Wednesday 4 January 2017

The Princeling 228.

Lord Farque is looking out and down from an archers nook in the ancient tower he's in when he senses who is approaching him. Behind the full visor of the undead warlord's helm he sourly smiles, and a few moments later Narladene the ground pixie makes her way up out of the floor beneath him.
"What happened down there?" murmurs Narladene the ground pixie as she also looks down and out of the small, narrow window, not really expecting an answer from the heavily armoured deathlord she's hovering next to, so she's a bit surprised when he actually replies.
"A change in the line of succession" quietly says lord Farque, who speaks in the ground pixie language as Narladene just did, Draugadrottin as the people of his lands also know him by, looks down at the street below one more time, before he glances at the tiny winged creature hovering to one side of him, and he asks her "What is it?"
"I think i might of found him" says Narladene the ground pixie "Oh?" quietly says the undead warlord, who then asks "Where?" the naturally magical creature says to him "Near that townhouse that's under attack" the tiny winged creature who is 'attached' to Helbe the elven thief continues with "In a tunnel, he's been watching what's going on".
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque senses that way, and after sensing a number of elves underground at the moment, he says "West or east of that long street" the ground pixie answers with "West" she then adds "He was by himself when i saw him" the undead warlord nods his full helmed head then murmurs "Must be one of those" as he senses just a few elves like that at this point in time.
The heavily armoured deathlord looks out the narrow window once more, down at the street below, off away to the left is the Aelvilth family griffon Flashstrike, while her rider, Halvelnín Aelvilth, is talking to his aunt, Gilenthéln Aelvilth and a number of others, including the elven swordmaster Lothalis Miladelè, and the elven warders uncle, the veteran house guard Palathenellé.
Lord Farque nods his full helmed head behind him, and says to the ground pixie "Come on, lets see if we can find him" the undead warlord turns around and runs across the room, the lord and ruler speeds up and leaps forward at the wall on the opposite side of the tower, aiming for the archers nook on that side of the tower.
The deathlord of Farque smashes through the nearly three foot thick stone wall on the northwest side of the ancient tower, and with debris falling around him, he drops the fifty feet to the ground, the heavily armoured deathlord lands with barely a slight bend in the knees, and looks in both directions along the narrow street he's landed in, finding it empty.
As lord Farque starts walking in the direction of the long street where the fighting has been heaviest near the Ollinsállé family townhouse, Narladene comes flying down beside him and quietly says "That elven lord, the Karlavilt one, he's dead" the undead warlord nods his full helmed head as he has already sensed this, then Draugadrottin quietly says "And so is his heir" as he has just sensed Xanderlith Karlavilt being killed, by Helbenthril Raendril, which comes as no surprise to the heavily armoured deathlord as Lelalwynn Aelvilth was close by.
Narladene senses away to the west to where she was previously, to where she left Helbe the elven thief, she can no longer sense Xanderlith Karlavilt on the roof of the long building where the magical battle has been taking place, but she grins as she can still sense the elven princeling she's attached to, who in all likelihood had something to do with the death of the powerful elven magic user who was the heir to house Karlavilt.
"Lead the way gnat" says lord Farque with a snap of his steel encased fingers of his right hand as he points away to the west, the tiny winged creature scowls at that, but she remains quiet as she doesn't particularly want to test the temper of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
The naturally magical creature dives down into the surface of the street, and once underground she starts flying west, with the heavily armoured deathlord on the street above her, following in her wake as she makes her way to who she believes is the individual they've traveled to the principality of Alínlae to find.
He climbs back up the steps and looks out the entrance of the tunnel, he looks around, then looks towards the townhouse of the elven lord he serves in, the townhouse that's been under attack for quite sometime this evening, it's well after midnight and the fighting began earlier in the night.
He's just thinking the fighting has died down quite a bit, until there's a rather large explosion, which rocks the ground beneath him, and he's in the open ground to the west of the long street where a lot of the fighting has been taking place, he slightly scowls as he was just thinking about sneaking into the townhouse, but not now as things are still being blown up.
The assistant to the quartermaster of house Ollinsállé, a secret spy for lord Alvarillé Aelvilth, not that the head of house Aelvilth actually knows who he is, drops back down a few steps so that he's lower down as he looks outside, he glances back behind him at the dead enemy guards he killed earlier, and is glad that no more have tried to flee the battle this way.
He looks back outside then frowns as he suddenly feels something flutter infront of his face, he goes completely still as he looks around, only moving his right hand beneath his cloak that's holding his small crossbow, he waits a few moments then slowly passes his left hand infront of his face that's mostly obscured by the hood of his cloak.
They all wear those damn hooded cloaks! Narladene the ground pixie thinks to herself after she gets a close look at the elf infront of her, just back and down from a tunnel entrance in the wide open ground to the west of the long street where a lot of the fighting has been taking place.
The naturally magical creature who is pretty certain that he's the one they've been looking for, sees that something has caught the attention of the young elf who is part of the Ollinsállé family household, Narladene turns around and spots what has caught his attention.
Not exactly subtle there, the ground pixie dryly thinks to herself as she sees lord Farque crossing the long street, getting shot at by arrows and bolts, not giving a damn. The heavily armoured deathlord is just smacking anyone away that gets in his path, and since pretty much anyone on the street is part of the forces of the usurpers, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque kills them if they attack him.
After the undead warlord backhands a Karlavilt family house guard across the face, sending the elf, whose neck is instantly broken on impact, flying a good twenty yards, no one goes out of their way to attack the large figure in the dark, heavy armour as he crosses the street. The deathlord of Farque who is known to an older generation of elves as Des'tier, makes his way into the open space to the west of the long street, that has the Ollinsállé family townhouse at the northern end of it, Draugadrottin as he's also known by to the people of his lands, heads to where he can sense Narladene the ground pixie who is close to an elf.
He frowns as he sees the large individual, obviously a human, heading this way across the open ground, he ducks down even further so that he's just peeking over the top step as he looks out of the tunnel entrance, then he ducks down further and out of sight as he sees the large figure in the suit of dark, heavy plate armour, change direction slightly, and is now heading directly towards the tunnel.
He quickly goes down the bottom few steps and turns, and is about to hurry away, when he suddenly hears something right behind him, and a voice, which he can only describe as cold, say "Dalinvardél" he spins around, and finds the large, heavily armoured figure standing there, someone he has to look up to, something odd considering the person is a human, who then says to him "Endûane's light".
"Endûane's light" is the response from Dalinvardél Tanith after he blinks in surprise, not just because this person knows his name, but he also knows the code word he shares with the only other agent of lord Aelvilth who he is in contact with.
"Good, you are one of Alvarillé's hidden agents" says lord Farque who is speaking in the regular elven language, the undead warlord steps around the fairly young elf, who is probably a bit older than Helbe the elven thief, the heavily armoured deathlord starts walking down the tunnel saying "Come on lets go" the lord and ruler of the lands Farque continues with "You're too close to that battle for your own good".
Dalinvardél Tanith pauses for a moment watching the large figure in the heavy armour start walking into the darkness of the tunnel, then the assistant to lord Ollinsállé's quartermaster says "Hey wait up" followed by "Who are you?". The young elf who is a hidden agent of lord Aelvilth in the conflict against the forces of the usurpers knows from what he saw as the individual in the heavy armour, when he crossed the long street, could pretty much kill him if he wanted to. Hurries to catch up to him, and once alongside him, asks him "Are you one of lord Aelvilth's agents too?" the large figure in the blue/black heavy plate armour replies with "Something like that" then he quietly says something in a language that Dalinvardél has never heard before.
After telling Narladene the ground pixie what he wants her to do, and the tiny winged creature takes off to do that, lord Farque glances at the young elf who stands a couple of inches over six feet, Dalinvardél Tanith is about to say something, but the heavily armored deathlord gets in with "The conflict for the throne is over". The undead warlord tells the elf in the service of house Ollinsállé "Lord Karlavilt is dead, so is his son and heir Xanderlith" the lord and ruler of the lands Farque continues with "So is Karlavilt's brother, the axemaster Balindörl, as are his children, Galdéan and Jalveènd" the undead warlord adds "And it's fairly obvious the usurpers are going to lose that battle out there".
"Damn" murmurs Dalinvardél Tanith after a few moments of stunned surprise, and as they round a corner in the underground tunnels, he's about to ask something, when the large, heavily armoured figure beside him, who for some reason seems to be colder than the cool air in the tunnel, says to him "You'll be working for me now on".
The young elf is about to protest, when lord Farque tells him "Alvarillé, i mean lord Aelvilth will say so himself" Draugadrottin continues with "Infact we'll see him later on and he can tell you himself".
Dalinvardél Tanith blinks in surprise once more as he realises that his life has just changed, though he has no idea how drastically that change will actually be . . . . . .

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