Monday 23 January 2017

Wonderful 5.

The Great Western Ocean...

Dorc da Orc moves further into the cabin, and frowns when he sees the repair work done along the decking near the hull on one side of the cabin, as well as along part of the hull itself. Then the large ork bursts out laughing when he looks to the otherside of the cabin, and he sees what looks like small pieces of blue ice, which seem to of been swept to one side, Dorkindle knows that it's definitely not ice.
"Did some silly cunt try to touch you?" asks Dorc da Orc as he looks at the large sword in the middle of the cabin that's sticking up out of the decking, the ork warleader chuckles when the sword, which belongs to lord Farque informs him that indeed someone did try to touch her, infact a few did, she let them touch her, and now they lie dead to one side of the cabin, no longer remotely resembling human beings anymore.
The ork who is the warleader of his race grunts as he inspects the cabin and the large sword tells him, directly into his brain, that this is where Kaldeàlil Haldéilv the elven magic user kept Mira Reinholt the mage locked up, then the large ork grimaces as she tells him what he's been kind of dreading she'll say.
"Nah that's fucken okay, Dorc don't really wanna do that" says the ork weaponsmith who was hoping this wouldn't eventuate, even though he had a feeling it would. The large ork slightly flinches as the large sword yells at him, then he sourly smiles and mutters "Fucken shitty nutballs" and approaches the sword in the middle of the cabin, thinking to himself he would rather go for a swim in the ocean outside than what he's about to do.
Dorkindle briefly glances at the small ice like pieces to one side of the cabin, then though he slightly hesitates, he reaches out and takes a hold of the hilt of lord Farque's sword, though he closes his eyes as he does it, whilst silently praying to his god Krom.
Is Dorc still alive? the ork weaponsmith thinks to himself, who grunts as he finds himself still amongst the living as he opens his eyes, and he looks at the large sword he's holding, the ork warleader grunts as he pulls it out of the boards of the cabin's floor, Dorkindle knows from past experience that he wouldn't be able to do this if the sword didn't allow him to do it.
As the large ork lets out a heavy sigh, The Sword of Power Ryn, if she was still in her physical form of a Greater Dragon, she would be rolling her eyes in derision at the actions of Dorc da Orc, who quite frankly takes a fair amount of effort on her part, to get him to do anything.
The spirit of the Greater Dragon that inhabits the Farque family sword admonishes the large ork before he's about to swing her a few times as he stands there in the middle of the cabin grinning from ear to ear.
Dorkindle who vividly remembers from the last time he held the large sword eight years ago, that it will whack him even though he's holding it, grunts then starts readjusting some of his weapons in his harness, so he can place it on it, instead of giving it a few practice swings which he really wants to do.
The warleader of the ork race, who has never held any weapon that is as perfect in the hand, and exquisitely balanced as the large sword that belongs to lord Farque, puts the large sword on his weapon harness, hoping that it doesn't yell at him so much now that he has taken it into his possession.
Dorc da Orc is about to head out of the cabin as he can still hear, as well as smell a handful of the crew are still alive who he's yet to kill, when he looks at the repair work that's been done along one side of the cabin, the large ork asks "What the fuck happened there?".
Farque, replies Ryn the Sword of Power, who then goes on to briefly explain what happened nearly two weeks ago when the lord and ruler of the lands Farque was lured onboard to rescue both Dorc da Orc and Mira Reinholt the mage. The ork warleader growls in anger as the large sword explains to him what happened, which Dorkindle only heard and smelled from where he was in his floating prison tied up behind the cutter.
The ork weaponsmith makes his way out of the cabin knowing that lord Farque, wherever he might be, will be extremely fucked off with what happened, not just here on the vessel of those who captured the large ork and the mage from the city-state of Vexil, but also with what's happened elsewhere.
Dorkindle asks "Did Farque kill that big priest cunt?" as he hasn't seen or smelled the person in question since just after the lord and ruler of the lands Farque turned up on the cutter when it was a couple of days out of port.
The large ork grunts in satisfaction and mutters "Good fucken job" followed by "That big priest was a right cunt" when the Sword of Power informs him that it was her who killed the person in question, when he placed a hand on the hilt of the large sword, and now he's dead, and is pieces of the what seems to be blue looking ice back in the cabin.
Dorc da Orc who is rather pleased that one of two of those who captured him is now dead, picks up the half eaten shark he dropped out in the corridor, and says to it "Come on sharp teeth, let's kill the rest of these cunts, then get the fuck out of here" the large ork briefly pauses as the Farque family sword tells him something, Dorkindle murmurs "Huh shark" followed by "Me always forget that fucken name".
The ork warleader then says to the carcass of the shark "Sharky eh" he continues with "Let's go and fucken get some".
The large ork heads down the corridor looking for the nearest ladder that leads up to the deck, as he does, the Greater Dragon Ryn doesn't ask him why he's carrying around the rotting shark, which stinks more than Dorkindle in the tropical heat, and the close confines below deck on the cutter.
She's fairly certain she knows why the ork weaponsmith is carrying it around, and she doesn't mention it, because she doesn't want to bring up specific memories for the large ork, for the simple reason it's difficult enough to communicate with him with his deranged mind, and adding anything too emotional, will just make it more difficult to get him to do what she wants.
A short time later and the warleader of the ork race has killed off the rest of the crew of the cutter. One of the last he killed was the captain, who was on the sand spit the ship is beached on. He died when Dorkindle leaped overboard, and landed on top of him and another sailor, crushing them to death.
The ork weaponsmith who hails from the frozen environs of the southern polar region is panting in the mid morning sun of the tropics north of equator. He sits in the sand, in the shade cast by the twin masted sailing ship, he falls asleep with the carcass of the shark lying beside him.
Dorc da Orc jerks awake in surprise just after midday when the Sword of Power yells at him to wake up. The yawning ork weaponsmith mutters "Fucky shit" as he sees that the local tide is turning, and that the sand spit the cutter has run aground on, is starting to disappear.
The large ork hurriedly climbs back on board, and though he briefly has thoughts of being captain Dorc and sailing the ship by himself when it eventually refloats, the soul of the Greater Dragon that inhabits the sword of lord Farque dissuades him from doing that by calling him a few choice, not to mention unpleasant words, and telling him what to do instead.
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks, looks eastwards the way he's certain that the elven magic user Kaldeàlil Haldéilv took Mira Reinholt the mage.
The sword of power tells him that indeed the attractive elven maid took the once powerful mage that way, as land is that way, land which even with Dorkindle's farsight, he's unable to see at the moment.
The ork warleader heads below deck and gathers supplies, and in a spare sail, he puts all the food, meat, bread and cheese only, that he can find, as well as any grog he's yet to drink.
Dorc da Orc ties up the sail with the supplies, and he goes to the captain's cabin as the Sword of Power instructs him to do, there he collects a few maps. Then he goes in search of oil and pitch, which when he finds, he spreads below deck, and up the ladders to the deck above.
The ork weaponsmith then drops his supplies overboard, then he takes a lamp, one of the ship's running lights, and brings it to life with a flint and striker that he finds. Dorkindle throws the lamp down a ladder, where it shatters and erupts in flames when it comes in contact with the oil and pitch he's spilled below deck.
Dorkindle quickly gets off the cutter, and he grabs the other ship's boat, which is larger than his prison, from where it sits on the sand, and pushes it out into the edge of the water. After he puts his supplies in it, which include a pair of legs he chops off one of the dead sailors who is lying on the sand spit, the legs are something for him to snack on as he guesses, correctly at that, that he's got a bit of a long journey ahead of him.
Dorc da Orc after biffing the shark carcass into the boat, pushes the small craft further into the water, and hops aboard, the large ork doesn't bother putting up the small mast, and the Greater Dragon tells him not to anyway, he uses the oars instead
"Alright fuck ya" mutters the ork warleader after Ryn the Sword of Power yells at him, Dorkindle then adds in a mutter "Farque usually does this shit" as he gets up and turns around so that he's now facing backwards towards the stern, and he puts both oars through the eye rings on either gunnel, instead of just the one which he had when he tried to row.
Dorc da Orc scowls as lord Farque's sword yells at him as tells him how to row, he's seen it done plenty of times in the past, but he's never done it himself. He struggles at first as he tends to dip the oars into the water too far, or not enough at all, which ends up with him just splashing the surface of the water.
The ork weaponsmith stops doing that fairly quickly when much to his disgust he gets himself wet. The large ork eventually gets the gist of rowing a boat, though it's a bit of ragged rhythm that he goes at, as he tends to use one oar at a time and not the two of them in unison.
Whistling, badly out of tune, since like all orks, he's extremely tone deaf, Dorc da Orc with a grin on his face as he watches the cutter catch on fire, heads eastwards on the Greater Western Ocean, making his way towards land, where he hopes to find the other person who took him captive, and kill her, and free Mira Reinholt the mage when he does so . . . . . .

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