Sunday 15 January 2017

The Princeling 235.

"How did it go?" asks Helbe the elven thief once they meet up "Pretty much as predicted" replies Narladene the ground pixie who lands upon the right shoulder of the young elven noble "A lot were surprised at that Halvelnín being named advisor to the new ruling prince".
"I bet they were" quietly murmurs the elven princeling in a dry tone of voice as he makes his way through the large park in the center of the city of Parlindellè, the blured and shielded elven magic user glances at the tiny winged creature sitting on his right shoulder, who asks him "Where are they going?" Narladene hops off his shoulder and goes by a tree to their right, which she briefly touches before returning to the right shoulder of the nobleborn elf from the principality of Laerel, who tells her "To the airdocks, we're leaving".
"Well Dorc isn't" says the naturally magical creature who is originally from the Sunreach Mountains, Narladene who sensed down the tree she briefly touched continues with "He's heading a bit south of there" she pauses then adds "Farque is following him". "Going to say goodbye to those goblins of his" says Helbenthril Raendril, the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel continues with "Who knows when he'll, or if he'll see them again" the ground pixie nods her head in understanding, then the elven masterthief shift a hundred yards or so as he heads westward through the large park on his way to the airdocks of the city of Parlindellè.
Dorc da Orc murmurs in the language of the orks "Dorc's cunts" then chortles as a number of the goblins who see him pass by the inn they're in, start cheering and hollering in excitement at seeing their general.
The large ork looks back, then laughs and says in the common language "Ya silly fucken gob-a-lin cunt" as one goblin mercenary, a little too enthusiastic at seeing his general, falls out the second storey window he was half out of and shouting at the ork warleader, and hits the ground with a thud, and groans after the fifteen foot fall.
Dorkindle shakes his head, then briefly pauses as he spots the familiar, large, heavily armoured figure of lord Farque walk around the corner at the far end of the street. The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks has smelled the lord and ruler of the lands Farque following him after he told him he was going to see the goblin army he's the general of, before they left the city of Parlindellè.
Dorc da Orc grunts, then turns back around and continues on his way, the large ork is heading for one of the other inn's the goblins are staying at, though he does tell the goblin mercenaries he's just encountered, that their squad leaders are to follow him to the other inn that's nearby, which he's heading to.
As he makes his way along a street just to the southeast of the city airdocks, Lord Farque watches as Dorc da Orc heads towards the far end of the street, followed by a number of the goblins who have been staying in the inn on the right hand side of this street.
The undead warlord is giving the ork warleader a bit of space, as well as time as Dorkindle farewells the goblin mercenaries who he's the general of. The heavily armoured deathlord who is also known as Des'tier to an older generation of elven kind, will speak to the goblins too, for he has something of importance for them, infact two things that are important. But for now, he'll wait to allow the large ork to speak to the army of goblin mercenaries.
"Yeah cunts, it's me" says Dorc da Orc as he enters an inn around the corner from the first one he walked by "Your fucken general Dorc" adds the warleader of the ork race, who also happens to be the general of an army of goblin mercenaries.
Goblins shout and cheer at the appearance of their general, and though a fair few of them died during the night, especially when they attacked the Karlavilt family townhouse, those who survived the night are all glad to be more or less in one piece this morning, and more importantly that their general is alive and well.
The ork warleader who still has a bit of a sore leg from last night, but is no longer walking with a limp after his encounter with the abbot of the church of Galavin, makes his way over to a table as the goblins clear a space for him, the large ork sits on the stone bench that's been brought inside for him on such visits.
Teabagger the Goblin Cunt grins as he sits next to his general, even being in close proximity to general Dorc, who fear reeks, so much so if you get a good whiff of him, it's liable you'll throw up. Can't put off the fact that the small, bright green goblin, like all the other goblin mercenaries, is more than pleased that Dorc da Orc is amongst them.
As they give their general mugs of ale, and bottles of wine to drink, and cooked joints of beef, legs of lamb and stuffed chickens, and slices of ham along with large wedges of cheese to eat.
The goblins in the mercenary army tell him of their exploits during the battle last night, Short Cunt talks about nearly getting caught by the Karlavilt family griffon that plagued them throughout the night. While Poohead the Second talks about nearly falling out of not one, but two windows in the Karlavilt family townhouse. Meanwhile Double Dumbass mentions he did fall out of a window there, that's why he's got a broken arm in a splint and sling, not that anyone apart from him cares.
As Teabagger, the leader of the goblin mercenaries listens to everything, he watches his general, who he has noticed, doesn't have his armoured pig with him at the moment. Then as the ork general is busy shoving some roast beef in his mouth after downing half a dozen mugs of ale in a row, Teabagger hears what he fears.
"Me gotta fucken go" says Dorc da Orc after he swallows a joint of beef without really chewing on it, the goblins in the common room of the inn fall silent, and the warleader of the ork race briefly sniffles, and rubs at his eyes, before clearing his throat, then picking up another mug of ale, sculling it, followed by a slab of ham which he stuffs in his mouth with a wedge of white, blue vein cheese which causes him to grimace as it's so strong, even for his tastes.
"When will we see you again general?" asks Teabagger the Goblin Cunt who breaks the silence that's descended upon the inn's common room, he's answered with a grunt from the large ork, who truth be told doesn't want to talk about it anymore. Deciding to tell his army he's leaving by his own volition was difficult enough as it is. Telling them he's got no idea if he'll ever see them again, is something he definitely doesn't want to discuss,
As the goblins all look at one another, they turn and look at the front door of the inn, which opens and a large, familiar figure walks in through it. The goblin mercenaries part, and the large heavily armoured figure makes his way across the common room to where the ork general is sitting at a table.
Lord Farque looks at Dorc da Orc and nods his full helmed head upstairs as he snaps his fingers and points to the nearby stairs, the undead warlord then looks at Teabagger and speaks to him in the goblin language. The small bright green goblin vigorously nods his head after hearing what the large human has to say, and he heads to the stairs as general Dorc is doing, after the ork weaponsmith grabs a few bottles of wine, a leg of lamb, and round of smoked cheese.
In a room upstairs is lord Farque, Dorc da Orc, Teabagger the Goblin Cunt, and a handful of other goblins who have been with the mercenary army since its inception in the kingdom of Melaurn over three years ago.
"Here, this is for you" says lord Farque in the goblin language as he hands a rolled piece of parchment to the small, bright lurid green goblin who leads the army of mercenary goblins "What the fuck is that?" asks Dorkindle in the ork language from where he sits on the floor.
"Their fucking pay" says the heavily armoured deathlord in the same language, the undead warlord who has just handed Teabagger a note of credit from lord Alvarillé Aelvilth, continues in the ork language with "We know you weren't going to fucking pay them you fat fucking fatty".
The ork weaponsmith scowls at being called that, he's about to say something in response until he sees the look directed at him by the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, so instead the large ork stuffs the whole round of smoked cheese in his mouth, and washes it down with a bottle of strong red wine.
Teabagger who grins after reading the piece of parchment, and who is also rather pleased to be speaking his native language to someone who isn't a goblin, glances over at where his general is sitting, then he looks at the large, heavily armoured human standing infront of him, and asks "Ah big boss, when will we see the general again?".
"Who knows?" is the reply of lord Farque who shrugs his broad, heavily armoured shoulders, then the deathlord of Farque adds "You might never see him again" Draugadrottin as he's also known as to the people of his lands pauses for a moment, before continuing with "Or you might see him sooner than you think".
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque takes another rolled parchment that's tucked in his belt, this one written by him this time, and hands it to Teabagger the Goblin Cunt and says to him "This is for you too" the small bright green goblin asks "What's this big boss?" lord Farque answers with "A letter of invitation" he looks at the small group of goblins in the room and says to them in their own language "Listen up" the undead warlord then explains something to them.
As Dorc da Orc sits there scowling as he has absolutely no idea what the lord and ruler of the lands Farque is saying to the goblin mercenaries gathered in the room. The heavily armoured deathlord tells the goblins that if they ever return to the far south of the Southlands again, they'll be welcomed to his own lands, where they'll be trained by his people.
That's if any of them live that long, the undead warlord dryly thinks to himself after he explains to the goblins what the letter of invitation he's just given to Teabagger means, lord Farque then looks over at Dorkindle and says to him in the ork language "Come on cunt, we're going".
The heavily armoured deathlord farewells the goblins, turns around and makes his way out of the room, and heads for the stairs as Dorc da Orc grunts and gets up off the floor.
The large ork looks at the goblins who all look at him expectantly, he gulps then says "Me see you cunts later" then with one final look at Teabagger the Goblin Cunt, the ork warleader says to the goblin mercenaries "You silly fucken gob-a-lins don't get killed while your general is gone, cause if you fucken do, me will find you and fucken kill ya again" Dorc da Orc then hurries out of the room.
It's as though the large ork has been kicked in the guts, that's what it feels like to him as he rushes downstairs and through the common room of the inn. There the goblins call out, and shout and holler his name, their general's name. Dorkindle doesn't trust himself to speak, he just nods and grins as me makes his way through them to get outside.
Once he's out of the inn, Dorc da Orc gulps again, then turns to follow where lord Farque has gone, as he does the ork warleader sniffs and screws up his face a bit, then murmurs with a catch in his voice "Fucken gob-a-lins" . . . . . .

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