Monday 19 November 2018

The Hire 58.

The City Of Savariss...

They look away to their right, where they can see the nearest enemy siege tower being pushed up against the the north wall of the city.
They glance at one another as one of the spellcasters runs by behind them. Heading to where the siege tower is going to end up against the wall.
"Well, at least there's none of them heading to this part of the wall" says the squad leader Barron, who then adds "That's something i guess".
The only reason one of the siege towers isn't being rolled forward towards this part of the north wall of Savariss, is standing next to the young squad leader from the south of the duchy of Phelm.
"Guess i could take pot shots at them once the wards they've got on them come down" says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, who then shrugs before adding "Apart from that, we're pretty much useless".
"Apart from being targets" sourly says Shawtus McQuade, who with his cousin Smawfri, stands to the left of the elven spy who has infiltrated the army of duke Hargen.
The only real target where they are is the squat broach tower a bit further away to the left. Which has been attracting fire from the ballistas the enemy have on wagons. Those are the only war machines they have in operation at the moment. All the others have ceased firing upon the north wall of Savariss.
"I wouldn't be surprised if we're ordered elsewhere" quietly says the spy Tanith, who continues with "Considering we're not doing much of anything".
"Aye" says the slightly older and slightly taller of the two dwarven warriors, Shawtus McQuade then adds "More than likely".
"I hope not" quietly says Barron who is rather pleased they've stayed out of the action so far this evening as the battle for the city of Savariss rages on.
Considering that the McQuade cousins, along with the elf he thinks is just a mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Alínlae. Have told him that the city will eventually fall to the enemy, and all that the defenders are doing is delaying the inevitable.
"It's against the wall" says Dalinvardél Tanith who is more commonly called Dalin by those who know him well. It's also the name he's going by while in the army of the duchy of Phelm, that he's infiltrated.
They look away to their right, and wait. As do all the defenders upon the top of the wall there, about forty yards from the position of Barron's squad.
There's a momentary pause, then the front part of the siege tower, near it's top opens and drops down, creating a small drawbridge.
Just then, the spellcaster who ran behind Barron's squad a little while ago. Who is now standing directly infront of the enemy siege tower. Sends a fireball into the opening, and the top of the tower. As it explodes in liquid fire, and burning bodies fall from the opening.
The spellcaster, a sorcerer. Is blasted backwards off the top of the wall. As are the two defenders who were standing to either side of him.
They go arching backwards, across the street behind the north wall of the city. And over the first lot of buildings.
And though one of the soldiers lands with a thud out of sight. The other one smashes through a set of closed window shutters of a three storey building.
While the sorcerer slams up against the front of the tower, about halfway up it. Then his body drops to the street that's infront of that particular tower.
"And that" says Dalin, who briefly pauses before continuing with "Is why you don't cast in the middle of a battle unless you know what the hell you're doing".
"Aye by Thaxel ain't that the truth" says Shawtus McQuade, who continues with "Only the very powerful, and the highly experienced should be setting off spells in battle" the older of the two dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains then adds "All the others should stay the hell to the rear, and away from the action".
"Aye" says Smawfri McQuade, who is the more irritable, to say the least, of the two cousins, who then mutters "Bloody magic".
While away to their right, the top of the enemy siege tower is well alight. Though out of all of them, that's the only one to be seriously damaged in any way.
The young squad leader Barron turns around as a messenger who has come up the nearby steps, says to him "Your squad is to go down to the street below and help defend the breach in the wall".
The messenger repeats the order to the squad to their left who are closer to the broach tower.
They all glance at one another, then Barron winces, as Smawfri McQuade sourly says "Great, we're dead" the more hot headed of the two dwarven warriors adds "Come along then, might as well get it over and done with" then he dryly says "It's not as though we're doing anything up here anyway".
His slightly older and slightly taller cousin Shawtus grunts in agreement. Then Barron after sighing in resignation, leads the squad to the steps, and heads down them, followed by Dalinvardél Tanith, Shawtus and Smawfri McQuade, and the rest of the squad.
The other squad who were given the same order, reluctantly follow after them. And head down the steps to the street below as well.
They get down onto the street, and head east along it, towards where the gates in the north wall of the city once stood.
The street is fairly busy, and is packed in some places. So Barron lets the bad tempered dwarven cousins lead the way. As they're prepared to hit anyone who gets in their way, no matter whose side of the battle they're on.
As they get closer to where the gates once were, they see how packed the street is at the location of the destroyed gates. There must be some heavy fighting going on in the breach, as they see the wounded and the dying being carried away. And replaced by others on the street that leads deeper into Savariss.
"Always knew I'd die away from home" says a disgruntled Shawtus McQuade, who then adds in dwarven to his cousin Smawfri "Just never thought it would be in a shithole of a human city like this one".
"Thanks for cheering me up asshole" sourly says Smawfri McQuade in the same language, as the two of them prefer to argue in their native language, as it seems more fitting. Not to mention it's far more expressive than the common language. Which after all is a human language.
"My pleasure" says the older of the two cousins who briefly grins, before continuing with "Do me a favour and die after me, i don't want one of my last memories to be of you and your ugly mug carking it after some fucker stabs you".
"Oh I'm touched" dryly says the younger of the dwarven warriors in a mocking tone, who then adds "Tell you what, I'll make sure of it. I'll just brain you when you're not looking".
"Thanks" sourly says Shawtus McQuade, who then adds "You dickhead".
"My pleasure asshole" says Smawfri McQuade, who then switches to the common language and says in a threatening tone "Out the way you long legged prick, or I'll cut you off at knees" to a soldier in the army of duke Hargen who is blocking the way.
The soldier in question gets quickly out of the way when he turns and sees the bad tempered dwarven warrior brandishing a rather wicked looking battleaxe.
The McQuade cousins are about to continue on their way along the busy street, when they suddenly stop as behind them, Dalinvardél Tanith says to them "Stop" followed by "You hear that?".
As the dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains frown as they try to listen for what gots the attention of the spy Tanith.
The young squad leader Barron, asks the elf who he thinks is just a mercenary ranger from the principality of Alínlae "What is it?".
"Horses" says Dalin, first Shawtus then Smawfri McQuade nod in agreement as they too hear the horses now. "A lot of them" adds the spy Tanith who continues with "Cavalry".
"Are the enemy going to make a mounted charge through the breech in the wall?" asks Barron who hails from the south of the duchy of Phelm.
"No" says Dalinvardél Tanith with a shake of his hooded head, then the spy in the armies of Farque who has infiltrated the army of duke Hargen, adds "These horses are inside the city".
The elven spy who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in the principality of Alínlae looks ahead, across to the otherside of the street, beyond where the breech in the wall is.
There the street is quite clear, and those soldiers, mercenaries and city guards who are there. Have moved to the sides, up against the north wall of the city. Or against the front of the buildings opposite the wall. Or in doorways in those buildings. Or in the alleyways, lanes and streets that are off the street that runs behind the north wall of Savariss.
"Against the front of this building" quickly says Dalin to Barron and the rest of their small squad. The dwarven warriors Shawtus and Smawfri are already doing so. As like the spy Tanith, they too have heard what's coming.
"What is it?" asks Barron as he stands up against the front of the building "Cavalry charge" says the elven spy who is originally from the principality of Alínlae, but now serves in the armies of Farque.
"Clear the street!" calls out Dalin, who then quietly tells the young squad leader "We might want to give a thought of getting the hell away from here" he continues with "Even if the charge is successful, that means they would of had to of fallen back, and let the enemy in through the breach in numbers. That won't necessarily mean they'll block the breach again after the charge".
Just then they hear an order being shouted. And as one, those who are in the breach in the north wall of the city, where the gates once were, fall back in unison. As do those who are further behind them.
At the same time, on the otherside of the long street that runs behind the north wall of Savariss. A large mounted troupe comes into view around a corner. Leading them is the senior most nobleman remaining in the city, lord Chesié.
"Hell, this is going to be a mess" loudly mutters Shawtus McQuade, Dalinvardél Tanith can only nod in agreement with the slightly older, and slightly taller of the two dwarven cousins from the Sunreach Mountains.
The enemy who have come down from the unruled lands in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains, pour in through the breach in the north wall of the city, that's momentarily undefended.
Just as though it looks like there's going to a flood of the enemy pouring into the city through the breach. The cavalry charge led by lord Chesié smashes into the side of them.
Over sixty horsemen ride into the enemy, smashing and knocking them down. Those who are knocked down and are still conscious, are trampled by the mounts following the first in the charge.
Soldiers and mercenaries in the armies of the robber barons of the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains are trampled to death by the cavalry charge.
Which continues onwards along the street that runs behind the north wall of the city. Soldiers and mercenaries in duke Hargen's army still on the street. Hurry to get out of the way, or they'll get run over as well.
Dalin who is looking to see if there's any soldiers in his own army, the mercenary army from the lands Farque who got caught in the cavalry charge.
And seeing none, he quietly says to the young squad leader beside him "See told you". Both Shawtus and Smawfri have seen it to, and the slightly older of the two McQuade cousins yells out "Fill that breach you bastards!".
For though the enemy were decimated in that charge by lord Chesié and the others on their mounts. More of the enemy are coming in through where the gates once stood.
And those defenders who had fallen back to give room for the cavalry charge. Haven't moved back forward again, at least not in any substantial numbers yet. To repel the enemy who once again are making their way through the breach in the north wall of Savariss.
They all flinch, as do many of the others on the street. As above them, up on top of the wall across the street, there's a loud explosion.
And though the top of wall itself isn't damaged in anyway. The same can't be said of the defenders up on the wall there.
Bodies, and bits of bodies are flung up in the night sky in a maelstrom of green energy from the explosion.
A burning torso covered in green flames comes flying down, and across the street, and slams into the front of the building. Just a few feet, above and to the right of the McQuade cousins.
"By Dovarn's hairy arse, fuck me" says Shawtus in the dwarven language as the look at the headless torso still covered in weird looking green flames.
While Smawfri looks at it in disgust. And a few people nearby throw up as the look at the torso of either a soldier, mercenary or city guard, that's being burnt by green magical flames.
"That's not good" murmurs Barron in a nervous tone of voice "Definitely" calmly says Dalinvardél Tanith who points up to the top of the wall, to the spot where the large explosion just occurred.
The elven spy who is originally from the principality of Alínlae, and is now in the armies of Farque says "If I'm not mistaken, there's an enemy siege tower there".
A few moments later and they see a number of the enemy in the torch light on that part of the top of the wall.
"Fuck" mutters the young squad leader who is from the south of the duchy of Phelm, who continues with "That's definitely not good".
Then Shawtus McQuade yells out "Here they come!" as some of the enemy who have come through the breach in the wall, have turned this way, and are rushing forward along the street that runs behind the north wall of Savariss.
Realising that this could go badly for him. And the squad he's part of, who he really shouldn't care about, considering they are the enemy after all. Dalinvardél Tanith mutters "Fucking hell" in the elven language.
Then as some of those on the street go to engage with the enemy, the  spy who is passing himself of as mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Alínlae.
And who has spotted more of the soldiers and mercenaries in the armies that have come down from the unruled lands to the north of the kingdom of Nastell, up on the top of the wall, heading to the nearest set of steps, says "Move!" to Barron, the McQuade cousins and the rest of their small squad.
Dalin who has pointed up at the top of the wall, and the close proximity of a set of steps nearly directly opposite them. Then gestures just ahead of the McQuade cousins where a lane or an alley is next to the building they're infront of.
"Into the lane" says the spy Tanith, the dwarven cousins from the Sunreach Mountains don't even question. They're already moving that way. As they do so, they cut down a pair of enemy soldiers who have come through the breach in the wall, and rushed this way along the street.
"You don't have to tell me twice" says Barron who quickly sees that this part of the street is going to be quickly overrun. He turns to the rest of the small squad and says "Quickly, hurry" then follows after the pair of dwarven warriors, and the elf he thinks is just a mercenary ranger.
It turns out to be a narrow lane, and those few soldiers and city guards who were in it. Have already turned and fled when they've seen what's happened out on the street.
Dalinvardél Tanith moves ahead of the McQuade cousins and leads the way. Behind them, the young squad leader Barron calls out "Dalin do you know where you're going?".
"Kind of" replies the spy Tanith, who flashes a grin as behind him he hears Shawtus McQuade mutter "That's not very reassuring elf".
The elven spy in the Farqian mercenary army has been given directions of a way to escape from the city of Savariss. Though he must admit they are kind of vague. Since the one who gave them to him, is a little flighty to say the least.
By the forest gods, i hope to hell that pixie isn't sending me into a bigger mess, Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy thinks to himself as he leads the squad away from the north wall of Savariss, and heads deeper into the city that's under attack this night . . . . . .

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