Thursday 12 January 2017

The Princeling 234.

They've returned to the Palace of the Prince, and again after finding out what happened last night, prince Salílvel Avendelthíl is a little taken aback as they enter the main throne room of the palace, and he looks at the throne. Which until last night was his father's, and before that his grandfather's, and now it's his, something that he's finding is a little hard to get accustomed to.
Again the young prince slightly winces at the thought of his father Ralivandil, as well as his brother Dasaevallé who also died during the battle last night, Salílvel Avendelthíl softly sighs as he thinks about how his older brother and father are no longer here.
The now head of the royal family shakes his head no to the chamberlain who briefly gestures to the throne, instead the nobleborn elf heads to an antechamber to the right, and enters those, forcing the others to follow him into the smaller room. Lord Alvarillé Aelvilth slightly nods his head in approval of what prince Salílvel Avendelthíl just did there as he and the others enter the smaller antechamber. The head of house Aelvilth knows the young prince won't officially take the throne until they have the ceremony of death for the prince's Ralivandil and Dasaevallé.
Lord Aelvilth looks at his daughter Lelalwynn beside him, to see how she fares. Though she's hiding it, the head of house Aelvilth can see that his daughter is suffering for the loss of her cousin and closest friend, Ullendéllé Aelvilth. The elven lord refrains from sighing as his sister Gilenthél is inconsolable at the death of her daughter, and had to remain at the family townhouse instead of coming here to the palace with the rest of them.
The nobleborn elf who was the staunchest ally of the royal family during the conflict over the throne, looks over at his cousin the Master of Swords Nalathinéllé Aelvilth, and the others from the swordmaster of swordmasters fortress who came to the capital city at his behest. Lord Aelvilth quietly suggests to his daughter Lelalwynn that she should join her second cousin Darmarheíld and the others with the Master of Swords, as he has to attend to the young prince.
As his daughter makes her way over to her cousins, the head of house Aelvilth makes his way to the table that prince Salílvel Avendelthíl is making his way around to one side, the side that faces out to the rest of the chamber.
As he does, lord Aelvilth looks around, searching for his son and heir Halvelnín, the elven lord who was once the general of the armies of Alínlae frowns as he can't see his son anywhere, then he senses for Halvelnín Aelvilth, and eventually finds his oldest child, just now entering the Palace of the Prince.
The nobleborn elf as he makes his way around to stand beside the young prince, slightly shakes his head at the tardiness of his son, though deep down he isn't surprised at that, and hopes that both he and prince Salílvel Avendelthíl haven't made a mistake in the position that Halvelnín Aelvilth will have in the new reign.
Prince Salílvel Avendelthíl stands in silence as he waits, which forces the others in the antechamber to remain silent, the now head of the royal family looks at the closed doors that he and the others came in through. He slightly frowns as they continue to wait, then the doors eventually open and Halvelnín Aelvilth enters the chambers, the young prince hears a sigh of relief from lord Aelvilth beside him at the appearance of his son and heir. And the frown on the face of the royal family member disappears when the heir to house Aelvilth looks this way and nods his head as he slightly grins.
"We're all here then, good" says Prince Avendelthíl who doesn't signal the chamberlain to get things underway, feeling that it's best that he get proceedings started himself, which admittedly was suggested he should do by lord Aelvilth a bit earlier, the young prince adds "There's a few things to deal with before we go off and send my father and brother to their final resting place".
The nobleborn elf who is the new ruler of the principality of Alínlae briefly pauses as he thinks of how the bodies of his father and brother will be taken to the wooded hills a half dozen miles east of the capital city, where they'll be laid in the open beneath the trees, as is the custom of all elven kind, who don't bury or entomb their dead.
After his brief pause, Prince Avendelthíl continues with "Though I've yet to officially take the throne, i do have all power as ruling prince and all that position is entitled" he glances at lord Aelvilth standing to his right behind the table, then over at the royal archivist, both of whom nod in agreement with the head of the royal family.
"So first thing first, concerning the usurpers" says the new ruling prince of Alínlae "House Karlavilt is no more, those cousins of lord Karlavilt still alive are no longer of the nobility of the principality and will live out the rest of their lives as one of the normal citizens of Alínlae" adds Prince Avendelthíl who continues with "The lands of house Karlavilt are annexed and will become part of the principality as a whole" which brings it under direct control of the throne, unlike the lands of the noble houses, which are semi governed by their respective noble families.
What the young prince has decreed is expected, as is what he says next "Those who allied themselves with the usurpers the Karlavilt's, will be forced to recompense those whose lands they effected during the conflict, including the areas of the principality the throne directly controls, such as here, the capital city" there's nods of agreement at this, as the conflict raged across the lands of more than a few of the nobles present in the chamber.
As he stands in silence beside Prince Avendelthíl as the young prince goes through a number of decrees, lord Alvarillé Aelvilth looks at those who have gathered here in the antechamber off to one side of throne room in the Palace of the Prince.
There's allies to the royal family, who put their lot in with the Avendelthíl's, when so many did not as lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt challenged for the throne after his son Xanderlith Karlavilt had the previous Prince Avendelthíl, Salílvel Avendelthíl's grandfather assassinated. There's others who were neutral in the conflict, but secretly supported the royal family and their cause, by giving them supplies and funds. While there's even more, the vast majority in the antechamber who were completely neutral during the conflict, who took neither side in the fight for the throne of Alínlae.
The head of house Aelvilth knows that if there's going to be any problems from those who have gathered here this morning, it will be from amongst this last group, as they all listen to what the new ruling prince has to decree, and in all likelihood with the final thing that the young prince will announce, which lord Aelvilth has somewhat of a part in.
As he continues to listen to Prince Avendelthíl, lord Aelvilth looks to members of his own family who are in the chamber, he sees that his son and heir Halvelnín has joined them, and is standing next to his younger sister Lelalwynn, to one side of Alvarillé's cousin the Master of Swords Nalathinéllé Aelvilth. The head of house Aelvilth is pretty certain that they're going to be more than a little surprised about something, as are others in the chamber, about something that only he and Prince Avendelthíl have discussed this morning.
The head of the royal family after declaring a number of decrees, goes on to appoint a number of positions in the royal household that will be part of his reign, for how ever long it lasts. Most of the appointments are fairly predictable, though a few are a bit of surprise. As in when he names lord Aladellnil has the new exchequer to the throne, due the previous one being killed in the battle last night. And he names lord Aladellnil's nephew, Ellindisél Aladellnil, who was Halvelnín Aelvilth's second in the army the heir to house Aelvilth led in the conflict, as one of the new generals of the royal armies.
There's some surprised murmurs at those two announcements, though lord Alvarillé Aelvilth knows there will be more of a reaction with what the young prince will finally announce, the head of house Aelvilth who knows they've made the right decision, especially after the early morning conversation he had with his old commander lord Farque.
Still, it's not his final decision to make, though he was a little surprised the head of the royal family agreed to it when he suggested it.
After making a series of appointments, Prince Avendelthíl comes to the final one, he takes a steady breath even though he wants to gulp in a lung full of air as he's a little nervous with what he's about to say.
The young prince glances at the fire pixie Solvand sitting on his right shoulder, invisible to everyone else in the antechamber apart from the Master of Swords sprite Galamon, and a ground pixie whose head is slightly sticking out the wall away to the right, who the other two naturally magical creatures haven't noticed.
Seeing Solvand smile in encouragement at him, and having the solid presence of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth standing beside him in a comfortable silence, the young prince appoints the final position this morning, the most important one.
"Finally i name a new advisor to the throne of the ruling prince" says Prince Avendelthíl, there's a quick buzz of murmuring from those in the chamber at that, which turns to silence as they wait for the young prince to continue on.
The position of an official advisor to a ruling prince or princess, isn't one that's been held in Alínlae for many years. Salílvel Avendelthíl's grandfather didn't have one in the nearly five centuries he ruled Alínlae. Nor did Salílvel's father Ralivandil in his short half year reign. Though lord Aelvilth advised, and was prince Ralivandil Avendelthíl's closest confidant, he was never officially the advisor to the ruling prince, as prince Ralivandil never was the ruling prince due to the challenge to the throne by lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt.
For a few moments all eyes are on the elven lord beside the young prince as he's the obvious choice to be the advisor to the ruling prince, which he turns out to be, kind of. "I name lord Alvarillé Aelvilth as interim advisor to the throne". There's a brief moments of confusion at that, and there's a smattering of murmuring as many wonder what the young prince means. "He will be interim advisor, until his son Halvelnín Aelvilth becomes my official advisor" declares Prince Ralivandil.
"Well that did it" dryly murmurs lord Alvarillé Aelvilth to the ruling prince beside him, after a stunned moment of silence in the antechamber, followed by an eruption of chatter, quite a fair bit of it disapproving in some quarters, while the reaction from others are completely different.
The young prince and the elven lord beside him, see the Master of Swords Nalathinéllé Aelvilth clearly biting the inside of his mouth as he tries not to burst out in laughter, while his son Darmarheíld has put a hand over his mouth, to stop himself from laughing after he snorts in surprise.
Not suppressing what she feels is Lelalwynn Aelvilth, who genuinely grins for the first time since last night when her cousin Ullendéllé Aelvilth died, infact the attractive elven maid giggles as she stands there amongst her family members.
As for the person in question himself, Halvelnín Aelvilth as he stands beside his sister Lelalwynn, stands there completely stunned with the announcement from Prince Avendelthíl. Halvelnín knows he's a bit of a hot head, but even more so a bit of a daring individual, who wouldn't necessarily think he's capable of being the advisor to the throne, especially to a young prince who has got a bit of a temper himself.
By the forest gods, fucking hell! Halvelnín Aelvilth thinks to himself in shock as he looks at his father and the ruling prince, who seem to be the only ones in the antechamber who seem to be completely comfortable with that final decree from Prince Avendelthíl . . . . . .

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