Tuesday 30 July 2024

Soldier Of Gods 42.

Tuledare. The City Center. 

From where he's standing with the others from his church, Jovan Garney the cleric sees the last of those with field commander Tamric Drubine, with the exception of Shur Kee the monk. 
Enter through the now open front doors of the main building of the ruling council of Tuledare, and enter the council chambers. 
As he wonders why the short statured monk, Shur Kee has remained outside the large open doors, that are the main entrance to the council chambers. 
The powerful young spellcaster thinks of something else, then Jovan Garney the cleric quietly says to the experienced guardsman Oldham "Might be a good idea to head inside". 
The fighting cleric who is still a teenager, nods to open doors of the main building of the ruling council of Tuledare, and quietly adds "Before anyone else gets it in their head to go inside". 
The experienced guardsman in the church of Kaēvin nods in understanding then Oldham quietly says "The gods knowing they probably will". 
The teenager who is the most powerful practitioner of magic in the church of Kaēvin, here in the city of Tuledare at this time. 
Is just going to mention this to Saleane the priestess and the others, including the guardsman Sammit, when Sammit speaks up, and says "Father over there" followed by "Heading this way". 
Jovan Garney turns to look at the younger church guard, and he sees where Sammit nods to. The powerful fighting cleric looks that way, and he's surprised at what he sees. 
It's the ork general Dorc da Orc crossing Foundation Square, heading this way. The fighting cleric in the church of Kaēvin was wondering where the large ork had got to, after suddenly disappearing. 
From what he could sense, Beldane the cleric teleported the big burly ork from the southern polar region away. To be exact, the cleric in the church of Glaine's magical mace teleported the ork warleader away. 
It all happened so quickly, and the fact that Beldane's mace is so damn powerful, that it seems to confuse things, magically speaking, around it. That Jovan at first didn't exactly know what actually happened. 
The fighting cleric in the church of Kaēvin is just glad his own powerful magical weapon isn't so disruptive to him. 
Then as the large ork gets closer, the powerful young spellcaster sees that he's followed by a small group of black clad soldiers. Who Jovan Garney immediately recognizes as Farqian soldiers. 
Then Jovan Garney blinks in surprise a few times, then his mouth opens in surprise as he suddenly realizes who it is amongst the Farqian soldiers, who appear to be leading them behind the ork general. 
"Father are you alright?" quietly asks the experienced guardsman Oldham when he sees the surprised look upon the face on the seventeen year old spellcaster. 
The priestess Saleane steps forward as well, as she has noticed the powerful young cleric has suddenly fallen silent, and is not moving as he stares at those approaching from across the square. 
"Cleric Garney, everything okay?" asks the attractive looking priestess in the church of Kaēvin. 
It takes a moment or two for Jovan to realize he's been spoken to, then he eventually nods his head, and finds his voice. 
"Yes I'm fine" says the powerful young practitioner of magic, he clears his throat afterwards, as he still can't believe who he sees. 
The experienced church guard Oldham, and the priestess Saleane share a look, then they look at the young cleric in the half plate armour. 
Noticing their scrutiny, Jovan Garney the cleric nods at the approaching group, with the ork general Dorc da Orc out in front. 
"There, following behind the ork who we encountered yesterday morning down on the border" says the powerful young cleric in the church of Kaēvin, who continues with "My sister". 
As they near the massive steps in front of the main building of the ruling council of the city-state of Tuledare. 
Maiya Garney the lead scout sees that of the group with field commander Drubine, only Shur Kee the monk remains outside the open front doors, while the others have gone inside. 
The young woman in the Scouts and Rangers division of the Fifth Army of Farque, who commands one of the infiltration squads of said army. 
Sees that quite a few of those who have gathered here this cold autumn morning, who earlier attempted to enter the council chambers. 
Are busy chatting away to one another, even those from different churches and temples. As well as those from the local magic order. Who are usually more standoffish to the practitioners of magic who have faith. 
Then as the grumbling ork warleader who is about to reach the massive steps in front of the main building of the ruling council of Tuledare. 
The scout Garney searches for her younger brother Jovan, who she and her squad were covertly watching a little while earlier. 
She quickly finds him amongst the small group from his church, back along one of massive steps, about half way up. 
She's slightly surprised to find her little brother looking directly at her, as she and the rest of her squad follow general Dorc up onto the massive steps that lead up to the council chambers, here in the center of the capital city of Tuledare. 
"Out the fucken way ya cunts" loudly growls Dorc da Orc to a pair of clergy from one of a number of churches here in the city of Tuledare. 
The two in question hurry out of the way along the bottom step, as the big burly ork from the southern polar region of the world starts making his way up to the council chambers. 
Maiya Garney looks away from her surprised looking younger brother, when next to her, sergeant Blufont quietly says in elven "Councilor Kee is still up there". 
The lead scout and commander of one of the infiltration squads in the Fifth Army of Farque, looks up the massive steps as they start heading up them behind general Dorc. 
And she's just able to see the honorary member of Lord Farque's personal council, Shur Kee the monk on the top landing, just in front of the large open doors to the council chambers. 
"From what I understand, he and the general are fairly close" continues the experienced sergeant, Maiya Garney nods in agreement as she has heard the same thing. 
"Well, if anyone can actually be close to the general" dryly adds the company sergeant, which causes the lead scout to faintly smile. 
"Hopefully he can talk some sense into him" says sergeant Blufont who follows on from that, with "Or at least keep him in line". 
"You mean, keep him from doing something absolutely stupid" dryly says Maiya Garney the lead scout in the elven language. 
"Yeah that" murmurs the experienced sergeant as they, and the rest of their squad, continue on up the massive steps behind the large ork who is a general in the Armies of Farque. 
As more of the gathered from various churches and temples get out of the way of the new arrivals. 
The experienced guardsman in the church of Kaēvin, Oldham says to the powerful young cleric standing next to him "Ah, maybe we should go in, while everyone's distracted". 
"Huh?" murmurs Jovan Garney the cleric, who continues with "Good idea Oldham". As he briefly loses sight of his older sister, who is chatting with a short, nuggety looking Farqian soldier beside her, as the follow the ork general Dorc da Orc up the massive steps. 
After the powerful young practitioner of magic doesn't say or do anything for a few moments, the priestess Saleane after sharing a look with the guardsman Oldham, says "Cleric Garney, maybe we should get going". 
She repeats that in the elven language when she doesn't get a response from the young cleric in the church of Kaēvin 
Finally Jovan Garney gets himself composed, and he says to the others "Let's go up" followed by "Hurry, before anyone else gets the same idea". 
The young fighting cleric in the half plate armour starts going up the massive steps, followed by the rest of the small group from his church who have accompanied him this morning to the main building of the ruling council of Tuledare. 
They're about fifty feet or so to the right of where his sister, and the small squad of black clad Farqian soldiers are following the ork general Dorc da Orc up the massive steps. 
Jovan Garney and those with him are heading up quicker, and are already near the top landing. Due to the fact they were already half way up the steps. 
And because Dorc da Orc is taking his time going up the massive steps. The powerful young cleric originally from the Lands Farque is pretty sure he can hear the large ork breathing heavily from where he is. 
The seventeen year old caster of spells can definitely hear the big burly ork growling and swearing at anyone too slow to get out of his way to his liking. 
The cleric Garney and those with him, as they hurry up the steps grins as he hears the deep, growling voice of the ork warleader swear words that people here have definitely never heard before in their lives. 
"What the hell did he call that priest?" asks the guardsman Sammit from behind the powerful young cleric. 
"You don't want to know" replies Jovan Garney as he and the older, more experienced guardsman Oldham lead the way up the massive steps. 
"To be honest I'm not even sure what that is" continues the powerful young spellcaster in the church of Kaēvin. 
They top the steps, and on the landing they turn left, and hurry towards the large open doors, inside of which leads to the council chambers proper. 
As they near the open doors, general Dorc makes his way up onto the top landing, and though he's breathing heavily he walks straight ahead to the open front doors, where stands Shur Kee the monk. 
As Jovan Garney passes a number of the council guards, who are more than surprised as he and his fellow church members hurry by them. 
The powerful young spellcaster in the church of Kaēvin sees his older sister Maiya, and her fellow Farqian soldiers make it up onto the top landing, and they follow after general Dorc. 
Who now with Shur Kee the monk at his side, walks into the main building of the ruling council of the city-state of Tuledare. 
The cleric Garney sees his older sister briefly glance this way, before she too goes through the open front doors to the council chambers, followed by her fellow soldiers in the Armies of Farque. 
The powerful young practitioner of magic picks up the pace, as do those from the church of Kaēvin with him. 
And ignoring one of the council guards, one of whom was guarding the doors, who says "Hey wait, you can't go in there". 
Jovan Garney the cleric turns, and hurries in through the open front doors, ready to cast a spell as he does so. 
He's quickly followed by Oldham the guardsman, along with Sammit the guardsman, and the priestess Saleane.
As well as a couple of others from the church who came along, and a pair of pages, who are acting runners for the powerful young cleric. 
After the second young runner dodges one of the council guards at the door who tries to grab him and stop him, as he hurries inside through the large open doors. 
Jovan Garney casts, and the large front doors of the main building of the ruling council of Tuledare, slams shut in the faces of the council guards who were about to follow them in. 
There's a moment of silence after they come to a stop just inside the council chambers, then the guardsman Sammit asks "Now what?". 
The cleric Garney who hasn't just shut the doors with a spell, but locked them too, replies to the younger guardsman as he looks around, with "We're about to find out" . . . . . .

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