Wednesday 21 November 2018

The Hire 60.

The City Of Savariss...

They've made their way around from the north side of the walled city of Savariss, to the west side of the only city in the north of the duchy of Phelm.
They've moved pretty much in silence. Which is pretty good considering two of them are human. One of whom, is a usually overly loud knight, who finds it difficult to keep silent at the best of times.
Not to mention the person leading them all, who the loud knight detests. Isn't exactly quiet when he does things. Though this warm summer's night as the battle for the city of Savariss rages on. He's kept silent as they've worked their way around to the west side of the city.
This side of the city, just like the east and south sides of the walled city. Isn't watched by that many of those who are attacking Savariss.
Nor is it defended by many upon the top of the west wall of the city.
Considering all of the battle this night, has concentrated upon the north wall of the only city in the very north of the kingdom of Nastell.
They meet up with about twenty or so from their own army who have been keeping an eye on this side of Savariss since the siege began.
And after a quiet conversation with the leader of those who have come around from the north side of the city.
Those who have kept watch upon this side of Savariss since the siege began. Head off, and make their way around to the north side of the city to help out with the attack there.
While those who have come around from the north side, who number nearly two hundred. Work their way southwards along the west side of Savariss. About four hundred yards out from the city itself. Well out of view from those few on top of the west wall of the city.
Following their leader, and his extraordinary sense of smell. They get to a stream. Which he looks at in disgust. There, they turn and head in towards the city, following the stream.
They walk quickly, which is a bit of a risk. As the vast majority of them are accident prone. But they all keep to their feet as they head inwards towards the west wall of Savariss.
And with the exception of the two humans, who are at the rear. They can all see in the darkness. And see to the top of the west wall. Which is only sporadically lit with torches.
And they can see that amongst those few enemy soldiers up on the long west wall of Savariss. None of them are looking in this direction, towards the stream.
Infact the closest one is about fifty yards away from where they're heading, on the north side of a broach tower. And he's spending all his time either looking to the north wall of the city that's under attack.
Or walking northwards along the wall, until he realises the part of the west wall he's supposed to keep a lookout from this night, is next to the broach tower that's behind him.
They move in near silence as they head inwards towards the city. Until they finally get to the west wall of the city. Where the stream exits through a barred culvert.
Their leader, who towers over the rest of them. Is sniffing furiously, and though the odour coming from the stream is rather pleasant to his sense of smell. As it's more of a sewer than anything else. It's still disgusting to him as it's predominantly water.
Then he grunts and sourly smiles as he catches wind of an individual who is primarily made up of water, who is suddenly beside him.
"Warleader" quietly says the water elemental courser who is a scout in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
"Hey cunt" is the quiet reply from Dorc da Orc who gestures at the stream coming out of the barred culvert in the base of the west wall of the city of Savariss, and adds "Can you fucken do it?".
The large ork hopes so. Because if not, he and his goblin battalion will have to resort to other methods. Other methods which will be extremely loud and violent.
Which he is ordinarily fine with. But not this night. As the plan is for him and his battalion to enter the city of Savariss as quietly as possible. Without the enemy knowing so.
"I can" is the reply of the water elemental courser, who previously in the robber barons of the unruled lands to the north of the kingdom of Nastell's, campaign against the duke of Phelm and his army.
Was a contact for many of the spies who have infiltrated the army of duke Hargen. A few of whom, are inside the city of Savariss this night.
"Though it will be a bit unpleasant" murmurs the courser, who like all the water elements in the Farqian mercenary army, comes from the west coast of the lands Farque.
"No shit cunt" mutters Dorkindle in the ork language, who continues muttering in his native language with "You gots to get in all that nasty fucken water".
"Well fucken get to it" quietly says the ork warleader in the common language, then the big, burly ork who is from the southern polar region of the world grunts, when the water elemental tells him "You and your, ah men, will have to get well back, preferably along the wall" followed by "Unless you want to stay here and get drenched".
"Fuck that" mutters the ork weaponsmith who couldn't think of anything worse than getting wet.
The large ork turns and quietly says to the commander of the goblin battalion "You fucken heard him" Dorkindle continues with "Back them the fuck up along the wall, away from this fucken pisshole".
"Yes general" quietly says Teabagger the goblin Cunt, while the water elemental disappears in a fine spray of mist. And the ork warleader who is the general of the goblin battalion in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
Quickly backs away from the stream, as he definitely doesn't want to be anywhere near it with what's about to happen.
A couple of the goblins who are archers keep a eye on the only enemy soldier up on top of the wall, who is remotely near them.
While sir Percavelle Lé Dic, followed by Shur Kee the monk, make their way to where the ork warleader is standing against the wall, well back from the stream.
"Well beast, can he do it?" demands sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who does actually remember to talk in a quiet voice.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, who'd like nothing better, than to yell at the heavily armoured knight, and tell him to fuck off. Probably only smashing him in the head with a hammer would be more satisfying. Briefly scowls, then slightly grins and says "Yeah cunt, he can".
That wasn't what the former earl of Lé Dic was expecting the big, burly ork to say. He was expecting to get into an argument with him. After all, that's the only reason he came forward to speak to him.
The knight in the order of Saint Mar-che scowls, which illicits another grin from the large ork.
Then the nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic stomps away, muttering under his breath about the duality of evil green creatures from the deepest depths of hell.
"I better keep an eye on friend Percy" quietly says Shur Kee the monk "Better you than me" mutters Dorkindle.
The short, statured monk nods, then turns and heads after the heavily armoured knight. Besides the physical adept finds the ork warleader reeks more than usual, since he refuses to take off the canvas poncho he's been wearing for nearly a week now.
And standing too close to the big, burly ork from any length of time, is an assault upon one's sense of smell.
The ork, who is the son of the former matriarch of his tribe, the wolf tribe of orks, grunts when just infront of him, Teabagger who is closest to the stream, quietly says "Boss, i mean general look".
Dorc da Orc looks at the stream, and sees that the water level is dropping, and that the flow coming through the barred culvert, has dropped off considerably.
The large ork, who is the general of the goblin battalion in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, turns and quietly says "Get ready you little fucken gob-a-lin cunts".
Then the warleader of the ork race looks ahead again, and sees that the water coming out of the culvert in the west wall of Savariss, is just a trickle now. Then that comes to a stop. And the water already in the stream. Flows away to the west. While nothing comes from the culvert for now.
The big, burly ork who hails from the bottom of the world, where his, some would say, demented race, are the only people to be found.
Tilts his head to one side, as he listens carefully. As does Teabagger the goblin Cunt, and many others in the battalion that Dorc da Orc is the general of, and Teabagger is the commander of.
They all hear it a little while later, a sudden surge, a rush of water from behind the west wall, within the city.
"Fucken get some" murmurs the ork weaponsmith, and a few moments later there's a sudden rush of water that comes bursting out of the culvert.
It spews forth so powerfully, that the vertical bars in the culvert. Are ripped out, all in one piece. Washed away downstream. As is a fair bit of the stonework they were in.
Then as powerfully as the water appeared, it suddenly stops. And the water level starts to drop again.
"Come on, come on, fucken hurry" mutters Dorc da Orc who then repeatedly mutters "Come on".
And a few moments later, when the water level is just a mere inch or so, Teabagger turns and looks back at the large ork standing behind him, and quietly asks him "Should we go general?".
"Fucken might as well" mutters the ork warleader, who then tells the small, bright green goblin standing infront of him "Let's go cunt".
Teabagger nods, and hurries forward, followed by the big, burly ork, then all the others.
The goblin commander drops down into the bed of the stream, keeping to his feet and not falling over as he does so, which he's rather proud of.
Dorkindle then hops down into the stream bed, and sourly smiles as a little bit of water splashes up onto his shins.
"Yuck" mutters the large ork, who follows after Teabagger, and enters the city of Savariss through the culvert, a culvert that's about five and half foot tall. Which the ork weaponsmith has to basically bend over in half, to enter.
Walking through water an inch or so deep, and walking bent over. Dorc da Orc is scowling as he goes through the west wall of the city.
Once he's through it, he stands upright, and finds himself in what's basically a sewer and water drainage tunnel in one.
"Right cunt" quietly says the big, burly ork who hails from the southern polar region, to the small bright green goblin infront of him.
"It's left general" quietly says Teabagger who points to the left "That's what me fucken mean, left" mutters the warleader of the ork race, who follows after the goblin commander who is originally from the southern kingdom of Melaurn.
There's a raised walkway on that side of the sewer, and there's some steps, that would ordinarily be mostly under water. The two of them climb the half a dozen steps to the raised walkway. And they're followed, one by one, by the rest of the battalion who have entered the city through the damaged culvert in the west wall of Savariss.
Dorkindle looks ahead in the sewer, then murmurs "Eeewww yucky" as he spots a wall of water, about six foot high, about eighty feet away, further into the sewer, come waterway.
"Hurry cunt" says the large ork to Teabagger "Me don't know how fucken long he can hold that for" adds the ork weaponsmith gesturing at the stationary wall of water further down the sewer tunnel.
Good point, the goblin commander thinks to himself, who sets off quickly along the raised walkway, which turns left just up ahead, well short of where the water elemental courser is holding up the water in the sewer.
They turn into a side tunnel, that's relatively dry, with only a shallow bit of water in it. The rest of the battalion follow behind their commander and general. With the two humans, Shur Kee the monk, and sir Percavelle Lé Dic, the last up the steps and onto the walkway.
Then once the former paladin, who is at the rear. Walks around into the side tunnel. The wall of water that's in the main sewer, come waterway. Rushes forward, and exits out the wall, and out through the broken culvert as the stream resumes it's course after being held up by the water elemental who is a scout in the Farqian mercenary army.
In the side tunnel, Teabagger continues to lead the way. For unlike his general, he can correctly recall the way they've been told to go.
And the small, bright green goblin leads them through the sewer and waterway tunnels beneath the city of Savariss. Taking the correct turn whenever they get to it.
Finally coming to a set of steps in a service tunnel, that leads upwards. Once at the top, the goblin commander mutters something in his native language, then he turns and quietly says "It's locked general".
"Of course that little fucken bee wouldn't open it" mutters Dorkindle in the ork language, who then quietly says to the small, bright green goblin "Out of the way cunt".
Teabagger comes back down the steps, and the large ork heads up them. At the top of which he finds a heavy circular iron plate. He grabs the handles, and shoves upwards.
It barely budges, so he knows it's locked from the otherside.
Dorc da Orc growls, then grunts as he strain as he pushes upwards, muttering "Fucken cunt, me gonna fucken smash you" as he does so.
The big, burly ork is just about to roar with effort, when there's a clank from the otherside, and the heavy iron plate, which is wider than the broad shoulders of the ork warleader, and weighs at least a couple hundred pounds, suddenly swings upwards and open.
Dorc da Orc quickly sniffs, then grunts, and climbs up the last few steps, then up and out of the hole in the ground, where he finds himself at the end of an empty, and narrow lane in the city of Savariss.
The ork warleader kicks away the thick iron bar that was locked above the plate, and has snapped in two from him opening the iron plate up.
Then Dorkindle looks back down into the sewer opening, and quietly says to Teabagger down below "Come on cunt, we here" followed by "Get the rest of the cunts up here".
One by one, with Teabagger first after his general, the goblin battalion in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, along with the two humans Shur Kee the monk and sir Percavelle Lé Dic, make their way up into the streets of Savariss . . . . . .

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