Thursday 25 July 2019

Aftermath 63.

The Kaldel Plains...

A spear is stabbed at Dorc da Orc hitting him in the side, and in his usual fashion he ignores it.
And quickly turns away, ripping the spear out of the hands of the illegal wrecker who is wielding it.
And with the spear in his side, which he can barely feel. The large ork brings his right fist down upon the crown of the head of another of the wreckers.
Pulverizing the man's skull to bits, sending blood, bone and brain matter flying as the ork warleader chuckles in delight.
Then as the illegal wrecker who was wielding the spear, steps forward to try and grab it, to pull it out of the big, burly ork who hails from the southern polar region of the world.
He gets a shortsword in the groin for his efforts. When Teabagger the goblin Cunt stabs his weapon at him, as he stands behind his general.
That illegal wrecker drops to the ground, howling in pain with a bloody groin. He howls even more when Dorkindle steps back, and accidentally stands on that wrecker's left leg, snapping it in two.
Looking around, and seeing towards the north side of the clearing here in the middle of the large village.
Dorc da Orc sourly mutters "Lazy fucken knight cunt, resting on the job" when he spots sir Percavelle Lé Dic on the ground, trying to get up.
All the wreckers on that side of the clearing where the wagon track crosses a wide path in the center of the village. Are either on the ground, barely moving or not moving at all.
"Good for nothing fucken knight cunt" mutters the ork warleader who is a general in the armies of Farque.
Who then turns to the remainder of the illegal wreckers facing him. Who are slowly backing away as more than half of them have already fallen to the large ork, and the small, bright green goblin.
Dorkindle roars at them, and for his troubles he gets shot right in the mouth.
An arrow from the bow of the plainswoman Sovirn, who is standing next to a roundhouse on the west side of the clearing.
Goes right into the open mouth of the large ork as he roars. Where it lodges into the back of his throat.
The ork general's eyes open wide in surprise, and he squawks in surprise too. Then he grimaces, and growls as he reaches up to pull the arrow out of his mouth.
As he does, the illegal wreckers who were backing away, advance upon the ork weaponsmith, and renew their attack upon him and the small, bright green goblin who is behind him, trying to pull the spear out of his general's side.
On the north side of the clearing here in the center of the large village, where the last of the dirt and debris filled air is finally blowing away.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic, grunts and grimaces as he rolls from side to side as he attempts to sit up.
The large, heavily armoured knight from the kingdom of Druvic, looks to his left, and reaches out, and grabs the shield of Saint Mar-che that was knocked out of his hands when he finally came to a stop after tumbling sideways across this end of the clearing, after he was hit by a blast spell.
The former paladin in the order of the Knights of Saint Mar-che, as he attempts to sit up, can't help but grin as he knows the spellcaster who hit him. Is probably worse off than he is at this moment. That's if he isn't dead from his spell rebounding and hitting him.
"Evil doers, that's what they get for dabbling in the dark arts" murmurs sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who chuckles, then grunts as he attempts to sit up again.
The former earl of Lé Dic, a fief that's located in the east of the kingdom of Druvic. Who is already battered and bruised. Is doubly so now after the tumble he just took. Takes a deep breath, and winces as he finally sits up and has a look around.
Pallen the blademaster grimaces as he eventually gets up off the ground. The tall plainsman with his long hair in braids, staggers sideways to where his lover Sasha the former mercenary has fallen over, and is trying to get up off the ground, here on the north side of the clearing in the middle of the village, that they and the rest of the crew of illegal wreckers took over a little over a year ago now.
As he does, and he sees a groaning Gorlic the former arena fighter trying to sit up as well.
Pallen looks around, and spots the large, heavily armoured knight who they were fighting against.
Has sat up over on the northeast corner of the clearing. The dangerous blademaster grimaces, as he doesn't fancy facing that knight again.
Who moves a hell of a lot quicker than you'd expect someone in such heavy armour that covers them from head to toe, would normally move.
Then through the dirt and debris filled air that's now nearly completely blown away, Pallen looks to the middle of the clearing.
Where he sees some of the other wreckers who were with the brothers Tim and Tom, both of whom he spots dead on the ground.
Are still fighting the large ork, and the small, bright green goblin who is a few paces behind it.
And as the dangerous blademaster helps his lover Sasha to sit up. He continues to watch those in the middle of the clearing, here in the center of the village.
And though he doesn't want to face that large ork, not without a larger group of others to help him.
Pallen sees an opportunity with that small, bright green goblin. There's a definite chance against that goblin compared to the knight and the large ork.
Then Pallen the blademaster quietly says to his lover Sasha "Help Gorlic up" as he assists her to stand.
"Then follow me" adds the tall plainsman who is originally from the kingdom of Girdane, who nods to the middle of the clearing they're in.
The good looking one eyed woman, who has a wicked looking scar down one side of her face lifts her eyebrows in surprise when she looks to where her lover Pallen has nodded.
"Not the ork" quietly says the dangerous blademaster, who quickly adds "The goblin".
Sasha nods in understanding, who after her lover the blademaster squeezes her left hand in reassurance. Stumbles over to where a slightly dazed Gorlic, is trying to get up off the ground.
While the tall plainsman who hails from the kingdom of Girdane, after another look in the direction of the downed knight who is still struggling to stand up.
Starts making his way to the middle of the clearing here in the center of the large village. Where some of the other wreckers are fighting the large ork and the small, bright green goblin.
Pallen has his eyes upon the small goblin behind the large ork as he heads across the clearing where a wagon track crosses a wide path here in the center of the village.
Over on the west side of the clearing, the plainswoman Sovirn who is next to one of the roundhouses, takes a quick look behind her. To where Davon the wizard is lying on the ground after he went flying backwards through the air.
The illegal wrecker who is from further south on the plains. Who for a moment thinks the spellcaster from the city-state of Andelka is dead.
Slightly nods when she sees the wizard trying to move and sit up.
The plainswoman wryly smiles as she thinks about the usefulness of spellcasters, or more precisely lack of usefulness.
Then she looks ahead again, to the middle of the clearing where the large ork is being attacked by four other wreckers. Who are doing their best to hit him. None being too successful, as they don't want to get too close to the large ork.
Who even from where Sovirn is standing, can hear growling as he pulls out the arrow lodge in the back of the throat, that she shot into his open mouth.
The plainswoman who has another arrow to her bow, draws the weapon back and takes aim. She lets the arrow fly, and is rewarded with another hit.
She hears the large ork hiss like a giant angry sounding cat, as the arrow has hit him in the face again. This time it's stuck in the tip of his nose.
Sovirn almost laughs at the cross eyed look from the large ork as he tries to see the arrow sticking out of the end of his nose.
The plainswoman takes another arrow out of her quiver. As she does, she wonders when Davon will finally get up and help the rest of them.
She also wonders when Samiel the mage, who was caught up in a large explosion a little earlier. Will wake up and rejoin them as they fight off those who have attacked the village this morning.
A morning that's sunny and clear, though cold here in the northeast of the Kaldel Plains.
In one of the roundhouses just back from the south side of the clearing in the center of the village.
Samiel the mage quickly sits up immediately after waking. And instantly regrets it.
The powerful spellcaster from the city-state of Tuledare groans in pain and slumps over onto his side.
The mage who was once employed by the airdock authority in the city of Tuledare, before he took up a life of crime.
Who is breathing heavily, does concentrate enough to hold his power within himself.
The powerful spellcaster who was caught up in a violent explosion caused by a mageglobe.
Grunts as he sits up again, this time taking his time to do so. The Tuledarian mage who is battered and bruised looks around and finds himself in the main room of a roundhouse.
Samiel takes a few deep breaths, and figuring that nothing's broken. He gingerly gets up off the floor, though he's a little unsteady doing so.
The powerful mage in the crew of illegal wreckers takes a few wobbly steps, steadies himself with the back of a chair that's next to him.
And after he takes a few more deep breaths of air. He continues on towards the front door of the house.
When he reaches it, the spellcaster from the city-state of Tuledare rests against it for a few moments. Before he finally opens it, and steps out into the morning sunshine.
There's another roundhouse directly infront of him, and he can't see the clearing in the center of the village too well. Though he can just make out the nearly destroyed roundhouse that he was standing next to when the ground exploded beneath him.
Samiel the mage mutters "Fuck that shit" when he hears the fighting coming from the nearby clearing, in particular the growling and grunting ork.
The powerful spellcaster waves a hand in disgust in that direction, then stumbles away to the left.
As he goes off in search for something else, or to be exact, someone else, who he knows is probably in the village.
Samiel as he continues to hold his power within himself goes off in search for the other mage that he knows is about.
The other mage who targeted him with a mageglobe, who almost killed Samiel when that mageglobe exploded in the ground right beneath the powerful mage who hails from the city-state of Tuledare.
"I'm going to find whoever it is, and kill them" Samiel mutters to himself as he stumbles away through the village in search of the mage that he knows is about.
In the clearing in the center of the large village, Teabagger the goblin Cunt grins in triumph when he finally pulls the spear out of the side of his general. Who is preoccupied with trying to take an arrow out of his nose whilst fighting four of the wreckers, who don't particularly want to get that close to big, burly ork who hails from the southern polar region of the world.
The small, bright green goblin who is originally from the kingdom of Melaurn, who commands the battalion of goblins in the armies of Farque. With the spear in his hands, quickly turns to one side when he hears something.
The goblin commander sees one of the illegal wreckers who was on the north side of the clearing, a tall plainsman with braided hair, is trying to quietly make his way in this direction.
The plainsman briefly stops when he sees Teabagger look his way, then he quickly advances when he sees the ork warleader is still preoccupied with the four other wreckers he's fighting.
The small, bright green goblin who sees two other wrecker further back on the north side of the clearing, heading this way too. Spots sir Percavelle Lé Dic trying to get to his feet near the large house on the northeast corner of the clearing here in the center of the village.
Then Teabagger pokes the spear at the tall plainsman with the longsword who quickly approaches him.
Pallen the blademaster in his rush to get to the small bright green goblin, almost gets stabbed in the guts with the spear it's wielding.
The dangerous blademaster originally from the kingdom of Girdane hops to one side, and uses his longsword to batter the spear the other way.
Then the tall plainsman takes two quick steps forward after a brief glance at the large ork that's still preoccupied.
And though the spear that's swung back at him, grazes along his left side and cuts through his hard leather armour and slices along his ribs, he swings his longsword down at the small goblin.
The goblin commander briefly grins as the spear he's using, actually cuts the tall plainsman attacking him. Who is also surprised that he hasn't fallen over as he wields it.
Then Teabagger the goblin Cunt says "Boss" just before the longsword in the hands of the illegal wrecker quickly comes down and hits him.
Pallen the blademaster after cutting down the small, bright green goblin. Quickly looks at the large ork. And after a brief thought of attacking the ork.
He hurriedly backs away instead, towards where Sasha the former mercenary and Gorlic the former arena fighter are heading this way.
As he quickly backs away, the dangerous blademaster looks at the small, bright green goblin who he easily cut down, who is on the ground, dead behind the large ork . . . . . .

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