Sunday 14 July 2019

Aftermath 54.

The Kaldel Plains...

Mira Reinholt the mage, Shur Kee the monk and Tamric Drubine the field commander all jump back and out of the way from the magetube as they shoot it off again. And it rolls back across the floor in it's firing cradle.
They look out the window they're shooting it out of, and watch the magetube shot go across the village green.
"Looks like it'll hit again" says Mira Reinholt the mage, both the physical adept from the far eastern coast of the continent and the nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin nod in agreement.
Then Tamric Drubine who is leaning out the window, spots something away to the right, and he pops his head back in saying "Some of them are heading around to the back of the house".
Shur Kee the monk moves, and hurries out of the room they're in.
Then the mage Reinholt after sensing, and locating his mageglobe that he created, is taking it's sweet time as it goes eastwards through the village.
Follows after the short statured monk, saying to field commander Drubine "Make sure none of them double back, and come in through the front door or through the window".
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by the others in the group, nods his head that he will, and continues to watch the magetube shot head away then slam into the already damaged two storey house at the northwest corner of the village green.
While the once powerful mage follows after the acolyte in the order of Bru Li who is hurrying to the backside of the house they've been firing the magetube from.
Shur Kee the monk hurries through the house, which is the largest one on the south side of the village green.
The short, statured monk who is originally from beyond the Southlands, the kingdom of Wah Lee to be exact. Which is located on the far eastern coast of the continent. Over ten thousand miles from the eastern regions of the Southlands.
Hurries around a corner, and runs down a hallway, which at the end of it, is the backdoor of the house.
The physical adept sees the backdoor slowly opening, and as he picks up the pace, and gets closer to the opening door.
He leaps up, and jumps forward, feet first. And as door fully opens. The acolyte in the order of Bru Li drop kicks the illegal wrecker who is opening the door, right in the middle of the chest.
He goes flying backwards, smashing into the wrecker behind him. And as they hit the ground, Shur Kee who landed outside, springs to his feet.
Jumping up, and spinning as he does so, extending his right leg as he comes up.
The right sandled foot of the physical adept, kicks another of the wreckers, who were about to enter the house, in the side of the head. Sending him staggering sideways, before he hits the ground unconscious.
Shur Kee, who is the living conduit of the Jade Warrior Bru Li, lands in a crouch. Looking side to side, finding two other wreckers, standing there, looking in shock at the short, statured man in the strange white clothing, wearing an even stranger looking conical shaped hat.
There's a slight pause, then the two wreckers, one holding a shortsword, and the other with a rough looking club like weapon, that has an iron covering on the end of it.
Move forward to attack the crouching physical adept, who patiently waits in his crouch, until they're almost on him, and then he moves with explosive speed.
As the older of the two wreckers, swings his sword at the physical adept, the short statured monk steps within his guard. And throws and open handed palm punch, which hits the illegal wrecker square in the diaphragm.
The shortsword is flung from the man's right hand as his arms go backwards, and he quickly staggers backward before hitting the ground, landing on his rear end, gasping for breath.
The acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li, spins to one side. Easily avoiding the iron headed club that's swung down at him by the younger, and much larger of the two illegal wreckers who have just rushed him.
Shur Kee quickly kicks out with his right foot, catching the large man in the right knee, causing him to hiss in pain, and stumble sideways.
He goes to turn towards the short, statured monk who has quickly stepped towards him, and after turning sideways, throws both his arms out, and throws punches with both fists.
Shur Kee's fists connect with the side of the much larger man, hitting him in the right side, right in the ribs.
The illegal wrecker gasps in pain as he's knocked off his feet. And as he sits there on the ground. He doesn't even see the foot that hits him straight in the face that knocks him out.
After kicking that wrecker in the face, the physical adept spins around when he hears movement behind him.
And he sees one of the other illegal wreckers, the one who was hit by the other who got Shur Kee's drop kick in the chest. Has got to his feet, and is the middle of pulling his arm back to throw a hand axe at the short, statured monk who is originally from the far east coast of the continent.
Suddenly the wrecker with the hand axe is picked up off the ground, and flung backwards a good thirty feet, until he smashes into a cart infront of the roundhouse in that direction.
He's either dead or unconscious, he's not moving that's for sure.
"You okay?" asks Mira Reinholt the mage as he steps outside after casting a simple blast spell at the illegal wrecker who was about to throw a hand axe at the physical adept.
"I am fine" replies Shur Kee the monk, who straightens his odd, conical shaped hat that's slipped to one side on his head.
Then the acolyte in the order of Bru Li walks over to the illegal wrecker he hit with an open palm in the diaphragm, who is sitting on the ground in the early morning light, still gasping for breath. Shur Kee knocks him out with swift kick to the side of the head.
Then the two adventurers, one from beyond the Southlands, the other from the city-state of Vexil, the largest city-state in the Southlands, who have known one another for nearly fourteen years.
Share a look, when they hear from inside the house, the sounds of fighting.
"Shit" mutters the once powerful mage, who turns and hurries back inside through the backdoor. He's quickly followed by the short, statured monk.
Tamric Drubine jumps back, then ducks to avoid a dagger thrown at him through the window.
And as the illegal wrecker who threw the dagger climbs in through the window.
The nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin steps away from one of the other two wreckers who have already jumped in through the window.
That one's on the floor, dead from slash to the throat from the young field commander's sword.
Tam who has yet to be confirmed as a swordmaster, but basically already is, even though he's still not eighteen years old.
Squares off against the other wrecker who is in the room. And for the moment not worrying about the other climbing in through the window.
The son and former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine, which is located in the forested north of the kingdom of Sarcrin, doesn't bother to use the magical properties of his weapon.
He doesn't have to, as he already knows his opponent, isn't an expert with the broadsword he's wielding.
Infact it's pretty obvious, he hardly knows how to use it as he swings it at the young field commander in the armies of Farque.
Tamric Drubine slides the heavier blade to one side with his sword, then the nobleborn teen whips his longsword back at the face of the illegal wrecker.
Cutting open the man's face, blinding him in the process. And as that wrecker screams and turns away with a hand clamped to his bloody face.
Tam swings his longsword at the back of the man's head. The illegal wrecker drops to the floor, with the back of his skull caved in.
The young field commander spins towards the window, which he's now opposite of, near the door to the hallway.
One of the senior most officers in the recent campaign some of the armies of Farque were involved with, in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
Finds the other illegal wrecker who has just climbed into the room through the window, is taking another dagger from the bracer on the belt he has diagonally across his chest.
Tamric Drubine, who knows he has no chance of getting to the man with the daggers before he throws one of them.
Briefly contemplates using the ward in his sword to protect himself. He decides not to. And instead quickly steps to his right as the illegal wrecker steps forward to throw the dagger at the young field commander in the armies of Farque.
Tam grabs the lever of the magetube that's infront of the open doorway, and quickly pulls it up.
He jumps back to the side and grins as be covers his ears as the large, magical weapon fires.
A ten foot wide ball of pure magical energy forms infront of the magetube.
Turning the dagger thrown in this direction to basically nothing. And as the illegal wrecker stands there in absolute shock, as the magetube is propelled backwards in it's wheeled cradle, out the doorway and into the hallway beyond.
The ten foot wide ball of red magical energy heads across the room. The illegal wrecker has no chance to avoid it. Even if he wasn't just standing there in disbelief. And was able to dive to one side. He would still get hit by the magetube shot.
Which is indeed what happens to him, vaporizing him in an instant. As the shot goes across the room, then out the front of the house.
Stepping around the magetube that's in the hallway, Mira Reinholt puts his head in the doorway to the room that they've been firing the magetube from, and says "Tam you alright?".
"Fine" is the reply from the nobleborn teenager originally from the kingdom of Sarcrin.
"I can see" dryly says the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, as he makes his way into the room.
A room that's now missing it's windows, and most of the wall that was around the window.
The mage, who is a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who has spotted a couple of dead wreckers on the floor.
Sees a magetube shot heading across the village green at a slight angle. Which the mage Reinholt thankfully sees is going to miss the two storey house at the northwest corner of the village green, that they've already shot twice with the magetube.
They don't want to hit it again, as the eastern end of that particular building, houses the rest of the fortune that the illegal wreckers have accumulated over the last year or so.
The spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands.
Along with the rest of the group, plan to take the rest of the  wealth the illegal wreckers have in that badly damaged two storey house on the otherside of the village green.
That's after they've dealt to the illegal wreckers, all two hundred plus of them, who are in this village this morning, here in the northeast of the Kaldel Plains.
"Did you have to use that?" asks councillor Reinholt who gestures back at the magetube that's in the hallway, the magetube that Shur Kee the monk is stepping around, to make his way into the room.
"Not really" replies field commander Drubine, who can't help but grin as he adds "But you should of seen the look on the face of that fellow i shot".
Still grinning, Tam continues with "He couldn't comprehend what was happening".
"I can imagine" dryly says the Vexilian mage in exile, who then adds "He's fine" in response to Shur Kee the monk saying "Is young Tamric okay?" as the short, statured monk makes his way around the magetube, and finally steps back into the room.
"Oh" says the acolyte in the order of Bru Li when he sees what's happened in the room.
The mage Reinholt sourly smiles, and makes his way to where the windows were, and looks out to the left as smoke drifts by.
"Think that other ship might catch on fire" says Tamric Drubine who has moved forward, and is looking in the same direction as the highly skilled swordmaster from the city-state of Vexil.
"It might" says councillor Reinholt, who continues with "And if it does, this house will probably go up as well".
The young field commander nods in agreement, as does Shur Kee the monk who has moved forward and joined them at the remains of the wall.
The physical adept who is an honorary member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, looks across the village green, and spots a few wreckers looking in this direction. Far fewer than there was before when they started firing the magetube.
"They do not look too keen to come this way now" says the short, statured monk who is from the otherside of the continent.
Both Mira Reinholt and Tamric Drubine look around, and see just a few of the wreckers near the village green, as most have taken off to where fighting is occurring elsewhere in the village.
"I can't imagine why" dryly says the Vexilian mage in exile, who then looks away to the left again, and sees sparks coming off the damaged ship that's on fire.
Hmmm hope that fire doesn't spread too much, the once powerful mage thinks to himself, who looks across the village green, to the north side, where he's pretty certain that any fire won't spread to.
But to be sure, the highly skilled swordmaster says to the young field commander and the physical adept "Come on" as he nods towards the badly damaged two storey house at the northwest corner of the village green.
"We better secure what's in there" explains Mira Reinholt who continues with "And make sure none of them come back and try to get it out".
Both Tamric Drubine and Shur Kee nod, then the three of them simply step outside, and start walking across the village green, keeping an eye out for any of the illegal wreckers as they do.
And as they do that, the spellcaster who is also a highly swordmaster, who is unable to be sensed due to the amulet he wears around his neck.
Senses for the mageglobe he created a little earlier. He quickly finds it somewhere near the middle of the large village. It's no longer moving.
The mage Reinholt slightly nods as he realises the living piece of magic has found a target, and is waiting to act . . . . . .

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