Wednesday 31 July 2019

Aftermath 67.

The Kaldel Plains...

They weave between houses here on the north side of the village as the large ork relentlessly pursues them.
Sometimes Gorlic the former arena fighter falls back as he's running with a limp. Though for the most part he keeps up with both Pallen the blademaster and Sasha the former mercenary.
Gorlic glances back when he hears the growl of the pursuing ork. And he sees that it's less than twenty yards behind them now.
Infront of the former arena fighter from the city-state of Brattonbury, the tall plainsman originally from the kingdom of Girdane leads them around another of the roundhouses.
They squeeze by a couple of wagons, and hop over a few dead bodies, their fellow illegal wreckers who were killed earlier. And continue on their way through the north side of the village.
The wagons briefly slow the large ork, who has to stop and shove one out of the way so that he continue the chase.
He does so with little effort. And runs after the three of them as they flee from him. While he continues to growl every so often as he chases them.
Dorc da Orc purses the trio of illegal wreckers through the north side of the village.
The large ork wouldn't normally run after those he wants to kill. As he prefers people who want to fight him, to come to him. And the fact he can be more than a bit lazy at times.
But not this time, as the big burly ork who is from the southern polar region of the world is the midst of a blood rage.
And the lazy attitude he sometimes has during battle has completely disappeared. And there's a determined relentlessness about him.
As he has one goal and one goal only. And that's to get his hands on the tall plainsman amongst the trio of illegal wreckers who are fleeing from him, here through the north side of the large village that's been the home of a crew of illegal wreckers over the last year or so.
"Watch out, behind us!" says Pallen the blademaster in warning to a pair of their fellow wreckers who are making their way in this direction.
"Run!" adds Sasha the former mercenary as she and lover Pallen, along with Gorlic the former arena fighter run by the two other illegal wreckers.
Who see who it is that's chasing Pallen, Sasha and Gorlic, they stop and turn to flee, though not quick enough.
Dorc da Orc runs into those two wreckers. Barely slowing as he does so. While one gets off fairly lightly, and spins away as he's clipped by the ork warleader, then crashes into a nearby cart full of firewood.
The other illegal wrecker is not so lucky. As he takes the brunt of the impact from the large ork who is in full stride as he runs.
That illegal wrecker slams into the ground with force. And if he isn't dead from both the impact of Dorkindle running into him, or from hitting the ground.
He's definitely dead when one of the ork general's boots stomps down upon his throat and face, smashing apart his skull.
The big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world, continues to growl as he chases after the trio of illegal wreckers not all that far infront of him.
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks, who incidentally killed his mother. Though it was in self defence, as she was doing her best to kill him at the time.
Doesn't take his eyes off the plainsman with the long hair in braids as he chases after the trio of illegal wreckers.
And if he briefly loses sight of them when they go behind a house or another building found here on the north side of the village.
Houses and buildings that the ork weaponsmith will invariably just run right through.
He can smell the scent of the plainsman he's after. So that the large ork will never lose track of him.
Dorc da Orc knows that even if the three illegal wreckers, in particular the plainsman are faster than him. They'll never out run him, as he as an ork can run for days on end if he wants to. Now, even more so since he's in the throes of a blood rage.
Which can only be stopped if he gets a hold of what he's after. And he's after the plainsman with the braided long hair.
As they run westwards through the north side of the village, the smell of smoke gets stronger. And they see puffs of black smoke every once in a while as they head along the north side of the large village they've lived in for over a year now.
Pallen the blademaster who knows they have to do something, as it doesn't look like the pursuit from the large ork is going to end anytime soon.
Looks away to his left when he spots movement in that direction. The dangerous blademaster from the kingdom of Girdane heads that way.
Followed by his lover, Sasha the former mercenary who like him is also from Girdane. Along with Gorlic the former arena fighter who is originally from the city-state of Brattonbury.
The tall plainsman who wears his hair in plaids as most plainsmen do. Spots a group of his fellow wreckers hurrying up in this direction through the village.
The dangerous blademaster sees an opportunity, and calls out "Behind us!" followed by "Attack it!".
And after his lover Sasha looks at him sharply, Pallen quickly and quietly says to her "We have to do something" the blademaster from the kingdom of Girdane then adds "We can't keep running like this".
Behind the tall plainsman, and the good looking, one eyed woman who before taking up a life of crime as an illegal wrecker, was a mercenary.
The former arena fighter Gorlic says "Sounds good to me" followed by "Because I'm stuffed" as he runs with a slight limp.
And when they're joined by five of their fellow illegal wreckers. They turn, and with weapons in hand, they face the large ork who has chased them from the clearing in the middle of the village.
Dorc da Orc doesn't stop when he sees them along with some other wreckers, come to a stop and confront him.
The weaponsmith in the wolf tribe of orks keeps running, and he runs straight at the plainsman with the long hair in braids, who is the ork warleader's target.
With his longsword in hand, Pallen the blademaster waits until the last moment, before he dives to one side to avoid getting run over by the growling ork.
Then as the large ork comes to a stop, the other five wreckers, along with Sasha and Gorlic, attack the ork as the blademaster scrambles out of the way, and gets up off the ground.
The former arena fighter Gorlic nods his head when Sasha the former mercenary shouts "It's face and legs!".
As he can see that's best thing to target on the large ork. Who is loudly growling as it turns around to face them.
Gorlic biffs a throwing knife at it, hoping to hit it in the eye. No such luck, though his knife does get stuck in the face of the large ork.
Which by the looks of it, doesn't appear to even feel the knife sticking out of it's face.
And as it only has eyes for Pallen the blademaster, it doesn't even notice when one of the wreckers rushes in. And swings his axe at it legs, slamming the weapon into the large ork's left thigh.
"Fuck me" mutters Sasha the former mercenary as blood goes flying when one of the other wreckers axe slams into the left leg of the large ork.
Who ignores it, and instead walks purposefully to where Pallen has got up off the ground.
One of the other wreckers has picked up a rock, and throws it at the face of the large ork.
The rock smashes in to it's face, and it doesn't even miss a stride as it continues towards the dangerous blademaster from the kingdom of Girdane who is backing away.
Two of the other wreckers rush in with their swords. And so does Gorlic, who is now behind the large ork.
The three of them strike it almost at the same time. A sword whacks it in the right forearm. And another is stabbed into it's right leg, just above the knee.
While Gorlic swings his sword at the back of the ork's legs. The former arena fighter from the city-state of Brattonbury, who slashes across the back of the large ork's legs.
Screws up his face in disgust when he's right behind it, and he finds out how disgusting it smells.
So much so, that he takes a few steps back to get away from it, as he slightly gags from the putrid stench coming off it, on this cold and clear morning, here in the northeast of the Kaldel Plains.
One of the other wreckers who just hit it, is almost infront of the large ork, and he stabs his sword at it again, only for it to rebound off the black piece of armour it wears over it's chest and ample belly.
That wrecker goes to stab it once more, this time in the groin. That's until the large ork lifts it's arms up, and slaps it's hands together.
Sasha the former mercenary gags then hops back as the wrecker that was infront of the large ork drops to the ground dead, minus his head.
Which was pulverized between the hands of the large ork, when it slapped it's hands together.
Then as another of the wreckers stabs at the large ork again, and his sword gets stuck in it's left leg.
Sasha moves forward with the wrecker with the axe, who swings his weapon at the other leg of the large ork.
He misses, though Sasha, who is originally from the kingdom of Girdane, which lies to the south of the Kaldel Plains.
Leaps up, and stabs her sword into the side of the large ork's neck, and whips it across the back of it's neck.
And though the good looking woman who only has one eye, and has a gnarly looking scar down one side of her face.
Cuts the large ork's neck open, she sees it isn't a very deep cut. Nor does it slow the ork in any way, as it continues towards Pallen, who is still backing away, drawing the large ork towards him.
Gorlic the former arena fighter dives forward, and rams his sword into the back of the large ork's left leg just below the knee.
And when the sword gets stuck in it's leg, it slows down for the very first time. And it growls louder than it has so far.
The former arena fighter from the city-state of Brattonbury, who has ended up flat on the ground. Is lucky he has done so. As the large ork swings it's left arm back in this direction.
It misses Gorlic by a lot. But not the wrecker whose sword is already in the left leg of the large ork.
Gorlic winces as he clearly hears that wrecker's neck snap when the large ork's fist clips that man's chin.
The former arena fighter from the coastal city of Brattonbury, pushes himself up off the ground, and draws his long dagger.
The illegal wrecker with the axe goes to swing it up at the large ork's face, and though he misses, it does thud into the upper right arm of the large ork.
Splashing blood into the face of that wrecker, who stumbles backwards when he pulls his axe free.
Until the arm he just hit, swings out at him, and the right fist of the large ork catches him in the throat. He drops to the ground unable to breathe with a crushed throat.
Another of the wreckers gets in a good blow with his sword, which he slams into the left leg of the large ork, whacking into it's left shin. Once again slightly slowing it. He goes to whack it in the leg again.
But has to duck out of the way of a swinging arm, which he avoids. But he doesn't avoid the knee from the leg he just whacked. As it drives into the side of his head, caving it in, killing him instantly.
There's just one other wrecker now standing along with Gorlic, Sasha and Pallen. And as he circles around the back of the large ork to join Gorlic who is behind it.
Pallen the blademaster spots an axe on a nearby pile of firewood up against the side of a roundhouse.
The dangerous blademaster from the kingdom of Girdane grabs it, and darts a quick glance at his lover Sasha, who he sees looking his way.
While behind the large ork, Gorlic looks at the other wrecker, and gestures at the back of the large ork who is striding towards Pallen, who is next to one of the roundhouses.
The four wrecker act almost in unison. Pallen throws the axe he grabbed, then moves forward. While Sasha stabs her sword up at the large ork.
Behind it, the other wrecker dashes forward and swings his sword at the back of it's legs.
While the former arena fighter Gorlic, limp and all. Runs forward, and with long dagger in hand, leaps up.
Dorc da Orc is whacked in the face by the thrown axe, and his head whips back.
At the same time, the point of a sword is shoved up into the side of his throat.
While another sword whacks him across the back of the left leg, right behind the knee.
Then the large ork feels someone jump on him, and hold onto a shoulder, and repeatedly stab him in the back of the neck, and the other side of his throat.
And for the first time since he's gone into a blood rage, the ork warleader stops growling, and instead roars.
Dorkindle who can't feel much or anything of what's happened to him, as he's in the middle of the ork blood rage.
Kicks back with his right leg, and his boot connects with the wrecker who just hit him in the back of the leg.
That wrecker drops to ground screaming in agony, with a shattered left leg.
As he does, Dorc da Orc as a blade is repeatedly stabbed into the left side of the neck and throat.
Turns his head to the left and back, then bites. While at the same time, he reaches out with his right hand, and grabs the arm holding the sword that's just stabbed up into that side of his throat again.
"No!" shouts Pallen the blademaster as he rushes towards the large ork as he sees what's just happened . . . . . .

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