Monday 30 January 2017

Wonderful 9.

On Land...

Mira Reinholt the mage stumbles, as he's prone to do ever since he's been put under the influence of the potion. Well it's a toxin really, the once powerful mage knows it is from his time as an apothecary when he was a younger man.
One of the two hired mercenaries grabs his right arm and straightens the mage Reinholt up as they follow the elven magic user infront of them.
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster stares at the back of the elven maid who is his captor, wishing that she was dead. But knowing that he's in no shape to make that wish come true, for he can barely walk in a straight line without stumbling.
Mira Reinholt looks around at the small town they're in, it's certainly larger than the coastal villages they've been in previously. Especially the small village in the bay near where he and the attractive elven maid came ashore by way of a rift spell she had cast a few days ago.
Here a little bit further inland, though still on the coastal road. The swordmaster Reinholt gets a better view to the east, where in the distance even further inland, the landscape looks far more arid than it does here in the town.
Where the majority of the grass is straw coloured, while the trees, which there's plenty of nearby. Are fairly short, much shorter than the palm trees on the coast itself to the south, like at the village in the bay near where the elven magic user and the once powerfull mage came through the rift which they left the cutter via.
The spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil in the Southlands knows that they're north of the equator and no longer in the Southlands. He knows they're in the region of Belinswae, his captor and the two guards she hired yesterday in the large village they were in before coming to this town.
Have mentioned it a few times since yesterday. But where in Belinswae, the once powerfull mage has no idea the elven magic user is at pains not to tell him where, and the two hired mercenaries don't even talk to him unless they're ordering him around.
Mira Reinholt who sees a number of people lined up infront of what looks like to be the bakers shop, which is busy here in the hot sun of the middle of the morning.
Wonders if he's missed by the others in the group. He's fairly certain he is, though he knows that with the exception of Dorc da Orc and lord Farque, they have no idea where he is. So the chance of rescue is fairly slim, unless one of the other two find him.
Though he doubts that'll happen. As lord Farque is far out to sea. So is Dorc da Orc in his floating prison. So the once powerful mage assumes. Incorrectly as it turns out. For a lot has happened since he and Dorkindle were both taken prisoner.
Then once again, one of the side effects of the toxin he's been continually given, takes effect. And he has another flashback within his mind. The same flashback that's plagued him over the last two weeks or so...

Two Weeks Ago. The Great Western Ocean...

On the bunk in the cabin he's been kept held in, Mira Reinholt the mage shakes his head after being forced to drink the potion again. The two crewmen who held him down, make their way from the cabin, while the once powerful mage feels the increase in levels of the toxin within his body take full affect.
Feeling fuzzy headed, the mage Reinholt couldn't touch his magic, what little he has, even if he wanted to. It's out of his reach, as it has been ever since he was taken captive.
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster sits there looking at the two who took him prisoner, along with Dorc da Orc.
The Vexilian mage in exile tries to listen to them, amongst the others in the cabin. It takes a little while for him to understand what they're talking about, as he finds it difficult to concentrate on what people are saying after having the potion so recently.
"You sure?" asks abbott Halarn "I'm sure" replies Kaldeàlil Haldéilv the elven magic user, the abbott from the church of Galavin, the last one of the three from three and half years ago, nods his head, then asks the attractive elven maid "A ship?".
"No" replies the Kaldeàlil Haldéilv, who is looking through a spell she has placed upon the top of one of the cutter's masts, she continues with "He's swimming" the attractive elven maid pauses for a moment or two, then she adds "Quickly" the elven magic user after another pause, says "Far more quickly than this ship is moving that's for sure".
As he sees a grimace appear upon the face of the abbott from the headquarters of the church of Galavin in the city-state of Brattonbury. And similar looks on the faces of the other church members in the cabin.
Mira Reinholt as he sits on his bunk, slowly smiles as he realises who they're talking about. And though the smile looks sickly upon his face, the once powerful mage can't help but grin.
"You're all fucked" says Mira Reinholt the mage, which no one can hear, as it sounds like a soft mumble of nothing, more than anything else. As the potion that he's been forced to drink since being taken captive, pretty much robs him of his ability to speak. Especially after just taking the potion, which is the case now.
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, shakes his head again, trying to clear the fuzzy feeling that's taken over his mind.
It's no good, and he gives up on that. Instead the Vexilian mage in exile concentrates on the conversation taking place in the cabin. Finding it difficult to understand, until after a few moments, he picks up what's being said.
"Damn filthy spawn of hell" loudly mutters abbott Halarn of the church of Galavin, who then asks the elven magic user "How far away?" she answers him with "About five miles" Kaldeàlil Haldéilv who is looking through a farsight spell she has placed on the top of the aft mast, continues with "At the speed he's moving, he'll be here pretty soon". The attractive elven maid, who is in charge, much to the chagrin of the church of Galavin abbott and the other church members, looks at them, especially the abbott "We've lured him here, so it's time for you to take care of him as you've promised" she holds up a hand, before continuing with "Hopefully we get the information i want before you destroy him".
"Hopefully" quietly says abbott Halarn, who to he honest, couldn't care less about the information the attractive elven maid wants. Instead the head of the church of Galavin, and those who have travelled with him from their headquarters in Brattonbury, only have one thing in mind.
To destroy the individual who attacked their headquarters in the city of Brattonbury three and half years ago, killing one of the three abbotts at that time in the process.
Abbott Halarn turns to other church members, all clerics and fighting priests and priestesses, with the exception of one, and starts issuing orders.
The mage Reinholt snorts, as he knows that everyone in this cabin, with hopefully the exception of himself, are doomed. The spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands. Looks carefully at the abbott from the church of Galavin, who he knows is the only one who could pose problems for who is about to arrive.
How does the Vexilian mage know this. Because he's the one who told his captors. Though unwittingly, as they read his mind to find information to help their cause. Much to his disgust, and annoyance since he couldn't do anything about it due to the potion they've been force feeding him.
Mira Reinholt as his thoughts briefly wandered, takes a little bit of time to concentrate on what's being said by those in the cabin, eventually he hears what they're saying, which gives him hope. Though the swordmaster from the city-state of Vexil gets slightly worried when he sees what Kaldeàlil Haldéilv takes from a pack at her feet.
"Draw from it wherever you can" says the attractive elven maid to the spellcasters from the church of Galavin as she holds a large spell gem, an energy crystal that's pulsing with magical power "It'll probably be our only chance" adds the elven magic user who knows that the head of the church of Galavin is the only one who can do anything against what they're about to face.
Kaldeàlil Haldéilv who has worked for three years trying to hunt someone down to kill them for what they did. Who finally feels that she's making definitive progress having captured two of the associates of the one she's after, and hopefully soon another, or at least destroy the third.
Is about to say something else to those with clerical powers, when she quickly changes her mind as she looks through her viewing spell on top of the aft mast above, and she sees in the night outside, what's quickly approaching the twin masted cutter from the port side.
"He's here!" warns Kaldeàlil Haldéilv "Get ready!" loudly says abbott Halarn as he the others all look to where the attractive elven maid points at the hull to port, Mira Reinholt slowly turns his head that way and waits in anticipation, he doesn't have to wait long.
The once powerful mage doesn't know exactly what happens, but all of a sudden wood goes flying everywhere as the hull burst inwards. The Vexilian mage in exile sees one of the clerics go flying across infront of his bunk, and smash into and through the bulkhead on the otherside of the cabin.
The mage Reinholt hears shouting and yelling, but he can't understand what's being said as he's finding it difficult to concentrate as too much is going on for his addled mind to focus on. Though the highly skilled swordmaster does grin again as he figures everyone in the cabin is getting killed.
"Told you, you were all fucked" says Mira Reinholt, which again comes out in an inaudible mumble, the Vexilian mage in exile flinches as there's a thump in the bulkhead right next to his bunk, he looks that way and sees blood splattered everywhere, he looks down and sees the top half of a dead priestess from the church of Galavin slumped against the cabin wall there.
The swordmaster Reinholt blinks when he finally hears a voice, it's the head of the church of Galavin, the abbott Halarn who he hears shout in a triumphant tone of voice "Got him!" the once powerful mage looks further to his left to see what's happened, and he sees lord Farque lying on the floor of the cabin near a large hole in the port side hull.
Mira Reinholt grimaces as he knows that it was the information taken from his mind, that his captors learnt that the undead warlord is vulnerable to only holy ground, or the most highest level, and most powerful of clerical magic.
There's only three of them still standing in the cabin, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv, abbott Halarn and one other, who the head of the church of Galavin says to "I don't think i can hold him for long, Polisa can you do anything".
The traveling deacon originally from the city-state of Vexil, the only one of the church members who was onboard who is not a spellcaster, and the only one along with the abbott who is still alive. Jumps over a dead cleric whose head is missing, and he swings his sword down at the prone figure of the undead being lying on the cabin floor.
Polisa the traveling deacon mutters "Fuck" and drops his sword that's now bent, and shakes his arm after the reverberating shock ran up it from where he hit the undead being in the head, to be exact in the full helm.
The traveling deacon backs away, narrowly missing the large sword that the undead being was wielding, which is now sticking up out of the cabin floor. The member of the church of Galavin looks quickly at the head of his church who says "I don't think i can keep holding him like this" as the abbott feels his hold the undead spell weakening.
As abbott Halarn draws more power from the energy crystal Kaldeàlil Haldéilv is holding, so that he can keep sustaining his spell, the elven magic user takes a few steps across the cabin to where the undead being is prone on the floor, with white bands of energy wrapped around him.
Looking at the large, heavily armoured figure, the attractive elven maid who can hear some of the crew rushing to the cabin here beneath the foredeck of the twin masted sailing ship says in the elven language "Where is he?" she follows it up with "Where is that fucking princeling from Laerel?".
Though the prone figure on the cabin floor can't really move due to the spell it's under the influence of, he does slightly move his head to the right, so that he's looking at the two members of the church of Galavin, and the attractive elven maid. He doesn't say anything, he just stares at them for a few moments. Then suddenly his eyes start to glow blue.
"Do something!" is what Mira Reinholt hears the abbott Halarn shout at Kaldeàlil Haldéilv, the once powerful mage figures lord Farque is about to break free of whatever holding spell the most powerful spellcaster in the church of Galavin is holding him with.
"You won't listen to me, you're all fucked" says the mage Reinholt in a mumble as he grins as he knows once the lord and ruler of the lands Farque breaks free of the spell that has momentarily incapacitated him, the abbott and the traveling deacon from the church of Galavin, as well as the attractive elven maid from beyond the Southlands will all be dead.
Then the attractive elven maid Kaldeàlil Haldéilv does something unexpected, especially considering she doesn't have any new information in her search for the person she's been after for the last three years.
She quickly casts a couple of spells as she senses the abbott Halarn trying to maintain his powerful holding spell, a far more powerful spell she could ever hope to cast. The attractive elven maid creates a rift spell, then as she shouts at the head of the church of Galavin "Keep casting it no matter what!".
Kaldeàlil Haldéilv once the rift spell is complete and water starts rushing in through it from the otherside, she quickly casts the most powerful blast spell she can with the aid of the energy crystal she's holding . . . . . .

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