Thursday 29 November 2018

The Hire 66.


The next morning. And they let him out for some fresh air. He's escorted from the room he's been held in. By a pair of the mercenary soldiers in black. Who take him upstairs, to the top of the tower.
There in the early morning sunshine, on what feels like it's going to be another warm summer's day here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
The captain of the castle guard, the swordmaster Gallene. Takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. Then he opens them again as he exhales, and looks out over the city that's been his home all his life.
Gallene looks down into the nearest streets, and blinks in surprise. As he sees a number of locals, city folk for the most part. Out and about like it's a regular morning here in the city of Savariss.
A city that's clearly under enemy control. As there's a lot of them. Whether they be soldiers in the armies of the five robber barons of the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains, who are at war with duke Hargen and the duchy of Phelm.
Or the many mercenaries they've hired from throughout the Southlands. Including here in the kingdom of Nastell.
True, there's far more of them than there's locals upon the streets below. But there are locals out and about this morning. And though some seem a little nervous. The captain of the castle and city guard sees that they're being left alone as they go about their business.
Something that swordmaster Gallene wouldn't of thought would of happened. Considering there was a battle that took place here in Savariss during the night.
A battle that he and those defending the only city in the very north of the kingdom of Nastell, clearly lost. And a whole lot quicker than what captain Gallene thought they were going to lose it.
The captain of the guard who wonders if his brother and fellow swordmaster, Berric. As well as his nephew Poliss survived the night.
Turns around and looks along the north wall of the city, he looks down and sees that work has already begun on the repair of the wall where the breach is.
He sees a number of the mercenary soldiers in black. Wearing leather aprons as engineers and masons do. Supervising work gangs, who are clearing away debris. While other engineers are measuring out where the gates once stood in the north wall of Savariss.
The swordmaster Gallene slightly shakes his head at the industry of it all. And so soon after the battle that created the damage in the first place.
Though the captain of the castle and city guard knows that the enemy could've inflicted a whole lot more damage upon the city last night in the efforts to enter Savariss, but they didn't.
In the early morning sunshine, Gallene looks along the top of the north wall of the city. And sees that there's the various robber baron's soldiers in position along there. They're the interposed every so often by the mercenary soldiers in the black tabbards and black cloaks. Who the swordmaster gets a sneaking suspicion from what he's seen so far this morning. And during the night in the battle. Are the one's who are actually in command of the enemy. And not the five robber barons of the unruled lands in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains who have banded together to wage war upon duke Hargen and the duchy of Phelm.
It's the same along the long west wall of the city. And on the south wall in the distance. And captain Gallene sees it's also like that in the center of the city, at castle Savariss.
Then he turns and looks to the east, lifting a hand to shade his eyes as the sun continues to rise in that direction.
Then the swordmaster suddenly pauses as he spots something that's got his attention. It's not the enemy upon the top of the east wall of the city. It's something else outside of the city.
It's an army about a thousand yards away to the east of Savariss, who are marching south as the sun rises this warm summer morning.
Clearly an army from the unruled lands to the north of the kingdom of Nastell. As he spots many a banner belonging to the five robber barons who have decided to wage war upon duke Hargen. And with them are plenty of mercenaries. Including those in the black tabbards and black cloaks.
It's also clear to the captain of the castle guard that this army had nothing whatsoever to do with the battle last night. Infact it doesn't look like they've engaged in any fighting at all so far in the campaign of the robber barons of the unruled lands, against duke Hargen and the duchy of Phelm.
"Hell, that's four" Gallene the captain of the guard murmurs to himself, as he watches the fourth enemy army. Larger than any one of the other three that attacked Savariss last night. March southwards, going by the city without stopping.
The swordmaster turns quickly around, as a voice behind him says "Indeed it is four armies in total that your duke faces".
Captain Gallene sees a couple of those from last night, who briefly saw him in the room below in the tower where he's been held since being captured.
The one who spoke, who is a man taller than the captain of the guard. Who wears a black hooded cloak over his armour. And from over one shoulder, he has one of the strangest looking weapons, the swordmaster Gallene has ever seen.
It has a long blade, about the length of a short sword, maybe a little bit shorter. At either end of the weapon.
The captain of the castle and city guard knows only an utter idiot, or an extremely talented master would wield such a strange looking weapon as that one.
The other man in armour next him is around the same height as the one in the black hooded cloak. Maybe taller, standing just over six foot in height.
Has a pair of long daggers on his belt, at his hips. Which captain Gallene finds a little odd. Because if he's not mistaken. This fellow who is much younger than the one in black who spoke.
Is some kind of cavalry officer if the riding boots he's wearing is anything to go by.
And those weapons aren't particularly favoured by mounted soldiers. Well not one's that captain Gallene has ever  seen or heard about.
"Good morning captain Gallene" says Mira Reinholt the mage to the prisoner.
"Morning to you" replies the captain of the castle and city guard, who then adds "You've got me at a disadvantage, i don't exactly know who your are".
"I'm councilor Reinholt" says the once powerful mage who continues with "And this is councilor Parsen" as gestures to the cavalry commander standing beside him.
"We're part of the" says the Vexilian mage in exile who is interrupted by the prisoner who says "The mercenary army the robber barons have hired".
"Correct" says the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, he continues with "Infact we're in command of their campaign against your duke".
The captain of the castle guard slightly nods as he suspected as much.
"Makes sense" quietly says the swordmaster Gallene, who continues with "That lot can't usually agree on anything, no wonder they've put others in charge of things for them".
"Exactly" quietly says mage Reinholt, who along with Darid Parsen step towards the prisoner, and gesture to the east side of the tower, the roof of which, is ringed by a chest high, crenalated wall.
The three of them go and stand by it, and watch the army that's marching south to the east side of the city. As they do, the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands, tells the local swordmaster "Not to worry, we're not going to hand you over to them and their men".
That's a relief, captain Gallene thinks to himself, who then looks sharply at the man who introduced himself as councillor Reinholt, who is saying "I know you want to know, but so far neither your brother Berric, or your nephew Poliss have been found amongst the dead and injured, or those who have been taken prisoner".
The swordmaster who is in exile from his homeland, the city-state of Vexil, briefly pauses before continuing on with "So there's a good chance they're still alive".
"Not so lord Chesié" adds Darid Parsen the cavalry commander who finally speaks up, the cavalry officer in the Farqian mercenary army then says "He died during the battle last night when he and his horsemen encountered my company and i".
Captain Gallene figured the nobleman from the south of the duchy would go down fighting. Lord Chesié just wasn't the type to do otherwise.
After all he remained here in Savariss, when so many of the other nobles who had come north to help in the defence of the north of the duchy.
Took off back to the south, when the duke's forces suffered losses in battle, on the same night, just a handful of days ago.
Now the duke's forces have suffered another defeat. This time trying to defend the city of Savariss from those who have come down from the unruled lands in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains.
The local swordmaster points towards the passing army, and says "You've held that one back".
"We have" says Mira Reinholt as they watch the army led by General Halvane. The army which is the largest of the four that have come down from the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains, into northern Nastell and the duchy of Phelm.
"Your duke's forces further south will face those of us who have defeated you so far in battle, and taken this city" says the spellcaster who is a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who gestures at the passing army and adds "As well as that lot".
The highly skilled swordmaster from the city-state of Vexil briefly pauses before asking "How do you think the duke and his remaining forces will fare?".
Not well, captain Gallene thinks to himself, though he doesn't voice that opinion, instead he says "As best as they can" he looks at his captors and adds "They might surprise you" followed by "You just never know when it comes to a battle".
With a faint smile upon his face, the once powerful mage says "This is true" he pauses for a moment, before continuing with "Though in this case i think not" the mage Reinholt then adds "I don't think the duke and his remaining forces will do well at all".
The prisoner looks sharply at the figure in the black hooded cloak, who just voiced the captain of the guard's very thoughts.
Then after a moment, he goes back to watching the enemy army that's passing to the east of the city of Savariss.
After a while the local swordmaster, who briefly glances down at some of the streets on this side of the tower, then looks at the two standing beside him and says "What will happen to the city?" followed by "And the people who live here?".
"Nothing" replies Mira Reinholt, who follows that with "The damage to the city will be repaired, and the people will be treated the same, or maybe even better as they were when the duke held the city".
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster continues with "As will the the rest of the duchy once the duke and his army are finally defeated" the exiled Vexilian mage then adds "This might sound hard to believe, but there's no real difference between you here in Phelm and those from up in the unruled lands in the foothills of the mountains".
Councilor Reinholt then says "You're basically the same people, especially those of you in the north of the duchy. You're only seen as different because of a border and the name of the place you're from".
Next to the mage Reinholt, his fellow councilor, the cavalry commander, Darid Parsen nods in agreement with him.
And after a couple of moments, the prisoner, captain of the guard Gallene, nods as well. As he knows this to be true. Infact it's common knowledge, especially here in the north of the duchy of Phelm.
The local swordmaster then asks "What about myself?" followed by "And the others you have taken prisoner".
"You'll be coming with us" says the spellcaster, who was the youngest ever member of the mage council of Vexil "And any others we deem important" adds the swordmaster Reinholt, who continues with "The others will remain here under guard until the campaign is finally over".
"At least I'm alive" murmurs captain Gallene "Which is something" says Darid Parsen, the cavalry officer who is a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who then adds "Considering if we hand you over to the robber barons, they'd execute you as soon as they can".
"They don't exactly like competition" dryly says Mira Reinholt, who continues with "Weather it's nobleborn like the duke, or common born like you".
That's for certain, captain Gallene thinks to himself, as it's common knowledge throughout the duchy of Phelm, especially here in the north. That the robber barons of the unruled lands in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains.
Aren't particularly fond of those in power here in the duchy of Phelm. Whether they be nobleborn, which most are. Or those few commoners in positions of power, such as the captain of the castle and city guard here in Savariss. Along with his older brother Berric, who is the commander of the personal guard to duke Hargen. Berric who is also the highest rank commoner in the entire duchy, whose position in the duke's court, is more influential than many of the nobility here in Phelm.
Then as he goes back to watching the enemy army that's passing by just to the east of the city, as the sun continues to rise into the clear summer sky.
The local swordmaster asks "When are we leaving then?". "Soon" replies Mira Reinholt, who momentarily pauses, before adding "Probably some time later today" he continues with "So be ready when we come for you" the once powerful mage then adds "So until then".
The two councilors depart after having a quiet word with the Farqian soldiers who are guarding the prisoner.
Captain Gallene pays them no attention, as he continues to watch the enemy army just to the east of the city of Savariss, heading further south into the duchy of Phelm . . . . . .

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