Wednesday 10 July 2019

Aftermath 52.

The Kaldel Plains...

Across the village, both those attacking it, and the illegal wreckers defending it turn towards the direction of the village green when they hear the magetube fire.
Then they get back to what they were doing. With many of them in armed combat. While others are making their way through the village, to where they can hear the fighting.
As the ten foot wide magetube shot tears across the village green, narrowly missing one of the half stripped down airships.
As it heads across to the north side of the village green, from the house it was shot from, on the south side of the wide circular area of grass, that's the predominant feature in the village.
The red ball of pure energy skims across the ground, burning away some of the grass in places.
As it heads straight towards the two storey house that lies at the northwest corner of the village green.
The magetube shot slams into the western end of that house, and explodes. Sending debris flying in all directions, especially up into the dawn sky.
The same time the magetube was fired. A mageglobe left the same building the ten foot wide ball of magical energy was shot out of.
Though the mageglobe didn't go out of the front of the house like the magetube shot.
Instead it went down into the ground, then moved away at a leisurely pace. As it went in search of it's target that it's creator has sent it after.
Near the middle of the village, Dorc da Orc barely even bothers to glance in the direction he hears the magetube firing from.
The large ork who has one of the illegal wreckers in his grasp. Squeezes the man's head between his hands, until the wrecker who is screaming in agony. Head breaks apart in the hands of the ork warleader. Who then drops the headless body to the ground.
Then as the big, burly ork who hails from the southern polar region of the world licks his brain and gore splattered hands. He yelps as a crossbow bolt slams into the side of his face.
With a menacing scowl upon his face, the ork weaponsmith looks around to see who shot him.
While behind him, Teabagger the goblin Cunt who was looking a little bit in disgust at what his general just did.
Also tries to spot who just shot the crossbow bolt into the face of the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks.
Further behind the large ork and the small, bright green goblin. The elven spy, Dalinvardél Tanith who saw where the crossbow bolt came from.
Is climbing up onto a roof of one of the roundhouses to get a clear view of the crossbowman who he suspects is on a roof too.
Then as the ork warleader yanks the bolt out of the side of his face, and he spits out a mouthful of blood, and a few teeth.
The big, burly ork who was exiled from the Ork Range in the southern polar region of the world, for killing his mother, the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks.
Makes a face of disgust as he smells and hears who is approaching this part of the village from the north side.
"That cuntface knight can fuck right off" mutters Dorc da Orc as he can hear as well as smell, sir Percavelle Lé Dic heading in this direction from the north.
The large ork who is a general in the armies of Farque then grunts as he smells a number of people following behind the nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic.
They're some of the illegal wreckers. Who frankly Dorkindle hopes catch up to the large, heavily armoured knight, and kill him before he gets to near the middle of the village where the ork warleader and goblin commander are.
As he runs through the village, sir Percavelle Lé Dic hardly even glances in the direction of the village green when he hears the magetube being fired.
The knight in the order of Saint Mar-che, who can hear he's being followed by some of the wreckers.
Looks back, and in mid stride as he goes between a pair of roundhouses. The former earl of Lé Dic flings the pick he has in his right hand. Back in the direction he's come from, hoping to hit one of the illegal wreckers who are pursuing him.
"Narille!" shouts sir Percavelle Lé Dic, as he continues to shout out the name of the god he follows.
And if he's not shouting out that, he's shouting out the name of the founder of his knightly order "Saint Mar-che!".
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic, slows down a bit. Then he turns left at the next roundhouse when he hears a roar from Dorc da Orc again.
The former paladin, who is now just a knight in his order, a knight of the third rank when previously he was a knight of the first.
Hopes the big, burly ork gets his comeuppance from one of the illegal wreckers in the village.
And though sir Percavelle or Percy as he's more commonly called by the others in the group.
Knows that it might be a bit of a miracle for the large ork to get taken down by one the wreckers.
He wants it to happen all the same. As he doesn't particularly like the ork warleader who is his rival.
Who in the past, before he joined the group. He tried to kill the large ork on a number of occasions.
Which is only fair, considering Dorkindle was doing his best to kill the former earl of Lé Dic.
Meanwhile, on the north side of the village. Lisell Maera ducks beneath a sword that's swung at her. And dives to one side, and comes up in a roll, holding her crossbow that she dropped on the ground after firing it.
The attractive young woman who is originally from the city-state of Brattonbury, who is now a messenger in the armies of Farque.
Pulls up on the lever of the already loaded weapon, and the quarrel flies from it. To slam into the guts of the illegal wrecker, who in the light of dawn, has been trying to kill the messenger.
Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more often referred to by those who know her well, is on one knee, as she takes a bolt from her quiver. And puts it into her quick loading weapon after she pulls back on the underside of it.
The messenger or runner as they're often referred to. Looks for another target, and turns to where Darid Parsen the cavalry commander is fighting against a pair of illegal wreckers, one of whom is the tall plainsman with the shaved head, by the name of Arvelle, who leads the crew of the illegal wreckers.
The three of them are all on the otherside of the pair of wagons that are side by side between two of the roundhouses on this side of the village.
Lis can't get a clear shot, even with the clearer light as dawn is lifting as the sun rises in the east over this part of the Kaldel Plains.
The attractive young woman from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury looks beneath the wagons, to see if she can get a shot.
She slightly winces and hopes she doesn't miss. Then the messenger in the armies of Farque shoots off the bolt.
She's rewarded by a yell of pain from one of the wreckers fighting commander Parsen. The wrecker, not the plainsman who is the leader. Drops to the ground in between the cavalry commander, and the tall plainsman with the shaved head.
Lisell Maera faintly winces as that shot could of hit Darid Parsen in the legs, as he fights with the lower half of his face, below the bridge of nose, covered by a traditional black cloth of the hordes barbarians of the southern tundra, that's wrapped around his head.
The attractive young woman from the coast of the Southlands, whose mother was a street prostitute, and whose father, who she never knew, was a sailor.
Looks quickly over to where Tovis the war engineer is fighting on this side of the two wagons.
She quickly pulls back on the underside of her crossbow again, and when it's in firing position, she loads another bolt into it.
Lis takes careful aim, then pulls up on the firing lever, and the bolt flies from the crossbow to it's target.
Tovis the war engineer, who a short while ago, nearly lost his head, as he paused and looked in the direction he heard a magetube firing from.
Hops back as one of the illegal wreckers he's up against, suddenly staggeres sideways after what sounds like he grunts in pain.
As that wrecker stumbles away, clutching at the small of his back, which Tovis sees has a crossbow bolt in it.
The young engineer who hails from the kingdom of Druvic, where he served in the army of a baron Harkonin.
Swings his hammer, which smashes into the side of the staggering wrecker, who slams sideways into the ground.
Tovis spins, holding out his hammer infront of him, grabbing the haft just below the head, while his other hand holds it at the butt end of the weapon.
A sword whacks down onto the heavy wooden haft of the long handle axe.
Then the war engineer kicks out with his right foot, and his boot connects with the groin of the wrecker whose sword he has just blocked.
As the wrecker drops to the ground, the young engineer who is one of the more recent members of the group.
Punches the head of his hammer into the face of the wrecker, smashing the front of the man's skull to pieces.
Who drops face first to the ground, with his face a bloody and broken ruined mess.
The war engineer, who is a captain in the armies of Farque. Looks at the third wrecker he was facing.
Who he sees scrambling beneath the wagons to get away from him.
The young engineer from the kingdom of Druvic swings his hammer down at him.
It barely misses the man's legs as he hurries beneath the wagons to get to the otherside.
Tovis looks to his right and sees Lisell Maera crouching down trying to get a shot beneath the wagons with her crossbow.
A sour looking expression passes across the face of the attractive young woman who hails from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury.
Who then gets up, and hurries forward to go under one of the wagons.
The young engineer doesn't bother with that. He hurries forward, and goes to hop up on one of the wagons.
He'll prefer to climb over them to get to the otherside. Where Darid Parsen the cavalry commander is once again fighting a pair of the illegal wreckers. While others can be heard calling out, as they approach this part of the village's north side.
As he hops up onto the back of one of the wagons. Tovis looks away even further to the right.
Where he can just see around to one side of a roundhouse about forty yards away. The war engineer who knows that Beldane the cleric is somewhere there.
Sees a flash of bright white light in the cooler light of dawn from behind the roundhouse where he suddenly hears shouting and yelling coming from around the otherside of it.
The young engineer gets up onto the wagon, runs a couple of steps, and jumps off the otherside.
Lands on the ground, and joins Lisell Maera and Darid Parsen in fighting the pair of illegal wreckers, while a few more of them run this way.
Beldane the cleric briefly pauses as he swings his mace forward and out the open backdoor of the roundhouse he's in.
The magical weapon slams into the illegal wrecker who is just walking by the back of the roundhouse.
And when the mace hits the man in the right shoulder, there's a brief flash of white light, then he goes flying a good thirty feet sideways through the air, before he hits the ground dead.
The fighting cleric from the kingdom of Nastell, which lies to the east of the Kaldel Plains.
Who shut his eyes in precaution, opens them, and steps outside, and turns to his left.
There he sees a quartet of the wreckers who were hurrying along the north side of the village, staggering backwards with hands raised to their faces in reaction to the flash of bright white light that just occurred, shouting and yelling as they wonder what's just happened.
The cleric in the church of Glaine, who is still shielded thanks to a spell cast upon him by Helbe the elven thief.
Looks at the two at the back, obviously twins, one of whom is the sorceress Sara. Who is the one he has to worry about the most. And the one he has to contend with.
But first, the powerful cleric swings his mace at one of the wreckers infront. Who is rapidly blinking his eyes as he tries to clear them after being briefly blinded.
The mace slams into the forehead of the man, smashing apart the top of the man's skull, he drops to the ground dead.
And Beldane who doesn't bother casting to save time, then jabs his weapon into the midriff of the other illegal wrecker infront, who is rubbing his eyes after being flash blinded.
The wrecker doubles over, and the fighting cleric in the half plate armour brings his mace down onto the back of the man's head, cracking his skull apart.
The Nastellian cleric hops over the bodies of the two wreckers he just killed, as he does he swings his mace and casts a spell with the aid of the magical weapon.
Beldane the cleric can't help but shout "Holy strike!" as he casts and swings his mace.
And the next moment, a beam of white light shoots down from the dawn sky striking the twins Sara and Famic.
This time, unlike earlier when the same spell hit the rooftop the two illegal wreckers were on previously.
The beam of light, about six feet wide, strikes the two of them directly, in particular the sorceress Sara who it is aimed at.
The twins who were side by side, and just getting their vision back from being briefly flash blinded, are wrenched apart. With Famic flung away to one side, with burns covering most of his body where he was struck by the beam of holy light.
The wrecker hits the ground dead, with his body, especially down one side of it, a charred mess.
Meanwhile his twin sister Sara, who immediately put up wards around herself when she was briefly blinded, is crouching as the beam of white light surrounds her.
The sorceress looks like she's being pushed down by an incredible amount of weight as her barrier and protection spells try to ward her from the powerful spell that's struck her.
She looks through the light, and sees the figure of the fighting cleric on the otherside of the light watching her.
Then she sees him pull his right arm back, then swing it and his mace forward into the beam of white light that has pinned her to the spot.
Beldane has cast a simple strike spell with his mace, and his right arm and the magical weapon swing through the beam of light, and hit the increasingly weakening wards around the crouching sorceress.
The wards vanish, and the beam of holy light from the dawn sky strikes her full on, burning Sara the sorceress.
Dropping his holy strike spell, the beam of sustained white light disappears, and Beldane the cleric looks down at the charred remains of one of the spellcasters amongst the illegal wreckers.
Then after nodding in satisfaction, the fighting cleric in the church of Glaine turns, and heads back to where the others are fighting some of the illegal wreckers on this side of the village . . . . . .

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