Tuesday 23 July 2019

Aftermath 61.

The Kaldel Plains...

"Did you see which way they were coming from?" asks Mira Reinholt the mage "From there" is the reply form Shur Kee the monk who points, as they along with Tamric Drubine look out a window.
"Must be behind those houses heading this way" quietly says the once powerful mage, who then spots a couple of the illegal wreckers dash from behind one roundhouse to another, here on the north side of the village green.
"How many of them?" asks the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil, who also happens to be a highly skilled swordmaster.
"A dozen of them, maybe a few more" is the answer from the short, statured monk who is originally from beyond the Southlands, from the kingdom of Wah Lee, which is on the far east coast of the continent.
"Seems they've split up" says the mage Reinholt, who then dryly murmurs "Which is unfortunate". As he was hoping to blow up the wreckers as one, as they approach the badly damaged two storey house, that the three of them are in.
"There, at the corner of that house, the square one" says Tamric Drubine the field commander as he nods to where one of the few square shaped houses in the village is "There's a few standing there looking this way" adds the nobleborn teenager who hails from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin.
The young field commander in the armies of Farque, who the others in the group, often refer to him as just Tam. Briefly pauses, then quietly says "I think that's there leader there".
"Where?" asks the Vexilian mage in exile who looks more closely to where field commander Drubine has indicated "There" says Tam as he points.
Then the son and former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine, a castle that's located in the forested north of Sarcrin adds "The plainsman, with the shaved head, his name's Arvelle" he continues with "He's just ducked back behind that house".
The spellcaster, who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere throughout the Southlands, slightly nods his hooded head as he comes up with an idea.
"They're definitely in there" quietly says the illegal wrecker Garret, who continues with "I caught a glimpse of them in the room at this end of the house".
"I thought i did too" quietly says Arvelle the plainsman who just had a look around the side of the house he and a handful of his wreckers are behind.
The tall plainsman with the shaved head, gestures away to their left. And they move that way, behind one of the houses here on the north side of the village green.
As smoke drifts by from the stripped down airship that's ablaze on the village green, they get to the back corner of the house.
And look across to the roundhouse parallel to the house he and a handful of others are standing behind.
Behind that roundhouse, are some of the crew of illegal wreckers. And one of them says to Arvelle "Definitely three of them in your place".
He nods in the direction of the badly damaged two storey house on the northwest corner of the village green, that the tall plainsman with the shaved head has been living in ever since they took over this village, and another village just two and a half miles further north, and says "Damard and Cyril are behind the next house, and spotted the three of them".
The leader of the crew of illegal wreckers nods his shaved head, then takes a peek around the corner he's standing at, and looks to the next roundhouse along, the last one on the north side of the village green, before the badly damaged two storey house that's his abode.
There he sees the two wreckers in question, crouching down, looking back this way, waiting for his command to advance.
He gives them a signal to wait, then Arvelle looks across to those behind the roundhouse parallel to the square shaped house he's behind, and says to them "You lot follow Damard and Cyril" he continues with "Head straight at this end of my house" the leader of the crew of illegal wreckers follows that with "Try and use that smoke as cover".
Then Arvelle turns to Garret and the others with him, and quietly tells them "We'll head around to the back of my house" the tall plainsman with the shaved head continues with "By the looks of it, i say it's still got a backdoor we'll head in through there, or any of the windows along the backside".
He then tells those wreckers with him behind this house "Try and take at least one of them alive, i want to find out who the hell they are, and why they're attacking us". Garret and the other wreckers with their leader nod their heads that they will.
Then Arvelle peeks around the corner of the house again, and look at Damard and Cyril who are looking back this way. He mouths to them to use the smoke as cover, and after he repeats that a couple of times, they nod in understanding.
Then the leader of the crew of illegal wreckers gives them a signal to advance upon the badly damaged two storey houses that's on the northwest corner of the village green.
Then looks over at the others behind the roundhouse next to the house he's behind, and nods for them to follow the two out infront as they move off as a large cloud of smoke wafts by.
A moment after that, Arvelle quietly says to Garret and the others with him "Let's go around the back" and leads the way back around the rear of this house, to then head forward and go around the rear of the large, two storey house they're all trying to get to.
The leader of the crew of illegal wreckers not only wants to get in there, to take down three of those who have been attacking the village this morning. He also wants to get in there to secure the rest of their wealth they've accumulated over the last year or so.
Because even with what Mac the dwarf stole, or so Arvelle and the rest of the illegal wreckers believe. There's still an awful lot of gold, silver, and jewels, as well as clear spell gems in the badly damaged two storey house on the northwest corner of the village green.
Seeing the faraway look on the face of Mira Reinholt, and guessing what he's doing. Tamric Drubine asks the spellcaster who is a member of the personal council to lord Farque "What's happening?".
"That wizard, he's casting again" says the once powerful mage who is sensing across the village "In the middle of the village by the feel of it" continues the exiled Vexilian mage who then adds in a slightly dry tone of voice "Probably at those two idiots Dorc and Percy".
After a brief pause, the mage Reinholt says in an extremely dry tone "Yeah at that maniac of a knight" as he's just sensed a blast spell go directly back to the wizard who just cast it. Obviously rebounding off sir Percavelle's magical shield.
"He won't be doing that again in a hurry" dryly murmurs councillor Reinholt, who then looks out the window, when Shur Kee the monk says "I see some of them through the smoke" followed by "They are coming this way".
The physical adept who is an honorary member of lord Farque's personal council points and says "There".
"I see him" quietly says the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, who watches the illegal wrecker running through the smoke in this direction, then casts a spell upon him.
It's a fairly simple spell, infact an even more basic version of it is the first spell Mira Reinholt learnt as a child.
The once powerful mage sets the illegal wrecker on fire. And in an instant the man running this way through the smoke goes up in flames.
"Another one" says the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin, the Vexilian mage in exile nods his hooded head, and sets that wrecker on fire too.
The two of them keep running for a little while longer as they burn, until they finally drop to the ground dead. Their bodies still burning, with thick greasy smoke coming off their flaming corpses.
"More of them behind those two" says Tamric Drubine "Don't worry about them" says Mira Reinholt, the council member continues with "Keep an eye out for that leader of their's".
Both the young field commander and the short, statured monk nod in understanding to that.
Whilst the spellcaster, who was a member of the mage council of Vexil, infact the youngest member ever of that council, which helps to rule the largest, by population at least, city-state in the Southlands.
Puts a hand in an inner pocket in his long, black cloak and drains some of the power in one of the spell gems he's got.
The mage come swordmaster, waits as the other wreckers approach this end of the badly damaged two storey house on the northwest corner of the village green.
The mage Reinholt won't really bother about them until they're close. What he wants to know, is the location of the leader of the illegal wreckers, the tall plainsman with the shaved head, by the name of Arvelle.
"I see the others" says Shur Kee the monk who gestures away to the left, where he briefly caught a glimpse of some of the other wreckers.
"Their leader?" asks Tamric Drubine "Yes, he was with those ones there" is the reply of the sharp eyed physical adept, who is the living conduit of the Jade Warrior, Bru Li. Who is the founder of the philosophical order that Shur Kee is a member of.
"They're going to go around and try to get in through the back of the house" says Mira Reinholt, who has created a mageglobe that has appeared in his right hand after he pulls it out of the inner pocket in his cloak.
The spellcaster from Vexil who is a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque says to Shur Kee and Tam "Come on, let's go". As he biffs the living piece of magic he's just created out the window they've been looking out of.
And as the mageglobe takes off and goes directly towards those illegal wreckers rushing through the smoke filled air to get to this end of the badly damaged two storey house.
Mira Reinholt leads the nobleborn teenager and the short, statured monk out of the room. Quickly telling them what he wants to do.
The eyebrows of both the young field commander, and the physical adept go up in surprise when they hear what the once powerful has to say.
Arvelle the plainsman grimaces and makes a face of disgust. As he catches wind of what's burning somewhere away to their left.
It's the smell of burning bodies, and he assumes it's Damard and Cyril. He's correct about that. And with them on fire. He also correctly assumes that one of those in his house, is a spellcaster of some kind.
Behind him, Garret has come to the same conclusion, and is muttering "Damn magic users".
The tall plainsman with the shaved head, who is following a couple of the other wreckers, as they hurry through the drifting smoke to get to the back of his abode. Just nods in agreement with that mutter from Garret.
Then Arvelle along with the other six with him, all jump in surprise as they run. As they suddenly hear an explosion away to their left too.
The leader of the crew of illegal wreckers looks that way. And he blinks in surprise, as through a gap in the smoke. He sees a swirling cloud of fire.
Within which, he sees the other half dozen wreckers who were following after Damard and Cyril, go up in flames.
Arvelle takes his eyes off the horrible sight, and says "Hurry" as he urges the others with him, to get around to the back of the badly damaged two storey house, that he's been living in since they took over this village a little over a year ago.
The leader of the crew of illegal wreckers, like all plainsman doesn't particularly care for spellcasters.
But what he does know about them and their ways. Is that they don't like whoever it is they're facing, to get close.
As they'll have to use less powerful and less effective spells when that happens. Both Davon the wizard and Samiel the mage has mentioned that to him in the past.
Though from what Davon has told Arvelle in confidence. That doesn't really apply to someone like Samiel, who as a mage doesn't particularly care how close his opposition is. As a mage isn't going to dampen their power for anything when they're in combat. No matter how close their opponent or opponents are.
They run around the back of the two storey house on the northwest corner of the village green, that Arvelle has been living in since he and his crew of illegal wreckers took over this village.
They see how badly damaged the house is, as the other half, the western half, if it isn't gone, it's badly damaged.
The two wreckers in the lead stop at the first ground floor window that's open along the back of the house they come across, and go to climb in through that.
While Arvelle and Garret, and the four other wreckers with them. Head for the backdoor.
One of the others runs ahead, and gets to the door first, which he finds unlocked, and he opens it and hurries inside. While the two who were climbing in through the open window, have got inside too.
Then one by one, the leader of the crew of illegal wreckers, and the others with him, run in through the open backdoor of the two storey house here on the northwest corner of the village green.
Once he's inside, and sees the damage here in this backroom, Arvelle the plainsman quietly says to Garret and the others "Right, find them".
The leader of the crew of illegal wreckers who have been bringing down airships all across the Kaldel Plains for the last year or so, who have been making a fortune doing so, then quietly adds "Remember, i want one alive as well".
The illegal wreckers with the tall plainsman with the shaved head who leads them, nod. Then they move off through what remains of the two storey house.
With Arvelle along with Garret, heading to the room where their fortune has been stored ever since some of it went missing, which they they think Mac the dwarf took.
I'm going kill you bastards, after i find out why the hell you're doing this, Arvelle the plainsman thinks to himself, who then silently adds, but first, i better check on our loot . . . . . .

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