Wednesday 11 January 2017

The Princeling 233.

Deacon Polisa finds himself in charge, a little odd considering amongst the small group of them who survived the night, he's the second lowest ranking church member, only a surviving lay priest is of lower rank.
The members of the church of Galavin, who until last night were hunting down the person who attacked their headquarters in the city-state of Brattonbury, when they unfortunately ran into an ork and a band of goblins who were hell bent on killing them all.
Are at the city airdocks this morning, where they've found that the airship they hired in the city-state of Vexil, has taken off during the night. Their hired vessel isn't the only one to do so, a number of other airships took off when the battle towards the center of Parlindellè grew in intensity.
The traveling deacon from the city-state of Vexil sighs as he looks out across the tall trees that are in and around the city airdocks, then he nods his head to the airdock official he's been talking to, and he thanks the official.
Deacon Polisa, and the priestess Salmaril, who is infact the most senior church member amongst the small group who survived, turn and make their way along the straight dock they're on that's well over sixty feet above the ground.
The traveling deacon nods his head when the priestess Salmaril quietly says in a disappointed tone of voice "One of the first one's to go" she shakes her head, and sourly smiles, before she continues with "Still some of them are returning this morning, maybe our one will come back too". "Let's hope so, Galavin willing" quietly says deacon Polisa who figures the captain of their airship took off during the battle to keep safe as a number of other vessels in dock had done, and as they look away to the right and see one such airship returning to the airdocks as it passes over the surrounding trees, the deacon can only hope that their hired vessel returns too.
"If it doesn't come back, we might have to look at hiring another one to get out of here" quietly says the priestess as they walk out onto a bridge between two of the airdocks, the deacon nods his head in agreement, for they've got enough funds to do so, since the now deceased abbot Hildavah traveled with a number of letters of credit, which were in his room at the temple complex they were staying at, which the traveling deacon took possession of before they made their way to the airdocks this morning.
There's been no talk of trying to find the individual who was responsible for the attack on their church headquarters in Brattonbury during the summertime, the only thing they've discussed is leaving the city of Parlindellè and the principality of Alínlae. Any thought of finding the unholy being who attacked the church of Galavin headquarters, has been pushed firmly to the back of their minds, considering there's only half a dozen of them left after what happened last night.
Walking beneath the top of some trees as they traverse the bridge between airdocks, and going from the shade to the early morning sunshine once they come out from beneath the tops of some of the taller trees, deacon Polisa quietly says to his fellow church member "Seems whatever that battle was during the night, hasn't affected the comings and goings here in the docks".
"Looks like it hasn't" says the priestess Salmaril as they approach where some of the others are waiting on an airdock, one of the circular airdocks here in the capital city of the principality of Alínlae, and when they rejoin the others they find out from a couple of them, who have wandered around the airdocks, asking about what actually took place during the night.
Deacon Polisa nods his head as he listens to an under cleric explain that the forces of the usurpers led by house Karlavilt, have efficiently been defeated by the royal forces, and that lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt, his heir Xanderlith Karlavilt and his closest relatives, mainly his brother the axemaster Balindörl Karlavilt, his nephew Galdéan Karlavilt, and niece Jalveènd Karlavilt are all dead.
Well that's that sorry mess all sorted out then, the traveling deacon thinks to himself, who out of those who arrived here last week, was the only one to previously visit the principality of Alínlae and it's capital city Parlindellè. And on that previous visit about five years ago, Polisa could easily tell that their was a division in the ranks of the elven nobility here, with a few of the minor noble houses not particularly happy with the rule of the royal family,
The traveling deacon's eyebrows lift in surprise when the under cleric mentions that prince Ralivandil Avendelthíl, and his oldest son and heir, Dasaevallé are also dead, and that young prince Salílvel Avendelthíl looks like he'll be confirmed as the new ruling prince of Alínlae.
"Hopefully the young prince makes a better ruler than his father and grandfather did" quietly says deacon Polisa once the under cleric explains what he and another of the church members were able to find out, then the traveling deacon changes the topic of conversation and says "We might have to hire passage on one of the merchant vessels here in dock if our one doesn't return" he then tells the others "Spread out and see if any of them are taking on passengers".
Deacon Polisa along with the priestess Salmaril head off around to the left, they get about twenty five yards where they meet the two other members of the church of Galavin who survived the night, one of whom is the last cleric in the group. The traveling deacon tells them what he wants done, to find a vessel taking on passengers just incase their one doesn't return to the airdocks anytime soon.
After talking to a couple of ship's captains and not getting the answer they were hoping for, deacon Polisa and priestess Salmaril make their way onto another of the docks, this one another of the straight docks, which is fairly quiet, with just a trio of vessels tied up to it. One of which, a small single masted airship, which from the looks of it, has had some recent repairs, and seems to be crewed by an all elven crew, from what the two members of the church Galavin can see as it's tied up to the far end of the dock from where they're standing.
"Might as well try that small one down the end there" quietly says the traveling deacon who continues with "Look like these two larger merchant vessels here are just in, probably looking for cargo to ship out" as he gestures at the pair of large twin masted vessels that are closer to them at this end of the airdock.
The two members of the church of Galavin are just about to make their way to the far end of the dock, when up the stairs at that end of the straight airdock, walks a squad of guards, they're a mix of royal guards, and from one of the minor houses of the nobility here in Alínlae, one that deacon Polisa recognises as house Aelvilth, who the churchman knows are the closest ally to the royal family.
"Maybe not" murmurs deacon Polisa as the leader of the squad of combined guards go onboard the small vessel with two of the guards, while the rest of the squad position themselves on the airdock, making it clearly obvious that no one is to approach the small vessel. The deacon and the priestess see that the squad leader is speaking to what it seems is the captain of the small airship, the discussion seems to be convivial, as they laugh at something the squad leader and one of the house guards with him say. The squad leader and the captain shake hands, then the leader and the pair of guards with him, make their way back down the gangplank and join the rest of the squad stationed at that end of the dock.
"Not that one then" dryly says the priestess Salmaril "I guess not" says deacon Polisa who nods his head in agreement with his fellow church member, the two of them turn around and go in search of another airship moored here in the airdocks of Parlindellè that's taking on passengers this fine, clear winter's day.
Also here in the airdocks of the capital city is Kaldeàlil Haldéilv, the elven magic user from beyond the Southlands stands at one end of one of the straight docks, completely and utterly devoid of any feeling as she's at a complete loss at what's happened to her life.
The attractive elven maid tries not to think about her dead lover Xanderlith Karlavilt, but it's impossible for her not to do so. She's always seeing within her mind, the lifeless body of Xanderlith Karlavilt floating face down in shallow water in the lane next to the building he was washed off over the side after he was killed.
The elven magic user who is neither noble, or from the Southlands, is just glad she's completely numb to her feelings at the moment, as she believes she would mentally snap if she had any feelings at the moment. She doesn't know it, she has mentally snap as she's been unable to deal with the immediate grief of seeing her lover, the swordmaster Karlavilt being killed.
What makes matters worse is that Kaldeàlil Haldéilv hasn't seen or heard from Simmealle the water pixie since the middle of last night. In the more than seventy years that Simmealle has been attached to Kaldeàlil, she has always turned up at dawn of every single day of those more than seventy years no matter where she's been, or what she's been up to, but not this day.
The empty feeling that the attractive elven maid feels at the death of Xanderlith Karlavilt, is just a whole lot worse with the water pixie Simmealle not showing up. The tiny winged creature has told the elven magic user that there's only one thing that would keep her away from her, death. Which is passing strange in this instance, as Simmealle is barely over six hundred years old, and like all pixies and sprites she could live to be three thousand years old, and that they're all very much unkillable.
Though Kaldeàlil Haldéilv slightly winces as she knows that pixies and sprites can kill one another, and with the amount of elven nobility who were around and involved in the battle last night, there's a good chance that at least one, or even a few, had their own naturally magical creature who is attached to them.
The attractive elven maid who is in search of an airship that's leaving the city of Parlindellè, which is willing to take her on as a passenger, sighs at the thought of Simmealle being killed by another tiny winged creature, she hopes that isn't the case. Infact the water pixies death was far more violent and brutal than if another pixie or sprite killed her, for she died in the jaws of a massive undead wardog which ate her.
Kaldeàlil Haldéilv who is shielded thanks to the amulet she wears on a silver chain around her neck, turns around and spots an airship approaching the airdocks from the south. As it makes it's way over the trees, the elven magic user glances away to the right where she spots a pair of humans, who seem to belong to a temple or church from the clothing they wear, have also seen the approaching airship from the south, which seems to of peeked their interest from the excited way they're talking.
As the attractive elven maid watches the man and the woman, she suddenly gets the image of the individual who killed her lover Xanderlith Karlavilt. Certain feelings start to kindle within the chest of the elven magic user, the feelings of rage and vengeance as she thinks of the individual who killed the swordmaster Karlavilt, an individual she got a brief glimpse of.
Kaldeàlil Haldéilv heads to the bridge that connects this airdock to the one away to her right, she has heard the two humans from a religious order over there, discussing that it's their airship that's making it's way towards the airdocks, the attractive elven maid wonders if they'll take her on as a passenger, she'll go over and find out . . . . . .

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