Tuesday 3 January 2017

The Princeling 227.

There's a loud screach in the night sky, and the griffon Quickclaw dives down when he spots the body of Xanderlith Karlavilt floating in the water in the lane that runs along the front of the long building where the magical battle has been taking place.
Mira Reinholt the mage who stopped when he saw Helbe the elven thief suddenly appear and kill Xanderlith Karlavilt before disappearing again, looks up when he hears the loud screach of a griffon in the night sky. The once powerful mage winces as he can't see the large winged creature at the moment, a creature he knows he can't deal with at this point in time due to his lack of magical power, a creature that obviously sounds like it's angry about something.
Someone who can see it, is Lelalwynn Aelvilth, who though stunned at what just happened to her distant cousin Xanderlith Karlavilt, looks up into the cloudy night sky, and spots the Karlavilt family griffon diving down in this direction. The attractive elven maid who is the daughter of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth gets up from where she's lying in a few inches of water on the long rooftop, as she does, the young elven noble goes to cast a spell at the rapidly descending griffon.
Another person who has spotted the griffon Quickclaw, is up a tree on the west side of the long building, which upon it's roof, a magical battle has been taking place. Dorc da Orc mutters "Fuck" as one of the branches he's standing on loudly cracks under his considerable weight, the large ork looks down at it, and scowls then tells the offending branch "Don't break cunt" before he looks back up into the night sky.
As the rest of the group down on the ground look up at the ork warleader who has climbed up into the tree, with the exception of the undead wardog Axe who like the ork weaponsmith is watching the night sky. Dorkindle mutters "There you are ya fucken birdy cat cunt" as he sees the Karlavilt family griffon diving down out of the night sky, towards the nearby building, the large ork lifts the double bowed ballista he's holding and rests it upon a branch just a bit up from him. The warleader of the ork race angles the heavy weapon up, and looks along the spine of it, and the more than ten foot long heavy spear that's loaded in it, Dorc da Orc takes aim and waits.
The griffon Quickclaw is unable to sense magic, but its been around magic and magic users all its life, that like all griffons has an innate feeling of when magic is being cast, it's not too difficult to discern at this time, as it can see what's obviously an elven spellcaster, on the long building that it's diving towards. An elven spellcaster who was right next to Xanderlith Karlavilt when he dropped dead, then was swept off of the building by the water that's across a lot of the roof.
The large winged creature tucks a wing in and slightly spins as he dives, just as an energyball appears, and shoots up though the lightly falling rain towards him, that slight manoeuvre will see the energyball narrowly avoid him. Quickclaw hears a slight whirring sound in the air, he doesn't have to turn his head that much to look in the direction it's coming from, the large winged creature rotates his right eye, and spots what's coming towards him from the otherside, the west side of the building.
The Karlavilt family griffon goes to quickly turn, but it's too late, and a missile shot from a ballista slams into his side, just below the right wing. The large winged creature lets out a shriek of pain, and starts rolling in the other direction, the direction it was originally spinning away from, in the direction of the rapidly approaching energyball.
The red energyball cast by Lelalwynn Aelvilth slams into the griffon Quickclaw, into the right side of his head, which it burns away, then along his right flank and wing, where it explodes. The corpse of the burning griffon drops down out of the sky, and smashes into the front, the east side of the long building that's badly damaged, the Karlavilt family griffon hits the ground in the long lane beside the building, sending up a large spray of water, coming to a rest, not far from the dead body of Xanderlith Karlavilt.
"Thought i was going to miss it there for a moment" murmurs Lelalwynn Aelvilth as she looks down off the roof, at the charred and smoking body of the dead griffon Quickclaw lying in the water in the lane below, the attractive elven maid then turns around, and nods in reply to a question that's called out to her.
After calling out in the elven language "Are you alright?" to the daughter of lord Aelvilth, Mira Reinholt the mage turns back when she nods yes in reply, the Vexilian mage in exile first heads back to the elven bodyguard of Lelalwynn Aelvilth to see how she fares, before he makes his way to the west side of the roof, where he saw Riley Hait the mercenary ranger get flung off a little earlier.
"Heh got the cunt" chuckles Dorc da Orc, who though he hit the griffon that's been harassing him and the goblin mercenaries that he commands, ever since they attacked the Karlavilt family townhouse earlier in the evening. He didn't actually kill it, as a spell cast from the nearby rooftop finally killed the large winged creature, something the ork warleader has already conveniently glossed over, and in the fullness of time, he will completely forgotten about, and when ever he recounts this incident and he tells others about it, he'll tell them that he shot down a griffon and killed it by himself.
The inevitable happens, Dorkindle goes to move, and one of the branches he's standing on breaks, not the one that cracked a short time ago, but the other one. The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks yelps "Cunt!" he grabs hold of the double bowed ballista, and he goes crashing down to the ground thirty feet below, smashing through, and breaking apart branches on his way, before he hits the ground with a thud.
"Are you alright Dorc?" asks Lisell Maera "He's fine" says Riley Hait the mercenary ranger and Tamric Drubine almost in unison as they all look at the large ork as he groans as he lies on the ground, covered by, and surrounded by many of the broken branches that came down with him. As the large ork swears in the incomprehensible language of his race, and many of the nearby goblins in the mercenary army that he's the general of, rush over to see how he is, as he slowly gets to his feet.
Caerik Alsair says "Look" the former air sailor from the city-state of Tuledare points, then adds "Is that Mira up there?" Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, Tamric Drubine, and Lisell Maera all look to where the former midshipman in the Tuledare aircorp points to, and they spot a familiar black hooded figure standing on the edge of the roof, in a shaft of moonlight that's come through a gap in the clouds above.
"You lot okay?" calls out the mage Reinholt as he spots the others near a large tree, the once powerful mage is glad to see that the ranger Hait is one piece after what happened to him, the Vexilian mage in exile nods his hooded head when he hears Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman shout in reply with"We're fine!" followers by "And you?". The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, wryly smiles as he spots a number of goblins with the others, some of whom seem to be concerned about Dorc da Orc, who looks a little wobbly on his feet to the eye of the mage Reinholt.
Then as the once powerful mage from the city-state of Vexil goes to call out something else to the others below, he hears a familiar voice whisper to him "Lord Karlavilt is dead" Mira Reinholt continues to listen to the blured and shielded Helbe the elven thief who tells him that the head of house Karlavilt lies dead inside the building they're on top of. After the elven princeling shifts away, the swordmaster Reinholt calls out to the others that he'll be down soon, then the mage who was once more powerful than any other mage of his generation, anywhere in the Southlands, turns and makes his way to where Lelalwynn Aelvilth is attending to her injured bodyguard, the two of them have been joined by two more of the elven nobles bodyguards, and a guard from house Aelvilth.
As a thud of an explosion from near the Ollinsállé family townhouse reverberates through the night, Mira Reinholt the mage when he joins the surviving elves of the rooftop battle, says to Lelalwynn Aelvilth "You've won the night" the attractive elven maid liftd an eyebrow, and the exiled Vexilian swordmaster tells her "Lord Karlavilt is dead" the once powerful mage then gives her the location of the dead elven lord who wanted to be the new ruling prince of Alínlae.
Lelalwynn Aelvilth is silent for a few moments as she looks at the human spellcaster, one of the mercenaries that her father has secretly hired, the attractive elven maid who has lost her closet friend tonight, her cousin Ullendéllé Aelvilth, says "Thanks for that" the daughter of lord Aelvilth continues with "And thanks for all that you've done, not just for tonight too" the human spellcaster, who despite all magical appearances, is actually a mage, nods his head, then says "Don't worry about it".
The mage Reinholt is about to turn away, when lord Aelvilth's daughter suddenly asks him "That other one?" the attractive elven maid quickly continues with "The elf in the white hooded cloak?" the once powerful mage refrains from smiling, then he says "What about him?". "Who is he?" asks Lelalwynn Aelvilth as she wants to know about the person who saved her life "Just someone" replies the human spellcaster, who after a brief pause adds "Who knows, you might see him again one day".
Mira Reinholt the mage does turn away, then walks away, heading across the roof, looking for a hole in the roof, that he can drop down into, and make his way out of the building, so that he can join the others. While at the eastern side of the roof, a blured and shielded Helbenthril Raendril stands, and watches Lelalwynn Aelvilth, the princeling watches her for a few more moments, then he looks away to the east, and shifts, heading to where Narladene the ground pixie said she was going to . . . . . .

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