Sunday 14 July 2024

Soldier Of Gods 37.

The Capital Of The City-State Of Tuledare. 

"Never really thought much of that" says Tamric Drubine the field commander as they chat while walking through the streets of the city of Tuledare. 
"Though you never know" adds the young field commander who is originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin. 
Walking next to him, are Saanea the witch and Beldane the cleric, while Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy and Lisell Maera the scout commander follow closely behind them. While the rest of the group, and other assorted hangers-on follow them. 
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well, is just about to continue the conversation, when Beldane the cleric suddenly says "Oh hell". 
With a raised eyebrow, field commander Drubine asks the powerful cleric in the church of Glaine "What is it?". 
"Spellcasters" replies Beldane the cleric, who follows on from that with "Lots of them as well". He glances back at Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy, and asks "Are we going there?". 
Looking to where the practitioner of magic who hails from the kingdom of Nastell points, Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy nods, then says "We are". 
The elven spy who is a commander in the Armies of Farque continues with "See that massive building in the distance" followed by "The one you can see over the top of the others up ahead". 
The spy who previously served in one of the more prominent noble houses of his homeland, the elven principality of Alínlae, says "That's it". After the powerful cleric says to him "I do". 
Wanting to know what's going on, Tamric Drubine asks the cleric in the church of Glaine "Care to elaborate?".
"Like I said, spellcasters" says Beldane the cleric, who follows that with "Dozens actually" he briefly pauses before continuing with "Mainly clerics and magic using priests, priestess, monks and nuns". 
The powerful practitioner of magic then adds "Some wizards and sorcerers too" the fighting cleric in the half plate armour points to the massive building in the distance "There, where we're going". 
"Of course" dryly says the young field commander, who is of noble birth, and hails from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin. 
"Why wouldn't they be there" dryly adds field commander Drubine, as they start heading across one of the large squares that can be found here in the center of the city of Tuledare. 
Tam glances at his lover Saanea the witch, who tells him "Not too sure" followed in a sour tone with "Beldane's mace plays havoc with my magical senses". 
The powerful cleric in the church of Glaine shrugs apologetically, and the witch from the Maldin Hills after wryly smiling, tells her lover the field commander "I can sense them, but not too clearly". 
Field commander Drubine who is in charge of the Fifth Army of Farque nods, and the attractive witch from near the coast of the Southlands looks away to their right, and tells him "I've sent it to go and have a look". 
Referring to her familiar, which is in bird form at the moment, flying over the buildings on the east side of the square, they and the rest of the group are crossing. On the way to the main building of the city council of Tuledare, on what is a cold autumn morning. 
As they walk, Beldane the cleric continues to sense, trying to carefully locate spellcasters in and around the location they're heading too. 
And for once his temperamental mace gives him a helping hand, so to speak. The powerful fighting cleric in the church of Glaine, puts a hand on the extraordinarily powerful magical weapon. 
And it shuts off it's usual annoying buzz, and instead helps the practitioner of magic who hails from the kingdom of Nastell. 
With locating spellcasters in the area they're heading too. Including those who don't want to be found. Beldane slightly nods when he senses one such individual, who he magically recognizes. 
The cleric in the half plate armour glances back at Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy, and asks him "You've got one of the infiltration squads there, have you?". 
"I do" is the reply of the elf, who is more commonly called Dalin by those who know him well. The elven spy who is a commander in the Armies of Farque then says which particular squad. 
Which causes Beldane to slightly frown, as that's not the squad in question he's located, near the chambers of the ruling council of Tuledare. 
The powerful practitioner of magic remains silent, and doesn't divulge which infiltration squad he has located. 
The cleric in the church of Glaine glances over at Saanea the witch who is quietly chatting with her partner, Tamric Drubine. 
And he wonders if the witch, or at least her familiar has found the exact same Farqian infiltration squad that he has located. 
"They heading this way?" quietly asks Maiya Garney the lead scout, who follows that with "You sure?". 
After nodding, Carnid the sorcerer quietly replies with "I am" and from their position near the entrance of the lane, the spellcaster in the infiltration squad led by Maiya Garney, who is holding his power within himself as much as needed, points and adds "From over there". 
The lead scout looks to the west side of Foundation Square, and slightly nods when she sees where those in question will come from. 
"It's alright for now," quietly says Maiya Garney after sergeant Blufont quietly asks "Should we move?". 
The lead scout knows that they shouldn't really be here, as this is an area in the city observed by another of the Farqian infiltration squads. 
She is just going to mention something along those lines to the company sergeant, when the spellcaster in the squad, Carnid loudly mutters "Fuck" .
"What is it?" quietly asks Maiya Garney after quickly looking across to the other side of the massive square, to where the council chambers stand. Then at the practitioner of magic who hails from the Lands Farque. 
Both the lead scout and the company sergeant look to where Carnid the sorcerer nods, and they spot a cat on the roof of one of the buildings on the opposite side of the lane they're in. 
A predominantly black coloured cat that is looking directly at the members of infiltration squad in the second division of the Fifth Army of Farque. 
Then one moment the cat is there, and the next it disappears. And in it's place, a bird, a raven to be exact, appears. 
The bird flaps it's wings, then takes off from the nearby rooftop, and starts circling the massive square, at the north side of which, stands the main building of the city council of Tuledare. 
The lead scout lifts a questioning eyebrow when she looks over at Carnid the sorcerer, then she grunts when the practitioner of magic quietly says to her "Saanea the witch's familiar". 
"So the field commander knows we're here?" asks Maiya Garney as she looks at her squad's spellcaster. 
"More than likely" replies Carnid the sorcerer, who after a moment or two of silence, adds "That's if the witch Saanea deems it important enough to inform the field commander about us". 
The lead scout who is in command of their squad, nods and hopes the witch, who is a member of the group that travels with Lord Farque. 
Hasn't bothered to inform her lover, the field commander about their presence here in the city center. 
For the simple reason that Maiya Garney and her squad are supposed to be further to the east here in the city. 
And that the only reason they're in this part of the city on this cold autumn morning, is because the lead scout wants to keep an eye on her younger brother Jovan Garney. 
Maiya Garney looks across to the opposite side of the massive square, commonly called Foundation Square. To where the main building of the ruling council of Tuledare is located. 
The lead scout in the second division of the Fifth Army of Farque has to wait a moment. But she eventually spots her younger brother Jovan. 
Who is on the large steps that lead up to the front doors of the chambers used by the ruling council of Tuledare. 
Maiya Garney looks at sergeant Blufont, who once again, quietly asks her "Should we move?," quietly followed by "It might be safer". 
The lead scout nods, but doesn't say anything immediately, but after a little while, she quietly tells the company sergeant "We're staying put" she then adds "Let's see how this plays out". 
Across the massive square, on the steps leading up to the chamber used by the ruling council of the city-state of Tuledare. 
Jovan Garney the cleric says "No one else come out to inform us what's happening in there?" as he looks up at the large front doors of the council chambers. 
"No one father" replies the young guardsman Sammit, who follows on from that with "Things are getting heated up there" he then adds "The council guards aren't going to budge, they're not letting anyone in". 
The powerful young spellcaster originally from the Lands Farque nods, then he looks at the priestess Saleane, and the experienced guardsman Oldham, who he finds is looking around at all the others who have gathered here in front of the main building of the city council of Tuledare. 
"What is it Oldham?" quietly asks the powerful practitioner of magic in the church of Kaēvin as he too starts looking closely at those who are here, on this cold autumn morning. 
"Just realized there's no one from the business guilds here" quietly says the guardsman Oldham, who continues with "Thought at least some of them would be here this morning complaining about what happened yesterday afternoon". 
Jovan Garney nods, then Saleane the priestess quietly says "Rumour is that they were some of those who pushed for the war against Phamal". 
"I thought the guilds here weren't that influential" says the teenager who is powerful in magic. 
"They never used to be" says the attractive looking priestess, who follows that with "Though they've gained more power recently since the last war with Vexil". 
The cleric Garney is silent for a moment, then he says "I'm guessing a lot of them have lost everything with the destruction of the city's counting houses" followed by "They'll be licking their wounds no doubt". 
They fall silent as a loud argument breaks out up on the top steps between representatives of the magic order here in Tuledare, and the council guards who aren't letting anyone into the main building of the ruling council of the city-state of Tuledare. 
"Things get could nasty here really quick" quietly says the experienced guardsman Oldham, who continues with "Some of those wizards and sorcerers look more than a little pissed with the way things are going" followed by "Who knows what they'll do". 
Jovan Garney nods in agreement with that from Oldham, and he readies himself to protect them if things get out of hand with those wanting to get into the council chambers, and those not letting them in. 
The powerful young spellcaster from the Lands Farque as he's want to do, quickly senses everyone with magical ability in the immediate area to make sure they don't cast anything that could put him, and those with him, in danger. 
The cleric in the church of Kaēvin, because he's so powerful, can easily sense in all directions for quite some distance. 
And when he does, he loudly mutters "Fuck" as he senses who is making their way to this part of the city center. 
Both Saleane the priestess and Oldham the guardsman, as well as the younger church guard Sammit, look at the young cleric in surprise, as he tends not to swear in the presence of others. 
"Something wrong father?" asks the experienced guardsman Oldham, as he looks around for anything out of the ordinary. 
"You could say that" dryly says Jovan Garney the cleric after wincing at the prospect at what's likely to happen in the coming moments. 
The powerful young practitioner of magic who hails from the Lands Farque turns and looks away to the west side of the massive square they're in, here in the city center. 
Looking to the southwest corner of Foundation Square, Jovan Garney quietly says to the small group from the church of Kaēvin who have accompanied him this cold autumn morning "Get ready to take action" followed by "And in that, I mean cover". 
The powerful young spellcaster continues with "I'll try and protect us as best I can". As he knows that who is about to turn up, will not be stopped in what they want to do. 
"What is it father?" asks the young guard Sammit, the same time that the experienced guardsman Oldham says "Who is it father?". 
Pointing towards the southwest corner of the largest square, here in the capital city of Tuledare, Jovan Garney the cleric quietly says to the members of his church who are with him "My fellow countrymen are about to show up " . . . . . .

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