Sunday 18 November 2018

The Hire 57.


"Send more of them forward" orders the field commander Tamric Drubine, who continues with "Their combined force too. I don't want one sending more forward than the others".
"Yes commander" says the subcommander Waiamin, who passes on the order as they watch the assault upon the city of Savariss amongst a line of the war machines.
Which with the exception of the wagon mounted ballistas. Have stopped firing, now that there's a bottleneck in the breach where the gates in the north wall of the city once stood.
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who him well. Looks away to the right, and in the torch light next to one of the trebuchets, he sees another of the siege towers rolling forward
The nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin, who is now a field commander in the armies of Farque sees another of the siege towers closer to the north wall of Savariss. Get struck by an energyball, which explodes against the barrier spell up infront of the mobile siege tower.
Tam glances at his fellow field commanders Talbot and Leivyn, then looks at his subcommander Waiamin, as well as of one the spellcasters in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
"Anyone seen his highness?" asks the young field commander, who continues with "Or any word from him at all?".
He's answered in the negative. As he has been since this afternoon when he's asked about that. As this afternoon was the last time anyone has seen Helbe the elven thief.
Repressing a sigh, commander Drubine says to his subcommander "Send word to you know who, that they can proceed" the former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine then adds "And have the messenger ask the mage Reinholt if he's seen or heard from his fellow councilor, the elven envoy".
"Will do commander" says Waiamin the subcommander, who moves away to pass the order on to one of the nearby runners.
While a bit behind the trio of field commanders. Standing next to Shur Kee the monk, sir Percavelle Lé Dic steps back and away out of the light of the nearest lit torch.
The heavily armoured knight slips away, following after the runner who subcommander Waiamin has just sent off with the latest order from field commander Drubine as the battle for the city of Savariss continues on this warm summer's evening in the north of the duchy of Phelm.
Dorc da Orc with a look of disgust upon his face squats down after Mira Reinholt the mage tells him to stop pacing back and forth. Which the large ork had resumed doing when he saw how many of the army had gone forward to try and enter the city through the breech where the north gates of Savariss once stood.
The big, burly ork who hails from the southern polar region of the world, sourly grunts as he sees another messenger pass by behind his goblin battalion, who are patiently sitting on the ground behind their ork general, and their commander, Teabagger the goblin Cunt.
"When are we gonna get our fucken orders?" mutters Dorc da Orc, whose patience, which he doesn't have a lot of to begin with, is about to run out.
Especially considering he and his battalion of goblins in the Farqian mercenary army, have yet to take part in the battle for the city of Savariss. Here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
"Don't worry, they'll come soon enough" says Mira Reinholt the mage who suspects the ork warleader and the goblin battalion will soon be given their orders, now that there's a breach in the north wall of the city.
And that the army from the unruled lands in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains, which is led by the Farqian mercenary army. Is attempting to push through the breach which the enemy is doing their best to hold.
Dorkindle grunts as he spots another runner from the mercenary army from the lands Farque heading this way. The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks wonders if the latest messenger is coming to him this time.
The big, burly ork who hails from the very bottom of the world, stands up and grins as the young messenger runs straight towards him.
"Warleader, you may commence your attack" says the runner, a teenage girl from the lands Farque just fourteen years old.
"Fucken 'bout time" mutters the large ork in his native language, then he says "Good" in the common language, then turns to Teabagger the goblin Cunt, and tells "Get the cunts up, we going".
As the goblin commander gives the order, the runner says to the mage Reinholt "Councilor, commander Drubine wants to know if you've seen his highness" followed by "Or if you've heard from the elven envoy at all?".
The spellcaster who is in exile from his homeland, the city-state of Vexilx frowns as this is the third time he's been asked since this afternoon if he's seen, or heard from Helbe the elven thief.
"He isn't with the field commanders?" asks the once powerful mage "He's not sir" is the reply from the young runner.
"Fuck" mutters the spellcaster in the elven language, then the mage who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, turns to the ork weaponsmith who is about to set off with the goblin battalion, and says to him "Dorc, is Helbe around?".
"Huh?" says the big, burly ork who is the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks "How the fuck would me know?" adds the warleader of the ork race.
"Sniff him out you big fat lump" says the mage Reinholt is a dry tone of voice "Who the fuck you calling fat" growls Dorkindle "You" murmurs Teabagger the goblin Cunt in his native language from behind the large ork.
"Just see if you can find him" says the swordmaster Reinholt, Dorc da Orc grunts then repeatedly sniffs while behind him, the goblin battalion stands, ready to move out.
"Heaps of fucken pointy eared tree humpers" says the ork warleader, who then adds "But me can't smell that fucken thief anywhere".
"Fuck" mutters the spellcaster who is a member of the personal council of lord Farque, who then quietly asks the large ork "What about Narladene?".
Dorkindle sourly smiles at the mention of the ground pixie who is attached to the young elven noble from the principality of Laerel.
The ork weaponsmith repeatedly sniffs again, then he gestures towards the city of Savariss and says "Fucken in there".
Where she should be, Mira Reinholt thinks to himself, who then quietly says to the ork warleader "Waiting for you" followed by "You'd better get going".
The big, burly ork from the wolf tribe of orks, who to this day, is still the largest member of his tribe, grunts to that. Then as he's just about to order the goblin battalion to move off.
He catches the scent of who is approaching, the large ork turns in the direction the runner came from, and sees sir Percavelle Lé Dic approaching.
"What the fuck does that cuntbag want?" says Dorc da Orc as he watches the former earl of Lé Dic walking quickly this way.
The spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands, turns and spots the heavily armoured knight approaching.
"There you are you filthy beast" says the approaching sir Percavelle Lé Dic who continues with "You've not yet left, good, good". The former paladin in the order of Saint Mar-che who has the visor of his full helm up and open, is grinning as he comes to a stop infront of the ork warleader and the Vexilian mage in exile.
"Fuck off cunt" growls Dorkindle as he glares at the nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic "Afraid not you big, smelly, disgusting green blob" says the former earl of Lé Dic, who continues with "I'll be off with you" he waves towards the goblin battalion and adds "And all these little green fellows you've done your best to corrupt".
Seeing that the large ork is about to lose it, and start yelling at the heavily armoured knight, though more likely hit him with an axe.
Mira Reinholt says to the big, burly ork "Take him along with you Dorc" the highly skilled swordmaster then dryly adds in silence, least I'll know the disaster will be all in one spot.
Then the mage in exile from the city-state of Vexil has a thought, that even he admits is pretty inspired, and he says "Make sure the two of you come out of tonight alive" he refrains from smiling as he continues with "If one of you gets killed, I'll tell lord Farque that the other one got them killed".
If looks could kill, then the looks directed at the mage Reinholt from the ork warleader and the former knight of the first class would definitely kill him, repeatedly too.
"Commander make sure the two of them are alive in the morning" says the highly skilled swordmaster to Teabagger the goblin Cunt "Yes councilor" says the goblin commander who salutes by putting his right fist against his chest.
"Fucken traitor" mutters Dorkindle in the ork language as he glances back at Teabagger while scowling.
The ork weaponsmith then scowls at the once powerful mage, who says "I'n off" then he nods his hooded head for the young runner, who has been waiting patiently off to one side, to lead the way back to where the field commanders are observing the battle for the city of Savariss this night.
Dorc da Orc continues to scowl at the departing mage, then he remembers he's got something rather important to do.
Ignoring the heavily armoured knight standing nearby, the big, burly ork form the southern polar region of the world says to Teabagger "Fucken let's go".
"Ah boss, general" says the goblin commander as the large ork sets off. The ork warleader stops and looks back, and Teabagger the goblin Cunt says "It's that way general" as he points west, as the ork weaponsmith was about to head off to the east.
"Me knew that" mutters Dorkindle, who turns and heads the other way, followed by Teabagger and the rest of the goblin battalion, along with sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who is loudly sniggering because that large ork doesn't know his left from his right, or in this case, his east from west.
Mira Reinholt makes his way to where the field commanders and others are observing the battle for the city of Savariss this night.
The Vexilian mage in exile first stops beside Shur Kee the monk, and quietly tells him "Shur Kee do me a favour and go with them".
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster gestures behind them and adds "Make sure they don't try to kill one another".
The short statured monk looks behind them and spots Dorc da Orc and his goblin battalion passing by, heading west. With them is the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che, sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
"I had wondered where he had taken off to" murmurs Shur Kee the monk referring to the former earl of Lé Dic, then the acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li says to the mage Reinholt "Of course friend Mira".
The physical adept then looks to where Tamric Drubine is standing with his fellow field commanders, Leivyn and Talbot. And he quietly says to the mage Reinholt "What are about young Tam?".
"I'll stay here and keep an eye on him" replies the swordmaster Reinholt, who looks around, then spots Tovis the war engineer further forward, next to a pair of the wagons, that have ballista mounted on them.
"And on Tovis as well" quietly adds the exiled Vexilian mage, who then asks the short statured monk "Lis?".
"She has joined friend Darid's patrol" replies Shur Kee, Mira Reinholt nods his hooded head when he hears that, and he nods it again, when the acolyte in the order of Bru Li says "I shall be off".
As the physical adept who hails from the far eastern coast of the continent hurries off to join Dorc da Orc and his goblin battalion, who along with sir Percavelle Lé Dic, are heading west.
The mage Reinholt steps forward, and joins the trio of field commanders, who lead the army that's assaulting the city of Savariss this night.
The highly skilled swordmaster who is originally from the city-state of Vexil, and who will always think of himself as a Vexilian, even though he's now a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
Is glad to see the nearby spellcaster is holding his power within himself. So as not to make himself a target to the enemy spellcasters in the city. Though they're pretty preoccupied at the moment, as other spellcasters in the Farqian mercenary army, and in the armies of the five robber barons who have banded together to attack the duchy of Phelm.
Are either attacking them, or defending the siege towers rolling forward to the north wall of the city.
Noticing the mage Reinholt is standing next to him, Tamric Drubine quietly asks the once powerful mage "You don't know where his highness is do you?" the nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin then adds "No one has seen him since earlier today".
"I haven't seen him" answers the Vexilian mage in exile, who then quietly adds in the elven language "Don't worry about him, he's fine wherever he is" the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster gestures towards the city of Savariss as he continues with "Narladene's in there, she wouldn't be if he's been ah harmed".
Field commander Drubine nods to the logic of that, then he turns and says "Are they moving off?".
"They are" replies Mira Reinholt who turns, as does the two other field commanders, Talbot and Leivyn,
The member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque sees a couple of torches shoved into the ground about fifty to sixty yards away to the west, and from the light, he spots the last of the goblin battalion going by.
"There they are" says the once powerful mage as he points to where he can see the battalion of goblins, he quietly continues with "I sent Shur Kee off to keep an eye on them".
It's then that Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well, notices that the short statured monk, as well as sir Percavelle Lé Dic are no longer standing behind the group he's with.
"Percy is with them too" quietly adds the swordmaster Reinholt in a dry tone, which causes Tam to wince, as does the two other field commanders, Talbot and Leivyn.
"No wonder you sent Shur Kee to keep an eye on them" dryly says the youngest of the trio of field commanders in the Farqian mercenary army.
They turn and look towards the city of Savariss again, and the mage Reinholt quietly asks "Where are they?" followed by "They didn't go forward with their men did they?" he then dryly adds "As much as we'd like".
The nobleborn teenager from the north of the kingdom of Sarcrin, which lies over a thousand miles to the west of southern Nastell, faintly smiles, then points away to the right. To a catapult in the line of war machines ahead of the one they're watching the progress of the battle from. "There" quietly says field commander Drubine, who continues with "They've all gathered there".
From the light of a burning torch stuck into the ground near there, the once powerful mage can make out the five robber barons from the unruled lands to the north of the kingdom of Nastell, along with others including their seconds.
"Has that Gergus appointed himself a new second in command yet?" quietly asks the exiled Vexilian mage, it's commander Leivyn who answers with "He has" the small, lithe and attractive woman in leather armour continues with "A friend of his, some fellow named Barrix".
The swordmaster Reinholt nods his hooded head, then quietly says "That's progress i guess" then looking towards the city again, the spellcaster who is a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, sees that one of the siege towers is almost up against the north wall of the city of Savariss.
Then as a fireball cast by an enemy spellcaster lands amongst the masses of soldiers and mercenaries trying to force their way into Savariss through the breach in the wall where the north gates of the city once stood, until they were destroyed by the mage Reinholt.
The once powerful mage quietly says "Things have progressed pretty smoothly so far" the swordmaster from the city-state of Vexil points to the siege tower that's almost up against the north wall of the city as he adds "It won't be for long".
"We know" quietly says Tamric Drubine, who knows the barrier spell infront of that siege tower, and the others, will be dropped by their casters once the towers are right up against the face of the north wall of Savariss.
They have to be, if the gate at the top of the siege towers is to drop open, so that those inside, and following behind them, can get onto the top of the wall of the city.
The mage Reinholt nods his hooded head, then he glances away to the west, where he can no longer see the goblin battalion led by Dorc da Orc. For the battle here on the north side of the city, is a distraction as much as it's the major push to get into Savariss.
What will take place around on the west side of the walled city is just as important in the taking of Savariss as what's happening around here on the north side.
By the shape of fire, let's hope they don't fuck things up too much, Mira Reinholt dryly thinks to himself as he contemplates what's been planned for the west side of the city, as the battle for Savariss this warm, summer's night continues . . . . . .

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