Monday 22 July 2019

Aftermath 60.

The Kaldel Plains...

"Your left cunt" quietly says Dorc da Orc to sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who starts to head that way "You're other fucken left" growls the large ork.
"Your right sir knight" quietly says Teabagger the goblin Cunt from behind the two infront of him.
"Why didn't you say that you big green ape" mutters sir Percavelle Lé Dic with a sideways look at the ork warleader beside him, who he can just make out through the dirt and debris filled air.
Then the nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic turns slightly to his right, and peers in that direction as they continue across the clearing here in the center of the large village, that a crew of illegal wreckers have been living in for the last year or so.
Then the big, burly ork who is from the southern polar region of the world, who is walking with a bit of a limp, as the heavily armoured knight is too, suddenly stops.
Seeing that the ork weaponsmith has stopped, sir Percavelle or Percy as he's more commonly called by the others in the group, comes to a stop too.
Glancing at the ork who is a general in the armies of Farque, the former paladin in the order of the Knights of Saint Mar-che, hisses at Dorkindle "Beast, what is it?".
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks who is constantly sniffing, growls "Magicky shit".
The former earl of Lé Dic lifts up his shield, when he along with the large ork, and the small, bright green goblin behind them, suddenly feel a breeze. That begins to swirl the air that's thick with dirt and debris, here in the center of the large village.
Taking another weapon into his left hand, Dorc da Orc who already has an axe in his right hand, refrains from roaring as the breeze picks up, shifting the dirt and debris filled air around them.
Then all of a sudden, the breeze picks up in intensity, so much so that it's a fairly decent wind blowing through the center of the large village, here in the northeast of the Kaldel Plains.
And in just moments, the air around them, and in particular infront of them, is blown away by the sudden wind.
To reveal a number of the illegal wreckers creeping forward across the clearing here in the center of the village.
The wreckers pause when they see the large ork, the heavily armoured knight, and the small, bright green goblin, just standing there, looking at them.
There's a momentary pause from both groups, who then yell and shout as they run at one another, and attack each other.
With the warleader of the ork race roaring "Get some!" while the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic shouts "Saint Mar-che!".
Whist behind the two of them, Teabagger the goblin Cunt remains tight lipped as he follows behind his general, and the former paladin.
As the two groups from opposite sides of the clearing here in the center of the large village run at one another, to try and kill one another.
From the back, where he is with the plainswoman Sovirn. The wizard Davon has cast a basic wind spell to clear away a lot of the dirt and debris filled air throughout the center of the large village.
The spellcaster from the city-state of Andelka, does too much of a good job with that spell.
As the wind he calls up, clears away the dirt and debris filled air around those further infront of him. Who include the brothers Tim and Tom, and handful of others.
A moment or two later, and the large ork, the heavily armoured knight, and the small, bright green goblin are revealed as more of the dirt and debris filled air is blown away.
Then after a brief pause as the two groups from opposite sides of the clearing here in the center of the large village look at one another.
They run at one another, with every intention of killing each other.
Moving forward through the dirt and debris filled air, from the north side of the clearing here in the center of the village that they've been living in for the last year or so.
Pallen the blademaster comes to a stop when he feels a slight breeze away to the right, the direction the others are moving forward from.
The tall plainsman from the kingdom of Girdane has put out his left hand and brought his lover, Sasha the former mercenary to a stop.
And as those following them, including Gorlic the former arena fighter, as well as Chisan stop as well.
Pallen the blademaster quietly says to his lover "You feel that?" followed by "A breeze".
Nodding her head, Sasha the former mercenary quietly says "Away to the right" she then adds "Further ahead".
Just then, they feel the breeze get stronger infront of them. And the dirt and debris filled air thins out.
So much so, that they're just able to see the others being led by the brothers Tim and Tom, who are heading across the clearing from the west.
The couple, originally from the kingdom of Girdane. Also see who else is out in the clearing in the center of the village, where the wagon track intersects a wide path.
The large ork, the heavily armoured knight, and the small, bright green goblin with them.
The two groups who are now out in the open, where the dirt and debris filled air has been blown away.
Look at one another for a moment, then they run at one another, shouting and yelling as they do so.
As that lot do, Pallen the blademaster quietly, and quickly tells those with him "Keep clear of that ork" followed by "Concentrate on the other two".
Then the dangerous blademaster along with his lover, the former mercenary Sasha. Lead the way through the thinning dirt and debris filled air on this side of the clearing.
As he runs forward, Dorc da Orc throws the axe in his right hand, followed by the hammer in his left.
The warleader of the ork race who is a general in the armies of Farque doesn't throw his weapons at those charging towards him, sir Percavelle Lé Dic and Teabagger the goblin Cunt.
He throws the axe and hammer over them, towards those who have remained at the western edge of the clearing here in the center of the village. At those standing next to one of the roundhouses on that side of the clearing.
At one of them in particular. The spellcaster amongst that lot. The wizard Davon, who barely gets his wards up in time. Before the hammer and axe slam into them.
Even then, his barrier and protection spells are badly depleted from the impact of the weapons hitting them.
The spellcaster from the city-state of Andelka quickly steps to one side, to get behind the roundhouse he's been standing next to, he gets behind it for cover.
Dorkindle who sees his weapons strike the spellcaster's wards, doesn't bother taking anymore weapons from his harness. Instead he dives forward, crashing into the those who are charging at him, as well sir Percavelle Lé Dic and Teabagger the goblin Cunt.
The big, burly ork who is from the frozen bottom of world roars as he crashes into the illegal wreckers. Hitting the older brother Tim, square on, right in the chest. Folding him up, shattering the man's ribs and insides then back, as he drives him into the ground with a flying tackle.
A few of the other wreckers, including the young brother Tom, go flying from the impact. And though they're not killed on contact. The same can't be said for Tim as he tackled into the ground by the seven and half foot tall, seven hundred and fifty pound ork warleader.
Although sir Percavelle Lé Dic runs beside the ork general, the former knight of the first class in the order of Saint Mar-che.
Keeps veering to the right, especially since out of the corner of his right eye, he sees movement through the dirt and debris filled air that's rapidly thinning out on the north side of the clearing here in the center of the village.
The nobleborn knight who hails from the kingdom of Druvic, mindful of the spellcaster on the west side of the clearing, has his shield on his left arm.
And as weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, throws an axe then a hammer, then dives forward at the charging wreckers.
The former earl of Lé Dic, a fief in the east of the kingdom of Druvic turns to the right, to confront the illegal wreckers quickly approaching through the dirt and debris filled air that's rapidly thinning out in that direction.
The large, heavily armoured knight, who was once a commander in his order's army. Grins behind the faceplate of his full helm.
As he sees that amongst those he's heading towards, are the trio of illegal wreckers who gave chase to him from the north side of the village.
When he entered the village, just after the sun came up over the horizon to the east. On what's a clear and sunny, though cold morning here in the northeast of the Kaldel Plains.
"So we meet again" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who with head down, and his shield to his left, and with a weapon he has drawn with his right gauntleted hand.
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic shouts "Saint Mar-che!" as he runs into the illegal wreckers who have come from the north side of the clearing, here in the center of the village.
The couple from the kingdom of Girdane, Pallen the blademaster and Sasha the former mercenary avoid the charging knight in the order of Saint Mar-che.
While behind them, Gorlic the former arena fighter from the city-state of Brattonbury narrowly avoids getting smashed by the large, heavily armoured knight's shield.
But for the illegal wrecker Chisan, he's not so lucky. And though the knight's shield doesn't hit him, or the knight himself doesn't run into him.
The same can't be said for the weapon in the right gauntleted hand of the nobleborn knight.
The point of which just barely touches the midriff of Chisan. That's all it needs. Just the barest of touches. As the point of the weapon, which though looks like a long dagger, it resembles more of a sword that's been cut down.
When it touches Chisan, it sends the illegal wrecker flying backwards through the air with force.
The other wreckers who are following, are lucky not to be directly behind Chisan when he's hit. As there's no doubt one, or even more of them. Would of been smashed into by their fellow wrecker as he's hurled backwards through the air at speed.
Chisan disappears back through the thinning dirt and debris filled air, until he slams into the ground nearly forty feet back from where he was hit by the magical sword of knockdown that sir Percavelle Lé Dic wields.
Dorc da Orc gets up off the ground roaring, swinging his arms as he does does. He stomps his right boot down on the head of Tim to make sure he's dead.
While his left arm slams into another of another of the wreckers, whacking the man in the chest, shattering his ribs apart.
The large ork's right arm narrowly avoids the illegal wrecker Tom. Who screams in anger and outrage at seeing his older brother Tim dead on the ground.
The younger brother slams his sword into the right arm of the ork warleader, who hisses in anger and goes to turn towards Tom.
An axe whacks into the left leg of Dorkindle, who growls and swings back with his left arm.
Clipping the illegal wrecker with the axe, who goes stumbling behind the ork weaponsmith.
And ends up with a shortsword in guts when he stumbles into the path of Teabagger the goblin Cunt, who is behind his general.
The small, bright green goblin who is the commander of the battalion of goblins in the armies of Farque, can't help himself, and shouts "Get some!" as he shoves his shortsword into the stomach of that wrecker.
Dorc da Orc chuckles and murmurs "Fucken gob-a-lin" when he hears the shout from Teabagger behind him.
Then the big, burly ork who is from the frozen bottom of the world, reaches out to grab the younger brother Tom.
And though he gets whacked in the left arm from Tom's sword for his effort. He grabs the illegal wrecker, and picks up and squeezes.
And as Tom screams in pain, the ork warleader bites him in the face as he holds him up off the ground.
The large ork bites off most of his face, from the nose down, including most of Tom's chin and jaw, as well a fair bit of his throat.
Dorkindle with a blood smeared face, roars as he shakes the lifeless body of Tom the wrecker, before he biffs the body away, and turns to another of the illegal wreckers.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic, spins and blocks a sword swung at him by Pallen the blademaster. And as the dangerous blademaster's longsword clangs off the shield of Saint Mar-che.
The former paladin stabs at him with the sword of knockdown. The tall plainsman originally from the kingdom of Girdane. Hops back, and avoids the magical weapon that would of sent him flying.
And as he moves back, his lover Sasha the former mercenary, along with Gorlic the former arena fighter, move in and attack the heavily armoured knight.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic, or Percy as he's more commonly called by the others in the group, is surprisingly quick for someone so large, in his mid forties, who is wearing heavy plate armour from head to toe.
The nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic, avoids the sword thrust at him by the good looking one eyed woman with a scar down one side of her face, and kicks out at her, connecting with her right leg, which sends her staggering backwards.
At the same time, the former paladin shoves his large shield at the burly fellow in the mix of leather and chainmail armour as he swings his sword at the former earl of Lé Dic.
The shield of Saint Mar-che, hits the illegal wrecker in the face, stunning him, and sending him backwards to fall on his butt.
Seeing his lover Sasha stagger away by him, and then Gorlic landing on his rear end after getting hit in the face with the heavily armoured knight's large shield.
Pallen the blademaster moves forward, stabbing his longsword more than swinging it towards the helm of the knight.
Who at the last moment, spins to one side, narrowly avoiding the blademaster's weapon.
The tall plainsman with the braided hair, then hops back out of the way again, just barely avoiding the magical weapon the heavily, armoured knight wields.
Just then, another of the wreckers runs forward, and attempts to tackle the knight. He doesn't hit him square on, but he does hit him, and the large, heavily armoured knight is knocked off balance, and staggers away.
Pallen who out of the corner of his eye, spots the large ork and the small, bright green goblin in the middle of the clearing. Quickly advances upon the knight, who has dropped to a knee.
In between the dangerous blademaster and the heavily armoured knight is the illegal wrecker who ran at the knight.
Then just as Pallen goes to run around him, that wrecker is flung backwards with force.
The tall blademaster from the kingdom of Girdane, is clipped in the side by the flying body, and he goes tumbling sideways across the ground.
While the illegal wrecker who was just stabbed by the sword of knockdown wielded by sir Percavelle Lé Dic. Passes over the former arena fighter Gorlic where he sits dazed on the ground. Narrowly misses the former mercenary Sasha as she stumbles to a stop.
And goes flying backwards to slam into the nearest house, here on the north side of the clearing in the center of the village.
The former earl of Lé Dic gets to his feet, and after quickly glancing towards the middle of the clearing, where he sees Dorc da Orc and Teabagger the goblin Cunt fighting some more of the illegal wreckers.
The knight in the order of Saint Mar-che makes his way towards the tall plainsman who is struggling to get up off the ground.
Just as he does, something hits sir Percavelle. To be exact, something hits the shield of Saint Mar-che, which sends him tumbling sideways across the clearing.
And even though he grimaces in pain as he goes tumbling sideways across the ground. Percy also grins as he has a fair idea what just hit him. And what the result will be.
"Got him" quietly says Davon the wizard who has stepped back around to the side of the roundhouse he was behind. And seeing that the large ork is surrounded by too many of the other wreckers.
He decides to cast a blast spell at the large heavily armoured knight instead. Who has definitely got the better of Pallen, Sasha, Gorlic and the others with them towards the north side of the clearing.
The simple blast spell hits the knight alright. Or to be exact, his shield which sends him tumbling across the clearing.
But the spell rebounds, and heads back in the direction it came from, faster and more powerful than it left.
And just after Davon the wizard says "Got him". His own spell hits him. The Andelkan wizard's wards are torn apart as he goes flying backwards through the air. And though his wards protected him to a point.
They can't stop him from flying backwards nearly thirty feet before hitting the ground. Where he lies dazed and delirious, groaning in pain.
Whilst in the clearing in the center of the large village, the fighting continues between the illegal wreckers and those who have attacked their village this morning . . . . . .

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