Sunday 4 November 2018

The Hire 47.

The Kingdom Of Nastell. The Duchy Of Phelm...

"With Talbot and his army heading south too" says the field commander Tamric Drubine, who continues with "And now Leivyn and her army swinging this way, and south as well" he briefly pauses before adding "We're all of us, heading to the city of Savariss".
With a slight grunt as he stands off to one side in the command tent, sir Percavelle Lé Dic says "Tis a siege we will be looking forward to" the heavily armoured knight continues with "I do like to partake in a siege every now and again for sure".
Having just entered the command tent of command Drubine. Helbe the elven thief rolls his eyes after hearing what the noblebman from the kingdom of Druvic just said.
The young elven noble from the principality of Laerel then nods his hooded to the young field commander, and gestures to one side, where they can talk in private.
Tam excuses himself from the discussion around the camp table, and makes his way over to join the elven magic user, in a corner of the command tent.
After putting up a cone of silence around himself and the field commander, who is a young noble originally from the kingdom of Sarcrin.
Helbe the elven thief quietly says to commander Drubine "A message from the Fídiablo" the grandson of Prince Raendril continues with "Lis along with the robber baron Gergus have been found alive. And have been reunited with Zubu, er Darid's mounted patrol".
The highly talented elven spellcaster, then tells Tam that Hammind the brother inlaw of robber baron Gergus is dead.
As well the enemy staging grounds at Halvíc have fallen. With the castle and town there now in the hands of field commander Leivyn' army thanks to the cavalry commander Darid Parsen and his patrol.
Well it was lord Farque's wardog Axe to be exact. As commander Parsen had the undead wardog attack the enemy garrison at Halvíc. And those who had fled there after their defeat in the battle against the army led by Tamric Drubine.
"Narladene has gone on ahead to find Dalin and the other spies in the army we fought against" quietly says the elven masterthief, who continues with "They're all accounted for, having survived the battle".
The young field commander in the Farqian mercenary army who leads this particular army that's predominantly made up of the armies of the robber barons Almard and Larimer.
Nods his head, then looks over at the others in his command tent this night.
Along with his lead subcommander Waiamin, and others of his senior staff in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
There's also the boisterous knight, sir Percavelle Lé Dic. And the goblin commander Teabagger. There's no sign of Dorc da Orc, who is asleep, somewhere outside.
As the large ork trends to sleep more at night in the warmer weather of summer. A time of year in the Southlands he has never fully gotten accustomed to. Even though he's been out of the southern polar region of the world  for over twenty years now.
Also in the command tent as the bulk of army has stopped for the night, after being on the march for two days straight as they've pursued the enemy who they defeated in battle.
Are the robber barons Larimer and Almard, along with their seconds.
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well.
Decided to keep the robber barons close tonight. And though he has to deal with their complaining more often. It's for the best that he keeps a close eye on them this night.
Now that they know the fleeing enemy are all heading south to the city of Savariss.
Don't want them taking off on their own, the young field commander dryly thinks to himself as he glances at the robber barons Larimer and Almard.
For though they've bitched and moaned at every opportunity they've have. They have done what they've been told.
But the noblebman teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin doesn't what to risk it. Now that the robber barons know that duke Hargen himself was with the enemy army that was defeated by the army led by field commander Talbot.
The former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine in northern Sarcrin turns and looks at the elven princeling, who quietly tells him "Even though the duke's forces have been defeated in two battles, he still outnumbers all of ours".
The highly talented elven spellcaster who hails from the island principality of Laerel, continues with "And that doesn't include all that he's held in reserve further to the south in the duchy as he continues to recruit mercenaries".
Tam nods his head, then commander Drubine says "Still, if Savariss falls the entire north of his duchy will be in our hands" the young field commander in the mercenary army from the lands Farque then adds "Savariss is the key to us getting further south in the duchy".
Prince Helbenthril Raendril nods his hooded head in agreement, then says "As we discussed when we took command of their armies" as he slightly gestures in the direction of the two robber barons.
Who stand there with their seconds, looking more than a little perplexed as they listen to some of sir Percavelle Lé Dic's former exploits.
They don't particularly want to hear it. But the overbearing knight in the order of Saint Mar-che is forcing them to listen to him anyway.
Commander Drubine who notices the goblin commander Teabagger is quietly sitting in the corner next to the side table that has an array of food and drink on it.
Where he's eating and drinking by himself, as others with the exception of sir Percavelle are quietly chatting as they wait for the field commander and the elven envoy to finish their private conversation.
Tam says to one of the members of lord Farque's personal council "If Savariss falls pretty quickly, this entire campaign could very well be over before the end of summer".
The elven master assassin slightly nods his hooded head, then says "This is true" he follows that up with "Though i suspect Almard and Larimer, along with the other robber barons won't want Savariss to be badly damaged just like elsewhere here in the north of the duchy".
The young elven noble who has been acting as an envoy between the mercenary army from the lands Farque, and the robber barons of the unruled lands in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains to the north of the kingdom of Nastell. Knows that the five robber barons who have joined forces to wage war upon duke Hargen and the duchy of Phelm.
Want the north of the duchy to be more or less intact. As many in the north of Phelm, are basically the same type of people who live in the unruled lands north of the border.
Though he suspects the five robber barons couldn't care less about those from southern Phelm. Along with the castles, villages, towns and cities further south in the duchy, which is the largest, and the most northern duchy in the kingdom.
"Not to mention all the common folk from here in the north who have fled to Savariss to take refuge there" adds the elven master archer who is a member of the royal family that rules the principality of Laerel.
"That will cause a bit of a delay" murmurs Tamric Drubine, who like councilor Raendril, is conversing in the elven language.
"Even though things have more or less gone to plan so far fairly easily" says the elven masterthief, who continues with "Don't expect it to be so throughout the rest of the campaign".
The young field commander nods in agreement to that, then he quietly says "I don't expect it to be". He knows that the further south they go in Phelm, the more difficult things will get. As they head into the more populated areas of the duchy.
Tam then tells the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel "It's after the campaign if we're victorious that I'm more worried about".
He slightly nods towards the two robber barons, who are looking a little confused, not to mention highly sceptical. As sir Percavelle Lé Dic regales to them about a fight he had against Dorc da Orc while hanging from a dragon, which was trying to kill the both of them, during the middle of the battle, over a decade ago in the southern kingdom of Melaurn.
"They'll all be at each others throats once the duke is dead, and they fight over who'll be the new duke of Phelm" adds the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin, who is now a field commander in the armies of Farque.
Prince Helbenthril Raendril is silent for a few moments, then he quietly says "That's true of course" he briefly pauses before adding "But that's for them to work out, since they're only paying us to win their war against the duke".
Commander Drubine nods to that. And though he believes he and the others in the Farqian mercenary army will win the war for the robber barons of the unruled lands to the north of the border, against duke Hargen.
He suspects the aftermath to be just as bloody, if not more so, especially for the common folk. When the five robber barons, who will eventually turn on one another. Will squabble over who'll be the new duke of Phelm.
"Speaking of paying" says the elf who is nearly two hundred and twenty years old "They're due with their next payment the day after tomorrow" adds the elven master assassin who continues with "If they don't pay up, then their won't be a siege at Savariss" after a slight pause he adds "Unless they want to do it, and the rest of their campaign by themselves".
"You think it'll ever come to that?" asks Tamric Drubine, who glances towards the two robber barons, Almard and Larimer, then adds "Them not paying up?".
"Who knows" is the answer from the elven princeling, whose mother is a princess of Laerel, and whose father is the Warder of Quinthain.
"They might" adds Helbe the elven thief, who continues with "They've certainly thought about it often enough" he momentarily pauses, before saying "Especially these two here".
The young field commander in the Farqian mercenary army slightly nods. As he knows that's the reason prince Helbenthril Raendril is with the army he commands.
As the member of lord Farque's personal council, is to keep a close eye on the robber barons Larimer and Almard.
The two out of the five robber barons who have banded together to wage war upon duke Hargen. Who were dead set against on the mercenary army from the lands Farque, as part of their terms of hire. Were to take command of their campaign against duke Hargen and the duchy of Phelm.
"Will you ah persuade them not to do that?" asks the young noble from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin.
The elven magic user is silent for a few moments, then he tells Tam "I'm to make sure they pay at the scheduled time" he continues with "But, if they don't want to pay for our services anymore, then so be it".
Commander Drubine looks at the young elven noble in surprise, who tells him "That's the order from the lord".
"Damn" murmurs the young field commander, who slightly nods when the elven masterthief quietly tells him "Apparently that was the policy from the time when he was still alive".
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel then explains "It's to set an example for whoever hires us in the future. So they know if they don't continue with the payments, we'll get up and leave" he then adds "Even if it's during the middle of a battle".
After a brief pause, the elven master archer continues with "And they, or anyone else better not get it into their heads to turn on us during a war" prince Helbenthril Raendril then adds "If they do, we'll attack them more than what we'll ever do in any campaign they've hired us for".
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he more commonly referred as, by those who know him well. Has been told this is often quite common by those who hire mercenary troops.
As they turn on them, usually at the end of a battle or war. So that they don't have to pay them anymore. Or to take back what they've already paid. As some nobles, and political leaders. Are unscrupulous to say the least.
"Will this lot turn on us?" quietly asks Tam with a glance at the two robber barons and their seconds, who are still being talked to by the overly loud sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
"No" says the Helbe the elven thief, who continues with "They might not pay us, but they won't turn on us at all" the highly talented elven spellcaster who constantly reads the minds of the robber barons Almard and Larimer, then adds in a slightly dry tone "Especially now since they've seen how thorough we are in battle".
The nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin nods, then he quietly says to the member of lord Farque's personal council "I better get back to them, and tell them of their plans".
The elven princeling nods his hooded head. And as the young field commander makes his way back to the others. And the elven master assassin quickly reads the minds of the robber barons Almard and Larimer.
He heads outside into the night, following behind the goblin commander Teabagger, who slips out of the command tent without anyone apart from the elven masterthief noticing.
"He's that way" says the young elven noble "Thanks boss, er councilor" says Teabagger the goblin Cunt, who was standing there looking around, wondering where his general is. As the large ork tends to sleep wherever he wants. Which is often not with the goblin battalion.
"You not going to stay for the rest of the meeting?" asks Helbe the elven thief with a nod of his hooded head back at the command tent behind them.
"Nah" replies the small, bright green goblin who commands the battalion of goblins in the Farqian mercenary army "We're going to this city of Savariss, and we're going to attack it when we get there, that's all i need to know" adds Teabagger who is in his mid twenties now, and was just a young teen when he first met his general in the kingdom of Melaurn over a decade ago.
"Besides, the young field commander is just having the meeting to keep those two fellows, the robber barons occupied, so they can't get up to any mischief this night" says Teabagger the goblin Cunt.
Prince Helbenthril Raendril looks sharply at the small, bright green goblin. Then nods his hooded head.
The elven magic user knows that appearances can be deceiving. For though goblins can look a little dimwitted. They certainly aren't. Especially one such as Teabagger, who has kept himself alive for so long, considering most goblins never reach the age of thirty due to their accident prone natures. And hardly any of them reach their average life expectancy of thirty five to forty years of age.
"You got that right" says Helbe the elven thief, which gets a grin from the small, bright green goblin, who then adds "I better be off" he then mutters "Just incase the general wakes up yelling for ale or something".
The young elven noble slightly shake his hooded head as he watches Teabagger walk away, as he like all of his battalion of goblin soldiers, are totally devout and loyal to their general, the ork warleader Dorc da Orc.
Helbe the elven thief then looks away to the south through the camp, and a moment later he vanishes as he shifts away, as he goes off to meet with Narladene the ground pixie who has been away to the south, amongst the enemy who are fleeing to the city of Savariss . . . . . .

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