Sunday 8 January 2017

The Princeling 230.

"And you think he's important in some way?" asks lord Alvarillé Aelvilth who has returned to his family's townhouse this morning from the Palace of the Prince, only because of the person who asked him to do so. "I do" says lord Farque as he sits upon a large chair in one of the rooms in the suite of the elven lord, who sits behind a desk that's opposite him.
"Well if you say so my lord" quietly says the head of house Aelvilth, who until a short time ago, didn't even know of the person in question, even though the person has secretly been working for him since the middle of the summer. "I was hoping to continues to use all my agents in the new reign" murmurs lord Aelvilth, who like the undead warlord sitting oppositie him, is speaking in the royal elven language "You'll be fine Alvarillé" says the heavily armoured deathlord as he looks at one of his old generals that he commanded during the war against the Holy Norstran Empire.
Easy for you to say, the elven lord dryly thinks to himself as he contemplates the weeks, months, and years ahead, as the transition period takes effect with the new ruling prince of Alínlae, Alvarillé Aelvilth who is looking at one of the missives on the desk infront of him, looks at the former battlelord, now warlord who commanded him so many years ago, and nods his head yes in response to lord Farque asking him "The noble houses will confirm the young prince as ruling prince?".
"They will" says the head of house Aelvilth who during the conflict over the throne of the principality, has been the staunchest supporter of the royal family, lord Aelvilth who had a brief meeting earlier before dawn with a number of other elven lords of Alínlae, continues with "No one wants to see turmoil now, the usurpers not dead have surrendered, and the young prince is the only member of the immediate royal family still alive apart from his mother".
"And she won't take the throne?" asks Des'tier as he's also known to an older generation of elves, which Alvarillé Aelvilth is a part of, the deathlord of Farque knows it isn't all that surprising if the spouse of a deceased ruling prince will take the throne, it's happened before here in the principality of Alínlae.
"She won't" says the elven general who once led the armies of Alínlae nearly four and half centuries ago, he continues with "Besides she and prince Ralivandil never married, so her claim is tenuous at best" he then adds "And the fact she has lost both the father of her children, and her oldest son, so she definitely doesn't want to be the next ruler of the principality".
Draugadrottin as he's also known by to the people of his lands far away to the south, nods his full helmed head as he sits in the large chair, that's predominantly made of wood, apart from the base beneath the seat, which is made of marble. The lord and ruler of the lands Farque already knew this about the royal family, infact there's a lot about the Avendelthíl noble family he knew, it's why he took a direct hand in who now sits upon the throne of Alínlae.
The undead warlord knew the usurpers led by house Karlavilt would be no good as rulers, it's one of the reasons he decided to secretly help the royal forces in the conflict that's lasted half a year since the assassination of Prince Avendelthíl. Lord Farque also knew that prince Ralivandil, and his heir and oldest son Dasaevallé wouldn't make particular good ruling princes, infact he thought prince Ralivandil would be an ineffectual ruling prince at best, and his heir Dasaevallé would be a disaster on the throne of Alínlae.
It's why the heavily armoured deathlord gave the usurpers, a bit of a helping hand, so to speak, in their deaths, as he knew that the only way for the principality to have a long and stable reign, is if the youngest member of royal family became the new ruling prince of Alínlae.
Seeing the slight look of concern on the face of lord Aelvilth as he glances at the glass window away to his right, the undead warlord says to the nobleborn elf "I'm sure the young prince will be a fine leader" the lord and ruler of the lands Farque continues after a brief pause with "Even with that bit of a temper I've heard he's got".
"That he does" murmurs the head of house Aelvilth, who during the night in the battle, lost a number of those close to him amongst the royal forces, chief of whom, and most personally devastating, his niece Ullendéllé Aelvilth. "And there's plenty of skillful and talented individuals amongst the younger generation who will be keen allies to the young prince" says lord Farque, who then adds "Like your son Halvelnín" the deathlord of Farque doesn't mention lord Aelvilth's daughter Lelalwynn, for in all likelihood, her future will lead her away from her homeland of Alínlae, and she'll likely end up in the lands Farque, he then says "You won't be around for ever to guide him".
Alvarillé Aelvilth falls silent at the thought of his own mortality, he might have another four hundred years of life left, as most nobleborn elves can live up to twelve hundred and fifty or thirteen hundred years old, while royalty can live a further two hundred past that, a full five hundred years longer than the thousand year lifespan of normal elves. The head of house Aelvilth then faintly smiles at the thought of his son Halvelnín, a hot head himself, being a strong supporter of the young prince, the elven lord knows that his son has matured greatly during the conflict over the throne, so much so he can see Halvelnín being a lifelong supporter of the new ruling prince of Alínlae.
After a silent moment or two of further contemplation of what lies ahead for his homeland, lord Alvarillé Aelvilth looks at the undead being across from him, and says to him "Well back to this youngster" the nobleborn elf continues with "I'll have to convince lord Ollinsállé when he arrives in the city that one of the more important members of his household will be leaving" the elven lord then adds "From the sounds of it, he is supposed to become the new quartermaster for the Ollinsállé family in the future, something that's vital for any noble house".
"They'll find someone else" says Des'tier, which translates to The Destroyer in the common language, the undead warlord who rules the largest, though one of the least populated nations in the Southlands continues with "And I'm sure you'll work it out" the heavily armoured deathlord pauses for a moment as he thinks of something, then he says to the elven lord "Infact just tell him he died in the fighting last night" lord Farque then adds in a slightly dry tone of voice "That would probably be for the best".
After a lifting an eyebrow at that, the head of house Aelvilth says "If you say so my lord" the nobleborn elf who along with his cousin the Master of Swords Nalathinéllé Aelvilth led the armies of Alínlae against the invaders of the Southlands, the Holy Norstran Empire nearly four and half centuries ago, then asks the undead warlord, who when alive was his commander during that war so long ago "Why's he needed anyway, is he important in someway?".
"Oh he's not that important" says lord Farque who doesn't add the word yet to the end of that sentence, Draugadrottin continues on with "I just need him to help me out with certain things" as he gives an elusive answer to the elven lord's question as they continue to discuss the individual who they've met to talk about.
At this moment, that particular individual is sitting in the corridor outside of the suite of the lord of house Aelvilth, he looks away to his left again at the pair of guards standing at the door to lord Aelvilth's suites, then he looks to his right at the individual sitting beside him on the bench, who suddenly appeared beside him, and who it seems is unable to be seen by the guards down towards the other end of the corridor.
"They can't hear us too" says Helbe the elven thief "Okay" says Dalinvardél Tanith in a slightly uncertain tone of voice as he glances again at the figure in the white hooded cloak sitting beside him "You've got to trust me" says the elven princeling from Laerel who grins.
Dalinvardél Tanith isn't certain he trusts the grin he can just see on the face of the elf sitting beside him, infact out those of the group he has apparently joined up with, he is pretty certain that this elf is the least trustworthy one out of the lot. The now former assistant to the quartermaster of house Ollinsállé pauses in his thoughts, as he thinks that the ork might not be that trustworthy too, infact he's pretty certain of it.
Well it's the most disgusting one of the lot, that's for damn sure, Dalinvardél Tanith thinks to himself, who never knew someone could smell so revolting as the ork smells, he heard the old tales and legends about ork kind, but until he stood next to one, he always thought those tales and legends were an exaggeration, not now, that's for certain.
Wonder what's also true about them? Dalinvardél Tanith thinks to himself, who then stops that line of thought concerning the ork, as he might not what to know which tales are indeed fact, because some of them are truly disgusting, instead he glances at the elf sitting beside him, and quietly asks "So where are we going then?". "I have no idea" replies Helbe the elven thief, which is infact true, he has absolutely no idea where they're traveling to next, as lord Farque has yet to inform him, or anyone else where they're going to next, the nobleborn elf from the principality of Laerel does know one thing, and he tells the elf sitting beside him "Well, we'll be leaving Alínlae, i do know that".
Dalinvardél Tanith refrains from sourly smiling as that's not exactly the answer he's looking for, the elf who has been working as a hidden agent for lord Aelvilth in the war effort against the forces of the usurpers, not that anyone has called the conflict over the throne of Alínlae a war, looks at the figure in the white hooded cloak sitting next to him. Who appears, from what little he's seen of his face, seems to be a fairly young elf, as Dalinvardél is himself, the former assistant to the quartermaster of house Ollinsállé thinks he might be twenty or thirty years younger than him, he won't actually know until he gets a good look at his face.
"Do you know why we're leaving the" quietly says Dalinvardél Tanith who is interrupted by the individual sitting beside him, who says "I'm out of here" then vanishes, the elf in the service of house Ollinsállé blinks in surprise, then he sees someone enter the corridor from the other direction, he recognises who it is, it's lord Aelvilth's daughter Lelalwynn. She nods to him as she walks by on the way to the suite of her father's, which she enters after knocking on the guarded door, and it opens a few moments later.
Dalinvardél Tanith sighs as he wonders how long he's going to be waiting here, it turns out to be not that long at all, for a short while later, the door to lord Aelvilth's suite opens again, and a large heavily armoured figure makes his way out into the corridor. The fairly young elf slightly frowns as one of the house guards on duty at the door, the older of the two, even though he's youthful looking like all elf kind, quietly says something as he nods to the large human in the dark heavy plate armour, who slightly nods his full helmed head in response to what's said to him.
Des'tier? Dalinvardél Tanith thinks to himself, the former assistant to the quartermaster of house Ollinsállé watches the man named Farque walking this way, and he silently adds, The Destroyer. The young elf stands up, and the large heavily armoured individual stops beside him and says "You've been released from your duties to lord Aelvilth, and you're no longer in service of house Ollinsállé" after a moment's silence as he realises his life has just completely changed, Dalinvardél Tanith says "Ah okay then" lord Farque nods, then says to the young elf "Come on, let's get going" . . . . . .

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