Thursday 4 July 2019

Aftermath 48.

The Kaldel Plains...

"Fucken get behind your general" growls Dorc da Orc as they walk through the darkness before dawn towards the village.
"Yes boss" quietly says Teabagger the goblin Cunt who hastily adds "General" as he moves from beside the large ork, to behind him.
The ork warleader grunts in satisfaction, then he looks towards the village, and those he sees standing near a couple of wagons between two of the roundhouses on the east side of the village.
The big, burly ork who hails from the southern polar region of the world briefly flashes a grin. Then he tries to look bored. Which basically makes him look less demented than he normally looks.
Though internally, the large ork who is the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks is chuckling to himself.
Dorc or Dorkindle as his proper ork name is, though that's not his full name as that's massively long and often changes depending on what he's done and accomplished.
Has been told by both Mira Reinholt the mage and Helbe the elven thief what to expect.
Just as long as doesn't look like too much of a threat. Though that's difficult for him to pull off, as he stands seven and half foot tall, weighs over seven and fifty pounds. And is covered from head to foot in weapons.
All the same, he keeps his hands away from any of his weapons. And with the goblin commander Teabagger following behind him. He looks like he's going on a easy stroll before dawn here in the northeast of the Kaldel Plains.
"I thought trolls were a bit taller than that?" murmurs Samiel the mage, who after a moments pause, quietly adds "And not so fat".
The powerful spellcaster from the city-state of Tuledare who with his nightvision spell is watching the two approaching the village from the east, then says "That don't look all that threatening".
"They don't?" says Sasha the former mercenary who can now see the two approaching the village from the east a bit more clearly through her brass, cylindrical eyepiece as they get closer to the village.
"That troll has got weapons all over him" adds the good looking, one eyed woman who hails from the kingdom of Girdane.
She briefly pause, before continuing with "Though i guess you're right, it doesn't look like they're threatening, they're just calmly walking this way".
"Maybe they want to join up?" says Gorlic the former arena fighter, who continues with "It's no secret in the north of the plains at what we do, and where we're based" he then adds "They might of heard about us, and want to join our crew".
"It's a possibility" quietly says Sasha, who glances at her lover, Pallen the blademaster, who just shrugs his shoulders at that suggestion.
Then as the good looking woman with one eye, and a wicked looking scar down one side of her face, goes back to looking through her eyepiece, she asks Samiel "Can you sense anyone else about?" Sasha adds "That mage perhaps?".
The powerful spellcaster, who once worked for the airdock authority in the city of Tuledare before turning to a life of crime, which eventually led him here to the illegal wreckers based in the northeast of the Kaldel Plains, says "No one".
Which i don't know if it's a good thing or not, Samiel thinks to himself as he's certain there's a mage somewhere in the area, then the Tuledarian spellcaster says "Since it doesn't look like they're going to just walk up here and attack us, i suppose i could find out what their intentions are" the powerful mage then adds "Beats me just blasting them to bits without knowing what they're up to".
Sasha slightly nods, and glances at her lover the blademaster. The tall plainsman who like the former mercenary is from the kingdom of Girdane, nods as well.
"Alright" says the good looking one eyed woman, who then tells the Tuledarian mage "Do it" followed by "Though be careful".
"I intend to be" says Samiel, as the others now, who don't have the benefit of his nightvision spell, or the advantage of Sasha's brass, cylindrical eyepiece, can see the outline of what is the troll coming this way through the darkness before dawn, as he's less than a hundred yards away now.
The powerful mage rubs his gloved hands together for a moment to help keep them warm, as the night has been cold, and the coming day promises to be cold too.
Then Samiel, because he can only see the troll clearly, as the bright, shocking green goblin is walking behind it. He decides to cast upon the troll.
As he does, Gorlic the former arena fighter from the city-state of Brattonbury who can see those approaching the village from the east a bit more clearly as they're now less than fifty yards away, and almost approaching some of the nearby lamp and torch light, says "Hey, that doesn't look that much like a troll when i think about it". And as Gorlic adds "It looks more".
Samiel casts his spell. A mind read spell. Upon what he thinks is a troll. But it isn't a troll, it's an ork.
The next instant, the powerful mage projectile vomits, getting some of it over the right arm of Pallen the blademaster, who says "Fucking watch it" as he steps back.
And as Samiel topples over, already unconscious before he hits the ground. Gorlic, finishes his sentence after glancing over at the falling mage with "Like an ork".
Dorc da Orc chuckles when he feels the tingling in his head of a spellcaster casting some kind of mind spell on him. Big mistake on their part.
As Dorkindle like all orks, is immune to spells upon the minds. And the consequences for the doing so, are rather unpleasant and more than a bit messy.
The large ork then roars, and breaks out into a run, and says to Teabagger following close behind him "Come on cunt".
Then the big, burly ork who is from the frozen bottom of the world, takes a hammer and an axe from his weapon harness, and yells "Get some!" as he runs towards the village.
There's a moment's pause as they all look at the mage on the ground who is completely knocked out, and snoring in a puddle of his own vomit.
Then Pallen the blademaster shouts "Move!" the tall plainsman who heard Gorlic say it was an ork and not a troll, says to the wreckers on the wagons "Get off those, and get the mage out of here".
One of the men on the wagon goes to jump off the wagon, and as he does so, he's skewered by an arrow. It's a yard long arrow, shot from a longbow. Which knocks him off the wagon with force.
"We have to move" says the dangerous blademaster as he knows the threat they face. He might not of seen an ork before, but he knows of their prowess in battle. And it's only a madman who would willingly face one.
Gorlic, who also knows of the threat of an ork, shouts "Run!". The former arena fighter from the city-state of Brattonbury. Has actually seen an ork in the past.
It was a good fourteen years ago, when he first started in the fighting arenas of Brattonbury. Where he saw one in the crowds one summer.
The Brattonburian like so many of the arena fighters at the time was just glad that orks were banned from fighting in the arenas. As they would win no matter what, and against multiple opponents and not stop at first blood as per the rules of the fighting arenas.
And if they weren't satisfied then, they'd probably jump into the crowd and start killing the people in the stands watching them.
The former arena fighter from the coast of the Southlands, doesn't know it, but the ork running this way towards the village, is the same one he saw all those years ago in the fighting arenas of Brattonbury.
Gorlic grabs the unconscious Samiel, and with the help of Pallen, picks up the Tuledarian mage. The two of them drag the spellcaster between them as they follow after Sasha the former mercenary, who is shouting out for assistance, and that they're under attack.
The remaining wrecker who was on the wagons, has jumped off. And after checking on the man with the arrow through him, and finds him dead. He goes to run off.
Just then there's a loud crashing thump behind him. And the wagon he was just on, is shoved sideways, and goes toppling over, and lands on him, crushing him beneath it.
Dorc da Orc who has just run into the side of one of the wagons, then tipped it over, loudly roars, and shouts "Fucken get some ya cunts!".
The ork weaponsmith steps around the side the overturned wagon, then stomps on the head of the man crushed beneath it, who is still alive, screaming in agony. Until his skull is shattered apart by the big right boot of the ork weaponsmith.
"Come on cunt" says Dorkindle with a nod of his head to Teabagger the goblin cunt, who hurries around the upturned wagon to join his general.
"Let's go kill these cunts" adds the big, burly ork who hails from the southern polar region of the world.
The warleader of the ork race and the small, bright green goblin who is the commander of the goblin battalion in the armies of Farque, enter the village proper. And go in search of more of the illegal wreckers who took down both the warship they were flying on, and more recently, on the small ship's boat or jolly boat they were flying on.
A few moments later, they're followed by a near invisible Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy. Who has been tasked to support the ork warleader and the goblin commander.
Over to the north of the village that the illegal wreckers are using as a base. Darid Parsen the cavalry commander rolls his eyes, as next to him, sir Percavelle Lé Dic loudly mutters "That filthy beast" when they hear Dorc da Orc in the distance on the east side of the village, roaring.
Commander Parsen, who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of Darid Parsen. Who was a foot soldier in the army of lady Linara Lé Dic in the kingdom of Druvic, looks to his left at the cleric Beldane.
"Well?" quietly asks Darid Parsen the cavalry commander "He's out" says Beldane the cleric who faintly winces at what he knows just happened to the mage named Samiel.
The fighting cleric from the kingdom of Nastell, who has a shield spell cast by Helbe the elven thief upon him, continues with "He'll be unconscious for a while, unless one of the others heals him".
The member of the church of Glaine nods to the village to the south of them, and says "If we go, we'll set off those warning spells they've got".
"That's what we want" quietly says Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, who then tells the others "Let's go".
The cavalry commander who is a member of the personal council to lord Farque, makes his way from out of the small patch of trees just to the north of the village.
With him is sir Percavelle Lé Dic, Beldane the cleric, and Lisell Maera the messenger. The four of them hurry from the scrubby looking trees, and head through the predawn darkness towards the nearby village.
Darid aka Zubutai the son of a Timagin with a pair of long daggers in hand. Sir Percavelle Lé Dic with a small pickaxe, Beldane the cleric with his magical mace. And the messenger, Lisell Maera carrying her crossbow.
Hurry towards the village, as they do they set off the alarm spells that have been placed just to the north of village.
Arvelle the plainsman is on the north side of the village checking on those guarding this side, when he hears the shouting and yelling, followed by loud roaring coming from the east side of the village.
The leader of the illegal wreckers momentarily pauses, as do the others with him. Then he takes off running, heading for the east side of the village.
He doesn't get very far, when he suddenly hears the voice of Sara the sorceress within his head.
The tall plainsman with the shaved head, stops and looks back westwards and spots the two storey house he's been living in.
There upon the roof, he can make out the sorceress and her twin brother Famic and the others up there.
He sees Sara pointing to the north, as she explains something in his mind.
"Fuck" mutters Arvelle the plainsman who quickly heads back to where he just came from.
As he does, he looks back to the two storey house on the northwest corner of the village green.
And he sees a fireball cast by the sorceress, leave the roof, and head northwards through the predawn darkness.
"We're under attack!" shouts Arvelle the plainsman as Sara has informed him that attackers are approaching from the north, and that they've entered the village from the east.
As he runs to the wagons between some of the roundhouses on the north side of the village.
The tall plainsman with the shaved head yells at the wreckers there "Attackers from the north!".
They along with their leader, watch the fireball heading northwards, lighting up the predawn sky.
And they spot four people to the north of the village running this way "Kill them!" commands Arvelle who wonders what else is happening here, in and around the village just before dawn.
"Stop here" quietly says Mira Reinholt the mage, followed by "There's a warning spell just infront of you that you'll set off".
Tamric Drubine nods his head, while Shur Kee the monk waits calmly behind the once powerful mage and the young field commander.
"Think they can see us?" quietly asks Tamric Drubine "Too much light there" replies the mage Reinholt who continues with "I bet their nightvision is shot".
Behind the Vexilian mage in exile, the physical adept from beyond the Southlands, from the far eastern coast of the continent, nods his head in agreement.
"Fireball" quietly says the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster when he spots the spell heading northwards from the village.
Then the mage, who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque who is shielded thanks to the amulet he wears around his neck, quietly asks the two with him "Ready?".
"Yes" is the quiet reply of the nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin. "I am ready" quietly says Shur Kee the monk.
The spellcaster, who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands, nods his hooded head.
Councillor Reinholt then teleports the three of them from where they are just west of the village, to the village green, behind one of the airships that the illegal wreckers are stripping down.
The exiled Vexilian mage sets that airship on fire, as they continue the attack upon the village and the illegal wreckers who live and work here, that began a short while ago on the east side, with Dorc da Orc, Teabagger the goblin Cunt, and Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy entering the village.
There's a final member of the group who is yet to act, he's just waiting for the opportune time to do the most damage to the illegal wreckers, who find themselves under attack.
Not knowing why they're being attacked, or who is attacking them . . . . . .

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