Tuesday 23 July 2024

Soldier Of Gods 40.

The City Of Tuledare. 

With the Krean scoutship hovering above, it casts a shadow over the immediate area in front of the main building of the ruling council of Tuledare. 
Dropping the temperature as it does so, on what's already a cold autumn morning here in the capital of the city-state of Tuledare. 
No one says anything for a moment or two, then more of those on the massive steps leading up to the council chambers, move back and out of the way. 
And while Tamric Drubine the field commander breathes a slight sigh of relief at those gathered here this morning, have started to move out of the way, as he told them to. 
They're not moving nearly fast enough for one of the individuals in the group who have made their way to the city center alongside field commander Drubine. 
And it comes as no surprise as to who that particular individual is. As they've been itching for a fight ever since they left the Traveler's Comfort inn earlier this morning. 
As he and the others around him, watch the various representatives from the different churches and temples, get out of the way. 
Dorc da Orc hoping that no one notices, takes one of his throwing axes from the front of his weapon harness. 
The large ork, who after eating all the pastries he brought before they crossed the largest square in the city. 
Got it into his head to solve two problems at once. Though they're only problems that he can see. 
First, that it's been since the middle of the night that he's partaken in any kind of violence. Far too long in the opinion of the big burly ork from the southern polar region of the world. 
And secondly, his bitter rival sir Percavelle Le Dic is standing around like a peacock. In his bright shiny armour, and his bright white cloak. Which annoys the ork warleader immensely. 
So the large ork who is a general in the Armies of Farque, not to mention a total psychopath, has decided to do something about it. 
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks knows he can't just kill the former paladin who is his rival, in front of everyone. 
As he'll never hear the end of it from the others in the group. And more importantly, Lord Farque himself might find out. 
And Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which is his given name, knows he'll pay for it if that ever happens. And being on the wrong end of the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque's temper, which the large ork has faced in the past, is something the warleader of the ork race doesn't want to endure again anytime soon. 
So in the mind of the ork general, the best way to accomplish what he wants. Both violence, and the death of his bitter rival, or at least a good maiming to the noble born knight from the kingdom of Druvic. Is to get someone else to kill the former earl of Le Dic. 
Dorkindle is pretty sure there's a whole bunch of them willing to do so amongst those who are on the massive set of steps in front of the main building of the ruling council of Tuledare. 
After all, in his deranged mind, they must find sir Percavelle Le Dic just as annoying as he finds the former paladin in the order of the Knights of Saint Mar-che. 
With his throwing axe in hand, the ork warleader picks a target amongst all of those from the various churches and temples gathered here this morning. 
Hoping that those close by will retaliate. And in doing so, kill sir Percavelle Le Dic when they attack. 
Unfortunately for the big burly ork he's being watched rather closely. First and foremost by Shur Kee the monk. 
But more importantly by Beldane the cleric, who is at the front of the group. Not even looking back to where Dorc da Orc is at the rear of the group. 
So before the ork warleader can even lift up the throwing axe, and before Shur Kee can call out a warning. 
The large ork vanishes after Beldane the cleric, who is standing at the front of the group, with a gauntlet encased hand resting on his magical mace, glances away to his right, to the opposite side of the massive square and sends Dorkindle away. 
"Looks like that lot are backing away" quietly says the lead scout Maiya Garney as they look across Foundation Square to the north side, where the council chambers are located. 
"Having a Krean warship suddenly appear above you will do that" dryly says sergeant Blufont as they stand at the mouth of a lane, here on the south side of the largest square in the city of Tuledare. 
The lead scout, who is glad to see that her younger brother Jovan was the first to back away, and out of the way of field commander Drubine and those with him. 
Grunts in agreement with the company sergeant as they look across to the other side of Foundation Square, to where the main building of the ruling council of Tuledare is located. 
Maiya Garney who commands one of the infiltration squads in the second division of the Fifth Army of Farque, is just about to say something to sergeant Blufont. 
When suddenly the sorcerer Carnid yelps "Fuck" the same time Halindrelle the elven ranger mutters "Shit" in his native language. And the youngest member of the squad, Reynolds mutters "What the fuck?". 
The lead scout Garney turns to see what's happened, when she suddenly stops and blinks in surprise, when she sees a rather large figure in the lane with them. 
Standing opposite to them, with their back to them, staring at the side of the building that the big, burly figure is next to. 
"Er general?" says Maiya Garney the lead scout after a few moments of silence as she wonders what the hell has just happened. 
There's a loud grunt from Dorc da Orc who is standing there, with axe raised in hand, staring at a building that suddenly appeared in front of him. 
The big burly ork at hearing his rank in the Armies of Farque, turns around after blinking in surprise, wondering what just happened to him. 
And why his plan to get his bitter rival sir Percavelle Le Dic killed, has seemingly gone awry. 
"Da fuck is me at?" mutters Dorc da Orc with a large scowl upon his broad green brutish looking face, as he looks around wondering where he is. 
Seeing a number of armoured and armed individuals in black, in what appears to be a large alleyway, or a lane with him .
The large ork instantly recognizes that they're soldiers in the same Armies that he serves in, the big burly ork from the southern polar region of the world asks them "Who you fucken cunts?" followed with a muttered "And where the fuck is me?".
"Third infiltration squad of the second, fifth" replies Maiya Garney who follows that with "Lead scout Garney commanding, general Dorc". 
The warleader of the ork race grunts in understanding. And though Dorkindle tends to forget a lot of things. And the fact he's a raving psychotic lunatic who will murder anyone on a whim. To be fair, all orks are raving psychotic lunatic murderers. 
There's a few things that he's extraordinarily talented at. And that doesn't include being a ferocious fighter in battle. 
The large ork is a general in the Armies of Farque for a reason. Not only can he see the ebb and flow of a battle, sometimes before it even happens. 
But when it comes to the military, any military for that matter. But in particular the one that he's a part of, The Armies of Farque. 
He knows all the ranks, companies, battalions, and divisions. Not to mention the individual armies. 
And the big, burly ork who was named warleader of his race by Lord Farque a number of years ago. Immediately recognizes which type of soldiers these particular Farqians are. 
"You some of that tree fucker cunt's spies" sourly says Dorc da Orc who always thought it sucked that Helbe the elven thief has his own special forces, within what's essentially the special forces of the Armies of Farque, the Scouts and Rangers division. 
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks tends to forget that he has his own personal army within the Armies of Farque. 
And true they're a division made up entirely of goblins. They're still his personal army, who answer only to him, and Lord Farque himself. 
"Yes general" says Maiya Garney as it takes a moment for her to realize that the large ork just referred to prince Helbenthril Raendril as a tree fucking cunt. 
"He not fucken here is he?" asks the large ork who is the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks. 
As the ork warleader looks down the lane, Maiya Garney tells him "No general" followed by "He's not here". 
The lead scout then tells the big burly ork "We report to commander Tanith while we're in the city". 
Dorkindle grunts, and continues to scowl as he looks down the lane, wondering where he is. 
Seeing the baffled looking ork weaponsmith looking down the lane, loudly muttering wanting to know where he is. 
The lead scout, and commander of one the infiltration squads, Maiya Garney points the other way, and tells him "Ah general, that way". 
The large ork looks at her, and sees her pointing, he looks that way, and sourly smiles as he sees where he actually is. 
The warleader of the ork race, sees that he's on the far side of the massive square, from where he was previously, in front of the main building of the ruling council of the city-state of Tuledare. 
Dorkindle figures there's only one way he could of got here, and that is by magic. And he voices his displeasure with that, and says "Some fucken magicky cunt sent Dorc away". 
Wish they had sent you away for good, you fat fucking cunt, the large ork thinks to himself. 
He looks with disgust at his mother's skull tied to his belt. And doesn't bother replying to her voice in his head. Just one of a number of voices he hears within his own mind. 
Ignoring the voice of his "Mother". Dorc da Orc sees on the far side, the north side of the massive square, here in the city center. 
That Tam and the others with him, are now making their way up the massive steps to the council chambers. 
As most of those gathered there in front of the main building of the ruling council of Tuledare, have backed away, and got out of the way of the young field commander and the group with him. 
The ork general in the Armies of Farque scowls even more, as he sees his bitter rival heading up the steps to the council chambers with the others. 
The big burly ork from the southern polar region of the world, who has a sneaking suspicion that it was Beldane the cleric who sent him away, down here to the south side of Foundation Square. 
Narrows his eyelids as he watches what's going on at the north side of the massive square, here in the center of the capital city of Tuledare. 
Dorc da Orc sees that the guards in front of the large doors of the council chambers haven't moved. Nor some of the others on the landing with them, who don't seem to be from any church or temple, but appear to be other spellcasters. 
He looks at the soldiers in the Farqian infiltration squad, and tells them "Right, you cunts with general Dorc". 
"Ah yes general" says Maiya Garney the lead scout, who thinks it's best not to argue with the general in the Armies of Farque, especially one who is a stark raving mad ork. 
She looks at her squad, and nods for them to follow the big burly ork from the southern polar region of the world. 
Who has exited the lane, and set off across the massive square, heading towards the north side, where the main building of the ruling council of Tuledare is located. 
Maiya Garney glances sideways at sergeant Blufont, who just shrugs in response to her enquiring look. 
Then the lead scout mutters "Hell" as she hopes they don't end up in the middle of something chaotic. Which is more than likely when one hangs around the ork general Dorc da Orc . . . . . .

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