Sunday 21 July 2019

Aftermath 59.

The Kaldel Plains...

"Anymore?" asks Pallen the blademaster "I'm not sure" replies Tim who looks at his brother Tom, who shrugs his shoulders.
The tall plainsman with the braided hair who is originally from the kingdom of Girdane, nods his head, then looks at his lover, Sasha the former mercenary, who quietly tells him "Might as well go in".
The good looking one eyed woman, who has a gnarly looking scar down one side of her face, then quietly tells her lover the dangerous blademaster "Be careful".
Pallen nods that he will, then he waves the others forward, they all move forward, and start making their way into the dirt and debris filled air that's throughout the center of the large village.
As they make their way back towards the clearing in the center of the village, Gorlic the former arena fighter quietly tells the couple Pallen and Sasha "That ork hasn't roared again".
The former arena fighter from the city-state of Brattonbury quietly continues with "And that knight is silent too".
Both the blademaster and the former mercenary are in agreement to that, then they along with Gorlic hear one of the other illegal wreckers, with those behind the brothers Tim and Tom say "Davon and a few others, including Sovirn are coming around this way".
"At least that's something i guess" quietly says Gorlic who hails from the coast of the Southlands, the former arena fighter then dryly adds "Just as long as the wizard doesn't fry any of us".
From infront of Gorlic, Pallen the blademaster grunts in agreement. For he like many other plainsmen, doesn't particularly trust spellcasters. Even the ones they closely work with.
"Wonder what happened to Samiel?" murmurs Sasha the former mercenary to her lover Pallen "Who knows" is the reply of the dangerous blademaster.
Who then steps into the thicker dirt and debris filled air closer to the clearing in the center of the village, a few moments after the brothers Tim and Tom, and the others with them away to the right.
Sasha is only a heartbeat behind Pallen as they're almost side by side. They're closely followed by the former arena fighter Gorlic. Then another of the illegal wreckers, Chisan. Who is quickly followed by a few others.
As they head back towards the center of the large village, to see if the ork, the knight, as well as the goblin who have attacked them and the village, are still alive.
Just to the east of the center of the village, upon a rooftop that he's climbed up onto, to try and get a clear look of things.
Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy slightly frowns as his view of the center of the village is severely hampered by the dirt and debris filled air.
Even with his naturally enhanced eyesight, the spy Tanith is finding it difficult to penetrate the thick, dark air, to see what's going on.
Which is more than a little ironic, as the morning has dawned sunny and clear, though a little cold.
It's just that the center of the large village that the crew of illegal wreckers have been living in for more than a year now. Is quite dark, almost black.
And since there isn't much wind this morning, or even a steady breeze. The dirt and debris filled air has kind of just sunk down into the center of the village, and has stayed put.
Dalinvardél Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by the others in the group, has stood up, and stands there looking towards the center of the village. Where a few moments ago, he heard Dorc da Orc roar again, followed by a shout of "Saint Mar-che!" from sir Percavelle Lé Dic after only silence from the two of them for a little while.
Now the large ork and the former earl of Lé Dic have fallen silent again. And the elven spy who hails from the principality of Alínlae, suspects the two of them are somewhere in the thick of the dirt and debris filled air in the center of the village.
The spy Tanith runs to his right, and leaps off the roof he's on, and lands on the roof of the roundhouse that's right next to the one he was just on.
The elf, who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae, gets a better look just to the north of where there's a clearing in the center of the large village that a crew of illegal wreckers have called home for the last year or so.
The elven spy spots where the dirt and debris filled air isn't so thick, a couple of the illegal wreckers moving deeper towards the center of the village.
He's not entirely sure, but he's willing to bet on it, that they're following some more of the wreckers.
They disappear into the thicker dirt and debris filled air that's about, which was caused by an explosion that was underground. An explosion that Dalin is pretty certain he knows who caused it.
The spy Tanith briefly considers drawing his bow back and taking a blind shot. Instead he shoulders his bow, and quickly makes his way across the rooftop he's on.
At the edge of the roof, Dalinvardél Tanith drops down to the ground. Then the elven spy who is an officer in the scouts division in the armies of Farque. Makes his way around to the north. Where he'll make his way into the thick, dirt and debris filled air. And make his way towards the clearing in the center of the large village.
On the north side of the village, Beldane the cleric avoids a sword swung at him. And he smashes his mace into the leg of one of the illegal wreckers.
Who drops to the ground, briefly screaming in pain, until he's kicked flush in the face by Lisell Maera the runner.
Looking around, Beldane the cleric says "Is that all of them?". "All of them here" is the reply from Darid Parsen the cavalry commander as he walks over, unwrapping the traditional black hordes cloth from around the lower half of his face.
"Where did that plainsman go?" asks Lisell Maera the messenger, who continues with "Their leader, Arvelle".
"He ran off that way" says Tovis the war engineer as he walks over from the other direction.
The young engineer who hails from the kingdom of Druvic as he points deeper into the village, says "A couple others followed after him" he then adds "I think they went westwards".
Commander Parsen, who is also a member of the personal council to lord Farque, asks the others "Hear that loud explosion a little earlier?" he then adds "Just a bit after that thunderclap".
Nodding his head, the cleric in the church of Glaine, who is from the nearby kingdom of Nastell, says "That explosion was Mira" he then adds "Well, i should say one of his mageglobes".
"Nothing surprising there" dryly says the cavalry commander, who in actual fact is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson. Who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of Darid Parsen, who was a young foot soldier in the army of lady Linara Lé Dic, in the kingdom of Druvic.
"Somewhere in the center of the village" says the fighting cleric who is the most recent member of the group "Their mage and their wizard are that way" adds Beldane the cleric.
"And that sorceress?" asks Lisell Maera, who follows that up with "Sara is her name".
"Dead" says the powerful cleric from the kingdom of Nastell, who continues on with "I killed her and some others over there" as he points towards the roundhouse that he was waiting in. From where he ambushed the illegal wrecker Sara and her brother Famic, and a few others.
Lisell Maera who is more commonly called Lis by the others in the group steps back, and looks in the direction that Beldane has indicated, and she spots a few bodies on the ground that way in the morning sunshine.
The attractive young woman originally from the city-state of Brattonbury looks at commander Parsen and nods.
Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman slightly nods, then says "We go after their leader". He starts moving away, and as the others follow him, the member of lord Farque's personal council tells the other four "And any others we might see".
As the four of Darid Parsen, Lisell Maera, Tovis the war engineer and Beldane the cleric head into the large village, then make their way west through it.
Away to the east of the village, at least a good three miles away. Helbe the elven thief continues to avoid a mageglobe that's been chasing him for a bit. A mageglobe that's hell bent on catching the elven magic user.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel, is down on the ground. He has unblurred himself, and is no longer shielding himself.
It's not necessary to do so, as the living piece of magic that's been chasing him. Knows where he is, no matter what he does.
The elven masterthief looks around as he senses, and locates the mageglobe, that he senses is rapidly approaching him again.
The young elven noble who is the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, who has warded himself.
Only has two real chances of getting free of the mageglobe. And that's if the mage who created it, the illegal wrecker Samiel, is killed.
Or if Narladene the ground pixie can distract it enough, that it comes to the end of it's life prematurely.
Because if neither one of those works, the highly talented elven magic user will have to let the mageglobe get close, where no doubt it'll end it's own life.
The elven master assassin will have to rely on his wards then. Which he suspects won't withstand whatever it is that the mageglobe will do. Which is more than likely to explode.
Helbe the elven thief shifts away, and when he reappears a bit further away to the east, he teleports away as the mageglobe continues on it's way towards him.
Sitting upon the mageglobe as it goes shooting eastwards through the clear and sunny morning sky. Narladene the ground pixie drums her bare feet upon the living piece of magic, trying to distract it from it's task.
"Blow up you stupid thing" mutters Narladene the ground pixie in the language of her race.
The naturally magical creature, who is originally from the Sunreach Mountains, sighs as the mageglobe created by the illegal wrecker Samiel, completely ignores her as it continues on it's way towards prince Helbenthril Raendril.
Who Narladene spots in the distance, teleporting further away to the east, as he continues to flee the living piece of magic that's chasing after him.
The tiny winged creature as she sits upon the apple sized mageglobe, hopes someone kills that mage Samiel soon. As she sees that's the only way to destroy the living piece of magic that's after Helbe the elven thief.
Back in the village, along the north side of the large village that the crew of illegal wreckers have been living in for the last year or so.
Their leader Arvelle the plainsman is working his way westwards, to the village green, and in particular the large, two storey house at the northwest corner of the village green.
The house that he's been living in ever since he and his crew took over this village, and another one just two and half miles away to the north, here in the northeast of the Kaldel Plains.
As he's made his way through the north side of the village, Arvelle, a tall, shaven headed plainsman. Has gathered some of his crew, here in this part of the large village they call home. Which has come under attack this, clear and sunny, though cold morning.
As they near the village green, one of the other wreckers who has gone on ahead to scout things out. Has stopped next to a roundhouse, and is waving for Arvelle and the others to hurry up and join him.
"What is it?" quietly asks Arvelle the plainsman when they get to the back of the house, that's close to the village green.
"Your place" says the illegal wrecker named Garret, who continues with "It's been destroyed, well i should say badly damaged".
"Shit" mutters the tall, shaven headed plainsman who leads the crew of illegal wreckers who have been bringing down airships across the Kaldel Plains for the last year or so.
"You can see it from around the otherside of this house" continues Garret, who like nearly half of the illegal wreckers, is originally from the kingdom of Nastell, which is the closest nation to the eastern region of the Kaldel Plans.
As they head around the roundhouse, Garret quietly says to the tall plainsman with the shaved head "This end looks fairly intact and in one piece" followed by "The far end not so much, it's basically gone".
The leader of the crew of illegal wreckers slightly winces when he hears that. Then when they get around the roundhouse and they look across the village green, Arvelle sees it to be true.
The tall plainsman as he looks at the two storey house across on the northwest corner of the village green that he's been living in.
Frowns as he sees the state it's in. This near side, the east side, is basically untouched. Arvelle continues to frown as that's the end the rest of their fortune is stored in. After Mac the dwarf stole some of their loot. Or so Arvelle and the other illegal wreckers believe.
"Anyone see anyone go into my place?" quietly asks the tall plainsman with the shaved head, the others with him, shake their heads no.
And their leader looks around, when Garret says "There, there's some of the others" as he points to the southeast corner of the village green.
Where two more of their fellow wreckers can be seen, heading up this way.
And when they join them to the side of the roundhouse, Arvelle quickly asks them if they've seen anyone enter his place.
The pair of wreckers quickly tell their leader what's happened. How three men, used one of the magetubes in the large house on the south side of the village green to destroy at least half of his house.
Then the three of them crossed the village green, and then entered Arvelle's place.
The tall plainsman with the shaved head, who is annoyed that the twins Sara and Famic, along with the others with them, aren't still here protecting his abode, more specifically the treasure that it contains.
Quietly says to Garret and the others with him "We clear those three out of my place" he follows that with "I bet the bastards are trying to steal our fortune".
The leader of the crew of illegal wreckers nods for them to proceed, and as they start to head across the village green, walking through the smoke that's coming off one of the stripped down airships that's well and truly ablaze.
He asks the two wreckers who saw what happened here, what the three men look like who entered the badly damaged two storey house on the northwest corner of the village green.
That's an odd looking lot if I've heard of one, Arvelle the plainsman thinks to himself when he hears the description of the trio who entered his place.
In the two storey house in question, Mira Reinholt the mage looks out the north facing window in the room, and teleports another of the chests away.
"This is going to take a while" says Tamric Drubine the field commander as he carries another of the chests full of gold and silver closer to the window that the once powerful mage is standing next to.
"Beats carrying them all out of here" says Mira Reinholt the mage, Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by the others in the group, grunts in both agreement and with effort as he puts the chest down next to the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil.
"You'll have to give me a hand with those larger ones" says the nobleborn teenager who is originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin as he points to the ships lockers across the room "They're bloody heavy" adds the young field commander in the armies of Farque.
Then Tam along with the mage Reinholt turn to the door to the hallway when they hear Shur Kee the monk hurrying through the hallway.
"There is a group of those wreckers across on the east side of the village green" says Shur Kee the monk when he enters the room, the short, statured monk continues with "It looks like they are heading this way".
The spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, says to the other two "Let's go and see what they want" Mira Reinholt then adds in a slightly dry tone of voice "I'm guessing it's not a friendly visit and chat they're after this morning" . . . . . .

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