira Reinholt.
"We deal with you know who, he's what's important" says Kaldeàlil Haldéilv, who continues with "If Mira shows up here, or that" she pauses before adding "Thing" then she continues with "Shows up, we just have to deal with them the best that we can". Both Harrick and Linden nod to that, then the attractive elven maid tells the elven mercenaries what she wants them to do when her quarry, prince Helbenthril Raendril, shows up.
Another spellcaster in the tower of house Haldéilv who senses Mira Reinholt. Is the justifier Kaellin. The mage from the city of Falnic in Belinswae, who is just sitting down to have lunch in his suite. Frowns when he senses an elven magic user he doesn't recognise here in the tower of his host lord Haldéilv, cast a couple of destructive spells.
Then he blinks in surprise when he suddenly senses the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil in the Southlands.
The justifier, who senses an underpowered spellcaster, is surprised because the individual he senses, feels like a mage. Though thoroughly weak in magical power. Which is a total misnomer. For mages are the most powerful of all human spellcasters. Even an average mage is more powerful than most other spellcasters.
So sensing a mage who lacks power, is totally weird to the justifier from Falnic, who has never encountered such a thing before. For the mage Reinholt wasn't able to touch his powers the last time he was here in the tower of house Haldéilv, due to the potion he was forced to take, which suppressed his spellcasting abilities.
Looking at his guards who have sat down in the central room of his suite to have lunch with him, the mage Kaellin says to them "I do believe the tower is under attack".
The justifier's guards all look at him as they're about to eat, and he says to them "One of you go and inform the house guards outside that there's intruders in the tower".
As one of his guards from Falnic in Belinswae hurries to do that, the mage who has a pretty good idea where the two unfamiliar spellcasters are in the tower, says to his guards "Let's go and see what's happening".
And remembering last time there was an intruder here in the tower of house Haldéilv, the justifier adds "Kill anyone or anything you don't recognise". The mage from the region of Belinswae gets up, and starts to cast a rift spell, and as it begins to form, and as the guard who went out to talk to the pair of house guards out in the corridor returns, the justifier Kaellin says "Through the rift once it forms".
After stepping out of the wind tower, and running down a hallway, frightening a couple of servants who are carrying linen baskets. Lord Farque rounds a corner, and slows down as he senses lord Walashàele's younger cousin casting at Dorc da Orc and Mira Reinholt. And a few moments later, the Vexilian mage in exile casting a barrier spell.
The undead warlord makes his way to a set of steps when he senses the justifier from the city of Falnic, a mage who tried attacking him the night he broke Mira Reinholt free, casting a spell too, this one a rift.
Sensing where it's going to end up, the heavily armoured deathlord leaps up the steps, and lands in a hallway running. The lord of the death realm then lifts an eyebrow as he senses Kaldeàlil Haldéilv casting spell after spell in the suite where she held the mage Reinholt just two weeks ago.
Draugadrottin as he's also known by, to the people of his lands, knows that he's the only one in the tower, except one other, who will be able to sense what Kaldeàlil Haldéilv is up to.
The deathlord of Farque hopes the other one is informing the person she's with, what lord Haldéilv's illegitimate daughter is doing right now. Because he senses the one she's with, prince Helbenthril Raendril is casting at this time too.
Helbe the elven thief sees a window at the very end of the long hallway, a hallway that in some of the rooms, hide elven mercenaries disguised as Haldéilv house guards.
The young elven noble from the principality of Laerel in the Southlands shifts, and an instant later, he's outside the tower, floating in mid air.
The blurred and shielded elven magic user floats upwards twenty feet or so, then he looks away to his left along the south facing side of the palace like tower that's the seat of power of lord Haldéilv.
The elven princeling sees the balcony of the suite where Mira Reinholt was held prisoner, not that far from where he's floating, just a bit down and away to his left.
The elven master assassin who hasn't got a clear view through the open doors that lead inside from the balcony, is just about to shift down to the balcony, when suddenly Narladene the ground pixie says to him "Don't".
Lifting an eyebrow, the young elven noble who is the grandson of Prince Raendril of Laerel, who senses casting inside the tower from a number of practitioners of magic. Including Mira Reinholt, as well the cousin of lord Walashàele who was following him earlier. And a mage, who must be the justifier from Belinswae who is staying here in the palace like tower of lord Haldéilv.
Looks at the ground pixie who is attached to him, and is standing on his right shoulder. "She's cast a few spells" quietly says Narladene, who continues with "They'll detect you if step foot on that balcony".
Hmmmmm things are a little bit more difficult when the other person can permanently shield themselves, Helbe the elven thief thinks to himself, who nods his hooded head in understanding to the tiny winged creature who is attached to him.
The elven masterthief starts floating sideways, so that he gets inline with the balcony of the suite where Mira Reinholt was held prisoner. And where Narladene has informed him that Kaldeàlil Haldéilv is at this moment.
Making sure to keep back from the long balcony, prince Helbenthril Raendril listens to the ground pixie on his right shoulder, tell him in a whisper, the spells that the illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv has cast, and is casting at the moment.
The blurred and shielded elven magic user from south of the equator gets inline with the wide open doors that go into the suite from the balcony.
And as he floats there off to the side of the palace like tower, Helbe the elven thief sees through the open doors, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv in the main room of the suite.
Interesting, the young elven noble thinks to himself as he watches the attractive elven maid who has pursued him the last three years, as he listens to Narladene whisper to him all the spells lord Haldéilv's illegitimate daughter has cast, and is casting.
Helbe the elven thief who is certain Kaldeàlil Haldéilv will detect him, even if he was to float or shift into the suite, or come up through the floor, then slip through the barrier and protection spells she has around her.
Murmurs to the naturally magical creature standing on his right shoulder "We wait" he then adds "For someone else to set off her traps".
Narladene nods in understanding, and she like the elven princeling, grins as she's pretty certain who he's referring to, who'll set off the magical traps that Kaldeàlil Haldéilv has laid for him . . . . . .

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