Thursday 1 November 2018

The Hire 46.

The Kingdom Of Nastell. The Duchy Of Phelm...

They continued on throughout the previous day, and into the night. Only stopping late, some time before dawn. When their squad, and others with them, stopped for some sleep.
Though they were up again just after dawn, and on their way southwards once more.
Having bypassed Halvíc and the staging grounds there. Which they could of got to before dawn some time if they went that way.
They instead continued due south, on the road that goes to the city of Savariss. Unlike many of those on horseback, who took the turn off to Halvíc yesterday, and during the night.
The young squad leader Barron doesn't know if they're doing the right thing. But since Dalin, the elf he thinks is a mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Alínlae.
Suggested they forget about going to Halvíc, and head straight to Savariss instead.
He agreed to do as the elven mercenary suggested. Considering how often Dalin, and the two dwarven warriors, the cousins Smawfri and Shawtus McQuade have kept them all alive.
He certainly wasn't going to argue against going straight to Savariss. As many others on foot in the defeated army seem to be doing the same thing.
"You think that strange airship will make an appearance today?" quietly asks Barron the squad leader as they walk south, just off to the side of the road, as the sun rises in the sky to the east.
On what feels like it's going to be another hot and sunny, summer's day here in the north of the duchy of Phelm.
"I hope not" is the quiet reply of Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, who truly hopes the krean strikeship the Fídiablo doesn't turn up again like it did yesterday.
They barely escaped with their lives as the strikeship in the Farqian fleet attacked the fleeing army of duke Hargen, that was defeated in battle early yesterday morning by the army from the unruled lands to the north of the kingdom of Nastell, led by field commander Tamric Drubine and others in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
"Same here" mutters Shawtus McQuade from where he walks behind the young squad leader from southern Phelm, and the elf from the principality of Alínlae.
Next to Shawtus, his slightly younger and slightly shorter cousin, Smawfri McQuade grunts in agreement.
Mornings don't agree with the cousins from the Sunreach Mountains. Especially considering they haven't had any alcohol to drink since before the army was defeated in battle.
Barron as he walks infront, leading the squad. Hopes they get to Savariss soon. As at least there, they're bound to have plenty of liquor. Which should satisfy the two dwarven warriors, and cheer them up a bit.
As he's found they're even more grumpy and disagreeable when they haven't had any alcohol in some time.
The two cousins from the McQuade clan in the Sunreach Mountains. Are glaring and scowling at anyone nearby who isn't part of their relatively small squad.
For the squad led by young Barron, are still pretty well supplied, and equipped. Unlike most of the others in the duke's army they're fleeing south with, heading towards the city of Savariss.
And the McQuade cousins, taking their cue from what Dalin told them yesterday. Are vigilant as they keep an eye on all those nearby, who aren't in their squad. Who might get it into their heads, to try and take some of the small squad's provisions and equipment.
"Wonder how the rear guard is doing?" quietly says Barron the squad leader as he glances back in the direction they've come from. And wonders if the rear elements of their fleeing army, are engaged in a running battle with the enemy.
He suspects so, as Dalin along with Shawtus and Smawfri have told him that's more than a distinct possibility. Especially with how, and the way in which their army was defeated by the enemy from the unruled lands to the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
"Officers up ahead" quietly says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy. The squad leader looks ahead along the road they're walking beside. And though you can see for quite some distance. He can't see any officers as of yet.
But he knows the elf he thinks is a mercenary ranger has far better eyesight than his, and he takes the word of Dalin to be true.
"On the right there in the distance" quietly says the spy Tanith, while behind him and Barron, Shawtus McQuade says "Aye, actual officers". While his cousin Smawfri, just sourly grunts in agreement.
"Wonder what they're saying to those passing?" quietly says Barron, as they haven't seen many officers since they fled their battlelines early yesterday morning when their army was overrun by the enemy.
"Nothing of worth I'm guessing" quietly says the elven spy in the Farqian mercenary army who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army. As have a number of other spies in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
"Mostly banal utterings" quietly adds the elf who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in the elven principality of Alínlae.
"Trying to keep ours and the other's hopes up" quietly continues Dalinvardél Tanith, who is more commonly called Dalin by those who know him well. It's also the name he's going by, whilst in duke Hargen's army.
"Aye, that's what useless leaders do" says Shawtus from where he walks behind Dalin and Barron.
"Try to gee you up after you've been fucked silly by the enemy" adds the slightly older, and slightly taller of the two dwarven warriors who hail from the Sunreach Mountains.
"Instead of preparing, then leading properly during the actual fucking battle" adds Smawfri McQuade, the more hot tempered of the two hot tempered cousins.
"Nothing wrong with being defeated in battle aye" continues Smawfri, who follows that up with "By Thaxel that's happened plenty enough to us".
Shawtus grunts in agreement with his younger cousin, who then says "But these officers and noblemen of yours Barron lad, they gave up quicker than a virgin lass on her wedding night".
Once again the older McQuade cousin grunts in agreement with the younger.
The squad leader Barron glances sideways at Dalin, who nods his hooded head in agreement with what the dwarven warriors just said.
For though the spy Tanith thought the tactics of field commander Tamric Drubine and his senior staff were near faultless.
Especially using Dorc da Orc and his goblin battalion to attack the battlelines of duke Hargen's army from beneath the ground.
He thought the duke's army led by General Palamé, would of held out for more than just one night. After all they had a third more men than what Tamric Drubine and his mixed army had at the start of the battle.
But with Helbe the elven thief assassinating General Palamé, the wizard Kades and others in the senior staff of the duke's army in this area of the duchy as the battle got underway.
It was a foregone conclusion that the duke's army would easily capitulate. Which is indeed what it did early yesterday morning.
Barron who can now see the officers in question. Takes what the McQuade cousins just said. And whom Dalin the mercenary ranger agreed with.
And tries to listen to what a couple of the officers on the otherside of the road are calling out as the defeated army, walk by this morning.
And as they get closer, the young squad leader from the very south of the duchy of Phelm, who until just before summer started, had never visited the north of Phelm.
Starts hearing what the officers are saying. And in just a few moments, he realises that Shawtus, Smawfri and Dalin are correct.
They would know, they've been in countless battles and wars over centuries i guess, Barron thinks to himself, who hears the officers calling out in encouragement to the passing soldiers, and mercenaries in the duke's army.
Though the officers, two of five. Who must be having turns to call out in an encouraging manner to the defeated army heading south.
Briefly fall silent as Barron and his squad pass them by. For the simple reason the dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains glare at them so fiercely.
Not to mention the McQuade cousins grab the hafts of their axes and hammers as they glare.
The officers, are scared into silence for a few moments as Barron's small squad passes them by.
The spy Tanith faintly smiles as hears behind him the two dwarven warriors call the officers a number of unsavory things in their native language.
Dalin who can pick up most of the swear words the McQuade cousins use. Hear them use a fair number of them as they describe the officers. Who have gone back to calling out encouragement now that their small squad has walked by.
Barron is fairly quiet for the rest of the early morning. Until he calls for a short break just before mid morning. As the hot day promised at dawn, has been delivered.
They stop beneath some trees about thirty yards from the hard, dirt packed road. And Dalin followed by a couple from the squad, goes off and hunts for some fresh water to fill their water bottles.
It doesn't take the elven spy who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army long to find a stream of fresh water. And as the two other squad members fill up the water bottles they've brought with them.
The spy Tanith after filling up his bottle, along with Barron's and the McQuade cousin's that he's brought with him.
Wanders along beside the stream, hoping to find something, or more precisely, someone.
No such luck, for Dalin thought one of the water elemental coursers in the Farqian mercenary army might of been in the stream.
The elven spy who hails from the principality of Alínlae. Heads back to the other two squad members. Wondering if Narladene the ground pixie might make an appearance too.
No such luck again. For he rejoins the two soldiers in the duke's army. And with the full water bottles, they head back to the rest of the squad.
Well you're alone for now, Dalinvardél Tanith thinks to himself as they walk through the woods, heading back to the rest of the squad.
Dalin knows he's probably only likely to see a friendly face by way of another spy in the Farqian mercenary army, who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army. As he did yesterday, at a crossroads further to the north.
The spy Tanith and the two soldiers rejoin the squad, and after returning the water bottles to the others. They too sit beneath the branches of the trees, that offer a little bit of shade on this hot summer's day here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
Sitting beside Barron, and after taking a sip from his water bottle. The spy Tanith nods his head, after the young squad leader says "A hot one today for sure".
While to their right, Shawtus has dozed off, and is snoring. While Smawfri is honing the head of one of his axes.
"Could be worse, you could be in a desert" quietly says Dalin, who then adds "Then you'd really be hot".
"I never been to one of them" says Barron "I recommend you don't go to one" says the spy Tanith in extremely dry tone, which causes Smawfri as he uses a sharpening stone on his axehead, to chuckle.
"Is it as bad as people say they are?" asks the young squad leader "Worse" is the reply from the elf who is passing himself off as a mercenary ranger from his homeland of Alínlae.
Dalin leans back against the trunk of the tree behind him, and watches the defeated army heading south along the road.
While Smawfri, after sharpening his axe. Shoves his older cousin Shawtus awake. Who snorts, then mutters something in the dwarven language as he opens his eyes and sits up.
As the spy Tanith looks south, as the road is in fairly flat land at the moment, and is also fairly straight. Spots a rider in the distance to the south, heading this way.
"Rider coming this way" says Dalinvardél Tanith, who then adds "Messenger" just as Shawtus says "Messenger" almost the same time as Smawfri says "Messenger".
"Let's go and see what he knows" suggests the elven spy in the armies of Farque "It won't be for us" says Barron who can now just make out the rider in question.
"So what" says the spy Tanith "Aye Dalin's got the right of it Barron lad" says Shawtus McQuade, who then adds "So what".
"Come on" says Smawfri McQuade who jumps to his feet, then continues with "Let's way lay this fellow, and see what's the message he's got".
The young squad leader glances at Dalin, who tells him "Best to know what the hell is going on" followed by "We might just be one squad, but every little bit of information is worth knowing" he then silently adds, especially to a spy like me.
The small squad makes it's way to the road, where the spy Tanith says to Barron "Wave him to a stop".
"Me?" says the young squad leader "You're the only one of rank around here, I'm sure he'll stop for you" says the elf from the principality of Alínlae, the McQuade cousins nod in agreement with the elven spy they think is a mercenary ranger.
"See what message he's carrying" quietly says Dalinvardél Tanith "Aye lad" says Shawtus McQuade to the young squad leader, the older of the two dwarven warriors adds "Bring this fellow to a stop and find out what's going on".
"You sure he's a messenger?" quietly asks Barron as the rider gets closer "Only a messenger or a complete idiot would be riding this way towards the enemy. Trust me, he's definitely a messenger" says Dalin, which both Shawtus and Smawfri grunt in agreement with.
Barron waves for the approaching rider to stop, and when the horseman sees the stripe of a squad leader across the top of Barron's tabbard, he brings his horse to a stop infront of the small squad, who are just off to the side of the road.
"You haven't seen any officers around have you squad leader?" asks the rider "Not since earlier this morning" replies Barron, who then adds "Probably five or six miles further north along the road".
"Damn" mutters the soldier upon the horse, the young squad leader nods, then he says "You got a message for them?".
The rider nods, and Barron asks him "What is it?". The rider is silent for a few moments, then he shrugs and murmurs "You lot will know soon enough i suppose".
He then leans down in the saddle, and quietly tells Barron about the defeat of another of duke Hargen's army, this one further to the west in the duchy, and how they too are retreating south to the city of Savariss.
After the messenger rides away, and the small squad gets underway again.
Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy quietly says "Damn, it's going to be a bit of a shitshow down in Savariss by the sounds of it".
"That's for fucking sure" says Shawtus McQuade, and his cousin Smawfri sourly grunts in agreement with him. While the young squad leader Barron wonders what they're getting themselves into . . . . . .

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