Sunday 22 January 2017

Wonderful 4.

The Great Western Ocean...

Dorc da Orc watches members of the crew scrambling across the aft deck of the twin masted sailing ship that's stuck on a sand bar in the middle of the ocean. The large ork who in his head has just been told what to do, sniffs a few times and he catches a familiar scent, infact two familiar scents from the cutter that's been towing his prison.
As he lies there in the hot mid morning sun, with his head just popped up over the small boats gunnels so he can see what's happening infront of him, the ork warleader grunts as he sees two people come up onto the aft deck of the twin masted sailing ship.
"Killer" murmurs Dorc da Orc who then adds "Mira" as he sees Mira Reinholt the mage, the large ork then growls and mutters "Bitch" as he sees Kaldeàlil Haldéilv the elven magic user with the once powerful mage from the city-state of Brattonbury.
The ork weaponsmith frowns as he sees that the mage Reinholt, whose hood of his summer cloak is off his head at the moment, has a glazed over look to his eyes, as if he's not really there mentally. Dorkindle figures his fellow prisoner the Vexilian mage in exile, must either be under the influence of a spell, or a potion, as he stands there on the aft deck of the cutter, with Kaldeàlil Haldéilv firmly holding onto his right arm.
As for the elven magic user who captured both Dorc da Orc and Mira Reinholt, she's not even paying attention to the once powerful mage whose arm she's holding, she's busy talking to what it seems is the captain of the twin masted sailing ship.
"Fucken tree talking cunts" mutters the warleader of the ork race as he tries to listen to what the attractive elven maid and the ship's captain are discussing, but the elven magic user and the human mariner are speaking in the elven language which he obviously can't understand.
The large ork scowls as he sees that Kaldeàlil Haldéilv is looking to the east as she talks with captain of the twin masted vessel, she's pointing that way, and the sailor in command of the cutter nods his head as he listens to what the elven magic user has to say.
Dorkindle quickly looks away to the east, and tries to see if he can spot anything, all he sees is ocean, so he sniffs as deeply and for as long as he can, all he can smell is ocean and the life on and in it, though for a brief moment he thought he caught the scent of something else too.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks looks to the cutter again, and sees that after a bit more taking from Kaldeàlil Haldéilv, her and the master mariner look aft, at him and his floating prison, the large ork glares at the two of them, as they're obviously discussing him. Then the ork warleader sees the attractive elven maid point at him and the small boat he's in, then say something to the ship's captain, who nods in agreement with whatever she says.
Dorc da Orc watches as Kaldeàlil Haldéilv turns Mira Reinholt so that he's facing east too, then after a few moments, the multicoloured lights that signify a rift is being cast appear on the aft deck of the cutter after the captain orders in the common language, for sailors to clear off the deck at the stern of the vessel.
The rift forms, and after a few more words in the elven language to the captain of the twin masted sailing ship, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv makes her way through the rift, taking Mira Reinholt the mage with her, a few moments after the two spellcasters disappear through the rift, it disappears too.
"Alright, alright me heard" mutters Dorc da Orc in response to the voice in his head that spoke to him earlier, which speaks to him again, just as firmly and commanding as before. The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks sourly smiles as he never thought he would hear that voice again, infact he had forgotten about it for a number of years, though he had never actually forgotten the actual voice itself.
Then Dorkindle grins and he looks at the half eaten shark lying beside him, and murmurs to it "Come on sharp teeth, we gonna fucken escapes" as he sits up in the small boat that's his prison, and shuffles forward on his butt, so that he's in the bow of the boat that he's been held captive in for two weeks now.
The large ork carefully watches the cutter infront of him, watching sailors climb down the sides and the cargo nets to the sand spit it has run aground on, he also watches them lowering one of the ships boats, which presumably is going to help to two the twin masted sailing ship off the mid ocean sand spit it has beached itself on.
Dorc da Orc whose floating prison is the cutters other boat, sees that there's hardly anyone on the aft deck, and those that are there, they're definitely not looking to a stern at him in his prison. So as he sits in the prow of the small boat, the warleader of the ork race takes hold of the chain that runs through an eye ring on the bow of his prison, which is connected to the stern of the twin masted sailing ship, and he starts hauling his prison towards the vessel his captors are on.
The small boat moves quickly though the warm waters of this part of the Great Western Ocean as Dorkindle goes hand over hand along the linked chain, pulling the small boat through the water towards the cutter. It's the quickest the boat has moved since the first week of the large ork's captivity, for the twin masted sailing ship has been becalmed for most of the last week, and when it hasn't, it's only moved at a slow rate of knots as they've travelled northwards.
The ork weaponsmith briefly stops and lets go of the chain when he's about sixty feet astern of the cutter when he sees a sailor crossing the aft deck of the vessel that's been towing his prison. He grabs the chain again when the sailor in question hurries below deck to do something, the large ork resumes his escape, and continues pulling the small boat towards the cutter that's run aground.
Dorc da Orc grins when his prison bumps up against the stern of the vessel that's stuck in the middle of the ocean, the ork warleader looks overboard and though there's only about a foot of water to the sandy spit the twin masted sailing ship is grounded on, he's extra careful as he stands up.
"Alright, alright" mutters the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks, who continues muttering with "Stop fucken shouting at Dorc" as he replies to the commanding voice in his head that's telling him to hurry up. Dorkindle looks down and quietly says "Come on sharp teeth, we getting the fuck out of here" he picks up the half devoured ten foot long shark, tucks it under an arm, and grabs a hold of an outer beam on the stern and hauls himself up.
The large ork shoves the half eaten shark through an open window in the captain's cabin here in the stern, and he takes a hold of another, and with a grunt of effort, he rips it and the frame around it out, with the noise of the crew trying to refloat the cutter, no one hears the window and it's frame make a splash when it hits the shallow water right behind the stern of the twin masted sailing ship.
Having lost a bit of weight in his two weeks of captivity, Dorkindle easily slips in through the opening he's just made, and he falls head first into the captain's cabin, making a thud when he hits the decking. "Fuckbum" mutters the ork weaponsmith, who then gets up and looks around at the empty cabin.
"Fucken sweet" murmurs the warleader of the ork race when he finds a bottle of wine, with about a quarter of the dark red wine remaining in it, on the cabin's desk, he drinks it in a gulp, savouring the taste of wine in his mouth, then he eats a half eaten, small round loaf of bread, that's on a plate next to where the bottle of wine was on the desk.
"Okay fuck ya, Dorc coming" mutters the large ork in response to the demanding voice in his head, Dorkindle goes over and picks up his half eaten shark and he says to it with a soft chuckle "Come on sharp teeth, let's go and kill all these cunts" he then makes his way to the cabin door, as intends to kill all of those who have held him captive for the last couple of weeks.
A short while later and the crew of the cutter realise that their remaining prisoner has found a way to escape his cell, which they all knew was secure, unless their ship ran aground and he hauled his prison to it, and climbed onboard, which is exactly what he did.
Dorc da Orc who is only in his knee length pants, and his boots, and feels quite naked without his weapons harness, and all is weapons, uses himself as a weapon, and anything else that comes to hand, as he makes his way through the cutter.
One such thing he already has in hand, and that's the half eaten shark, which he swings at a sailor in a below deck corridor, who runs at him swinging a small axe. Rotting shark flesh and guts go flying, as does the sailor who goes flying headfirst into the bulkhead to his right, there's an audible crack as his head slams into the bulkhead before he falls dead to the decking with a cracked skull.
Dorkindle picks up the small axe, and throws it down the corridor, where it slams into the chest of a shirtless sailor who is trying to reload a crossbow aftet shooting a bolt at the large ork, where's it's lodged into the left shoulder of the ork warleader who hardly even feels it.
"Fucken get some!" shouts Dorc da Orc as he kills another sailor who runs down a ladder swinging a cutlass, and jumps at the seven half foot tall ork who is bent over as he makes his way below deck killing any of the crew he encounters. The ork weaponsmith grabs the sailor in mid air, then slams him up at the decking above, smashing the man's skull and back in the process.
Dorkindle drops the body, picks up the dead sailors cutlass, and turns around in a crouch, and slams the curved sword into the guts of another sailor who has just stabbed the large ork in the back with a long dagger. The ork warleader runs the sailor right through, and pins him to the corridor bulkhead, then with his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth, Dorkindle concentrates as he reaches behind himself and pulls out the long dagger that's in his back.
"Fucken eat that ya cunt" says the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, as he slams the long dagger into the mouth of the sailor he's just pinned to the bulkhead with the cutlass, who was still alive and screaming in pain, until the long dagger went through his mouth and out the back of his throat and neck, and slamming into the bulkhead behind him.
"Come on sharp teeth" murmurs Dorc da Orc as he picks up the carcass of the shark and continues on his way, heading forward to his destination, hell bent on killing anyone and everyone onboard that he encounters, and even though the air is hot and close below deck, the large ork hasn't felt this good since he was taken prisoner two weeks ago.
A short time later, and Dorkindle who has found the rope locker, and taken the barrel of rum from it, which he's drinking from, and is also chewing on a head of a sailor he's just killed, and ripped his head off. Stops at a door, he sniffs then kicks open the door, bent over he walks through the door, and finds himself in the cargo hold, where he's able to stand up. He also finds things that bring a tear to his eye.
The ork warleader finds his weapons harness, and all his weapons, as well as all of his sacks, the large ork with a sniffle, wipes his nose, drinks a large part of the rum in the barrel, takes a bite of  thehead he's holding, then biffs it away, then gathers up all his possessions.
As he's attaching his sacks to his weapons harness, Dorc da Orc finds the mage Reinholt's double bladed sword and his bow on a nearby wooden crate, and he takes those too. The ork weaponsmith after he attaches his mother's skull to his belt, mutters "Fucken hell, me be there soon" as he's told to hurry up by the demanding voice in his head.
Dorkindle then picks up the barrel of rum, makes his way out the cargo hold, picks up the carcass of the shark he dropped, and continues forward through the twin masted sailing ship, killing any of the crew that he encounters on the way.
Dorc da Orc eventually makes his way forward to a corridor below deck in the bow, the large ork kicks the top half of a sailor he's just chopped in half, out of his way, and steps over another sailor he's killed, and stands infront of a door to a cabin. The warleader of the ork race returns one of his axes to his weapons harness, and after drinking the last of the rum and dropping the barrel, and with the shark carcass, which is in a sorry state of affairs, tucked under an arm, he grimaces before he opens the door and says "You fucken in there?".
Of course i'm fucking in here you fat fuck, where else would i be? says the voice in Dorc da Orc's head which causes him to wince and mutter "Fuck" then grunt as he sees lord Farque's sword standing point first in the floor in the middle of the cabin . . . . . .

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