Sunday 23 July 2017

Wonderful 115.

The Principality Of Maladimbáh...

Glancing around the corner into the long hallway, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger and Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy see lord Farque, Dorc da Orc and Mira Reinholt the mage through the dust, enter the large suite that the undead warlord has just kicked the doors open to.
"Get ready just incase she runs out" quietly says Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae in the Southlands nods his hooded head in agreement, and he's just about to respond to the mercenary ranger, but he doesn't get the chance to.
An explosion comes from the large suite, and the ranger Hait and the spy Tanith duck back around the corner as debris and flames spew forth from the open double doors, just down the long hallway, on the opposite side.
The doors that are half off their hinges, are blasted out into the hallway, as is the door frame, and much of the wall that's around it. They join the debris and dust in the air that's already in the hallway.
Riley Hait and Dalinvardél Tanith share a look, then the two of them move further back into the corridor, and join the rest of the group from the Southlands who are waiting back behind the two of them.
Out off the balcony of the large suite, three quarters of the way up the south facing side of the palace like tower of house Haldéilv. The blurred and shielded Helbe the elven thief who is floating in mid air, looking through the open balcony doors. Blinks in surprise when he sees the rift that Kaldeàlil Haldéilv hide just inside the main doors of the suite, warp and twist before it returns to normal.
Then suddenly lord Farque, along with Dorc da Orc and Mira Reinholt the mage walk from it. The young elven noble from the principality of Laerel in the Southlands blinks in surprise again as he realises what's just happened.
That the trio from south of the equator who have just entered the large suite, have gone through the rift without them entering it, or exiting the otherside, wherever the otherside is located.
The elven magic user who is the grandson of the ruling prince of his homeland, knows that both the once powerful mage and the ork warleader would be dead if it wasn't for the deathlord of Farque who had a hold of them. For going through a rift spell like that results in death for someone unfortunate to experience it.
The elven princeling then sees the lord of the death realm throw the mage Reinholt away to his right, and out of view of the young elven noble floating off to the side of the long balcony to the suite where the Vexilian mage in exile was held as a prisoner just over two weeks ago.
Dorc da Orc follows after the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, when the lord and ruler of the lands Farque throws him in the same direction.
Helbenthril Raendril who senses Mira Reinholt slamming up a barrier spell around himself, then sees lord Farque move and take a step forward, an instant later an explosion rocks the large suite the trio from the Southlands have just entered.
A couple of moments later, and the elven master assassin sees one of the elven mercenaries in the guise of a house guard in the service of house Haldéilv. Come flying out of a window, sending the shutters spinning off their hinges. And hitting the the balcony with a thud. Even from where he's floating, the young elven noble hears the legs of the disguised elven mercenary snap when he hits the balcony.
An instant later a ten foot wide part of the balcony directly beneath the prone elven mercenary is blasted up into the midday sky, as is he. The stonework shatters apart as it heads skywards, ripping apart the disguised elf as he goes airborne.
"That's the first spell" quietly says Narladene the ground pixie as she stands upon the right shoulder of the elf prince she is attached to. The elven masterthief nods his hooded head in agreement and waits for the next trap set on the balcony to be triggered.
He doesn't have to wait long, for out of the next window along, this one that's glass, which has been shattered apart by the explosion, comes flying another elven mercenary who works for Kaldeàlil Haldéilv, and is disguised as one of her father's house guards.
And when this house guard hits the balcony near some of the gardens that's on it, a cone of blue fire shoots up around her as she lies there groaning in pain.
Within that cone of blue fire, regular looking flames gout up from the balcony, burning her away fairly instantaneously.
Wait, Helbe the elven thief thinks to himself as he floats there in mid air off the south side of the tower that's the seat of power of lord Haldéilv. The young elven noble from south of the equator knows that lord Farque is setting off the traps in the large suite, where another explosion, this one smaller, sounding more confined can be heard. As well as those spells that have been hidden on the long balcony, which is stopping the elven masterthief from entering the suite.
Inside the large suite, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv did not expect to see the trio enter the through the rift she had hidden just inside the main doors of the suite.
Of course she briefly sensed her former prisoner Mira Reinholt the mage out in the hallway beyond. She didn't expect him to come straight through the rift, the otherside of which is in a deep hole filled with fire in the middle of the Nomad's Plains.
Nor did she expect to see another of her former prisoners, the large ork named Dorc. Who along with the mage from south of the equator, should of been killed by going straight through her rift spell.
She knows they weren't killed because of the other person with them, the undead being who travels with them and her quarry, who she thought would be the one to enter the large suite.
All signs would have prince Helbenthril Raendril entering the suite here in her father's tower. She's made sure that he's been led here, and has set numerous traps for him in and around the large suite. But he's no where to be seen, not that the attractive elven maid was actually expecting to see him, though she was expecting him to be here.
Damn you thieving prince! Kaldeàlil Haldéilv the elven magic user thinks to herself in anger as one of her set spells she has in the large suite goes off, creating an explosion. The attractive elven maid who is the illegitimate daughter of the local lord, lord Haldéilv, then silently adds as she peers through the dust filled air just up ahead, where are you, you bastard elf!
Getting up off the floor, Mira Reinholt the mage who hears another explosion, this one smaller and sounding confined, says "Keep well back from Farque".
Even though he groans as he slightly struggles to his feet, Dorc da Orc says "Me knows that Killer" the once powerful mage nods his hooded head to that as he looks through the dust filled air that's in much of this part of the large suite, where just two weeks ago, he was being held a prisoner by his captor, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv.
The spellcaster from south of the equator, who also happens to be a highly skilled swordmaster, stops holding his power within himself once more, and creates a mageglobe.
As he does, next to him, the large ork takes a throwing axe from his weapon harness, then from the back of it, Dorkindle takes a heavy warhammer to hand "Fucking get some" chuckles the ork weaponsmith.
The mage Reinholt who agrees with the sentiment of what the ork warleader just said, throws the mageglobe into the dust filled air, and as it shoots away from him, Mira Reinholt nods his hooded head at Dorc da Orc to follow the departing mageglobe, and he quietly says "Let's go".
The two of them, the Vexilian mage in exile, and the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world, walk forward into the dust filled air.
Lord Farque grabs an elven mercenary disguised as a Haldéilv house guard, who rushes at him through the dust of destroyed stone and masonry floating in the air.
The undead warlord has grabbed the sword wielding arm of the mercenary who was hired in the lands of house Walashàele by Kaldeàlil Haldéilv. The heavily armoured deathlord pitches the elf mercenary sideways a good twenty five feet to his left out another shattered window.
The elven mercenary lands out on the balcony, and as he tries to get up, there's a loud bang from where he is. There he explodes outwards from the stomach. His limbs going flying in all directions. And when what's left of his torso drops to the balcony, his head pops off and rolls away.
Lord Farque glances back behind him through the dust filled air, then a moment later he sticks his right arm out, and grabs out of mid air, the mageglobe created by Mira Reinholt which stops right beside the lord of the death realm.
Draugadrottin as he's also known by the people of his lands, looks forward again and senses as he does so. Then with the living piece of magic held tight in his right gauntleted hand, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque leaps forward in a single bound.
"Down!" shouts Kaldeàlil Haldéilv to the two human mercenaries from Belinswae, Harrick and Linden who are closest to her when she senses what's rapidly approaching. The attractive elven maid who is the illegitimate daughter of lord Haldéilv hopes to hell, and to the forest gods, that her wards are capable enough to withstand what's about to happen.
Lord Farque lands kneeling out of the dust that's drifting through much of the main room of the suite. As he does so, Des'tier as he's also known by, to an older generation of elves in the Southlands, punches his right fist, that's holding the mageglobe, into the floor.
A loud explosion, the loudest and biggest so far, rocks the large suite that Helbe the elven thief is looking into. The young elven noble from the principality of Laerel in the Southlands sees a fair portion of the south facing wall, towards the center of the suite, get blasted out onto the long balcony.
Amongst the debris, the elven princeling sees two elven mercenaries in the guise of Haldéilv house guards, get blown sideways out onto the balcony.
They're both alive, and one who is bloody, and torn up, tries to stand up. As she does, a column of green light shoots up from beneath her, and she briefly stands there transfixed. Then all of sudden, her flesh starts to quickly melt, and in just a few moments, she's a bloody, pulpy, puddle of flesh on a patch of the balcony.
The other hired mercenary blasted out onto the balcony, miraculously lands on both feet. And though he's bleeding profusely from a wound across his forehead, he seems relatively fine. Until he takes a step forward.
Suddenly three thin lines of green coloured energy shoot up from beneath the elven mercenary hired by Kaldeàlil Haldéilv in lord Walashàele's lands. He's split perfectly in three, length wise, killing him instantly.
The three sections of his body hit the balcony, without any blood coming from his body apart from where the head wound was. The rest has been burnt clean where the lines of energy cut through him.
Inside the large suite, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv who saw what happened a bit further infront of her where the dust thins out, saw the large figure leap out of the dust, and land not that far away, and punch the floor.
The attractive elven maid winced as the explosion knocked her off her feet, and sent her tumbling backwards across the floor. As was her two human mercenaries from Belinswae, Harrick and Linden.
All three of them tumble and roll backwards, until finally coming to a stop through the open door to the next room in the large suite.
"Fuck" groans Harrick the mercenary guard who is battered and bruised, Linden groans in agreement as he's in similar shape. While Kaldeàlil Haldéilv whole heartedly agrees with both of them, as she's bruised as well.
The elven magic user who is the illegitimate daughter of the head of house Haldéilv. Increases the strength of the wards she has around herself and the two mercenaries from the south of the region of Belinswae. Wards that were severely damaged in that explosion.
I'm not done yet! Kaldeàlil Haldéilv thinks to herself in defiance as she slowly gets to her feet, as the two human mercenaries are doing.
Lord Farque is down in the room below the large suite, and as he stands there, the heavily armoured deathlord looks up at the ten foot wide hole caused by Mira Reinholt's mageglobe coming to the end of it's life when the undead warlord punched it into the floor of the main room of the large suite.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque leaps up through the ten foot wide hole a dozen feet above him, the lord of the death realm lands on his feet beside it, and after glancing back and calling out something in the ork language, he walks forward through the dust, that's now thicker, and in much more of the main room of the large suite.
Draugadrottin reaches down and picks up an elven mercenary, who is missing the lower half of his right leg, and is peppered with splinters of wood and bits of stone. There's a bloody trail on the rubble strewn floor as he's tired to crawl away.
Lord Farque holds him by his other leg, and moves forward and to the left, then the undead warlord hurls him away at the open balcony doors that has dust wafting out of it.
There's a bright white flash of light that causes Helbe the elven thief to briefly close his eyes. When he opens them, he sees a burnt corpse lying just out from the balcony doors.
"That's the last spell on the balcony" Narladene the ground pixie quickly informs the young elven noble who she's attached to, as she stands upon his right shoulder. The blurred and shielded elven magic user from south of the equator shifts to inside the large suite.
Helbe the elven thief has shifted to stand beside lord Farque, who gestures through the dust, at a door that's just been slammed shut, and who says in the royal elven language "She's in there".
"Well isn't that wonderful" quietly says the elven princeling in the same language, who with a slight smile upon his youthful looking face, adds "Let's go and kill her" . . . . . .

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