Tuesday 9 July 2024

Soldier Of Gods 36.

Capital City Of Tuledare. 

"Where do you think they're going?" asks Maiya Garney the lead scout, even though she has a fair idea where those they're following are going. She just wants to hear confirmation of her thoughts from somebody else. 
"Definitely the city center" replies sergeant Blufont who after a brief pause, continues with "I'm guessing the council chambers since that's still standing". 
The experienced sergeant in the second division of the Fifth Army of Farque glances back at the sorcerer Carnid, who nods in agreement with him. 
Most of the infiltration squad is with them, and they're following a group from the cathedral of Kaēvin, who are heading into the city center. 
Amongst the small group from the church of the god of scribes and wordsmiths, is the younger brother of Maiya Garney, Jovan Garney. 
The lead scout nods as next to her, sergeant Blufont quietly says "They've turned right". As up ahead at the corner of the street, the elven ranger Halindrelle, has briefly stopped, and given a brief hand signal before he's continued on. 
Maiya Garney would like to follow a bit closer, but Carnid the sorcerer has warned against it. His exact words were "I'd rather not get too close to your little brother" dryly followed by "Well not him, but that mace of his". 
The lead scout who is command of one of the infiltration squads, turns right at the corner of the street, and start crossing one of the large squares here in the middle of the capital city of Tuledare.
The next square along, the largest in the city, is Foundation Square, and where the main building of the city council is located. 
Infact they can see the large building in the distance, as the top half of it rises up over the buildings at the other end of this particular square. 
Maiya Garney who has noticed that there's now more people out and about, on this cold autumn morning. 
Is just going to mention this to sergeant Blufont who is walking beside her, when from behind them Carnid the sorcerer suddenly says "Shit". 
"What?" asks Maiya Garney the lead scout who spots Halindrelle the elven ranger at the entrance of a lane between buildings on the other side of the large square they're crossing. 
She glances back at the squad's spellcaster, who briefly grimaces before he says to her "Seems a bunch of others have got the same idea as young Jovan and that lot from his church". 
"You know many of them?" asks Jovan Garney the cleric with a glance first at Oldham the guardsman, then Saleane the priestess. 
"Most of them" replies Oldham the church guard, Saleane the priestess nods then says "I know some" followed by "But not all". 
The powerful young cleric in the church of Kaēvin nods, then quietly says "Seems they had the same idea as us". 
Both the experienced guardsman and the priestess nod in agreement with that, as they look across Foundation Square to the council chambers. 
On the massive front steps of which, are members of various churches and temples. Many of whom are clerics and other spellcasters in various clergy's. 
Jovan Garney recognizes some of the other clergy by their vestments, and the armour worn by the clerics and their guards. But there's many of them he doesn't recognize. 
He frowns, then says "Who's that lot over there?" followed by "Standing off to one side". The young practitioner of magic originally from the Lands Farque can definitely sense those he's indicated. And they're definitely not clerics or spellcasters in any particular church or temple. 
"Hell" mutters the experienced guardsman Oldham when he sees who the powerful young cleric has pointed to, he quickly adds "Sorry father" then he says "It's the magic order". 
Jovan Garney's eyebrows shoot up in surprise at hearing that, then he says "Er?" followed by "The magic order?". 
"From the training academy" explains Saleane the priestess, who follows that with "It's in the west of the city" she then adds "They teach all types of spellcasters over there". 
The teenager in the church of Kaēvin nods, then since he knows mentioning the city-state of Vexil can be a bit of a sore topic with Tuledarians, he then asks "Is that anything like the". He leaves the question open ended, hoping one of the others will figure it out. 
And it's the severe looking, though attractive priestess who answers him with "Like the one in Vexil?" she follows that with "From what I understand it's made in imitation of the Mage College of Vexil" she then adds "And no where near as good as that one there". 
Jovan Garney nods, as he can well imagine it's no where near as good as the Mage College located in the city of Vexil. 
The most famous magical training center not just in the Southlands, but the most famous and prestigious one found anywhere on the world of Volunell. 
Infact the powerful young cleric was intending to visit there if he ever got to Vexil. For though it's primarily a learning center for the most powerful and most rare of human spellcasters, mages. 
The vast majority of other spellcasters found there aren't mages. And anyone who is a practitioner of magic can study there. If they've got the funds and the ability to do so. 
"Looks like they all want in" says Jovan Garney as they slowly cross Foundation Square, he continues with "Seems not all the city guards were wiped out, that lot won't let these people in". 
"They're not guards from the city watch, father" says the church guard Oldham, who follows that with "Though they do look like them, that lot on the top steps and in front of the main doors are council guardsmen, not city guards". 
The powerful young cleric in the church of Kaēvin nods as he can now see the slight difference in uniform and armour that these council guards wear in comparison to the guards of the city watch. 
"If there's guards here, then there's at least someone important inside" quietly says the Farqian born practitioner of magic, he continues with "Some of the functionaries must be at work today". 
"Well whoever is in there" quietly says Saleane the priestess, who follows that with "Those wizards and sorcerers over there want to see them". 
Referring to the spellcasters from the magic order, the main magical training center to be found here in the city of Tuledare. 
"Unlike our fellow clergymen and women, those from the magic order won't be so patient" says the priestess, who is just a few years older than the seventeen year old cleric. 
Saleane continues with "I wouldn't put it past one of them to blast their way in if they've not granted entry". 
Jovan Garney can clearly see that happening. As even from here, he can see that the non church and temple practitioners of magic are more frustrated than the spellcasting clergy, who also want to enter the council chambers, but have been denied entry by the council guards. 
"There's Musa" says the guard Sammit from behind the trio in the front of the group, he continues with "We grew up in the same neighbourhood father" followed by "He's a guard at the temple of Bamíc". 
Jovan Garney nods in understanding, as he knows that Bamíc is one of the river gods of Volunell. 
"Should I go and speak with him father, and see what's happening?" quietly asks the church guard Sammit as they near the main building of the city council of Tuledare. 
With a nod of his head, the powerful young spellcaster originally from the Lands Farque quietly says "Go ahead Sammit". 
The young guardsman, who is only a little bit older that the powerful fighting cleric, hurries ahead to where his childhood friend is up the steps with the group from the temple of Bamíc. 
While the rest of the group from the church of Kaēvin come to a stop at the bottom step, of the series of large and wide steps that lead up to the main doors of the council chambers. 
They garner more then a few looks from many on the steps leading up to the entrance of the main building of the city council of Tuledare. 
For the simple reason that Jovan Garney is more powerful than any other spellcaster here, with the exception of a couple of them from the magic order. 
He gets a few respectful nods, then those from the various churches and temples, as well the magic order, go back to their conversations they're having amongst themselves. 
As well as many of whom, are arguing with some of the council guards on the top step, who refuse to let them enter at this time. 
"Hope things don't turn nasty here" quietly says the church guard Oldham, who then adds "Not all of the churches and temples get along" followed by "If anything was to happen, who knows what will go down". 
The experienced guardsman continues with "Old grievances could manifest, and shall we say, accidents could take place". 
"You think that could happen?" asks Jovan Garney in surprise, both the church guard Oldham and the priestess Saleane nods yes in reply to that from the fighting cleric. 
The powerful young spellcaster, then quietly asks the two of them "Any of them we have to watch out for?". 
"No we're fine father" is the quiet reply from Oldham, who follows on from that with "Our church is so small compared to most of the others here in the city, that they kinda ignore us". 
The practitioner of magic from the Lands Farque faintly smiles at that, for it's true. As Kaēvin the god of scribes and wordsmiths, isn't exactly popular amongst the population here in Tuledare, or anywhere else for that matter. 
"It also helps that our god is one of the few human war gods" quietly and dryly says Saleane the priestess, she continues on in a more normal tone with "The other churches and temples tend to be cautious around the believers of the war gods, no matter how big or in our case, small their churches are". 
Jovan Garney nods in agreement with that, then he sees the church guard Sammit making his way back down the steps where he's been speaking with a childhood friend, who is a guard in the temple of Bamíc. 
"Wonder what Sammit's found out" muses the powerful young cleric as the church guard in question heads back down to where they are. 
Meanwhile, across on the other side of the massive square, here in the city of Tuledare. 
Between two sets of buildings, in a lane, looking out of it, towards the far side of the square, where the building of the city council is almost directly opposite their position. 
Maiya Garney the lead scout quietly says "I guess all that lot want to get in". Next to her, sergeant Blufont nods then says "More than likely" followed by "And those council guards won't let them". 
The lead scout looks at the sorcerer Carnid, who nods in agreement with the company sergeant. Then Maiya Garney looks at the rest of the squad, who are spread out along the length of the lane. 
As more people are out and about now, on this cold autumn morning in the city of Tuledare. 
The lead scout, who commands one of the infiltration squads, is just about to say something to sergeant Blufont. 
When suddenly Carnid the sorcerer, who is leaning against the wall behind him, stands up tall, and is alert as he looks away to the west out of the month of the lane. 
"Oh shit" says the sorcerer Carnid, who grimaces as both the lead scout and the sergeant look at him curiosity, wondering what's happening. 
"What is it?" asks Maiya Garney the lead scout, Carnid the sorcerer briefly pauses for a moment before he answers, with a slight wince upon his face with "You're not going to believe who is heading this way".
"Who?" asks the lead scout Maiya Garney, who then winces herself after the squad spellcaster tells her who exactly is heading this way. 
"Oh hell, that's all we need" mutters Maiya Garney the lead scout, who hopes to hell nothing untowards happens with the imminent arrival of those that Carnid the sorcerer has identified . . . . . .

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