Monday 15 July 2019

Aftermath 55.

The Kaldel Plains...

The center of the village is where the wagon track from the south goes through the village, and crosses with a wide path that cuts between houses, heading form east to west.
Most wagons and carts tend to come this way, either from the south where a town is located nearly thirty miles away to the south. Or from the next village to the north, which is only about two and half miles away.
Apart from that the center of the village is pretty unremarkable. With the long, low building that the illegal wreckers have been using as a tavern being not that far away.
As well as the largest house in the village, with the exception of a couple on the north and south sides of the village green, which is located on the western edge of the village.
The large house, which the mage Samiel has been living in since the crew of illegal wreckers took over this village, and the next village to the north.
Casts a large shadow across the center of the village at such an early time in the morning.
A shadow that sir Percavelle Lé Dic runs into after making his way from the north side of the village.
The heavily armoured knight who is in the order of Saint Mar-che, curls his upper lip up in disgust at finding Dorc da Orc over on the east side of what's essentially a clearing between the houses where the wagon trail meets the wide path.
A similar look is on the broad, green, brutish looking face of the large ork who spots the nobleborn knight who originally hails from the kingdom of Druvic.
Behind the ork warleader, the goblin commander Teabagger, glances around the big, burly ork, and slightly smiles when he spots the former paladin who is now just an ordinary knight in the order of Saint Mar-che.
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic, who is the former earl of Lé Dic. Sees a number of the illegal wreckers scattered across the center of the village. Either dying or already dead.
With a shake of his full helmed head, sir Percavelle Lé Dic loudly mutters "Damn amateurs" as he was rather hoping that one or more of the illegal wreckers, by way of a miracle if he's honest with himself, had taken down and killed the large ork, who is the nobleborn knight's rival.
The former knight of the first class, then makes his way across where the wagon track and the wide path cross.
Going through the shadows to join the ork warleader and the goblin commander on the east side of the clearing.
As he does, sir Percavelle Lé Dic or Percy as the others in the group tend to call him. Look at the wreckers, who are standing back on the western side of the center of the village, carefully watching the big burly ork from the southern polar region of the world. The small, bright lurid green goblin from the kingdom of Melaurn, and now himself.
The nobleborn knight then looks at the large ork, who is basically the bane of his existence.
The Druvician nobleman who knows that those who were following him from the north side of the village, will soon be here.
Sees the ork weaponsmith scowling at him in disgust as he approaches, then the big, burly ork who has been exiled from the Ork Range for murdering his mother, the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks grins.
A grin that turns to a scowl again, when Dorc da Orc says "The fuck?" after he's shot in the chin by a quarrel shot from a crossbow.
The large ork, who is a general in the armies of Farque who was hoping the former paladin would make a better target. After all Percy is wearing a full suit of shining plate armour. Not to mention a snowy white cape, that's attached to the back of his fortified steel shoulder plates.
Which in the opinion of Dorkindle, makes the former earl of Lé Dic a much better target than he would.
Apparently not, as the large ork's rather weighty appearance, and sheer size, makes him too much of tempting target compared to the others who are attacking the village at this time.
The warleader of the ork race glances behind him and Teabagger the goblin Cunt, and though he can't spot Dalinvardél Tanith, he knows the elven spy isn't all that far away from them.
He was rather hoping the elf from the principality of Laerel would take care of whoever it is that keeps shooting the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks with their crossbow.
After getting up onto another rooftop, Dalinvardél Tanith who can now see all the way to the village green. Where he spots the large, two storey house on the northwest corner of the village green, is now badly damaged.
The spy Tanith, who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae.
Looks around, and quickly spots the individual on a rooftop, who has been using their crossbow to shoot the big, burly ork whenever they feel like it.
Dalinvardél Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by the others in the group, puts a shaft to the belly of his longbow, then draws it back as he takes aim.
The yard long shaft flies from the longbow towards it's target. And in just a few moments, the three foot long arrow slams into the chest of the crossbowman, knocking him off the roof he's been shooting from this early morning, on what is now surely an cool autumn day.
The elven spy looks across the village, making sure there's no more of the illegal wreckers on the rooftops of the houses.
And seeing none of them on top of the houses, the elf who is originally from the principality of Alínlae. Is about to get down off the rooftop he's on, when he spots something.
Dalin drops down, and lies flat upon the roof he's on. As away to the west, and a bit to the south. The elven spy is sure he spots the mage who was knocked out a little earlier when he tried to read the mind of Dorc da Orc.
The spy Tanith who spotted the mage trying to move stealthily between the roundhouses with another of the wreckers.
Is sure the other wrecker with the mage is also a spellcaster. The wizard, if his robes are anything to go by.
Dalinvardél Tanith lifts his head up, and tries to find them again. He's unable to, as they must be going behind some of the roundhouses blocking his view.
But what the elven spy is certain of, is that they're heading towards the center of the village, where Dorc da Orc, Teabagger the goblin Cunt, and now sir Percavelle Lé Dic are located.
Dalin quickly crawls backwards along the roof, then hops down off the back of it. Then once he's on the ground, the elven spy starts working his way towards the center of the village.
In the shadows along the eastern side of the clearing in the center of the village, sir Percavelle Lé Dic says "Be gone you filthy beast" at the same time Dorc da Orc tells him "Fuck off ya cunt".
There's a moments silence, then realising they're at an impasse, as they'll basically just argue for the rest of the morning if they can.
The nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic nods his full helmed head across to the west side of the clearing as he asks the ork warleader "Any others nearby apart from that rabble over there, wot?".
The big, burly ork who is from the frozen bottom of the world grunts, and in rare mood of cooperation towards the heavily armoured knight, he answers him with "Yeah more behind them fuckheads".
Dorkindle then points away to between some of the roundhouses to the southwest, and adds in his deep, growling, guttural voice "Other cunts that way too".
The former earl of Lé Dic lifts up the visor of his helm and looks in the direction the ork general has pointed, then the nobleman from eastern Druvic points back across the clearing, in the direction he came from, and says "And there's more of the pillocks coming from yonder".
The ork weaponsmith grunts as he can smell more of the illegal wreckers coming from the direction the nobleborn knight has indicated.
"Lo and behold, there they are" says Percy as he spots the trio of illegal wreckers who were chasing him from the north side of the village, come into view across on the north side of the clearing.
As they stop at the edge of where the wide path meets the wagon track, right next to the large house that Samiel the mage has been living in, and they hear a magetube over on the village green fire for a third time.
Sasha the former mercenary says "Where are they?". "In the shadows, on the east side of the clearing" is the reply from Pallen the blademaster, who has spotted the bright white cape of the large, heavily armoured knight they've been chasing. Then the large ork loudly roars, which also tells them where they are.
"Hell" mutters Gorlic the former arena fighter when he spots all the bodies scattered across the small clearing here in the center of the village.
There's over a dozen of their fellow wreckers, either dead or dying, on the ground in the crossing, most of which is in shadow this early in the morning.
Then Pallen, the tall plainsman from the kingdom of Girdane, which also happens to be where his lover Sasha is from too, looks away to their right, and quietly says "What are they waiting for?" as he looks at their fellow wreckers on the wide path at the western side of the clearing, here in the center of the village.
"More of us to show up perhaps?" suggests his lover Sasha, the good looking one eyed woman, who has a wicked looking scar down one side of her face, continues with "Considering how many of us have already fallen here".
"Maybe" murmurs the dangerous blademaster, then from behind the couple from the kingdom of Girdane, the former arena fighter from the city-state of Brattonbury says "There, a bow".
As a wrecker with a bow joins those at the western edge of the small clearing in the center of the village.
"And another" says Sasha who continues with "Sovirn with a couple of others, there" as she nods to between some houses at the southwest corner of the small clearing where the wagon track and a wide path cross, here in the center of the large village.
"I suggest we stay clear of that ork if we can" quietly says Pallen the blademaster, who continues with "Concentrate our attack upon that knight" the tall plainsman who was born and grew up in the kingdom of Girdane then adds "We'll have the archers pepper that damn ork".
"Sounds good to me" says Gorlic, who'd rather not face the knight as well. As he always found it difficult to fight them during his time as an arena fighter in his homeland of Brattonbury.
The only time he had success against them, was during a combat with multiple participants. Where everyone would gang up on a knight first. For the simple reason it was the best thing to do to eliminate them.
Because if you didn't, it was near impossible to knock them out or draw first blood if you fought them one on one.
Then Pallen calls out to the other wreckers around the small clearing in the center of the village "Archers just shoot at that ork!" followed by "Otherwise keep clear of it!".
"You hear that?" quietly asks Samiel the mage who holds up a hand to stop. Davon the wizard nods, then quietly says "Sounds like the blademaster".
"It was, I'm sure of it" quietly says the powerful mage who hails from the city-state of Tuledare, as the two of them have stopped beside one of the roundhouses just to the south of the small clearing in the center of the village.
"What was it that he said?" quietly asks the mage who once worked for the airdock authority in the city of Tuledare before he turned to a like of crime "Something about an ork was it?" adds the more powerful of the two spellcasters.
"He told the archers to shoot the ork, or otherwise keep clear of it" quietly says Davon who is sure that's what the blademaster Pallen called out from the direction the two of them are heading.
Then the wizard who is from the city-state of Andelka shares a look with the mage from the city-state of Tuledare.
Samiel grimaces and mutters "Hell" while Davon winces then murmurs "An ork, what the hell?".
There's a moments silence between the two spellcasters, both of whom are holding their powers within themselves, then the powerful mage sourly says "No wonder i was knocked out".
The wizard in the dark robes nods, then says in a tone of mild surprise "An ork?" followed by "What the hell is one of them doing here?".
Samiel nods in agreement, as he thought he'd never see an ork in his lifetime, most people don't.
As often or not, they're a figure of legend, or a part of a story or tale. Something that's on occasion talked about, but never actually seen. As it's extremely rare to find one of them out of the home range, which is located in the southern polar region of the world.
"Who knows" mutters Samiel, who then continues with "But Pallen seems to think it's one, and I'll take his word on it". Davon nods in agreement, then says "No mind spells on it at all".
The powerful mage sourly smiles again at the reminder, then he quietly says "I won't" followed by "I have something else i intend to do to it".
Then the more powerful of the two spellcasters who are illegal wreckers, nods to what Davon has clasped in his right hand, and asks him "Will you use it on it?".
"Maybe" says the wizard from the city-state of Andelka, who after a slight pause as they hear a roar from nearby, that they now know comes from an ork and not a troll, then he adds "Sounds like there's other there, might save it for them".
Samiel nods, then he quietly says "Come on" followed by "The center of the village is just up ahead".
The powerful mage who has been living in the large house on one of the corners where the wagon track crosses the wide path in the center of the large village.
Leads the way forward, and once they go between a couple of roundhouses, just up ahead they see a few of the other wreckers, including the plainswoman Sovirn standing next to a house, looking into the clearing in the center of the village.
The plainswoman has drawn her bow back and is aiming it at someone, after she let's the arrow fly.
The two spellcasters share a look, as they hear the roar from the ork again, as well as a loud voice shout in defiance "Saint Mar-che!".
The mage and the wizard hurry forward, and join the others next to the side of a roundhouse, where they're able to look into the clearing that's almost completely in shadow at this time of the morning.
There, Samiel spots the ork and the small, bright green goblin he saw earlier before dawn approaching the east side of the village. With them is a large, heavily armoured knight of all things.
"A knight?" mutters Davon in surprise who can't quite believe what he's seeing over on the east side of the shadow covered clearing in the center of the village.
The wizard who never knew orks were so big, quietly says to his fellow spellcaster "Be careful" followed by "They don't exactly look worried" he briefly pauses then adds "By anything".
Samiel the mage nods in agreement, then he along with Davon stop holding their power within themselves, after they do, all hell breaks loose . . . . . .

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