Tuesday 2 July 2024

Soldier Of Gods 34.

The Capital Of The City-State Of Tuledare. 

Shur Kee the monk makes his way back from the nearby park where he did his morning exercises and meditation. 
He stops when he goes around the stables behind the inn, and he finds a sleeping Dorc da Orc lying in the yard between the stables and the Traveler's Comfort inn. 
The short statured monk from the far east coast of the continent just shakes his head as he looks at the snoring ork warleader as he walks by him. 
The acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li pokes his head in through the open back door of the inn's common room. 
And is presently surprised to find that the common room is fairly clean, compared to when he glanced in earlier before dawn, and the place was a mess. Thanks to the actions of Dorc da Orc during the middle of the night. 
Shur Kee slightly nods his head as he spots Beldane the cleric speaking with Lisell Maera and a couple of members of Tamric Drubine's staff.
While a couple of the inn's workers are carrying in some benches to replace the ones that were destroyed by the ork general in the Armies of Farque. 
The short statured monk who is the living incarnate of the Jade Warrior Bru Li suspects the powerful cleric Beldane had something to do with cleaning up the common room. 
As it would definitely take magic to get rid of the mess, not to mention stink created by the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world. 
The acolyte in the order of Bru Li who is an honorary member of the personal council to Lord Farque makes his way over to where Beldane and Lisell have sat down at one of the newly replaced tables. 
Shur Kee greets them as he sits down opposite the two of them, and a few moments later a yawning Malisse aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman makes her way into the common room after making her way downstairs from her room. 
Not long after the middle aged rotund woman who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra has sat down at the table. 
Zam the ex mercenary makes his way into the common room, he looks around then joins the others at the table they're sitting at. 
"Thought this place would be a mess" says Zam the ex mercenary who hails from the City Of Ruins. 
"Especially after what I could hear during the night" adds the ex mercenary who was the last to join the group a couple of years ago. 
Looking around, Zam asks "By the way, where is the big idiot?" followed by "Thought he'd still be in here". 
"Friend Dorc is in the yard that leads to the stables" replies Shur Kee the monk, who shakes his head when the ex mercenary dryly says "Someone better warn the horses in there" followed by "Knowing him he'll get stuck into them right after he wakes up". 
Zam briefly pauses before continuing with "And in stuck into, I mean". 
"We know what you mean" says Lisell Maera the scout commander as she interrupts the ex mercenary. 
"You don't have to say it" continues the young woman who hails from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury. 
The ex mercenary from the City Of Ruins chuckles, then he waves over a serving woman and places his order for breakfast with her. 
After they all order their breakfast, Zam asks "So what's the plan for today?" followed by "Are we doing anything in particular?". 
Shur Kee the monk who was just thinking the exact same thing, looks over at Beldane the cleric. 
As do the others, as they know that the powerful cleric originally from the kingdom of Nastell tends to be the one amongst them, who is often at the side of Tamric Drubine the field commander. 
"Tam and Dalin are figuring out who exactly is going to surrender to us" quietly says Beldane the cleric who makes sure that none of the locals. The inn workers, being the only such ones here at the moment. Aren't within listening distance to them. 
"I suspect we'll go over to the council building today" quietly adds the powerful cleric who belongs to the church of Glaine. 
"It was not destroyed yesterday in the attack?" quietly asks Shur Kee the monk in a surprised tone of voice. 
Beldane shakes his head no, then says "It wasn't" followed by "Though the army barracks beside it, not to mention the nearby headquarters of the city watch were destroyed by the Krean aircorp yesterday afternoon". 
The short statured monk who is originally from the far east coast of the continent, the kingdom of Wah Lee to be exact. 
Nods at hearing that from the powerful spellcaster originally from the kingdom of Nastell. 
The acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li is just about to ask something else, when he falls silent as a noisy sir Percavelle Le Dic makes his way into the common room, after making his way downstairs from his room. 
"Ah good morning all" says sir Percavelle Le Dic in his usual overly loud voice, followed by "A splendid morning by the looks of things, wot". 
After looking around and seeing no sign of his arch rival, and nemesis, Dorc da Orc in the common room. 
The large heavily armoured knight is even more cheerful, calling out to the innkeeper in good jest. And laying compliments upon the serving woman who takes his order for breakfast. 
"Pray tell, where is that filthy green demon this morning?" asks sir Percavelle Le Dic who like the others, definitely heard the large ork during the middle of the night, causing a ruckus here in the common room of the inn. 
"Out back, in the yard" says Zam the ex mercenary who continues with "Sleeping it off". 
The large heavily armoured knight grunts when he hears that, as he'd prefer it if the ork warleader was gone. Permanently if the nobleman originally from the kingdom of Druvic had his way. 
Their breakfast arrives, and the group quietly chats as they eat. Well, most of them are quiet, sir Percavelle or Percy as he's more commonly called by the others, doesn't know how to do quiet. 
It's after they've finished their meal, that Tamric Drubine the field commander, Saanea the witch and Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy make their way down to the common room. 
The trio who have eaten breakfast up in the room that the spy Tanith has been using while here in the city of Tuledare. Sit down at the large rectangular table that the others are sitting at. 
Some of the other tables are occupied, mostly by members of the senior staff of field commander Drubine. 
There's very few locals here this morning. And no travelers at all. Considering foreign visitors to the city of Tuledare has dropped off since the war between the city-states of Tuledare and Phamal began. 
Shur Kee the monk is just wondering what the plan for today is, when Malisse aka Zubutai Timaginson asks exactly that to the young field commander who is in command of the Fifth Army of Farque. 
"We're going to check on their council building" replies Tamric Drubine who then adds "And the grounds that surround it". 
The young noble who is originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, looks over at Dalinvardèl Tanith who has been quietly speaking with one of his spies, who has just slipped into the common room from outside. 
After the Farqian spy departs, field commander Drubine quietly asks the elven spy who is a senior commander in the Armies of Farque "Anything important?" 
"Maybe" is the very non-committal answer from Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy, who then slightly shakes his hooded head and quietly adds "Nothing". 
In response to the young field commander quietly asking him "Any word from the royal thief?". 
"Where's he got to?" mutters Tamric Drubine referring to Helbe the elven thief, who left the city of Tuledare, not really telling anyone where he went. 
The spy Tanith quietly says "Well, where ever it was, it was to the northwest" he briefly pauses before continuing with "Well, that's the way the Krean scoutship he commandeered went". 
"I was wondering why one of my attack ships was missing" mutters field commander Drubine with a shake of his head. 
"Though it could of gone absolutely anywhere to be honest" quietly says the spy originally from the elven principality of Alínlae, where he previously served in one of the more prominent noble houses of that particular nation. 
Tamric Drubine grunts in agreement with that, then he asks Dalinvardèl Tanith "None of the other Krean vessels know where they went" followed by "You hear anything from them?. 
"Nothing" replies the spy Tanith who along with the young field commander, look over at Beldane the cleric, who shakes his head no. As he's heard nothing from the Krean navigators he's in contact with. Concerning the whereabouts of one of their scoutships, and more importantly, Helbe the elven thief. 
"Friend Helbe will turn up when he wants to, and only when he wants to" quietly says Shur Kee the monk. 
Field commander Drubine sourly smiles at that from the short statured monk, but he knows that the acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li who is an honorary member of Lord Farque's personal council, is correct. 
The overall commander of the Fifth Army of Farque, who leads the war for the city-state of Phamal against Tuledare is silent for a few moments, then he says "Ah well, we better head off then". 
The young field commander, who is noble born from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, adds "See if any of their administrators survived the attack yesterday". 
He looks over at the elven spy who is a senior commander in the Armies of Farque, and asks him "You know of their whereabouts if they're not at the central council building?". 
Dalinvardèl Tanith nods yes that he does, then Tamric Drubine looks at the others, and says "Someone go and wake Dorc" followed by "Best he comes with us". 
"That's not necessary young Tam" says a boisterous sir Percavelle Le Dic who continues with "No need to sully ourselves with his grotesque presence, wot". 
The young field commander rolls his eyes, and before he can ask again for someone to wake up the sleeping ork warleader. Shur Kee the monk says "I shall wake friend Dorc". 
"Better you than me" dryly murmurs Zam the ex mercenary as he looks at the short statured monk, who is the living incarnation of the Jade Warrior Bru Li. 
The honorary member of Lord Farque's personal council heads to the back door of the inn's common room. 
Picking up his staff on the way, which the others noticed as they got up, and made their way in the other direction, to the front of the Traveler's Comfort inn. 
No one is at all surprised a little later, that Shur Kee the monk is successful in waking up the large ork, from where he was sleeping in the yard between the back of the inn, and the stables. 
As the growling ork general, can clearly be heard, angry and annoyed that he's been woken from his slumber. 
And soon the short statured monk, hurries around to the front of the inn, where the others are waiting on this cold autumn morning. 
A few moments later, and a rather disgruntled looking Dorc da Orc makes his way around to the front of the inn, rubbing the side of his face as he does so. 
The warleader of the ork race loudly voices his displeasure at being awake, with nothing to drink or eat for breakfast. 
He's ignored by the others, as they set off, with Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy and Tamric Drubine the field commander leading the way through the streets of the city of Tuledare . . . . . .

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