Sunday 28 July 2024

Soldier Of Gods 41.


Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy hurries ahead of Tamric Drubine the field commander as they head up the large set of steps in front of the main building of the ruling council of the city-state of Tuledare. 
A lot of those who have gathered here this cold autumn morning have either backed away along the steps they were on. 
Or they've headed down the steps to the square itself, to get out of the way of the group with field commander Drubine. 
The last of who the spy Tanith figures are members of the magic order here in the city of Tuledare, clear out of the way when he gets to the top step. 
Now there's just the council guards who are in front of the main doors of the council chambers. To say they're a little nervous would be an understatement. 
More than a few of them are looking up at the nearby Krean scoutship which is hovering over the northern edge of the square. 
"I'd get out of the way if I were you lot" says Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy as gets close to the nearest of the council guards. 
Then with a nod back at the hovering Krean warship, the elven spy who is a commander in the Armies of Farque, adds "Unless you want to get blasted to bits". 
A number of guardsmen for the city council share concerned looks. And though their orders were to let no one enter the council chambers today. 
Those orders are looking rather dangerous at the moment. And none of them want to die. When they won't even be able to defend themselves. 
And for the fact that all of the magic using priests, priestess and clerics who demanded entry earlier, have got out of the way of the new arrivals. Not to mention members of the magic order, have also moved out of the way too. 
The guardsmen, one by one, start to move along the top landing in front of the main doors to the council chambers. 
With more than a few of them, glancing nervously at the sleek looking, mastless airship that's hovering nearby, with a lot of it's magetubes pointed in this direction. 
"Where did you send him?" asks Tamric Drubine the field commander as they head up the steps, following after Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy. 
"To the other side of the square" replies Beldane the cleric, who can't help but grin at what he did to Dorc da Orc. 
The powerful fighting cleric in the church of Glaine, who is keeping a close eye on all the spellcasters gathered here this morning in front of the main building of the ruling council of Tuledare. 
Gestures behind him, as he continues with "To the south side of the square" followed by "One of Helbe's spy squads are there, he'll be fine". 
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well, glances back to the far side of the massive square, here in the center of the city of Tuledare. 
The young field commander, who hails from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin nods when he spots in the distance, the large figure of Dorc da Orc, at the mouth of what looks to be a lane between two rows of buildings, at the south side of Foundation Square. 
"He'll be pissed" quietly says Tamric Drubine, who then dryly adds "Nothing new then". Causing Beldane to quietly chuckle. 
While up ahead, the last of the council guards have moved out of the way, with the exception of the pair of door guards, who the spy Tanith is speaking to. 
"Don't worry, no one will come to any harm" says Dalinvardèl Tanith to the pair of council guards directly in front of the large front doors to the main building of the ruling council of Tuledare. 
"Unless someone does something rather stupid" adds the spy who hails from the elven principality of Alínlae. 
The elven spy in the Armies of Farque continues on with "We want the surrender to go as smoothly and as peacefully as possible". 
Then with a gesture to open the large doors, Dalinvardèl Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by those who know him well, says to the pair of council guards in front of the doors "Now open them". 
The two of them share a look, then after one nods, the other nods in return, and they turn to open the large front doors of the council chambers. 
Dalinvardèl Tanith steps to one side, and slips inside through the opening doors, as the rest of the group makes their way up to the front doors of the main building of the ruling council of the city-state of Tuledare. 
Meanwhile, on the southern side of the massive square, here in the center of the city. A grumbling Dorc da Orc is heading towards the north side of Foundation Square, making his way to the council chambers. 
Following closely, though not too closely, as the large ork absolutely reeks. Is the infiltration squad commanded by the lead scout Maiya Garney. 
"Wonder what he's muttering on about?" quietly says Maiya Garney the lead scout in the elven language. 
Walking next to her, sergeant Blufont shrugs his shoulders and replies in the same language with "Probably about who he's going to kill". 
The experienced sergeant pauses for a moment before continuing with "Or eat" he then adds "Pretty much think that's all his kind thinks of". 
The company sergeant pauses again, then he grimaces before muttering "Among other things". 
Lifting an eyebrow, the lead scout who commands the infiltration squad says "Such as?". 
"You don't want to know" says sergeant Blufont with a look of embarrassment on his face. 
And as the lead scout continues to look at him as they follow the big burly ork across the massive square, the company sergeant mutters "Oh hell". 
He clears his throat, then says "My old commander during my initial training after being placed in the Scouts and Rangers division, served with our Lord in battle". The sergeant nods at the ork warleader in front of them, and he adds "And with the general". 
After a brief pause, sergeant Blufont continues with "Seems the general has a thing for animals and corpses". 
Maiya Garney faintly grimaces, then she says "I heard rumours he likes to eat dead bodies". 
"He wasn't just eating them" dryly says the company sergeant, who doesn't particularly want to say what he means, and instead he just lifts his eyebrows instead. 
It takes a few moments for the lead scout to understand what the experienced sergeant is going on about. 
And she makes a face of disgust, then says "You're not saying what I think you're saying?" she briefly pauses before adding "Are you?". 
"I am" says sergeant Blufont, who continues with "My old commander and others caught him in the middle of it with a horse". 
After a moment where he shakes his head, the company sergeant says "The general was enjoying it immensely, the horse not so much". 
Making a face of disgust again, Maiya Garney says "Eeeeewww". Then she falls silent when Dorc da Orc looks back at them, and says "What the fuck you cunts goin' on about?" followed by "The general is thinking up shit me gonna do to them fucken cunts for getting rid of me" the large ork then mutters "Bunch of assholes for sending Dorc away like that". 
Thinking quickly on her feet, the lead scout says in the common language "Just discussing strategy general". 
The big burly ork from the southern polar region of the world grunts, then says "Well stop doing it in that fucken plant talk" followed by "It fucken pisses Dorc off". 
Taking a moment to realize what the warleader of the ork race actually means, the scout Garney says "Sorry general" followed by "We speak in elven so the enemy can't understand us". 
Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which is his given name stops, and with a thoughtful look upon his broad green brutish looking face, he grunts then says "Makes fucken sense". 
The ork weaponsmith continues with "That's why me and that fucken cunthead Far, er me mean your Lord speak ork during battle". 
The general in the Armies of Farque sets off again, and as he does, he says "You cunts should fucken learn that" followed by "That's propers fucken speak, not like that dumb shit them tree humpers speak". 
"Ah yes general" says Maiya Garney who has heard that orkish is near impossible to speak. And pretty much the only ones who can speak it, who aren't orks, are the Farqian undead. 
Although she's heard rumours that the chancellor of the Lands Farque, the mage Kreece Van Der Linden is able to speak orkish. 
The scout Garney looks ahead to the main building of the ruling council of Tuledare, and she sees that the last of the group with field commander Drubine, are making their way into the council chambers through the open doors. 
The ork general Dorc da Orc has seen this too, and he increases his pace as they cross the massive square, on this cold autumn morning here in the center of the city of Tuledare. 
Among the last of the group that's with Tamric Drubine the field commander, is Shur Kee the monk. 
The short statured monk from the far east coast of the continent, where his homeland the kingdom of Wah Lee is located. Looks back across the massive square, here in the center of the capital of Tuledare. 
The physical adept, who technically is still an acolyte in the order of Bru Li. A philosophical order founded by the ancient Jade Warrior of the same name. 
Spots the large figure of Dorc da Orc crossing Foundation Square. With him is a squad of black clad Farqian soldiers. From the Scouts and Rangers division by the looks of their appearance. 
Shur Kee who was wondering where the ork warleader disappeared to. Sees the determined look upon the broad, green, brutish looking face of the large ork who is a general in the Armies of Farque. 
Knowing that almost anything could happen if the warleader of the ork race does something untowards during what essentially is the surrender of the Tuledarian forces. 
The short statured monk who is the living incarnation of the Jade Warrior Bru Li. Or more precisely, a living conduit for that ancient warrior from the kingdom of Wah Lee. 
Steps to one side, instead of going through the large open doors to the main building of the ruling council of the city-state of Tuledare. 
Noticing this, Zam the ex mercenary stops and asks the physical adept "What is it Shur Kee?". The monk looks back across the massive square, and nods to where the large ork, who is walking fairly quickly, is heading this way. 
"I shall wait for friend Dorc" states Shur Kee the monk, Zam who hails from the City Of Ruins, and is the current youngest member of the group, spots the big, burly ork heading this way. 
The ex mercenary nods, and says "The big psycho looks pissed off" he briefly pauses before adding "Well, I should say more than he usually does". 
Then he looks through the open doors to the council chambers and sees that sir Percavelle Le Dic has already gone inside with Malisse aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman and Lisell Maera the scout commander. 
Zam looks at the short statured monk, then nods and says "I'll leave you to it then". In response to Shur Kee the monk telling him "I will wait for friend Dorc" followed by "And keep an eye on him". 
The ex mercenary originally from the City Of Ruins nods again, then he makes his way through the open front doors to the main building of the ruling council of Tuledare. 
While the monk who hails from the other side of the world, who is an honorary member of the personal council to Lord Farque. 
Waits on the top landing, for the rather annoyed looking. Well, more annoyed than usual, which is a lot. Dorc da Orc to make his way to the open front doors of the council chambers. Here in the center of the city of Tuledare, on what's a cold autumn morning . . . . . .

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