Tuesday 16 July 2019

Aftermath 56.

The Kaldel Plains...

Dorc da Orc looks around, amongst those illegal wreckers on the various sides of the shaded clearing here in the center of the large village.
He instantly recognises it's the trio who chased after sir Percavelle Lé Dic from the north side of the village. Who are the most able and skilled of the illegal wreckers here.
Those three were also over on the east side of the village, when he and Teabagger the goblin Cunt made their way towards the village before dawn this cold, but sunny morning in the northeast of the Kaldel Plains.
The ork warleader narrows his eyelids as he looks at them, and though he dismisses them as being any kind of threat to him, they may inflict damage upon the two others with him.
That being the goblin commander Teabagger, as well as sir Percavelle Lé Dic. And though the large ork couldn't care less if the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che got himself killed.
It's another matter when it comes to the small, bright green goblin from the kingdom of Melaurn who leads the goblin battalion in the armies of Farque.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world ignores the arrow that thuds into his upper left arm, and he roars.
While to his left, not wanting to be outdone, sir Percavelle Lé Dic shouts "Saint Mar-che!" in an exuberant tone of voice.
Then as the ork weaponsmith is about to attack across the clearing, he suddenly pauses as he catches wind of something.
The large ork looks quickly away to his left, to the south, to be exact, the southwest of the clearing that's nearly completely in shadow at this time of the morning.
To a roundhouse, next to which the arrow that just hit him in the arm came from.
And the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks spots a number of the illegal wreckers there. Including the plainswoman with a bow, who just shot the big, burly ork and is taking another arrow from her quiver.
It's not them who has suddenly got the attention of the ork general in the armies of Farque, it's who is behind them, out of sight, behind that particular roundhouse that's got his attention.
Dorkindle may not be able to sense magic, but he like all orks can sure smell magic, or to be exact, practitioners of magic.
And what he smells coming from behind that particular roundhouse on the southwest corner of the clearing in shade, fair reeks of magic.
And not only that, the warleader of the ork race can smell the same mage who attempted to read his mind earlier before dawn, who fell into unconsciousness doing so.
That mage is now with another spellcaster, that the large ork is absolutely certain of.
"Cunt" growls Dorc da Orc as he glances down at the large, heavily armoured knight beside him "Knight" adds the ork weaponsmith.
"What you putrid smelling fiend?" asks sir Percavelle Lé Dic who was just about to attack the illegal wreckers around this clearing, as he thought that's what the large ork was just about to do.
"Magicky cunts" says the warleader of the ork race who is a general in the armies of Farque "Fucken there" adds Dorkindle to indicate where as he continues with "Behind that fucken house".
"Oh?" says the former earl of Lé Dic, a nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic.
"Two of the fuckers" says Dorc da Orc, sir Percavelle Lé Dic nods his full helmed head, then closes the visor of helm as he lifts the shield of Saint Mar-che up infront of him.
"Then let us deal to these minions of magic, and vanquish them wot" declares the former paladin, who like the ork weaponsmith, doesn't particularly care for magic or those who practice it, unless it benefits them in some way.
The big, burly ork who hails from the frozen bottom of the world grunts, then growls "There's them cunts" when the two spellcasters in question come into view behind the others next to the roundhouse at the southwest corner of the clearing that's mostly in shadow.
Then after Dorkindle glances back at Teabagger the goblin Cunt and tells him "Stay the fuck behind us".
Which the small, bright green goblin definitely intends to do, as he thinks it's only a total idiot who would want to get infront of either his general or the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che.
Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic take off running across the clearing, heading to the southwest corner, to the roundhouse that has a handful of illegal wreckers next to it. Two of whom are spellcasters, Samiel the mage and Davon the wizard.
"Stand aside!" shouts Samiel the mage in a commanding tone as the ork and the knight run this way across the small clearing where the wagon track and the wide path cross, here in the center of the large village.
Those wreckers standing infront of Samiel and the wizard beside him, hurry out of their way as they step forward then apart as they get a few yards between themselves.
Then the powerful mage from the city-state of Tuledare and the wizard from the city-state of Andelka stop holding their power within themselves.
When they do, Samiel goes to cast a spell at the large ork running through the shadows in this direction.
While Davon throws what he's been holding in his right hand. The two spellcasters in the crew of illegal wreckers then put up wards around them just as precaution as you'll never know what could happen.
There's the flash of a lightning bolt that leaves the right hand of Samiel that's accompanied by a loud clap of thunder that rocks most of the village, especially here in the center of it.
The bolt of lightning strikes the big, burly ork right in the middle of his chest, to be precise the strange plate of black armour he wears.
While what Davon throws, rather accurately as it turns out. Hits the shield of the knight, hitting it dead in the center.
What the wizard has thrown is a small gem, which contains a spell, it's a spell gem, that shatters on impact, releasing the spell that's within it.
Dorc da Orc is struck by a bolt of lighting, which picks him up, and flings him backwards, throwing him back in the direction he came from.
The large ork who grunts from the impact, goes flying over Teabagger, as he goes back to where he was just standing, then beyond that to where he crashes through the front wall of the large house that Samiel the mage has been living in here in the village that the crew of illegal wreckers have taken over.
Dorkindle lands with a thud, and as he lies there on the floor, with a grimace of pain on his feral looking face, and as he's out of breath as he's had the wind knocked out of him.
He pats the black plate of natural dragon armour he wears over his chest and ample stomach.
"Goods dragony armour" gasps Dorc da Orc as he lies upon the floor in the front room of the large house, surrounded by bits of wood and stonework from the wall he just went flying backwards through.
The moment after the ork warleader goes flying back through the air as he's struck by a powerful bolt of lightning, sir Percavelle Lé Dic's shield is hit by the spell gem thrown by Davon the wizard.
The spell gem, or spelled gem as they're sometimes referred as. Shatters upon the large, heavily armoured knight's shield.
When it shatters, it releases the spell that's been contained in the gem. The spell is a beam of solid fire. The force of which, propels sir Percavelle Lé Dic backwards through the air.
The former knight of the first class, who belongs to the order of Saint Mar-che. Goes tumbling backwards through the air, in the direction he came from.
The nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic passes over Teabagger the goblin Cunt, who a couple of moments ago had his general go flying backwards over him too.
The former earl of Lé Dic, continues tumbling through the air, wincing as he does so. Until he flies backwards through the large hole in the front wall of the large house that Dorc da Orc went flying backwards into.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic disappears inside too, and comes to a sudden stop when he smashes into the ork warleader who is struggling to sit up.
The heavily armoured knight could of gone flying backwards much further and a whole lot faster if the spell gem hadn't shattered upon his shield.
For the shield of Saint Mar-che is magical, and it's magical properties it has is to deflect at least half of a spell, and send it back in the direction it came from.
And that's exactly what the shield of Saint Mar-che does in this case, sending at least half of the spell back in the direction the spell gem came from as sir Percavelle Lé Dic goes tumbling backwards through the air.
The beam of solid fire goes back along the path the spell gem was thrown from. And though it's only half of the spell that does go back in that direction. It goes back a lot quicker, and a lot more powerfully than the half that's sent the former paladin flying.
The beam of solid fire slams into the wards that Davon the wizard has put up around himself.
The wizard from the city-state of Andelka stands there in surprise as he's hit by the spell that was contained in the spell gem.
He's even more surprised, when his wards are almost completely destroyed. So much so, that they can't withstand the force of the beam of solid fire.
And the Andelkan spellcaster finds himself tumbling backwards across the ground from the force of the beam of solid fire. That the remainder of his wards, barely hold out.
He comes to a stop infront of the next roundhouse behind the one he was standing next to. Davon lies there dazed, unable to fully comprehend what's actually just happened to him.
Standing a few yards to the right of the wizard from the city-state of Andelka. Samiel the mage who first of all is stunned the powerful lightning bolt he just cast, didn't turn the ork into cinders. And instead sent him flying backwards across the clearing in the center of the village.
Then blinks in surprise as the beam of solid fire that sends the knight flying, rebounds off the shield the heavily armoured knight is carrying, and comes back this way, and hits Davon the wizard.
Whose barrier and protection spells are almost stripped away to nothing, as he's sent tumbling backwards across the ground.
Wincing, Samiel goes to turn to see where the wizard from the city-state of Andelka ends up.
When he frowns as all of a sudden he senses a mageglobe that's extremely close by. At first the powerful spellcaster from the city-state of Tuledare thinks it's his own mageglobe that he created earlier, just after he regained consciousness, but this mageglobe feels completely different.
Samiel looks sharply down at the ground beneath him, which suddenly erupts upwards in an explosion, a rather large explosion at that, which is caused by a mageglobe coming to the end of it's existence.
Samiel, a spellcaster smart enough, and experienced enough to put his wards all around him, including beneath him.
Goes flying upwards into the morning sky, amongst a cloud of debris, as the ground, as well as nearly half of the house he was standing next to is blasted skywards in the explosion.
Two of the other wreckers standing nearby are torn apart in the powerful explosion that sends Samiel up into the air.
Other wreckers who are close to the explosion, are either knocked down to the ground, or go stumbling and staggering away as the ground erupts upwards where the powerful mage was standing.
Even those on the direct opposite side of the clearing in the shade, here in the center of the village. Are sent stumbling away as they try to stay on their feet.
As he goes flying up in the sky, cocooned within in his wards as bits of dirt and rock, as well as stone and wood, not to mention body parts swirl around him.
Samiel winces as he tries to keep concious, because if he blacks out and falls into unconsciousness, he'll drop his wards. Which isn't a good thing to do, when he's over a hundred feet up above the village.
Then as quickly as the powerful spellcaster who is originally from the city-state of Tuledare went up, he comes down just as quickly, as dirt and rock, as well as bits of debris from the half destroyed roundhouse, starts to rain down upon the center of the village.
Samiel grimaces as he falls, as he feels himself starting to black out from the sudden speed that sent him up into the air, is arrested, and he falls back to the ground amongst the debris.
In the brief moment as he falls, the powerful mage who once worked for the airdock authority in the city of Tuledare. Just hopes that his wards survive the impact with the ground.
They do, though just barely as debris lands all around Samiel after he hits the ground. The next moment his wards fail, and he blacks out as dirt and debris continues to fall down across the center of the village.
Seeing his general get hit by a bolt lighting and go flying over him, then smash into a house, which he disappears inside of.
Teabagger the goblin Cunt goes to turn, and head after the large ork. When sir Percavelle Lé Dic suddenly goes flying backwards through the air after being hit by a beam of solid fire.
The former paladin in the order of Saint Mar-che barely passes over the small, bright green goblin who is originally from the kingdom of Melaurn.
Teabagger, who is a commander of the goblin battalion in the armies of Farque. Sees the large, heavily armoured knight disappear through the hole in the front of the house, created when the ork warleader smashed into that house.
The goblin commander goes to run back that way, and has taken just a couple of steps, when there's suddenly a loud explosion somewhere behind him on the south side of the clearing in the center of the village.
The small, bright lurid green goblin is knocked off his feet by the explosion. Teabagger as he lies upon the ground, shakes his head. Then as dirt and debris starts to rain down all around him, and across the center of the large village.
The goblin commander in the armies of Farque, gets up, and makes his way through the falling debris to the large house that his general along with the former earl of Lé Dic are inside.
"Cunt" gasps Dorc da Orc, who then mutters "Me nuts" as he goes to push sir Percavelle Lé Dic off him, after the large, heavily armoured knight landed on him.
The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world, who can barely move as he lies upon the floor of the front room of the large house he was sent flying into, rolls the former earl of Lé Dic off him.
The knight in the order of Saint Mar-che groans as he hits the floor with a clank.
The former paladin, whose visor has been flung open, and is half dazed after what's just happened to him, glares at the ork warleader, and is about to gasp something derogatory at Dorkindle.
When suddenly they hear a loud explosion from somewhere outside, across the clearing here in the center of the village that a crew of illegal wreckers are living in.
"Fucken now what?" mutters Dorc da Orc who is winded, not to mention battered and bruised.
So is sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who gasps "What?" followed by "Wot".
Dorc da Orc just grunts in reply to that as they lie there upon the floor amongst debris as they wonder what's going on outside . . . . . .

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