Wednesday 28 November 2018

The Hire 65.

Northern Nastell. The City Of Savariss...

Commander Berric stumbles, and is steadied by Ludoc, one of his men that remains alive.
"Goblins" murmurs Berric the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard, who has said that a number of times since they've begun their mad dash south through the streets of Savariss.
"Who would of thought it" adds the commander who also happens to be a swordmaster, and the highest ranked commoner in the court of duke Hargen of Phelm.
"I know" quietly says Ludoc, who has said that a number of times since the attack upon their company by the goblin mercenaries, the experienced guard then adds in a tone of disbelief "I still can't believe it". Beside him, his commander nods in agreement.
There's seven of them in total. Four of duke Hargen's personal guards, who include commander Berric as well as Ludoc. Two soldiers in the duke's army, and a mercenary who has been hired into the duke's army.
That's all that remains of those who were with the swordmaster Berric when they were attacked earlier tonight by a band of goblin mercenaries who have been hired by the robber barons of the unruled lands in the southern reaches of Colevar Mountains.
All the others are either dead, dying, or have been taken prisoner by the enemy. Who as the night has progressed, have taken control of more and more of the city of Savariss.
They stop at the end of the alleyway they're in, and after looking out of it, they cut across a street, and go into a lane. That takes them closer and closer to the south wall of the city.
As they hurry through the lane, Ludoc who has been in the personal guard of the duke of Phelm longer than even his commander, once again quietly says "What the hell was that thing?".
And once again commander Berric winces at the mention of it, and he quietly says again to the experienced guard "Not a troll, that I'm certain of" followed by "An ork is what some of the others thought it was".
"Damn thing" mutters Ludoc, who along with his commander, figures it killed more of their company than most of the goblins combined.
The swordmaster who had to use all his skill just to keep himself alive as he battled numerous goblins, who he had no idea they were so vicious, as well as proficient in battle. When they weren't falling over one another, or tripping each other up.
Winces once more as he recalls his subcommander Omrick's head exploding in a bloody mess as the large, green creature. That definitely wasn't a goblin, nor was it a troll. Smashed a hammer down upon the head of the subcommander in duke Hargen's personal guard.
Though the abiding memory of it, is not it killing anyone it fought against with ease. Or it roaring and shouting all the time. Usually "Get some!" or something unintelligible that involved a lot of swearing.
But the gut churning stench that came from it. And the massive poncho looking thing it wore. Even though it hasn't rained here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell for a few days. And it doesn't look like it's going to rain anytime soon.
And if it wasn't the large green, foul smelling creature killing everyone. It was the enemy knight, that someone recognised as being in the order of Saint Mar-che.
Who called everyone either a villain or a cretin, as he killed or incapacitated them.
Then there was the fellow in the odd looking clothing, and the even odder looking conical shaped hat. Who with his staff, or his bare hands, and sandled feet. Battered, punched, kicked or threw down anyone who came at him.
Even the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard tried to take him on. Thinking he was the easier target amongst the trio who weren't goblins.
And all that got the swordmaster was a whack in the side of the leg from the fellow's staff. Which if it didn't hit the armoured thigh guard. Berric knows it would of shattered his leg.
Though even now, it still hurts like hell, and is badly bruised, so much so, that every step the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard takes gives him pain.
They're in the south of the city, fleeing the enemy. As are others in the duke's forces who were defending the city of Savariss.
And though commander Berric knows all they were ever going to, was delay the enemy. He thought they would of lasted longer.
The enemy only began their attack when night fell. And now, just after midnight. They've entered the only city in the north of the duchy of Phelm. And already have much of it under their control.
The swordmaster who along with the experienced guard Ludoc are leading the others with them to the south wall of Savariss. Not one of them isn't injured or hurt in anyway.
They've all got aches and bruises. And some have hastily bandaged cuts and wounds from enemy weapons.
Commander Berric who knows that the goblins, because they were in black tabbards and cloaks. Belong to the mercenary army that the five robber barons have hired.
Is trying to keep well away from them as they hurry south through the streets of Savariss.
They've seen some of them just the once since they attacked the commander's company and the stragglers who were with them.
And that one time Berric, Ludoc and the five others with them, spotted those goblins. They took off running in the other direction from them.
And though the goblins took chase. They did so only briefly. For they ran across even more of the duke's forces. Who weren't so quick to flee. And they ended up fighting them instead. Which the swordmaster Berric and those with him, are glad of.
For they know there's no way they would come out alive, or not as prisoners. If they got into a fight against more than just a few of the enemy at this time.
Ludoc, who though not from the city of Savariss, knows it fairly well, quietly says to his commander "The gates would be easier to get to if we had gone left" as they turn right at the end of the lane.
"I know" is the quiet reply of the commander of the duke of Phelm's personal guard, who continues with "We're not going to the gates".
"We aren't?" asks the experienced member of duke Hargen's personal guard. His commander shakes his head no, then quietly says "We're getting out the city another way".
The swordmaster grimly smiles as behind him he hears one of the soldiers in duke Hargen's army quietly say "I hope he isn't intending to climb a rope down the wall, 'cause my arms are fucked at the moment".
"Quiet" says another of the commander's company to the army soldier, who shuts up.
If it's blocked, you'd wish we climb down the wall on a rope, the swordmaster thinks to himself.
Then Berric quietly says to Ludoc "The enemy are probably watching the gates, especially if they've been opened, and others are leaving that way" he then adds "Best if we exist the city without them noticing".
"Good idea" murmurs Ludoc, who just hopes they're able to escape the city of Savariss without them encountering anymore of the enemy.
Especially those goblin mercenaries, and that large green creature that might of been an ork, who looked like it was leading the goblins.
They stop at the end of a side street, and they hear a nearby door bang shut. Then after the others glance at the swordmaster Berric, he leads them into a courtyard at the back of an inn. Which has it's windows, and doors boarded up.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard who knows the city of Savariss just as well as anyone alive. Hurries through the courtyard, and into a narrow lane beside the inn.
As they can go down the lane, they can clearly see the south wall of Savariss ahead of them. Just a couple of streets away.
And after they check to see if the street they get to is clear. Commander Berric leads them across it, into the yard of a warehouse. An alley runs along one side of the warehouse, and the swordmaster enters it, followed by the others.
"Where exactly are we going?" quietly asks the experienced guard Ludoc when they get to the end of the alleyway, and they can see the south wall of Savariss is directly across from them, on the otherside of the street.
"Away to the right" quietly says the commander of duke Hargen's personal guards, who continues with "There's a number of buildings right up against the wall" the highest ranked commoner in the court of the duke of Phelm then adds "There's a bolthole in one of them that smugglers use to go in and out of the city whenever they like, and not pay the tax for outgoing goods".
The swordmaster pauses as he looks the other way down the street that runs behind the south wall of Savariss, as he says "It was a sally port centuries ago, until some genius decided to build those places up against the wall".
Ludoc looks away to the left as well, and in the distance they can just make out the south gates of the city, which are indeed open.
They see a number of figures hurry across the street in that direction, then disappear as they go through the gates.
A few moments later, and commander Berric quietly says to Ludoc "You hear that?". "I do" murmurs the experienced member of duke Hargen's personal guard as they can just hear fighting from the otherside of the open gates.
The commander looks back at the others, and quietly tells them "Once we go through the wall, head west as quickly as you can" the swordmaster continues with "Because it sounds like there's a number of the enemy on the otherside of the gates, trying to stop anyone from leaving the city".
The others all nod after commander Berric tells them "After we get clear of the city, we'll head south and try and join up with the duke's forces down there".
Then the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard leads them out of the alleyway, and goes to the right along the street that runs behind the south wall of the city.
Once he's gone about thirty yards, the swordmaster crosses the street at an angle, heading towards a few buildings that are right up against the wall. Berric leads them to the third building, which is right beneath one of the squat towers on top of the wall.
Ludoc tries the front door, then mutters "Locked". He along with his commander glance at one another, and they both nod.
The two of them kick at the door at the same time, they have to kick it a few times. But the door eventually slams open. And they hurry inside.
As they do, they can hear shouting from further down the street, around where the gates are.
Commander Berric hopes it isn't the enemy. And hopes they don't come rushing this way to see what's happening. But considering his luck this night. It probably is the enemy, and they probably will come and investigate what all the noise was about.
The building is a traders shop, selling all types of wares. From coils of rope to small porcelain trinkets. An obvious front for smugglers.
In the darkness they bump into things, mostly tables and free standing shelves as the swordmaster Berric leads them to the storeroom at the back.
In there, one of the other guards finds a lamp, and quickly lights it, so they can see what they're doing.
"I wonder where it is" dryly says Ludoc as they see the large tapestry hanging on the back wall. The commander and the experienced guard pull down the tapestry to reveal the bolthole.
It's a wooden door built into the wall, the hinges are greased so well, it makes no sound as they open it.
On the otherside is the old sally port, that's open and up against the side of the inside of the south wall of the city.
The swordmaster who is the highest placed commoner in the court of the duke of Phelm, leads the way into the wall. And they hurry through the tunnel, at the end of it is the otherside of the sally port, which is closed, though not locked.
Commander Berric suspects the smugglers and their families who were in the city when the robber barons armies showed up. Used this bolthole to escape Savariss when the city's gates were closed.
"Put out that lamp" orders Ludoc, and the tunnel goes dark. As it does, they can hear people back in the traders shop.
"Got it?" quietly asks the swordmaster Berric "I have" replies Ludoc, who has got one side of the long handle that opens the sally port.
"Go" quietly says the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard, who pushes the sally port, while Ludoc turns the handle. The heavy door slightly opens, allowing one person at a time to slip outside. Which they do after the swordmaster takes a quick look outside.
Once the last soldier is through the sally port, and outside the city's south wall. Commander Berric and Ludoc push the heavy door close.
The others are already hurrying away to the west along the base of the wall. And after they close the sally port, the swordmaster and the experienced guard follow after them.
As they do, they hear shouting in the distance behind him, from near the south gates of Savariss.
Commander Berric and Ludoc glance at one another, then even though the two of them are battered and bruised, they start running.
"Run" orders the swordmaster Berric when they catch up to the others. For though they've safely escaped the city of Savariss. The enemy has spotted them, and as earlier in the night, they're being pursued again.
Commander Berric who has kept thoughts of his oldest son Pollis, along with his younger brother Gallene out of his mind. Hopes that they're safe. Because he knows for him it's going to be a long night, and that he and the others will have be extremely lucky if they're to survive the night as they hurry away from the city of Savariss . . . . . . .

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