Tuesday 31 January 2017

Wonderful 10.

On Land...

"Here" says one of the hired mercenaries who puts a plate of food on the table infront of Mira Reinholt the mage who replies with "Thanks" as he's able to talk, and is more coherent as it's been a couple of days since he's last had the potion.
The Vexilian mage in exile who is still unable to touch his magical powers due to the toxins in his body, looks out away to the right from where they're sitting at a small table infront of one of the town's inns.
The once powerful mage as he starts eating, watches the small river craft after a day fishing on the river, making their way back to the docks with the sun setting away to the west over the ocean about a dozen miles away.
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster briefly glances at his left hand and faintly smiles in a wry fashion as the bolt shooter in his automaton arm is empty.
The mage Reinholt shot all the bolts at those who captured him in the city of Renoa in the very north of the Southlands, killing them all with the exception of the elven magic user Kaldeàlil Haldéilv. The exiled Vexilian mage kind of regrets doing that, well he regrets firing off every bolt once he was unable to cast magic after drinking a mug of ale laced with the potion that has haunted him ever since.
Mira Reinholt softly sighs at the memory, then he doesn't bother to look up as the elven spellcaster walks out of the front door with a plate of food, and takes the last seat at the table infront of the inn where the once powerful mage and the two hired guards are already sitting at.
The swordmaster Reinholt who isn't normally one to chat with his captor, especially when he's finally able to speak properly for any length of time, decides to start a conversation, knowing that it's usually her who starts speaking to him when he's once again has the ability to speak.
"You know, you're going to die" says Mira Reinholt the mage who as usual when he speaks with Kaldeàlil Haldéilv, speaks in the elven language, which the two hired mercenaries are unable to understand.
"He's going to find you and kill you, trust me you can't stop him" says the highly skilled swordmaster "Don't worry, he's far away, he won't be finding us anytime soon" says Kaldeàlil Haldéilv the elven magic user, the once powerful mage slightly snorts then dryly says "Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better" he continues with "What you did back on the ship would've just annoyed him more than he usually is" the mage Reinholt silently adds, trust me, from personal experience you don't want him chasing after you when he's in that kind of mood.
The spellcaster who was the youngest ever member of the mage council of Vexil, a position he held at the age of seventeen, though only briefly as he would turn on his homeland and betray them in a war soon afterwards, says to his captor "You might think you're safe from him, but you still might have to face my fellow prisoner the ork".
"That's hardly likely" dryly says the attractive elven maid who like her prisoner, is rather enjoying the spiced goat dish that has currents and almond flakes in it that they're eating "No way is he getting out of that prison he's in" adds Kaldeàlil Haldéilv who usually initiates the conversation between her and the once powerful mage who she captured in the city-state of Renoa down in the Southlands.
The swordmaster Reinholt, who must admit that the cell or prison, that Dorc da Orc was put in, was pure genius as the large ork would never get in the water, any kind of water to make his escape. Slightly nods in agreement with his captor, but he says "Maybe, but then again maybe not" the Vexilian mage in exile adds "He might just surprise you and effect an escape" he continues with "If he does, watch out, as he'll be hunting you down too".
As the elven magic user ignores that, Mira Reinholt knows that for how deranged and basically mentally retarded Dorc da Orc is, the large ork is still smart for one of his kind. And he's been in plenty of prisons in the past and escaped from them. So he just might figure out a way to escape from his floating prison.
Then there's the fact at what else is on the twin masted sailing ship that's towing the ork warleader's prison. The swordmaster from the city-state of Vexil wouldn't put it past it from finding a way of helping the large ork to escape, afterall lord Farque is who knows how many miles away from the cutter when he came onboard to break free the mage Reinholt.
Slightly changing the conversation, the once powerful mage says to his captor the elven magic user "Even if you escape the undead one, which you won't, as i don't see you've got the head of a church lying around somewhere to even giving you a shit show of a chance of holding him for a little while" Mira Reinholt adds "Or you get away from my big green psychotic companion, who doesn't care if you're a spellcaster or not, who'll kill you when he finds you, then defile your corpse in the most disgusting ways you could ever think of".
After a slight pause the exiled mage from the city-state of Vexil says "Why are you even bothering trying to find him?" after having a spoonful of the spiced goat dish, the swordmaster Reinholt continues with "Even if you do find him, he'll kill you too, you're no match for him" Kaldeàlil Haldéilv looks at him for a few moments, then she quietly tells him "We'll see about that".
Mira Reinholt refrains from sighing, then he says "What does it matter anyway" the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation in all the Southlands continues with "He's dead, i should know, i saw him die three years ago".
The attractive elven maid glares at him, and the Vexilian mage in exile falls silent, he knows not to push his luck. And bringing up the death of Xanderlith Karlavilt, the lover of Kaldeàlil Haldéilv, usually exacts some sort of painful retribution from the elven magic user.
As he finishes his meal, the swordmaster glances at the attractive elven maid who is staring off towards the nearby river, and the activity at the docks at the end of the day down there.
And as usual, Mira Reinholt as he thinks about his captor, and all that she has done to him, comes to the same conclusion about her as always has as he thinks about her actions, is that she's mad.
Driven mad by grief and anger at the death of her lover Xanderlith Karlavilt three years ago in the elven principality of Alínlae. A death she saw, as did the mage Reinholt, during the final battle over the conflict for the throne of that particular elven principality down in the Southlands.
The once powerful mage knows she's been driven mad, due to the dire odds that she's facing. The elven magic user who has been extremely lucky so far in her pursuit of vengeance against the one who killed her lover. Couldn't care less about what happens to her, just as long as she's able to get revenge for the elven noble from the principality of Alínlae who was her lover.
The swordmaster Reinholt knows she's also been driven mad by the death of the naturally magical creature that was once attached to her, a water pixie who died in the very same battle that her lover Xanderlith Karlavilt died.
The exiled Vexilian knows that though the attractive elven maid hasn't been successful in getting her revenge yet. She has been successful in doing something else, and that's in the fact she has been able to split up the group that Mira Reinholt travels with. And split it up rather effectively too, though she probably didn't intend to do it, as it kind of just happened.
The once powerful mage after finishing his meal, pushes away his empty plate as thinks about the group, which has drastically changed in it's makeup in the more than twelve years he first meet lord Farque and Dorc da Orc at the battle of Vexil.
The mage Reinholt slightly shakes his head as he thought the most recent member of the group would ever be someone to of joined them. He's about to ask one of the hired guards if he can have mug of ale as he thinks of the group, especially the three original members of the group, lord Farque, Dorc da Orc and himself.
When the main side effect of the potion he's been forced to have ever since he's been taken captive takes a hold of him.
"He's blacking out again" is what Mira Reinholt hears one of the hired mercenaries says, who grabs the once powerful mage who slumps back against the front wall of the inn as he has another flashback to when he was being held prisoner onboard the cutter...

Two Weeks Ago. The Great Western Ocean...

Mira Reinholt blinks in surprise as he sees the decking beneath where lord Farque lies prone, lift up. And with him still on it, the undead warlord who is immune to all but the most powerful of clerical magic, get flung back through the rift that has appeared. The rift quickly closes and the water that was rushing into the cabin stops, and the water already in here, starts flowing out through the hole in the hull, and the hole in the cabin floor.
The Vexilian mage in exile concentrates as he tries to understand what his captors are shouting about.
"Keep casting that spell of yours!" shouts Kaldeàlil Haldéilv "I can't even sense it!" yells back the abbott Halarn who is clinging onto the bulkhead so the water rushing out of the cabin doesn't knock him off his feet.
The head of the church of Galavin who is stunned to find himself still alive, draws power from the energy crystal that the attractive elven maid is still holding, the powerful spellcaster, the most powerful one in all of the church of Galavin continues to cast the hold undead spell he has on the being that just attacked them, and he asks "How far away is he?".
"Far away" says Kaldeàlil Haldéilv who cast the otherside of her rift, as far away as she can, to a spot she had viewed via a spell weeks ago, a spot at the bottom of the ocean, faraway to the south and west.
The three of them look at one another, then the head of the church of Galavin nods to the traveling deacon Polisa and tells him "Get the crew in here and have them start fixing the damage" the abbott then glances at the elven magic user and says to her "We need to talk".
Just before the two spellcasters exit the badly damaged cabin, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv checks on the prisoner who sits motionless on the bunk. She takes hold of his face and carefully looks at him as she says "Thought you were going to get away there?" she follows it up with "Not this time".
You just inconvenienced him, you're still going to die you know, Mira Reinholt the mage thinks to himself in his addled mind as the attractive elven maid holds his face and looks at him, she let's him go, and says to the traveling deacon "He's under the potion pretty deep, he won't cause any problems". "Polisa get rid of that sword too, throw it overboard or something" adds abbott Halarn who gestures to the large sword sticking out of the floodboards of the cabin as he and the elven magic user walk from the cabin.
The swordmaster Reinholt briefly hears the two spellcasters talking about the spell the head of the church of Galavin is still casting, then some of the crew enter the cabin to see what's happened this night.
The mage Reinholt sits there on the bunk watching crew come in and out, bringing in supplies of wood, along with tools, as the ships carpenter, along with the captain of the twin masted cutter, one of his officers and the deacon of the church of Galavin discuss things concerning the repair work to be done.
With his back against the bulkhead behind him, Mira Reinholt closes his eyes, and gets some rest as there's activity in the cabin all around him.
The exiled Vexilian mage doesn't know how long he's rested for, but when he opens his eyes, he sees more lamps have been lit and placed in the cabin, and at the moment it's empty apart from the church member and one of the ships officers who are quietly talking about things.
Soon the officer exits the damaged cabin, then the traveling deacon walks over to the bunk to check on the prisoner. After he does, he goes to exit the cabin too, until he remembers something and stops next to the large sword that waa wielded by the undead being.
Out of all of those who have captured him, the traveling deacon Polisa, is the only one who has treated him with any kind of respect or humility, he's also the only one who isn't a spellcaster, so that doesn't really surprise the exiled Vexilian mage.
The once powerful mage watches the member of the church of Galavin, and even if the prisoner could talk at the moment without mumbling incoherently, he doubt he would give warning, even though the traveling deacon has treated him fairly, instead the highly skilled swordmaster just watches.
Well you're fucked, Mira Reinholt the mage thinks to himself as he watches the deacon Polisa go to grab the hilt of the large sword sticking out of the floodboards in the middle of the damaged cabin . . . . . .

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