Thursday 18 July 2019

Aftermath 58.

The Kaldel Plains...

Dorc da Orc sourly smiles as he looks at Teabagger the goblin Cunt who is getting up off the floor as the dirt filled air from outside wafts into the front room of the large house they're in.
The ork warleader grunts as he tries to sit up again, then winces as he realises he's probably got some broken ribs by the feel of it.
"Fucknuts" growls Dorc da Orc, while next to him, sir Percavelle Lé Dic who is also struggling to sit up, says "Indeed wot" as he too is also battered and bruised, though not as severely as the large ork.
After picking himself up off the floor, Teabagger the goblin Cunt hurries to the two still lying on the floor amongst bits of broken wood and stonework.
"Are you alright boss?" asks Teabagger the goblin Cunt who then quickly adds "I mean general".
"Yeah cunt" says the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world, who waves a hand in a dismissive manner as he rolls himself onto his side, which illicits a groan from Dorkindle.
"And you sir knight?" asks the small, bright green goblin who is originally from the kingdom of Melaurn.
"Perfectly fine my small green fellow" is the reply from the heavily armoured knight, who then grunts in effort as he tries to sit up.
The goblin who is the commander of the battalion of goblins in the armies of Farque helps the nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic to sit up.
For the simple reason it's far easier to, because it's impossible to help his general, who weighs over seven hundred and fifty pounds.
"That's a good chap" says the former paladin when he sits up with the aid of the goblin commander.
Then the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che looks through the dirt and debris filled air, to the large hole in the front of the house that was created when Dorc da Orc came crashing through it, and the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic followed him through it a few moments later.
As Teabagger says "Some of those wreckers are still out in that clearing" the small, bright lurid green goblin continues with "And i heard some others behind the clearing, talking about coming this way to see if the two of you are still alive".
"You hear that beast?" asks sir Percavelle Lé Dic as he looks at the ork weaponsmith who is grunting and groaning as he pushes himself upright.
"Yeah me hear cunt" growls Dorkindle who with a final grunt, sits himself upright then takes a deep breath.
"Best we vanquish these foul villains who doth struck us down out of sky, twice!" says the former earl of Lé Dic, a fief located in the eastern region of the kingdom of Druvic.
The warleader of the ork race who is a general in the armies of Farque, grunts in agreement at that. Then sourly smiles as he realises he's just agreed with his bitter rival.
The former knight of the first class then murmurs "Hmmm" then knowing somewhat of the abilities of his rival, the ork general, he asks the big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world "Are those fiendish purveyors of the magical arts still out there, wot?" he continues with "Can you smell their evil scent with that hideous honker of yours?".
"Huh?" says Dorc da Orc, who then adds "What you fucken say cunt?".
Forestalling an inevitable argument between the two bitter rivals, Teabagger quickly says to the large ork "He wants to know if you can smell those spellcasters out there boss" the goblin commander quickly adds "General".
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks grunts, and with a sideways look at the nobleborn knight, he mutters "Why you not fucken say so ya cunt".
The ork warleader then says "Me just see if me can fucken sniff them magicky cunts out".
As Dorkindle breathes deeply in through his nostrils to try and find the location of the spellcasters who attacked them. Sir Percavelle Lé Dic waves off to the side, and says to Teabagger "Be a good chap and gather my shield wot".
As the goblin commander retrieves the magical shield for the nobleborn knight, who attempts to stand.
The large ork repeatedly sniffs, as he tries to locate the two practitioners of magic, one of whom is a mage, that attacked them.
Dorc da Orc can smell dirt, a lot of dirt. As well as broken bits of rock, and wood. From one of the houses on the edge of the clearing that was caught up in the large underground explosion.
After a few moments of repeatedly sniffing, the large ork starts catching the scent of the people outside, in the clearing, and close by.
But what the ork warleader is trying to discern, is the location of the pair of spellcasters, who he knows were on the southern side of the clearing where a wagon track intersects a wide path, here in the center of the large village.
And after a few more moments of sniffing, that's where Dorkindle smells them. The mage, and the other spellcaster. Who are still on the south side of the clearing.
The big, burly ork who is from the southern polar region of the world, who wishes the morning was a lot colder than it actually is.
Listens carefully as he also sniffs. And after a moment or two, Dorc da Orc grunts then says "Them magicky cunts still out there near the same place" and after a brief pause, he adds "The fuckers not moving".
"Dead?" asks sir Percavelle Lé Dic as he takes his shield from Teabagger the goblin Cunt.
"Don't fucken know" is the reply of the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, who then adds in a mutter "Too much fucken dirt in the air to tell".
As he sits there with the faceplate of his full helm open, the former paladin who is part of the Knights of the order of Saint Mar-che, thoughtfully nods his head, then says "Those two villains of the dark arts must of got caught up in that large explosion wot".
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic continues with "I dare say it was one of our purveyors of magic who doth caused that explosion".
"Killer" sourly says Dorkindle who continues with "Fucken Mira". As he knows out of the trio of spellcasters in the group at the moment. It's the mage Reinholt who caused that explosion out in the clearing.
As the once powerful mage, compared to Helbe the elven thief, and Beldane the cleric. Likes to blow things up. And though the Vexilian mage in exile is more circumspect compared to when he was younger.
He still isn't all that fussy about who gets caught up in his explosions. Just as long as he hits his target.
The ork warleader who has a fair idea that his long time traveling companion, Mira Reinholt targeted that mage amongst the illegal wreckers.
Says to the nobleborn knight and the goblin commander "We go and make sure them magicky cunts are dead" followed by "And kill any of the other fuckheads out there".
Both the nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic, and the small, bright green goblin from the kingdom of Melaurn nod in agreement.
Then sir Percavelle Lé Dic or Percy as he's more commonly called by the others in the group goes to stand with the assistance of Teabagger, whilst learning on his shield.
Bext to them, Dorc da Orc grunts and growls, and mutters away to himself in the incomprehensible language of the orks as he attempts to stand up.
Out in the clearing in the center of the large village, over on the south side, a bit further back, infront of one of the nearby roundhouses.
Davon the wizard grimaces as he rolls over, with the help of someone.
He blinks, and looks up and in the air thick with dirt and debris, he sees it's the plainswoman Sovirn kneeling next to him, and with blood running down one side of her face, she asks him "You alright Davon?".
"I think so" says Davon the wizard who wonders how the hell did the fire beam spell contained in the spell gem he threw at the knight. Rebound, and come back and hit him with more force and more speed. Almost completely destroying his wards, and nearly killing him.
The wizard, who is originally from the city-state of Andelka, sits up with the assistance of Sovirn. Then Davon who is once again holding his power within himself, looks around, trying to pierce the dirt filled air, and says "You know where Samiel is?".
The plainswoman nods back towards the clearing in the center of the village, and says "Back there" followed by "He was right in the middle of that explosion".
And what the hell caused that? Davon thinks to himself, the wizard who doesn't want to think about the possibilities of who, or what caused that.
Sees movement through the dirt filled air that's in and around the center of the large village that the crew of illegal wreckers have been living in for the last year or so.
Sovirn looks that way too, and they watch two more of the wreckers, dragging a third between them, as they come out of the dirt and debris filled air, heading this way to the front of one of the roundhouses, just back from the southern side of the clearing in the center of the large village.
They see that the body the two other wreckers are dragging is Samiel the mage, who is either unconscious or dead.
And when the powerful mage from the city-state of Tuledare is laid out next to Davon, the wizard sees that his fellow spellcaster is just unconscious, and thankfully not dead.
Well, at least that's something, Davon thinks to himself, who after a moment realises he's just battered and bruised, and that there's nothing actually wrong with him, apart from being briefly knocked out.
The spellcaster who is from the city-state of Andelka, stands up with the assistance of Sovirn and one of the other wreckers.
Then he looks down at the unconscious mage and says "Might be best if we can get him inside somewhere" followed by "And I'll heal him".
The plainswoman Sovirn nods, then just as they go to grab Samiel to carry him inside the roundhouse they're infront of, they hear the roar of that ork from somewhere amongst the dirt and debris filled air on the otherside of the clearing.
A moment later they hear the knight shout "Saint Mar-che!".
"What the fuck?" mutters Sovirn, who then adds "How's that thing still alive?" followed by "How are they both still alive?".
The Andelkan wizard just grunts to that, as he has no idea how the ork is still alive, or for that matter in one piece. And the same for that knight too.
As the lightning bolt cast by Samiel the mage, should of burnt the ork to a crisp. Instead it just flung him backwards through the air with force. A bit like that knight after he was hit by that spell gem i threw, Davon thinks to himself, who briefly contemplates why that is.
And coming to the quick conclusion that magic has to be involved, with both the large ork and the heavily armoured knight.
The wizard briefly stops holding his power within himself, as he senses as best as he can, towards and into the nearby clearing here in the center of the large village, that the crew of illegal wreckers have called home for the last year or so.
Davon concentrates, then he senses a magical item, infact two of them, from over on the otherside of the clearing where a wagon track crosses a wide path through the center of the village.
Sensing magical items or equipment is difficult, especially if you can't see them. But the two the wizard from Andelka senses, seem to be fairly powerful.
And if he's not mistaken, one is armour of some kind, and the other is a weapon. He'd have to see them, to confirm that.
That knight's shield perhaps? Davon thinks to himself, as he recalls the spell contained in the spell gem he threw, rebounded off the large shield the heavily armoured knight was carrying infront of him.
"Huh?" says the wizard who then adds "Yes" in response to Sovirn asking him "Should we take Samiel inside?" as she points at the roundhouse they're infront of.
As the two wreckers who carried the unconscious mage here, pick him up, and carry him inside the house.
Davon moves forward towards the clearing, where the dirt and debris filled air is thicker.
He's followed by the plainswoman Sovirn, and they head around the large crater in the ground caused by the underground explosion.
They're soon joined by the two others who have just carried Samiel the mage into the nearby house.
Then Davon the wizard as he tries to peer through the dirt and debris filled air to look across the otherside of the clearing here in the center of the village.
He looks at other three wreckers with him, and quietly says to them "That ork isn't roaring anymore".
"And that knight isn't shouting like he was before" quietly says Sovirn as she wipes some of the blood off the side of her face.
The spellcaster from the city-state of Andelka nods, then says "We've got to be careful" he continues with "There's magic involved with these two, pretty powerful magic at that".
Then the wizard leads the other three around the clearing and the center of the village, to come at it from another side.
After Dorc da Orc roars, and sir Percavelle Lé Dic shouts out the name of the saint who founded his knightly order.
Teabagger the goblin Cunt says to them "Maybe we should be quiet" followed by "And take them by surprise" the small, bright green goblin then silently adds in a dry tone, which you two loudmouths have blown.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region, and the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic look down at the goblin commander, then the two bitter rivals share a look.
The ork warleader grunts in the affirmative at that suggestion from Teabagger, while the former paladin says "Verily" followed by "Smart idea wot".
Then the three of them move forward through the dirt and debris filled air, with both Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic both moving stiffly as they do, and limping as well.
They step out through the large hole in the front wall of the house, and on the front steps, the former earl of Lé Dic as he tries to see anything across the clearing, quietly says to the large ork "Which way beast?" follow by "Where be these purveyors of the dark arts?".
Dorkindle who is sniffing, points then says in a grunt "Fucken there" the ork general briefly pauses, before adding "No wait, fucken that way" followed by "One of them magicky cunts is moving".
The ork weaponsmith who can smell that the mage is in one spot, and not moving, points in the direction the other spellcaster is heading, then says to Percy and Teabagger "Come on cunts".
And he leads them down the steps, and into the thick dirt and debris filled air, to cross the clearing here in the center of the village, to head over to the west side behind the clearing . . . . . .

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