Sunday 7 July 2024

Soldier Of Gods 35.

The City Of Tuledare. 

Jovan Garney the cleric nods to a couple of regular worshippers who have come in early this morning. 
The powerful young cleric suspects they're here early for the simple reason of having a place of safety after what happened yesterday afternoon. 
The practitioner of magic originally from the Lands Farque, figures others will make their way to the cathedral of KaÄ“vin this morning. 
Not just the regular worshippers, which there isn't a lot to begin with. But others from the surrounding area here in the east of the city. 
Just because they want to get away from what took place yesterday, when the city of Tuledare came under attack. 
The seventeen year old, who is the most powerful spellcaster in the church of KaÄ“vin here in Tuledare at this moment. 
Makes his way down the front steps of the cathedral when he spots the experienced guard Oldham hurry across the front courtyard from the main gates, here on the grounds of the church of KaÄ“vin. 
The fighting cleric in the half plate armour, who though young, knows how to handle himself in all manner of situations, including combat listens to what the experienced guardsman has to say. 
"Had a couple of the lads from the stables go check on the sites just before dawn" says Oldham the guardsman. 
"Some of the locals are picking over the remains" adds the experienced guardsman, who after a brief pause continues with "Well the remains of the watchtower, considering there's nothing of that counting house to pick over". 
"Talking the rubble away I assume?" asks Jovan Garney the cleric, who continues with "Using what decent stone they can find?" .
The experienced church guard nods in agreement with the powerful young spellcaster, who though hasn't been here in the city of Tuledare that long. 
Already holds a position of importance, here in the church of the god of scribes and wordsmiths. 
"Anyone of importance show up yet?" asks the teenager who though just seventeen, is the most powerful practitioner of magic in the church of KaÄ“vin, here in the capital city of Tuledare. 
"No one so far father" replies Oldham the guardsman, who follows that with "I doubt anyone will, after what happened yesterday". 
Jovan Garney nods in agreement with that, then he says "Still the council chambers and building still stands according to Sammit". 
The guardsman in question went to check on the city center late last night. And though the army barracks adjacent to it. As well as the headquarters of the city guard were both destroyed in the attack yesterday afternoon. 
The main building of the ruling council of Tuledare is intact. As well as most of the grounds surrounding it. 
"I'm guessing there's at least some city administrators still alive" says the powerful spellcaster who hails from the Lands Farque. 
"Though where any of the ruling council are is anyone's guess" adds the young fighting cleric in the church of KaÄ“vin. 
The experienced guardsman sourly smiles at hearing that. As that's his opinion of the disappearance of the ruling council, well before the war, that they started, actually came to the city of Tuledare. 
"Think any of the council administrators and functionaries will turn up to work today Oldham?" asks the powerful young cleric who hails from the Lands Farque. 
"If they're smart they won't" dryly says the church guard, who after a brief pause as he thinks about it, shrugs then says "They might father". 
Oldham continues on with "They're just doing their job I guess, so I figure some will show up at the council building". 
He briefly pauses again, before saying "Well those that are alive will" followed by "Figure some might of been killed yesterday" the experienced guardsman adds "You see a lot of them go to and fro, between the council chambers and the central army barracks, as well as the various watchtowers of the city guard, some of them had to of got caught up in yesterday's bombardment". 
Jovan Garney grunts when he hears that, as he figured the same too. He just hopes there's at least some of the administrators and functionaries still at the council chambers. 
As the city-state of Tuledare still has to run, and a lot of the day to day decisions still have to be made. 
And it's usually those men and women, the nameless bureaucrats who actually run the nation. As the ruling council only make the big decisions. 
"We'll go over to the council building and see how things fare" says Jovan Garney who follows that with "To see if they can get some semblance of order in the city". 
"You think things will get out of hand?" asks the church guard Oldham in a tone of surprise, as things are still fairly calm in the city after the attack yesterday afternoon. 
"Eventually" replies the teenage cleric, who follows that with "Things are calm now, because people are still in shock" he then adds "Once they realize the city guards have been targeted, as well as the counting houses, then there'll be chaos". 
Oldham nods then says "I see your point" followed by "Things will go downhill quick when they figure that out". 
The experienced guardsman then mutters "Damn council putting us in this predicament".
The powerful young cleric in the church of KaÄ“vin slightly nods in agreement with that, then he spots the guardsman Sammit and waves him over. 
A short while later, and after sending a page to inform the holy father what they're up to this morning. 
Jovan Garney along with the guardsmen Sammit and Oldham, along with the priestess Saleane, as well as a couple of stableboys, to act as runners and messengers. 
Make their way from the cathedral, and the church grounds, and head to the city center, where the building of the city council, also known as the council chambers is located. 
On their way, on what's turned out to be a cold autumn morning in the capital of the city-state of Tuledare. 
They stop at another scene of destruction, this time a counting house that was targeted. Which now is just a mound of rubble. 
The brickwork and any other salvageable rock, is gathered up by those in the community, who think they'll be able to use it. 
The nearby watchtower of the city guard, not so much. As there's nothing that remains of it. That particular watchtower no longer exists. 
It's location is now a deep hole in the ground. Targeted so accurately, that the small park on one side of it, is still untouched. Trees still standing, and the bench seats on that side of the buildings still in one piece. 
Whilst the housing block on the other side, it sustained no damage at all during the afternoon bombardment. 
As they walk by, the cleric Garney slightly shakes his head at the accuracy of the Krean warships when they attacked the city of Tuledare yesterday. 
He knows no one else could fly and shoot magetubes at ground targets so effectively and accurately like the Krean. A biped, dragon like race that lives in the mountainous north of the Lands Farque. 
"Best we go across Foundation Square" quietly says the church guard Sammit, who follows that with "From what I saw and heard last night, is that the squares in the city center are pretty much intact". 
The young guardsman in the church of KaÄ“vin continues with "The only damage there is that small counting house on the corner " followed by "It's gone" he then adds "Everything else is undamaged". 
"They targeted the nation's wealth and security" quietly says Saleane the priestess, who after a brief pause adds "Smart". 
Jovan Garney nods in agreement with that, but he knows things could be far worse. As he was taught that the armies of his homeland usually partake in total war. Which is to say they wipe out anyone and everyone who is their enemy or connected to their enemy. Military targets or otherwise. 
The teenage practitioner of magic figures that the Army of Farque involved in this particular war, must have specific goals they wish to achieve on behalf of the city-state of Phamal who have hired them. 
If not, he knows the city of Tuledare would be a wasteland at the moment. And the Krean warships would not of been so selective as they were yesterday afternoon. 
The group from the church of KaÄ“vin cross one of the large squares here in the city center. And though earlier as the sun was rising on this cold autumn day, there was hardly anybody about on the streets of the city. 
Now as the morning progresses, more and more people are starting to come out, and though many want to see what transpired yesterday afternoon. 
Others are just going about on their normal routines for such a day. Stalls are open here and there, people are buying things, and others are visiting various shops, stores and the like. 
"Hell" mutters the experienced guardsman Oldham as they make their way into the massive central square of the city. 
Across on the other side, the council chambers and it's surrounding grounds stand as usual. As if nothing happened yesterday afternoon. 
Not so much the nearby headquarters of the city guard, as that's been totally wiped out. Even the marshalling yards in front of it, has been peppered with magetube shots. 
Even worse is the army headquarters and barracks across the side square from the building of the city council. 
That has completely disappeared, just piles of rubble scattered everywhere. Along with massive craters where it and it's numerous training yards use to be. 
The group from the church of KaÄ“vin pause as they look at the scene before them. A contrasting scene, where total destruction is juxtaposed with the everyday normality of the city center here in the capital of Tuledare. 
Then after looking over at the council chambers, Jovan Garney the cleric who though only seventeen is the most senior of those from their church amongst them, says "Come along" followed by "Let's see what we can find out what's happening" . . . . . .

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