Monday 29 July 2019

Aftermath 65.

The Kaldel Plains...

After he cuts down the small, bright green goblin. Pallen the blademaster quickly heads back to the north side of the clearing in the center of the village.
And as he approaches his lover, Sasha the former mercenary, along with Gorlic the former arena fighter, who are making their way towards him.
The tall plainsman who is originally from the kingdom of Girdane, looks back towards the middle of the clearing, where the wagon track crosses the wide path, here in the center of the large village, the illegal wreckers have been living in for past year or so.
The dangerous blademaster sees the large ork looking directly at him. Even from where he is, Pallen can clearly see it growling, then it roars. A loud, continuous roar.
"Go, get out of here" says Pallen the blademaster to Sasha and Gorlic when he gets to them, as the large ork continues to roar.
The tall plainsman who wears his long hair in braids, as most plainsmen do. Nods which way to go.
Both the former mercenary who is originally from the kingdom of Girdane, and the former arena fighter who hails from the city-state of Brattonbury.
Turn, and head the way the dangerous blademaster has indicated. And as the three of them run out of the north end of the clearing, they hear the large ork shout in a loud voice "Get some!".
"Left" says Pallen, and the three of them turn to the west, and run around one of the roundhouses.
Then as he steadies Gorlic, who is moving with a limp, the Girdanian blademaster says to the other two "That ork is pissed off".
"No kidding" dryly says Gorlic the former arena fighter as the three of them start heading west through the village.
Just then they hear a thud from the roundhouse they've just run around. The three of them all look back as they hear something crashing through that particular house.
Then as they hurry between a pair of houses here towards the north side of the village, they see what amounts to the back wall of the roundhouse they hear the commotion coming from, burst apart as the large ork comes crashing through it.
The large ork with bits of broken stonework and wood all over it, spots them, and loudly growls, then takes off running towards them.
"Run!" shouts Pallen the blademaster as the very angry looking ork comes running towards them.
Both the former mercenary and the former arena fighter don't have to be told twice, they're already moving, and running.
And the large ork purses them westwards through this side of the village, here in the northeast of the Kaldel Plains they've been living in for the last year or so.
"What was that?" murmurs Samiel the mage who shakes his head once again as he tries to clear it some more.
The powerful spellcaster from the city-state of Tuledare, looks back in the direction he's come from, and frowns.
"That ork?" murmurs Samiel, who then adds "Sure sounds like it" as he's pretty certain he can hear that ork continuously roaring from the clearing in the middle of the large village.
The powerful mage, who once worked for the airdock authority in the city of Tuledare. Shakes his head again, and continues to hold his magical power within himself as he searches for the other mage that he knows is somewhere here in the village.
Another mage who nearly killed him with a mageglobe that exploded right beneath him, back next to the clearing in the middle of the village.
Samiel, who still isn't all that steady on his feet. Stops and leans against the side of a wood shed behind a roundhouse.
And looks northwards between some of the roundhouses, and slightly frowns as he spots a group of people hurrying by in the distance.
The powerful Tuledarian spellcaster shakes his head once more, as he isn't that certain he recognises those he got a brief glimpse of in the distance.
There was four of them, and Samiel is pretty certain one was fairly large, wearing half plate heavy armour. And another was a tall, athletic, attractive looking young woman.
The other two he didn't get a good view of from his brief glimpse of them.
"One of them might be that mage?" Samiel the mage quietly murmurs to himself. The former airdock authority worker from the city-state of Tuledare, turned illegal wrecker. Slightly nods his head, then murmurs "Could be".
The powerful spellcaster then pushes off the wood shed he's been leaning against, where he's been catching his breath, and trying to regain his wits.
And he sets off, heading in the same direction he saw the small group heading. Westwards through the large village, that the crew of illegal wreckers have called home for the last year or so.
Further back, near the middle of the village, close to the clearing where the wagon track crosses a wide path.
The other spellcaster amongst the illegal wreckers, that's still alive. Davon the wizard, who has struggled to his feet. Winces after he hears the long, continuous roar from the large ork, which then shouted "Get some!".
The spellcaster who  hails from the city-state of Andelka, who is leaning his head back against one the roundhouses.
Waits for a few moments, then looks around the roundhouse, and looks back in the direction of the clearing. And spots the plainswoman Sovirn next to one of the roundhouses at the edge of the clearing.
The plainswoman who looks like she's just shot an arrow from her bow, and is reaching for another one in her quiver.
Is suddenly knocked off her feet, and goes flying backwards to hit the ground. Davon quickly ducks his head back behind the roundhouse he's standing behind when he sees the yard long arrow sticking out of the chest of Sovirn the plainswoman.
"Hell" mutters Davon the wizard, who then silently adds, was that from a longbow?
The Andelkan spellcaster, who has had a spell gem he's thrown rebound back at him. As well as a blast spell he's cast, rebound and hit him.
Both of which he was lucky to survive, as they both could of killed him. Thinks about taking a peek around this side of the roundhouse again.
He decides not to, and the wizard who is battered and bruised after flying back through the air, then tumbling across the ground.
And only alive because the wards that he had up, protected him.
Makes his way along the back of the roundhouse, and stops at the south side of it.
Davon who figures that the knight might still be around, that's unless he's killed him. Which he's not too sure of. As the knight already survived the spell gem the wizard threw at him.
Moves cautiously around the south side of the roundhouse, until he can see the clearing in the middle of the village again.
The spellcaster from the city-state of Andelka frowns as all he can see in the parts of the clearing he's got a view of.
Are his fellow wreckers who are dead. There's no sign of either the knight or the large ork. Or for that matter, the small, bright, green goblin that was with them. For that, the wizard in the dark robes, is rather glad.
Now where are they? Davon thinks to himself, as he has no idea that two of those who have attacked the village this morning, are close by, trying to find him, to eliminate him.
In the badly damaged two storey house on the northwest corner of the village green.
Arvelle the plainsman lies unconscious at the feet of his three captors, who all look at one another, as they hear something in the distance.
"Dorc roaring by the sounds of it" says Tamric Drubine the field commander, who after a pause adds "I think?".
"I believe it is him" says Shur Kee the monk, who after a moments pause, continues with "He is going on a bit".
Frowning as he listens, Mira Reinholt after a few moments, mutters "Shit".
"What?" asks the nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin as he looks at the once powerful mage.
"Nothing good" says the spellcaster who is from the city-state of Vexil, the mage Reinholt follows that with "Definitely something not good if it's what i think it is".
Next to the mage who is in exile from his homeland of Vexil. The short, statured monk who is originally from beyond the Southlands, the far east coast of the continent, where the kingdom of Wah Lee lies to be exact.
Frowns beneath the rim of his odd conical shaped hat as he tries to recall the last time he heard Dorc da Orc do a long sustained roar like they've just heard.
The acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li then nods, and quietly says "Yes, this is not good".
"Would someone tell me what the hell's going on" asks Tamric Drubine who is more commonly called Tam by the others in the group.
The spellcaster, who was once the most powerful mage of his generation, until he had a self induced mishap, that saw him miscast a spell, which sent him offworld through a rift/void.
Points at the leader of the crew of illegal wreckers, lying unconscious at their feet in the middle of the hallway, and says to Tam "Bring him along".
Refraining from sourly smiling, the young field commander, with the help of Shur Kee the monk, picks up the tall plainsman with the shaved head, and puts him over his right shoulder.
And as they head down the hallway, back to the room with what remains of the wreckers ill gotten fortune.
The son and former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine, which is found in the forested north of the kingdom of Sarcrin.
As he carries the unconscious leader of the crew of illegal wreckers over his right shoulder, says to the once powerful mage, and the physical adept "Care to share what you know about Dorc roaring like that".
The nobleborn teenager, who is a field commander in the armies of Farque, who has known Dorc da Orc for nearly a decade, has never heard him roar like he just did, even when he's been badly wounded during battle.
"Like i said, nothing good" says the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, who leads the way back to the room where the remainder of the illegal wreckers loot is.
The mage Reinholt who is a member of the personal council to lord Farque, looks back at the following field commander and tells him "Because if it is what i think it is, then there's no way in hell in stopping him".
The exiled Vexilian mage then adds "By the shape of fire i hope that big idiot gets what he's after" Mira Reinholt then silently adds in a sour tone, the only other way to stop him isn't here. The councillor is of course referring to lord Farque.
Darid Parsen the cavalry commander as he leads the way through the village, stops when he hears the long, sustained roar from Dorc da Orc, from somewhere near the middle of the large village that they've attacked this morning.
As the cavalry commander, who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, frowns as he thinks about something.
Lisell Maera the messenger, who is frowning, says "I don't think I've ever heard Dorc roar like that before" the attractive young woman who hails from the city-state of Brattonbury then adds "Or for so long".
"Shit" mutters Darid Parsen as he sets off again "What is it?" asks Tovis the war engineer as he walks beside the cavalry commander, while Lisell Maera and Beldane the cleric are right behind them.
"Something must of happened to set him off" murmurs commander Parsen who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of Darid Parsen, a former foot soldier from the kingdom of Druvic, where he served in the army of lady Linara Lé Dic. Until he was killed in battle.
As they cross an opening between some of the roundhouses as they head westwards through the village.
And they're briefly spotted by someone in the distance further south in the village.
Councillor Parsen says to the trio with him "If it's what i think it is, then Dorc will be uncontrollable" Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman as they hurry behind a roundhouse, adds "Until he's got whatever it is that's set him off".
Dorc da Orc jumps over a garden patch infront of one of the roundhouses here on the north side of the village, he and the others in the group have attacked this morning.
The large ork who is pursuit of a trio of illegal wreckers, specifically a plainsman amongst those three.
Is basically moving in a straight line as he chases after them. The big, burly ork who is not deviating whatsoever as he follows them.
Runs through the closed front door of the roundhouse with the garden infront of it.
The ork warleader who isn't roaring, and is only occasionally growling, runs through the roundhouse, smashing through an inner wall.
And as runs, the ork general in the armies of Farque, is clear of thought, and clear of mind. Something that only rarely happens to him. As he's an ork, who is naturally mad. Whose mind is normally a mixed up place of insanity. Where multiple voices argue and bicker with one another, and with him.
But at this time, as he runs out the open back door of the roundhouse, and again spots the trio of illegal wreckers he's chasing after.
The big, burly ork who is from the southern polar region of the world. His mind is calm and collected.
With just a single thought in it. And that's to get a hold of the tall plainsman who is fleeing from him through the village this morning, here in the northeast of the Kaldel Plains.
A deep growl comes from Dorkindle as he runs after the trio of illegal wreckers, who aren't all that far infront of him.
When they run around an empty cart, then head around a roundhouse. Dorc da Orc a few moments later just runs through the empty cart, smashing it to pieces.
Then the large ork runs through the closed front door of the roundhouse.
And as he runs through the house, and he smells his prey turn to the left.
The warleader of the ork race turns to the left as well, then he runs straight at the side of the roundhouse, and smashes through the wood and brickwork wall.
He stumbles a few steps, rights himself, then growls as he spots the trio of fleeing illegal wreckers, in particular the plainsman who wears his hair in braids.
And with another deep, rumbling growl, Dorc da Orc continues after them this sunny and clear, though cold morning here in the northeast of the Kaldel Plains . . . . . .

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