Sunday 25 November 2018

The Hire 62.

The Kingdom Of Nastell. The Duchy Of Phelm. The City Of Savariss...

They head back northwards through the city. To see if they can do anything to help with the defence closer to the north wall of Savariss.
Berric the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard, who has most of his men with him. And a number of soldiers and mercenaries in the duke's army tagging along with his company.
Knows already that the city of his birth is going to fall to the enemy from the unruled lands in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains this night. It's just a matter of when, not if.
They see a couple of the enemy dash across the street infront of them. The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard, who is also a swordmaster. Doesn't bother sending anyone to chase after them.
He has those with him continue northwards through the streets of Savariss. The city streets where you'll only find the combatants from both sides of the conflict.
As the citizens of Savariss, and those people who fled the enemy from further north in the duchy, and came to the safety of the only city in the north of Phelm.
Who were unable to get out of Savariss by the time the city gates were shut yesterday morning when the enemy first showed up.
Remain inside their homes and the other buildings as the battle for the city this warm summer's night rages on.
As they cross a square, they meet up with Omrick, the subcommander of duke Hargen's personal guard, and the members of the company has with him, and all the stragglers in the duke's army he has picked up.
After briefly conferring with his second in command, and looking over those Omrick has with him.
Commander Berric slightly frowns then asks the subcommander "Where's that small squad led by that young fellow from the south?" the swordmaster who is the highest placed commoner in the court of duke Hargen then adds "They've got a trio of mercenaries with them, two dwarves and an elf" he continues with "I sent them your way when i ran across them earlier".
"Oh them" says subcommander Omrick as they get underway again, heading north towards the wall, where the battle is heaviest.
"We got separated when we ran into some of the enemy" adds the subcommander of duke Hargen's personal guard, who continues with "Hopefully they can rejoin us, or any of the others" Omrick briefly pauses, then quietly says to his commander "Or get to safety some how".
The swordmaster Berric slightly nods his head at that. For it isn't particularly safe here in the streets of Savariss. And it definitely isn't safe where they're heading. To the north wall of the city, which has been breached by the enemy. Who have also gained the top of the wall in numbers.
One of the commander's officers calls out something from the left. And a few moments later, one of the guards in the company comes forward with a soldier in the duke's army.
"Commander" says the member of the duke's personal guard, who nods to the soldier with him, and continues with "This fellow here says there's a substantial number of the enemy, at least a couple of hundred of them, who are coming through the streets on the west side of the city".
"West?" says Berric in surprise, who calls a halt then adds "You sure about that?". He then looks at his subcommander, who for a while headed through the streets towards the western quarter of the city.
"I'm sure sir" says the soldier in the duke's army "We encountered some out that way" quietly says Omrick to his commander, the subcommander then adds "But nothing substantial like that".
The second in command of duke Hargen's personal guard then murmurs "Hell, if we did, they would of wiped us out".
The swordmaster who was born and grew up here in the city of Savariss, nods his head slightly when he hears his subcommander murmur that,
Then the commander of the duke of Phelm's personal guard looks at the soldier and asks him "You sure?".
"Yes sir" says the soldier who is fairly young, who continues with "Three of us saw them hurrying across the far end of a street, near a small park that has a fountain infront of it". Berric nods as he knows exactly where the soldier means.
"We rushed off to find someone to tell about them" adds the young soldier, who looks around then says "I don't know where the others got to".
The swordmaster nods again, then glances at his second in command and quietly says "West?".
The subcommander nods, as he's thinking the exact same thing as his commander. How the hell did they get into the west side of the city in such numbers.
"Which way were they heading?" asks commander Berric, who already knows the answer before the soldier tells him, as it's what he'd do if he was the enemy "Northwards sir" says the young soldier.
The swordmaster nods his head and faintly smiles when he hears his subcommander mutter "Hell, knowing us we'll run into them".
Berric gives the order to continue, and they set off again. Though he tells those infront to turn left up at the corner ahead. Which still takes them northward, though a bit more to the west as well.
"You hoping to run into them commander?" quietly asks Omrick, who glances back at their company, and the stragglers they have with them, then he looks at his commander and quietly adds "Because that lot outnumber us by about fifty or sixty at my best guess".
"Their whole army outnumbers us here in the city" dryly says the swordmaster "There is that" says the subcommander, who then sourly adds "Unfortunately".
The swordmaster nods to that, then he falls silent as they continue north, though veering to the west as well. His second in command Omrick makes sure those of the company at the rear, and the others on the flanks. Usually on the streets, or in the lanes parallel to the one the bulk of them are traversing through.
Keep a watchful eye out for this large, substantial number of the enemy, who are somewhere in the western quarter of the city, heading north.
They hear fighting up ahead on a street. But it's only a number of city guards and soldiers, less than twenty of them. Fighting against a similar number of the enemy.
They quickly overwhelm the soldiers and mercenaries in the armies of the robber barons of the unruled lands of the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains.
Then subcommander Omrick asks the city guards if they've seen any sign of a large group of the enemy in the western part of the city.
When they answer in the negative, the second in command of duke Hargen's personal guard has them join them.
Then he glances at his commander, who nods for the company to continue. The members of duke Hargen's personal guard here in Savariss, and those amongst those defending the largest city in northern Phelm they've gathered up.
Continue northwards, and west through the city streets. Wondering if they'll run across a large number of the enemy who have apparently entered the city form the west.
Dorc da Orc growls, and Teabagger the goblin Cunt quietly says in common "Get back inside".
The youngster, no more than five or six years old. Who has opened the front door of his home, to have a look at what he heard outside. Bangs the door shut when he sees what and who is passing by on the street infront of his family's home.
The ork warleader who is the general of the goblin battalion in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, chuckles as he hears the child in the house they've just gone by. Hurrying into another room, babbling to those inside, presumably his family. That there's a bunch of monsters outside this night.
"Yeah we fucken monsters alright" softly chortles Dorc da Orc in his native language, then the large ork, who by his sense of smell, is leading the way through the streets of Savariss, quietly says in common to Teabagger "Right".
The goblin commander, who sees that there's only a right corner up ahead, and glad that there is. As he doesn't have to ask his general if he's sure. As he's had to do whenever there's more than one option to turn.
Gives the signal to those in the battalion following, that they're going right.
Not all of the goblin battalion in the Farqian mercenary army are on the same street, following directly behind their general and commander. Others are on the surrounding streets, keeping pace with the bulk of their battalion. Who are heading northwards through the western quarter of the city of Savariss, that's under attack this warm summer's night in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
They get to a market square, which is more circular than square shaped. And amongst the empty stalls, and wagons and carts that have been left here. The ork weaponsmith who hails from the southern polar region of the world, quietly tells Teabagger to call a brief halt.
Near the rear, Shur Kee the monk and sir Percavelle Lé Dic glance at one another. And though the heavily armoured knight has a sour looking smile upon his face. He does nod his head yes when the short statured monk gestures ahead.
The two of them, the acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li, and the nobleman in the knights of Saint Mar-che, make their way forward. To where they find Dorc da Orc and Teabagger the goblin Cunt at the eastern edge of the market square.
With a look of disgust as he looks at the big, burly ork wearing a poncho, who reeks more than normal.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic quietly asks the large ork in tone of contempt "Well beast, why have thou called a halt?".
With a sideways look at the heavily armoured knight, a look that's a glare if there's ever one. The warleader of the ork race who is the general of the goblin battalion in the Farqian mercenary army, quietly growls "Fuck up cunt" follow by "Me tryin' to fucken listen".
The former earl of Lé Dic who hails from the kingdom of Druvic is about to retort. When he sees the physical adept who is originally from the otherside of the continent, the far eastern side. Shake his head no, and put a finger up to his lips to be quiet.
The nobleborn knight who is around the same age as his antagonist and rival Dorc da Orc, sourly smiles again. Though he does keep silent as they watch the large ork.
After breathing deeply in through his nostrils, as he and Teabagger listen with intent. The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks grunts, then quietly says in his deep, growling voice to the goblin commander "There's a fucken bunch of them coming this way".
The son of the former matriarch of his tribe, points to the southeast, and quietly adds "Form that fucken way".
"Yes general" quietly says the small, bright green goblin who is originally from the kingdom of Melaurn, as he too has heard a fairly decent sized force of the enemy heading this way.
Dorkindle looks around, and though he can make out the north wall of the city in the distance as he looks between two buildings. The north wall, where he can see heavy fighting along the top of it.
The big, burly ork who hails from the frozen bottom of the world, leans down and quietly discusses things with the goblin commander.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic briefly frowns again, then he and Shur Kee the monk share a look as they listen to what Dorc da Orc and Teabagger the goblin Cunt are quietly talking about.
The nobleborn knight then briefly grins as he listens to the large ork and the small, bright green goblin. As he does, the former paladin draws his pick axe, and a hammer. While the short, statured monk clasps his staff in a relaxed grip.
The street they're on goes up an incline, and at the top of it. Commander Berric gets a view of the top of the north wall in the distance. The swordmaster nods his head, as next to him, his second in command Omrick mutters "Hell" as he catches sight of the north wall in the distance. And the heavy fighting that's taking place upon the top of it.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard briefly thinks about his oldest son Poliss, who is in the city guard. As well as his younger brother Gallene, the captain of the castle and city guard.
Both of whom, were on the top of the north wall of Savariss when the battle began at nightfall.
The swordmaster who wonders if they're both alive, quietly says to his second in command "Come on, let's get there and see what we can do".
They continue down the otherside of the street, and turn left at the end of it, which takes them more to the west again.
The street is relatively short, and they turn right, which once again takes them directly north. They do this for the next few lanes and streets. Turn west for a bit, then head back north.
Commander Berric knows if they keep doing this for some time, they'll eventually end up near where the north and west walls of Savariss meet.
The commander of the duke of Phelm's personal guard, who is safe in the knowledge that his charge, duke Hargen is far away from the city of Savariss, somewhere further south in the duchy.
Is looking back amongst the company, and the stragglers they've picked up. To where one of his company, who is holding a burning torch, as a few are doing. While a few others have lamps.
Is conferring with another of his men, who has been keeping pace with the bulk of them, off on the side streets.
"Something's happened" quietly says Berric to his second in command, the swordmaster quietly continues with "Ludoc is talking to Halvar about something".
Omrick the subcommander looks back, and spots the two men in duke Hargen's personal guard in question. Then one of them, hurries forward, to where the commander and subcommander are.
Just then, further back. At a side street. Comes a number of figures who charge into the company, and those soldiers and mercenaries in duke Hargen's army, and city guards who are with the company of the duke of Phelm's personal guard.
"The enemy!" shouts commander Berric, who blinks as he sees that those attacking them are short. And for a moment he thinks they're being attacked by a troupe of dwarven mercenaries.
Then he blinks in surprise when beside him, his second in command Omrick voices in a tone of surprise, what he sees "What the fucking hell, they're goblins".
The swordmaster draws his weapon, just as more goblins run from a lane that's between here and the street the others have run out from.
And though a few of them trip over, others leap over them, and attack with a ferocity and skill, that the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard, never thought goblins were capable of.
Just then, in the light of a lamp, Berric spots running from the side street, what can only be described as a large knight, who with a pick axe and hammer, wades into his men, and the others. Smashing and bludgeoning down anyone who gets in his way. The swordmaster is pretty sure he hears the knight over the noise of the fighting, loudly shout "Take that you foul villain!" as he slams his pick into the face of a city guard.
With the loud knight, commander Berric sees a fellow, that causes the swordmaster to blink in surprise. For he's wearing the strangest looking clothes imaginable, as they resemble bed or night clothes more than anything else.
And also what can only be described the oddest looking hat that's commander Berric thinks exists. It's conical in shape, and obscures much of the short fellow's face.
Though it doesn't hinder him in the least, as he knocks down city guards, soldiers, mercenaries and duke Hargen's personal guards with ease, with the staff he's using.
The commander and the subcommander go to hurry and join in the fight, when there comes a loud roar from the nearby lane that some of the goblins are rushing from.
Berric and his second in command Omrick glance at one another, then they turn and make for the lane, and the fighting there.
And to see whatever it is, that's somewhere back in the lane, that they hear roar again, followed by a loud growling, deep rumbling shout, in heavily accented common, that sounds like "Fucken get some!" . . . . . .

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