Monday 26 November 2018

The Hire 63.

The City Of Savariss...

"You hear that?" asks Shawtus McQuade "Here what?" is the reply from his cousin Smawfri McQuade.
"Fucking that" says the slightly older of the two dwarven cousins, this time in their native language.
"Fucking roaring or something" adds Shawtus as he glares at his slightly younger and slightly shorter cousin.
"Don't know what the fuck you're going on about you silly fucker" mutters Smawfri McQuade in the dwarven language, the warrior who like his cousin, hails from the Sunreach Mountains, then adds "I can hear fucking fighting in the distance, to the north and to the east as well. But no fucking roaring".
"By Thaxel, i thought i heard" mutters the older dwarven warrior, who then switches to the common language, and asks the tall figure in the hooded cloak walking infront of him and his cousin "Dalin you hear that?".
Looking back at the dwarven cousins walking behind him and the squad leader Barron, Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy says "Hear what?".
The spy Tanith, looks around as Shawtus McQuade says "Roaring, like there be some kind of beastie about".
Dalinvardél Tanith who is more commonly called Dalin by those who know him well. It's also the name he's going by as he ensconced in the army of duke Hargen of Phelm.
Has a frown on his youthful looking face, as he says "Roaring?" followed by "I don't hear any roaring".
The elven spy who is originally from the principality of Alínlae, and now serves in the armies of Farque, and has infiltrated the army of duke Hargen, then says "I can hear fighting in the distance that way" as he gestures away to their left, to the east.
Then the elf, who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae, then adds "And away to the north, at the wall i guess" he continues on with "But i don't hear any roaring".
"See told you" says Smawfri McQuade in the dwarven language to his slightly older cousin "You've got fucking shit in your ears or something" adds the slightly younger and slightly shorter of the two dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains, who then says "You might want to get that fucking checked out one day".
"Fucking smartass" mutters Shawtus McQuade, who like his cousin, is back to speaking in dwarven. As they and the rest of the small squad, follow behind Barron their squad leader. And the elf they think is just a mercenary ranger, though a highly skilled and efficient one. Who is form the principality of Alínlae.
As he walks in the front with the squad leader Barron. Dalinvardél Tanith who hears the two dwarven warriors muttering away at one another in their native language.
Has no qualms about lying straight out to Shawtus McQuade. For the elven spy who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army. Did indeed briefly hear roaring somewhere away to the east of them.
Roaring that sounded familiar to the spy Tanith. As he's certain it came from the mouth of the ork warleader, Dorc da Orc.
Dalin, who is just glad that he and those with him. Didn't run into the large ork, and the goblin battalion in the Farqian mercenary army that he leads.
After all, the small squad he's apart of in duke Hargen's army. Has a pair of dwarven warriors in it. Who have a more than colourful past with the big, burly ork who hails from the southern polar region of the world.
Looks at the young squad leader Barron, who quietly asks him "How close is that fighting?".
"Close enough" is the equally quiet reply from Dalin, who continues with "To the north as well, it's moving down from the wall i guess" followed by "Spreading down into the streets".
"Aye sounds like it" says Shawtus McQuade in common from behind them, then the spy Tanith gestures to their right, across the street, to set of steps that go up the side of a building.
"Should be a pretty good spot to have a look around" says Dalin, who has been leading the small squad to a specific place here in the west of the city. A place he's yet to find, though he'll know it when he sees it.
They quickly cross the street, and Barron along with the elven spy, and the two dwarven warriors head up the steps. While the rest of the squad remain alert down in the lane below.
Once on the roof, they turn and look back to the north. And though the young squad leader from the south of the duchy of Phelm can't see it as clearly as the other three. He can see it easy enough, as he looks away to the north, where in the distance is the north wall of the city.
"Fuck" mutters Barron, Smawfri grunts in agreement, while Shawtus just nods, and Dalin is silent as they look towards the north of Savariss.
"That" says the slightly older of the two dwarven cousins "Is a rout if I've ever seen you" adds Shawtus McQuade.
"Aye" says the younger of the two dwarven warriors in agreement with his slightly older and slightly taller cousin "That's what it be" continues Shawtus.
"You see there" says Dalinvardél Tanith who points at a few of the streets in the distance that lead south from the north wall of the city "That's either them coming this way, or ours heading into the city" adds the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae, who briefly pauses, before he continues with "It actually looks like both to me".
"Aye it seems to be" says Shawtus McQuade as they stand upon a roof garden of a boarding house "Ours and the enemy pursuing them" adds the dwarven warrior, who though bad tempered, isn't as bad tempered or volatile as his younger cousin Smawfri.
Looking eastwards, Barron says "Where's the fighting that way?" the young squad leader from southern Phelm, then adds "I can't see anything there".
"Behind those row of buildings there" is the reply from the spy Tanith who points out a couple of streets of large buildings, the elf who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae, then adds "Can't actually see them from up here".
"Aye" says Shawtus McQuade, who continues with "Though it sounds like a fierce fight going on there" he then adds "Seems to be a quite a few on both sides giving each other hell". His younger cousin Smawfri grunts in agreement with him.
Barron is quiet for a few moments as he contemplates things, then he looks at the trio of non humans who are far more experience than him when it comes to warfare. Then he eventually asks them in a quiet voice "What should we do?".
It's Smawfri McQuade who answers, much to the relief of the spy Tanith. For the slightly younger of the two dwarven warriors suggests what Dalin wants to do.
"I say we get the hell out of here" says the slightly shorter of the two dwarven warriors, who continues with "Out of the city like".
As Shawtus McQuade nods in agreement with his cousin Smawfri, Dalinvardél Tanith says "I agree" the elven spy who is posing as a mercenary ranger from Alínlae, then adds "We can always join up with the duke's forces further south in the duchy, either in Almaic or somewhere else, and fight another day".
Dalin gestures away to the north to the fighting there, as he continues with "Because if we stay here this night, we're going to end up either dead, or prisoners of the robber barons".
After a few moments of silence, the young squad leader nods. Then Shawtus McQuade says "The only problem we have is how the hell are we going to get out of the city?" he continues with "No one is exactly going to open any of the other gates, unless there's a commander or senior officer there giving the order to do so".
"That is a problem" murmurs the young squad leader, while next to him, the spy Tanith frowns as if in thought. Because he already knows of a way out of the city.
After a few moments, Dalin says "I've got an idea" the elven spy who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army then adds "Come on, let's see if we can find it".
They head down the steps to rejoin the rest of the squad, with Barron asking the elf who he thinks is a mercenary ranger "What exactly is it we're looking for?".
The answer Dalinvardél Tanith gives the young squad leader, causes the thick eyebrows of the dwarven warriors Shawtus and Smawfri to lift in surprise.
Then the younger of the McQuade cousins quietly says "Why didn't i think of that?". "Because you hardly ever think, that's fucking why" says the older McQuade cousin in a dry tone of voice in the dwarven language.
"Ah get fucked you tall prick" mutters Smawfri McQuade as they and the rest of the small squad follow behind Barron and Dalin, who has told them what to look out for.
The elven spy in the Farqian mercenary army who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army. Knows exactly where to find what he's searching for. After all, he's been given directions to it. He just needs to find somewhere that will lead him there. As the starting point to it, wasn't exactly a set place.
Well, this is what you get from taking directions from a pixie Dalin, the spy Tanith dryly thinks to himself, who after they hurry down a narrow street, spots a place that's on the way to where he wants to go.
Finally, Dalinvardél Tanith thinks to himself in relief, he then tells the others "Look carefully for one" he then adds "In a lane or a small side street would be my best guess to find one". He knows that the one he's looking for, is in a dead end lane not too far from the old rundown tavern they've just gone by.
The elven spy, who briefly touches the hidden pocket he keeps his lock picking tools in. Nods his hooded head to a side street, and quietly says "Try down there".
And though there isn't one in the street. There is one in the dead end lane halfway down the street. Which they find is already open.
Well i don't have to pick it open, that's something, Dalin thinks to himself as he realises who must of opened it.
"Hell, someone snapped the bar in two" says Shawtus McQuade, holding up the round bar made of iron which is usually locked onto the top of the heavy circular iron plate, that's been pushed to one side of a sewer opening. It's infact an opening to a service tunnel, that's leads into the sewers and waterways beneath the western quarter of the city of Savariss.
"No time to waste" says Dalin, who is the first one to go down through the circular hole in the ground, he's quickly followed by the McQuade cousins who are perfectly at home beneath the ground.
They're hesitantly followed by Barron and the rest of the small squad. Who head down into the darkness, which they can barely see in, compared to the two dwarves and the elf.
Once down the steps into the service tunnel, it's the McQuade cousins who take the lead. Dalinvardél Tanith lets them, even though he knows exactly where to go. All he says to the dwarven warriors is to look for an exit out of the city.
And as the rest of the small squad follows in the near darkness. As Shawtus and Smawfri has told them not to light any makeshift torch they might make. Just incase there's a build up of gas in one of the sewers.
They head more or less in the exact same direction that the spy Tanith has been given to make his escape from Savariss.
And whenever the McQuade cousins briefly stop to argue about which way to go. It's Dalin who solves the argument by picking the right way to go.
And it's not too long before they find themselves in a side tunnel of the waterways. Where the elven spy who has infiltrated the army of duke Hargen says to the dwarven warriors infront of him "You hear that up ahead?".
"Aye" is the reply in unison from the McQuade cousins, Shawtus then adds "Sounds like a main tunnel". "Smells like a bloody sewer that way too" says Smawfri, his slightly older and slightly taller cousin grunts in agreement.
They get to the end of the tunnel they're in, and the raised walkway on the side of the tunnel, turns right. And they enter what's the main tunnel of the waterways beneath the western quarter of the city of Savariss.
After Smawfri McQuade mutters in dwarven to his cousin Shawtus "Fucking filthy humans, shitting in their own water instead of having two separate tunnels".
Dalinvardél Tanith says "Well there's the way out" as he gestures ahead to an open culvert in the west wall of the city. On the otherside of which is a stream.
"Hell, we're going to have to get into that muck" mutters Smawfri McQuade "It's far more water than crap, so it should be alright" says Shawtus McQuade, who after a slight pause adds "I hope".
Dalin turns and tells Barron the plan, the young squad leader nods his head, then says "Sounds good to me" then he adds "Who's first?".
"Out of the way you tall prick" says Smawfri in dwarven as he shoves his slightly older and slightly taller cousin to one side, as they get to the end of the walkway, where there's some steps that go down into the water.
The dwarven warrior goes down the first couple of steps that are still above the level of the water, then he jumps into the water, and is quickly swept out through the west wall of the city, and through the culvert to the stream beyond.
"Hope you drown you dickhead" mutters Shawtus McQuade to his cousin who disappears through the west wall of Savariss. Then he too hops down into the water and is swept away.
Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy after tying up his cloak, follows after him. Then one by one, the rest of the small squad get into the water, and they're swept out through the west wall of the city, out through the culvert, and into the stream outside of the city . . . . . .

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